Code No. 506.5R1
Classification of Students
Students in the Red Oak Community High School shall be classified at the beginning of each year as follows:
Those entering their first year of high school. |
Those entering their second year of high school. |
Those entering their third year of high school. |
Those entering their fourth or more year(s) of high school. |
The following courses are required and should be taken at the level indicated.
Language Arts 9
US History I
Algebra I
Physical Education**
Language Arts 10
Physical Science
US History II
Physical Education**
Language Arts Elective
Earth & Space Science
Social Studies Elective*
Algebra II or Math Elective
Physical Education**
Language Arts Elective
Social Studies Elective*
Physical Education**
Personal Finance*
*Required as a junior or senior.
**Students shall be excused by the principal of the school if their parent or guardian requests in writing they be excused from the physical education requirement. Students who wish to be excused from physical education must:
- be seeking to do so in order to enroll in academic courses not otherwise available to
the student;
- be enrolled in a work-based learning program or other educational program authorized
by the school which requires the student to leave the school premises for specified
periods of time during the school day; or
- participate in a school sponsored extracurricular activity which requires at least as
much physical activity per week as one-eight unit of physical education.
To be granted a waiver, parents must indicate the activities students will participate in to
complete at least 120 minutes of physical activity each week, as required by the Healthy Kids Act.
Students seeking a “distinguished diploma” must complete Algebra II, Chemistry or Physics, and two years of a world language.
Making up courses that have been failed: Whenever a student fails a required course, the course must be made up or retaken as soon as possible. Whenever a student fails an elective course, the
particular course failed need not be made up or retaken; however, the student must be sure he or she will have enough credits to graduate. The best procedure to follow whenever a course is failed in each and every situation is for the student to visit with the counselor. No credit is given for courses failed.
Duplicating Courses: In most cases when a course is successfully completed it may not be retaken for credit. There are exceptions and you should review each course description. Written permission from the principal and teacher is required to duplicate any course and it should be a part of the student’s 4-year plan.
Approved August 27, 2018
Reviewed February 21, 2024
Revised February 19, 2025