403.3 - Abuse of Students by School District Employees
403.3 - Abuse of Students by School District EmployeesPhysical or sexual abuse of students, including inappropriate and intentional sexual behavior, by employees will not be tolerated. The definition of employees for the purpose of this policy includes not only those who work for pay but also those who are volunteers of the school district under the direction and control of the school district. Employees found in violation of this policy will be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination.
The school district will respond promptly to allegations of abuse of students by school district employees by investigating or arranging for the investigation of an allegation. The processing of a complaint or allegation will be handled confidentially to the maximum extent possible. Employees are required to assist in the investigation when requested to provide information and to maintain the confidentiality of the reporting and investigation process.
The school district has appointed a Level I investigator and alternate Level I investigator. The school district has also arranged for a trained, experienced professional to serve as the Level II investigator. The Level I investigator and alternate will be provided training in the conducting of an investigation at the expense of the school district. The names of the investigators are listed in the student handbook, published annually in the local newspaper and posted in all school facilities.
The superintendent is responsible for drafting administrative regulations to implement this policy.
Approved: July 25, 2018
Reviewed: May 23, 2022
Revised: May 23, 2022
403.3R1 - Abuse of Student by School District Employees Regulation
403.3R1 - Abuse of Student by School District Employees RegulationAn individual who has knowledge an employee has physically or sexually abused a student may immediately report it to the school district’s Level I investigator. “Employee” means one who works for pay or as a volunteer under the direction and control of the school district. The report is written, signed and witnessed by a person of majority age. The witness may be the Level I investigator. The reporter is the individual filing the report.
The report will contain the following:
- The full name, address, and telephone number of the person filing.
- The full name, age, address, and telephone number, and attendance center of the student.
- The name and place of employment of the employee who allegedly committed the abuse.
- A concise statement of the facts surrounding the incident, including date, time, and place of occurrence, if known.
- A list of possible witnesses by name, if known.
- Names and locations of persons who examined, counseled or treated the student for the alleged abuse, including the dates on which those services were provided, if known.
Upon request, the Level I investigator may assist the reporter in completing the report. An incomplete report will not be rejected unless the missing information would render the investigation futile or impossible. An employee receiving a report of alleged abuse of a student by an employee will pass the report to the investigator and will keep the report confidential to the maximum extent possible.
In order for the school district to have jurisdiction over the acts and to constitute a violation of the law, acts of the employee must be alleged to have occurred on school grounds, on school time, at a school-sponsored activity, or in a school-related context. However, the student need not be a student in the school district. The student can be from another school district.
To be investigable, the written report must include basic information showing that the victim of the alleged abuse is or was a student at the time of the incident, that the alleged act of the employee resulted in injury or otherwise meets the definition of abuse in these rules, and that the person responsible for the act is currently an employee. If the report is not investigable due to lack of jurisdiction, the investigator will dismiss the complaint and inform the reporter of other options available. Other options available to the reporter include contacting law enforcement authorities, private counsel, or the Board of Educational Examiners in the case of a licensed employee.
If the Level I investigator believes the student is in imminent danger if continued contact is permitted between the employee and the student, the Level I investigator may:
- temporarily remove the student from contact with the employee;
- temporarily remove the employee from service; or,
- take other appropriate action to ensure the student’s safety.
The Level I investigator will have access to the educational records of the student and access to the student for purposes of interviewing the student about the report.
Any Level I investigation shall follow all applicable Iowa laws and regulations.
403.3E1 - Abuse of Students by School District Employees
403.3E1 - Abuse of Students by School District EmployeesComplaint of Injury to or Abuse of a Student by a School District Employee
Please complete the following as fully as possible. If you need assistance, contact the Level I investigator in your school.
Student’s Name and Address:____________________________________________________
Student’s Telephone number: ____________________________________________________
Student’s School: _____________________________________________________________
Name and place of employment of employee accused of abusing student:
Allegation is of________________ Physical abuse_____________ Sexual abuse___________
Please describe what happened. Included the date, time and where the incident took place, if known. If physical abuse is alleged, also state the nature of the student’s injury: ____________________________________________________________________________
Were there any witnesses to the incident or are there students or persons who may have information about this incident? yes no
If yes, please list by name, if known, or classification (for example “third grade class,” “fourth period geometry class”):
*Parents of children who are in pre-kindergarten through sixth grade and whose children are the alleged victims of or witnesses to sexual abuse have the right to see and hear any interviews of their children in this investigation. Please indicate “yes” if the parent/guardian wishes to exercise this right:
Yes No Telephone Number
Has any professional person examined or treated the student as a result of the incident? yes no unknown
If yes, please provide the name and address of the professional(s) and the date(s) of examination or treatment, if known
Has anyone contacted law enforcement about this incident? yes no
Please provide any additional information you have which would be helpful to the investigator. Attach additional pages if needed.
Your name, address and telephone number:
Relationship to student:_________________________________________________________
_________________________________________ _________________________________
Complainant Signature Witness Signature
_________________________________________ _________________________________
Date Witness Name (please print)
Witness Address
Be advised that you have the right to contact the police or sheriff’s office, the county attorney, a private attorney, or the State Board of Educational Examiners (if the accused is a licensed employee) for investigation of this incident. The filing of this report does not deny you that opportunity.
You will receive a copy of this report (if you are the named student’s parent or guardian) and a copy of the Investigator’s Report within fifteen calendar days of filing this report unless the investigation is turned over to law enforcement.
403.3E2 - Abuse of Student by School District Employees
403.3E2 - Abuse of Student by School District EmployeesReport of Level I Investigation
Students Name:______________________________________________
Student’s Age_________________________ Students Grade:________________
Student’s Address:_____________________
Student’s School:________________________________________
Name of accused school employee: _____________________ Building:_____________
Name and address of person filing report:___________________________________________
Name and address of student’s parent or guardian, if different from person filing report:_______________________________________________________________________
Date report of abuse was filed:_______________________________________
Allegation is: Physical Abuse:________________ Sexual Abuse:___________________
Describe the nature, extent and cause of the student’s injury, if any and if known: (Attach additional pages if needed) .____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Describe your investigation: Attached additional pages if needed. (Please do not use student witnesses ‘full names.)
*Were parent(s) or guardian(s) advised of their right to see and hear any interview of their pre-kindergarten through sixth grade children who are alleged victims of or a witness in a sexual abuse investigation?
_____Yes______No Was the right exercised? ________Yes________No
Were audio tapes made of any interviews? ______Yes________No
Were video tapes made of any interviews? ______Yes________No
Was any action taken to protect the student during or as a result of the investigation?
If yes, describe: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
_______student excused from school __________school employee placed on leave
_______student assigned to different class ___________other (please specify) ___________________________________________________________________________
Level I investigator’s conclusions:
The complaint is being dismissed for lack of jurisdiction.
Physical abuse was alleged, but no allegation of injury was made.
Physical abuse was alleged, but no evidence of physical injury exists, and the nature of the alleged incident makes it unlikely an injury, as defined in the rules,
Sexual abuse was alleged, but the alleged actions of the school employee, even if true, would not meet the definition of sexual abuse in the rules.
Alleged victim was not a student at the time of the incident.
Alleged school employee is not currently employed by this school district.
Alleged incident did not occur on school grounds, on school time, at a school-sponsored activity, nor in a school-related context.
The complaint has been investigated and concluded at Level I as unfounded.
Complaint was withdrawn.
Insufficient evidence exists that an incident of abuse, as defined in the rules, took place.
The complaint has been investigated at Level I and is founded.
The investigation is founded at Level I and is being turned over to Level II for further investigation.
Investigation of the complaint was deferred at Level I and referred to law enforcement at this time.
The investigation is concluded at Level I because the accused school employee has admitted the violation, has resigned, or has agreed to relinquish any teaching
license held.
Current status of investigation:
Closed. No further investigation is warranted.
Closed and referred to school officials for further investigation as a personnel matter.
Deferred to law enforcement officials.
Turned over to Level II investigator.
Other Comments: __________________________________________________________________________________________________
I have given a copy of the report of abuse and of this investigative report to the employee named in the report, the employee’s supervisor, and the student’s parent or guardian and informed the person filing the report of the options of contacting law enforcement, private counsel, or the State Board of Educational Examiners, if the accused school employee holds an Iowa teacher’s certificate or license.
________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________
Name of investigator (please print) Investigator's place of employment
________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________
Signature of investigator Date