606.5 - Production of Materials and Services by Students and Employees

Materials and services produced by students at the expense of the school district are the property of the school district.  Materials and services produced by students at the student’s expense, except for incidental expense to the school district, are the property of the student.

Materials and services produced by employees at the expense of the school district are the property of the school district, including but not limited to, materials and services produced in the scope of the employee’s duties as an employee of the school district and materials and services produced using school district time or resources.  Materials and services produced by employees at the employee's expense, except for incidental expense to the school district, are the property of the employee.

It is the responsibility of the superintendent to determine incidental expense.


Approved October 8, 2018        
Reviewed February 15, 2023          
Revised October 8, 2018