2024-25 BOARD MINUTES herrickk@rosch… Thu, 07/18/2024 - 13:26

Minutes - 1.29.2025

Minutes - 1.29.2025

Red Oak Community School District

Special Meeting of the Board of Directors

Meeting Location:  Virtual Classroom/ Phone/Internet

Red Oak Junior Senior High School Campus

January 29, 2025


The special board meeting of the Board of Directors of the Red Oak Community School District was called to order by Vice President Kathy Walker at 5:30 p.m. at the Red Oak Junior Senior High School Virtual Classroom.


Directors: Bret Blackman (arrived at 5:38 p.m.), Kathy Walker, Bryce Johnson, Scott Bruce, Pastor Ricky Rohrig

Superintendent Ron Lorenz, Board Secretary/Business Manager, Heidi Harris

Approval of Agenda

Motion by Director Johnson, second by Director Bruce to approve the agenda with the order of agenda items at the discretion of the meeting chair.  Motion carried unanimously.

Public Comment

Lisa Kotter, City Administrator, introduced herself to the Board and advised of the City of Red Oak’s support for Acorn’s efforts to improve the community.

Public Hearing on Conveyance of Bancroft and Webster Properties

Kathy Walker opened the public hearing on the conveyance of an interest in real property of the Webster and Bancroft buildings at 5:37 p.m.

In response to the current request for proposals, Jeff Soe and Tim Werges, representing Acorn Development Two, Inc. spoke of Acorn’s proposal to purchase both Webster and Bancroft with the intention of abating and demolishing for infill housing. 

Community member, Tom Kennedy voiced his support for Acorn efforts to improve our community.  Ryan Beeson, Red Oak Chamber of Commerce and Building Trades partner voiced his appreciation for Acorn’s help in making the Building Trades Program a success for bringing affordable housing to Red Oak.

Good News

Congratulations to the Red Oak Large Group Speech Team who competed in the Large Group Speech Contest in Glenwood, earning 1 rating qualifying them for the Starte Large Group Speech Competition. 

The district’s attendance as of January 28, 2025, has steadily increased since 2022 suggesting that our District’s efforts to decrease chronic absenteeism has been successful.

Visitors and Presentations

Daric O’Neil from Alley Poyner Macchietto presented preliminary schematic designs and budget estimates for the proposed Inman Elementary School additions and renovations.

Consent Agenda

Motion by Director Bruce, second by Director Rohrig to approve the consent agenda as presented including meeting minutes, business reports, out-of-state field trips, resignations, personnel considerations, approval of School Budget Review Committee Request for Supplemental Modified Amount, and approval of At-Risk/Dropout Prevention Modified Supplemental Amount of $240,317.  Motion carried unanimously.

Board Policy 214.2

Motion by Director Johnson, second by Director Walker to approve the third reading of Board Policy 214.2.  Motion carried unanimously.

Board Policy 506.5 and Regulation 506.5R1

Motion by Director Johnson, second by Director Bruce to approve the first reading of Board Policy 506.5 and accompanying regulation 506.5R1 (i.e. Designating Personal Finance as a High School Elective rather than a graduation requirement, adjusting the number of required electives accordingly, and eliminating Pre-Algebra).  Motion carried unanimously. 

Transfer of Media Book Club Funds

Motion by Director Bruce, second by Director Walker to approve the transfer of unexpended and unobligated Media Book Club Funds ($57.30) balance to the General Athletic Fund per the recommendation of our independent auditor.  Motion carried unanimously.

Transfer of K-3 Activity Funds

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Johnson to approve the transfer of unexpended and unobligated K – 3 Activity Funds ($507.25) balance to the General Athletic Fund per the recommendation of our independent auditor.  Motion carried unanimously.

Officiate Statements of Claims

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Bruce authorizing the Board Secretary to use the Board President’s facsimile signature (i.e. autopen stamp) to endorse officiate statements of claims in order to pay officials, referees, umpires, and judges in a timely manner. Motion carried unanimously.

E-Rate Proposal for Outdoor Facilities

Motion by Director Johnson, second by Director Walker to approve the E-Rate proposal for internet services at the Outdoor Learning Facilities (i.e. Football/Track/Baseball Complex) for the 2025-2026 school year with Mediacom at $60 per month.  Motion carried unanimously.

E-Rate Multi-Year Proposal for Managed Services

Motion by Director Rohrig, second by Director Walker to approve a three-year E-Rate proposal with Riverside Technologies for managed services at $720 per month starting July 2025.  Motion carried unanimously.

Conveyance of Real Properties of Bancroft and Webster

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Johnson to approve conveying of Bancroft and Webster real properties to Acorn Development for $1,000 each and other good and valuable considerations (Conveyance shall be by Deed without Warranty).  Motion carried unanimously.

Issuance of Custodial RFP’s

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Rohrig to approve issuing request for proposal for custodial services.  Motion carried unanimously

2025-2026 Budget Guarantee Resolution

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Johnson to approve the 2025-2026 Budget Guarantee Resolution. Motion carried unanimously.


Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Bruce, to adjourn the regular meeting at 8:32 p.m.  Motion carried unanimously.

Exempt Session

The Board entered an exempt session at 8:34 p.m. to discuss negotiation strategy for the upcoming contract discussions with the Red Oak Education Association per Iowa Code section 20.17(3). And exited at 9:07 p.m.


Next Board of Directors Meeting                            Wednesday, February 19, 2024 – 5:30 p.m.

                                                                                    Virtual Classroom/Phone/Internet

                                                                                    Red Oak Junior Senior High School Campus

harrish@redoak… Fri, 01/31/2025 - 13:56

Minutes - 1.8.2025

Minutes - 1.8.2025

Red Oak Community School District

Meeting of the Board of Directors

Meeting Location:  Virtual Classroom/ Phone/Internet

Red Oak Junior Senior High School Campus

January 8, 2025


The special meeting of the Board of Directors of the Red Oak Community School District was called to order by President Bret Blackman at 5:30 p.m. at the Red Oak Junior Senior High School Virtual Classroom.


Directors: Bret Blackman, Kathy Walker, Bryce Johnson, Scott Bruce

Superintendent Ron Lorenz, Board Secretary/Business Manager, Heidi Harris

Approval of Agenda

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Bruce to approve the agenda with the order of agenda items at the discretion of the meeting chair.  Motion carried unanimously.

Consent Agenda

Motion by Director Johnson, second by Director Walker to approve the consent agenda as presented including meeting minutes and personnel considerations.  Motion carried unanimously.

Board Policies 210-218

Motion by Director Bruce, second by Director Walker to approve the second reading of board policies 200 – 218.  Motion carried unanimously.

Closed Session

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Johnson to enter closed session at 5:42 p.m. per Iowa Code 21.5(1)(i) “to evaluate the professional competency of an individual whose appointment, hiring, performance, or discharge is being considered when necessary to prevent needless and irreparable to injury to that individual’s reputation and that individual requests a closed session.”

Exited closed session at 5:45 p.m.

Appointing Individual to Fill Vacant Board Position

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Johnson to approve and appoint Pastor Ricky Rohrig to fill the vacant board seat for the remainder of the original term. Motion carried unanimously.

Oath of Office

Heidi Harris, Board Secretary, issued the Oath of Office to new Board Director Pastor Ricky Rohrig.


Motion by Director Johnson, second by Director Bruce to adjourn the regular meeting at 5:50 p.m.  Motion carried unanimously.


Next Board of Directors Meeting                            Wednesday, January 29, 2025 – 5:30 p.m.

                                                                                    Virtual Classroom/Phone/Internet

                                                                                    Red Oak Junior Senior High School Campus

harrish@redoak… Thu, 01/09/2025 - 09:07

Minutes - 10.16.2024

Minutes - 10.16.2024

Red Oak Community School District

Meeting of the Board of Directors

Meeting Location:  Virtual Classroom/ Phone/Internet

Red Oak Junior Senior High School Campus

October 16, 2024


The regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Red Oak Community School District was called to order by President Bret Blackman at 5:30 p.m. at the Red Oak Junior Senior High School Virtual Classroom.


Directors: Bret Blackman, Kathy Walker, Bryce Johnson, Aaron Schmid, and Scott Bruce

Superintendent Ron Lorenz, Human Resources/Payroll Jessie Bruning

Approval of Agenda

Motion by Director Johnson, second by Director Bruce to approve the agenda with the order of agenda items at the discretion of the meeting chair.  Motion carried unanimously.

Good News

The Tiger Marching Band placed 3rd in the 2A preliminaries and 4th overall at the Glenwood Fieldfest XXXII.

Janelle Erickson reviewed the quarterly outcomes of the District’s Work Based Learning program FORGE.

Consent Agenda

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Bruce to approve the consent agenda as presented including meeting minutes, business reports, out-of-state field trips, FY 2024-2025 Contract renewals/amendments, and current personnel considerations.  Motion carried unanimously.

Board Policies 200-209

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Schmid to approve the second reading of Board Policies 200-209.  Motion carried unanimously.

Board Policy 506.5 Amendment

Motion by Director Johnson, second by Director Bruce to approve amending Board Policy 506.5 (i.e. graduation requirements) to strike Earth/Space Science as a Science requirement.  Motion carried unanimously.

High School Course Handbook Amendment

Motion by Director Bruce, second by Director Schmid to approve amending the High School Course Handbook to replace Plumbing with Woodworking I for second semester.  Motion carried unanimously.

High School Course Handbook Amendment

Motion by Director Schmid, second by Director Walker to approve amending the High School Course Handbook to include Plant Science I and II as Science electives. Motion carried unanimously. 

Southwest Community College Courses

Motion by Director Johnson, second by Director Schmid to approve adding Microbiology and Intro to Ethics as concurrent enrollment (i.e. college credit) options through Southwestern Community College.  Motion carried unanimously.

2024-2025 SIAC Members

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Bruce to approve the 2024-2025 School Improvement Advisory Committee (SIAC) members.  Motion carried unanimously.

Key Financial Metrics

Ron Lorenz presented the key financial metrics for the District in accordance with Board Policy 701.5.


Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Bruce to adjourn the meeting at 6:47 p.m.  Motion carried unanimously.


Next Board Work Session                                        Wednesday, November 13, 2024

Virtual Classroom/Phone/Internet

                                                                                    Red Oak Junior Senior High School Campus


Next Board of Directors Meeting                            Wednesday, November20, 2024

with Work Session                                                    Virtual Classroom/Phone/Internet

                                                                                    Red Oak Junior Senior High School Campus

harrish@redoak… Sun, 10/20/2024 - 16:49

Minutes - 11.20.2024

Minutes - 11.20.2024

Red Oak Community School District

Meeting of the Board of Directors

Meeting Location:  Virtual Classroom/ Phone/Internet

Red Oak Junior Senior High School Campus

November 20, 2024


The regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Red Oak Community School District was called to order by President Bret Blackman at 5:30 p.m. at the Red Oak Junior Senior High School Virtual Classroom.


Directors: Bret Blackman, Kathy Walker, Bryce Johnson, and Scott Bruce

Superintendent Ron Lorenz, Board Secretary/Business Manager, Heidi Harris

Approval of Agenda

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Johnson to approve the agenda with the order of agenda items at the discretion of the meeting chair.  Motion carried unanimously.

Good News

Congratulations to Emmanuel Grass and Hayden Heitbrink who qualified for the 2A

State Cross country meet.  Grace Goldapp, Lily Marsden, and Ethan Struck were selected for the Iowa All Star Choir. Hawkeye 10 All-Conference Volleyball honors went to Jocelyn O’Neal, Nicole Bond, and Kelly Jones. 

Riley Pelzer and the FFA Students reported on their trip to the National FFA Convention in Indianapolis, Indiana.

Consent Agenda

Motion by Director Johnson, second by Director Bruce to approve the consent agenda as presented including meeting minutes, business reports, out-of-state field trips, FY 2024-2025 Contract amendments, current personnel considerations, Modified Supplemental Amount Due to Open Enrollment ($149,689.11), Modified Supplemental Amount due to Limited English Proficient Instruction Beyond five years ($9,860.76), and amended SBRC Request for Modified Supplemental Amount for Negative Special Education Balance ($72,708.04).  Motion carried unanimously.

FY2024 Financials and Depository Balances

Superintendent Lorenz and Business Manager Heidi Harris discussed the FY2024 end of year financials including depository balances as of June 30, 2024.

Early Graduation Requests

Motion by Director Bruce, second by Director Walker to approve the 2024-2025 Red Oak Jr/Sr High School early graduation requests.  Motion carried unanimously.

Hard Surface Bus Route for 2024-2025

Motion by Director Johnson, second by Director Walker to approve the 2024-2025 hard surface bus route.  Motion carried unanimously.

Online Learning Program Manual Revisions

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Bruce to approve revisions to the Online Learning Program Manual.  Motion carried unanimously. 

Interscholastic Activity Sharing Boys’ Wrestling

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Johnson to approve the interscholastic activity sharing agreement for Boys’ Wrestling with East Mills Community School District for the 2024-2025 school year.  Motion carried unanimously.

Interscholastic Activity Sharing Girls’ and Boys’ Bowling

Motion by Director Bruce, second by Director Walker to approve the interscholastic activity sharing agreement for Girls’ and Boys’ Bowling with Essex CSD.  Motion carried unanimously.

Redistribution of Registrar Duties for 2025-2026

Motion by Director Johnson, second by Director Bruce to approve consolidating and redistributing duties of the District Registrar with the District Curriculum Coordinator, Counselors, and building Secretaries and adjusting contracts and work assignments accordingly. Motion carried unanimously.

Replacing and Adding ROECC Security Cameras

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Johnson to approve replacing existing ROECC security cameras and purchasing additional external cameras as part of the Iowa School Safety Grant Initiative (SLFRF Grant) for $18,893.69.  Motion carried unanimously.

Audio System for Secondary Gym

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Bruce to approve upgrading the audio system in the secondary gymnasium at the Jr/Sr High School for $15,177.  Motion carried unanimously.

Design/Engineering Agreement

Motion by Director Johnson, second by Director Bruce to approve the agreement with Alley Poyner Macchietto Architecture to provide professional architectural services related to the design and engineering of proposed renovations and additions to ongoing facility improvements.  Motion carried unanimously.

Construction Management Services

Motion by Director Bruce, second by Director Walker to approve the agreement with Boyd Jones to serve as construction manager as advisor related to the design and engineering of proposed renovations and additions to ongoing facilities improvements.  Motion carried unanimously.

Retiring Board Adjournment

Motion by Director Johnson, second by Director Walker to retire to the regular board meeting at 6:58 p.m. Motion carried unanimously.


Organizational Board of Directors Meeting (FY2024-2025)


The organizational meeting of the Board of Directors of the Red Oak Community School District was called to order by Board Secretary Heidi Harris at 7:03 p.m.


Directors: Bret Blackman, Kathy Walker, Bryce Johnson, and Scott Bruce

Superintendent Ron Lorenz, Board Secretary/Business Manager, Heidi Harris

Approval of Agenda

Motion by Director Blackman, second by Director Walker to approve the agenda with the order of agenda items at the discretion of the meeting chair.  Motion carried unanimously.

Election of Officers

Director Walker nominated Bret Blackman for Board President.  Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Johnson that nominations cease.  Motion carried 3-0 with Director Blackman abstaining.

Newly elected Board President, Bret Blackman, was given the Oath of Office by Board Secretary Heidi Harris.

Director Johnson nominated Kathy Walker for Vice President.  Motion by Director Johnson, second by Director Bruce that nominations cease. Motion carried 3-0 with Director Walker abstaining.

Newly elected Board Vice President, Kathy Walker, was given the Oath of Office by Board Secretary Heidi Harris.

Board Secretary/Treasurer

Motion by Board President Blackman, second by Director Bruce to name Heidi Harris as Board Secretary and Treasurer.  Motion carried unanimously.

Legal Publication

Motion by Director Johnson, second by Director Bruce to designate the Red Oak Express for the District’s legal publications for 2024-2025.  Motion carried unanimously.

Depositories/Legal Limits

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Bruce, to set the Depositories as Houghton State Bank, Bank Iowa, and Iowa Schools Joint Investment Trust with a legal limit of $25,000,000 at each.  Motion carried unanimously.

Legal Counsel

Motion by Director Johnson, second by Director Walker to name Ahlers Cooney Law Firm as the District’s legal counsel for 2024-2025 school year.  Motion carried unanimously.

Meeting Dates/Times

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Bruce to set meeting dates to the third Wednesday of each month at 5:30 p.m. with quarterly work sessions.  Motion carried unanimously.

District Calendar Committee

Motion by Director Johnson, second by Director Bruce to approve Aaron Schmid as the District Calendar Committee representative for the 2024-2025 school year.  Motion carried unanimously.

Red Oak Technology Committee

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Bruce to approve Bret Blackman and Aaron Schmid as the 2024-2025 Red Oak Technology Committee representatives.  Motion carried unanimously.

Red Oak County Conference Board Committee

Motion by Director Johnson, second by Director Bruce to approve Kathy Walker as the 2024-2025 Red Oak County Conference Board Committee representative.  Motion carried unanimously.

Red Oak STEAM Committee

Motion by Director Bruce, second by Director Walker to approve Aaron Schmid and Bret Blackman as the 2024-2025 STEAM Committee representatives.  Motion carried unanimously.


Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Johnson to adjourn the Organizational Meeting at 7:22 p.m.  Motion carried unanimously.



Next Board Work Session                                        Wednesday, December 11, 2024

Virtual Classroom/Phone/Internet

                                                                                    Red Oak Junior Senior High School Campus


Next Board of Directors Meeting                            Wednesday, December 18, 2024

                                                                                    Virtual Classroom/Phone/Internet

                                                                                    Red Oak Junior Senior High School Campus

harrish@redoak… Fri, 11/22/2024 - 09:00

Minutes - 12.11.2024

Minutes - 12.11.2024

Red Oak Community School District

Special Meeting of the Board of Directors

Meeting Location:  Virtual

December 11, 2024


The special meeting of the Board of Directors of the Red Oak Community School District was called to order by President Bret Blackman at 5:30 p.m. at the Red Oak Junior Senior High School Virtual Classroom.


Directors: Bret Blackman, Kathy Walker, Bryce Johnson (arrived at 5:45 p.m.), and Scott Bruce

Superintendent Ron Lorenz, Board Secretary/Business Manager Heidi Harris

Approval of Agenda

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Bruce to approve the agenda with the order of agenda items at the discretion of the meeting chair.  Motion carried unanimously.

Consent Agenda

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Bruce to approve the consent agenda as presented including personnel considerations.  Motion carried unanimously.

Board of Directors Resignation

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Bruce to approve the resignation of Aaron Schmid from the Red Oak Community School District Board of Directors, effective December 31, 2024.  Motion carried unanimously.

Posting Board Vacancy

Motion by Director, second by Director Bruce to approve posting a vacancy, inviting applicants, interviewing candidates, and appointing a replacement for the open board seat.  Motion carried unanimously.


Motion by Director Bruce, second by Director Walker to adjourn the meeting at 5:36 p.m.  Motion carried unanimously.


Next Board of Directors Meeting                            Wednesday, December 18, 2024

                                                                                    Virtual Classroom/Phone/Internet

                                                                                    Red Oak Junior Senior High School Campus



Board of Directors Work Session


Matt Gillaspie, from Piper Sandler Public Financial Services, reviewed the District’s capacity to to fund potential future capital improvement projects. His presentation included the different types of loan and bonding options, timelines, and new legislative rules regarding borrowing.

Travis Squires, from Piper Sandler Public Financial Services, reviewed the District’s 2025 Comprehensive Financial Projections Model (CFPM).  This model allows the District to see the current enrollment trends along with legislative funding and how they affect the District financially currently and for the next several years.


harrish@redoak… Thu, 12/12/2024 - 09:55

Minutes - 12.18.2024

Minutes - 12.18.2024

Red Oak Community School District

Meeting of the Board of Directors

Meeting Location:  Virtual Classroom/ Phone/Internet

Red Oak Junior Senior High School Campus

December 18, 2024


The regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Red Oak Community School District was called to order by President Bret Blackman at 5:30 p.m. at the Red Oak Junior Senior High School Virtual Classroom.


Directors: Bret Blackman, Kathy Walker, Bryce Johnson, and Scott Bruce

Superintendent Ron Lorenz, Board Secretary/Business Manager, Heidi Harris

Approval of Agenda

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Johnson to approve the agenda with the order of agenda items at the discretion of the meeting chair.  Motion carried unanimously.

Good News

Congratulations to Coy Wilson who finished third in the Junior National Rodeo Saddle Bronc Championship.

Congratulations to Adam Baier as he was invited to participate in the Iowa Shrine Bowl as part of the South Squad on July 19, 2025.

Thank you to the Red Oak Minisingers for a wonderful performance for the Board with a few of their best holiday songs.

Consent Agenda

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Bruce to approve the consent agenda as presented including meeting minutes, monthly business reports, and personnel considerations.  Motion carried unanimously.

Board Policies 210 - 218

Motion by Director Bruce, second by Director Walker to approve the first reading of Board Policies 210 – 218.  Motion carried unanimously.

Interscholastic Activity Sharing for Boys and Girls Soccer with East Mills CSD

Motion by Director Bruce, second by Director Johnson to approve the Interscholastic Activity Sharing Agreement for Boys and Girls Soccer with the East Mills Community School District for the 2024-2025 school year.  Motion carried unanimously.

2025–2026 Pre-Service/Orientation Training Speaker

Motion by Director Bruce, second by Director Johnson to approve using professional development funds to pay a speaker for the 2025-2026 pre-service training and orientation for $10,500.  Motion carried unanimously.

Approval of FY2023 Independent Audit

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Bruce to approve the FY 2023 Audit as presented.  Motion carried unanimously. 

Topographic and Partial Boundary Surveys

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Johnson to approve the topographic and partial boundary survey at Inman Elementary School for $4,520.00.  Motion carried unanimously.

Resolution Requesting Proposals to Purchase Real Property

Motion by Director Johnson, second by Director Walker to resolution requesting proposals to purchase real property (i.e. Bancroft and Webster Parcels).  Motion carried unanimously.

Public Hearing for Potential Conveyance of Real Property

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Bruce to approve setting a public hearing date of January 29, 2025, for the potential conveyance of real property (i.e. Bancroft and Webster Parcels).  Motion carried unanimously.

Discussion of Board Goals for Proposed Capital Improvement Projects

Ron Lorenz, Superintendent, discussed the goals, objectives, priorities, preferences, and timelines for proposed capital improvement projects.


Motion by Director Bruce, second by Director Walker to retire to the regular board meeting at 6:47 p.m. Motion carried unanimously.


Next Board of Directors Meeting                            Wednesday, January 8, 2025

                                                                                    Virtual Classroom/Phone/Internet

                                                                                    Red Oak Junior Senior High School Campus

harrish@redoak… Thu, 12/19/2024 - 09:45

Minutes - 2.19.2025

Minutes - 2.19.2025

Red Oak Community School District

Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors

Meeting Location: Virtual Classroom/ Phone/Internet

Red Oak Junior Senior High School Campus

February 19, 2025


The regular board meeting of the Board of Directors of the Red Oak Community School District was called to order by President Bret Blackman at 5:30 p.m. at the Red Oak Junior Senior High School Virtual Classroom.


Directors: Bret Blackman, Kathy Walker, Bryce Johnson, Scott Bruce, Pastor Ricky Rohrig (arrived at 5:31 p.m.)

Superintendent Ron Lorenz, Board Secretary/Business Manager, Heidi Harris

Approval of Agenda

Motion by Director Johnson, second by Director Walker to approve the agenda with the order of agenda items at the discretion of the meeting chair.  Motion carried unanimously.

Public Hearing of Proposed 2024-2025 District Calendar

President Bret Blackman opened the public hearing on the proposed 2024-2025 District Calendar at 5:34 p.m. There were no public comments.

Good News

Congratulations to Ella Johnson, Lena Torbett, Zoie Rohrig, Will Pollock, Grace and Josie Goldapp, and Madi Parker who participated in the Iowa State Large Group Speech Competition, all three groups earned “1” designations which is the highest possible rating. 

Congratulations to Nicole Bond who qualified, competed, and placed 12th in the Iowa Girls State Wrestling Tournament. 

Congratulations to Adam Baier who won the 165 lb. Division, Class 2A District Wrestling Tournament.  He competed in the Iowa High School State Wrestling Tournament and won his first match 3-2.

Visitors and Presentations

Josh Solomon and Dr. Lisa Collins from Stellar Virtual reviewed their proposal to partner with the Red Oak Community School District to develop and implement a virtual academy that would serve students from across the state.

Consent Agenda

Motion by Director Bruce, second by Director Walker to approve the consent agenda as presented including meeting minutes, business reports, resignations, and personnel considerations.  Motion carried unanimously.

Board Policy 506.5 and Accompanying Regulation 506.5R1

Motion by Director Johnson, second by Director Bruce to approve the second reading of Board Policy 506.5 and accompanying regulation 506.5R1 (i.e. Designating Personal Finance as a High School Elective rather than a graduation requirement, adjusting the number of required electives accordingly, and eliminating Pre-Algebra).  Motion carried unanimously.

Board Policy 606.6

Motion by Director Johnson, second by Director Bruce to approve the first reading of Board Policy 606.6 to approve the Superintendent approving Out-of-State field trips.  The Board suggested the policy also be revised to state the Superintendent must approve trips or excursions involving unusual length and expense. Motion carried unanimously. 

2025-2026 District Calendar

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Rohrig to approve the proposed 2025-2026 District Calendar.  Motion carried unanimously.

Resolution to Transfer Funds for Protective/Safety Equipment

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Johnson to approve the resolution transferring $5,376.99 from the General fund to the Activity fund to reimburse the purchase and refurbishing of safety and protective equipment (i.e. football helmets), in accordance with Iowa Code Chapter 289A.8.  Motion carried unanimously.

Purchase of Football Helmets/Helmet Refurbishing

Motion by Director Johnson, second by Director Walker to approve the refurbishment of 41 existing football helmets and the purchase of five new football helmets from Riddell for $5,376.99. Motion carried unanimously.

Voice Evacuation Fire Alarm System at ROECC

Motion by Director Johnson, second by Director Walker to approve Johnson Controls for the installation of a voice evacuation fire alarm system at the Red Oak Early Childhood Center for $80,628.22. Motion carried unanimously.

Online Learning Program Revisions

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Bruce to approve the revisions to the District’s Online Learning Program.  Motion carried unanimously.

Maximum FY 2026 Certified Budget Property Tax Rate

Motion by Director Johnson, second by Director Walker to approve the FY 2026 certified budget maximum property tax of $15.47.  Motion carried unanimously.


Motion by Director Rohrig, second by Director Johnson, to adjourn the regular meeting at 7:11 p.m.  Motion carried unanimously.

Exempt Session

The Board entered an exempt session at 7.14 p.m. to discuss negotiation strategy for the upcoming contract discussions with the Red Oak Education Association per Iowa Code section 20.17(3). The Board exited the exempt session at 8:07 p.m.


Next Board of Directors Meeting                            Wednesday, March 19, 2024 – 5:30 p.m.

                                                                                    Virtual Classroom/Phone/Internet

                                                                                    Red Oak Junior Senior High School Campus

harrish@redoak… Thu, 02/20/2025 - 12:49

Minutes - 2.5.2025

Minutes - 2.5.2025

Red Oak Community School District

Special Meeting of the Board of Directors

Meeting Location: Virtual

February 5, 2025


The special meeting of the Board of Directors of the Red Oak Community School District was called to order by President Bret Blackman at 7:35 a.m. The meeting was held virtually.


Directors: Bret Blackman, Kathy Walker, Bryce Johnson, Scott Bruce, and Pastor Ricky Rohrig

Superintendent Ron Lorenz, Board Secretary/Business Manager Heidi Harris

Approval of Agenda

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Johnson to approve the agenda with the order of agenda items at the discretion of the meeting chair.  Motion carried unanimously.

Out-of-State Field Trip

Motion by Director Bruce, second by Director Walker to approve the High School Choir to travel to Lincoln, NE to attend the Nebraska Wesleyan Honor Choir on February 6 -7, 2025. Motion carried unanimously.


Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Bruce to adjourn the meeting at 7:37 a.m.  Motion carried unanimously.


Next Board of Directors Meeting                            Wednesday, February 19, 2025

                        `                                                           Virtual Classroom/Phone/Internet

                                                                                    Red Oak Junior Senior High School Campus

harrish@redoak… Wed, 02/05/2025 - 07:51

Minutes - 3.6.2025

Minutes - 3.6.2025

Red Oak Community School District

Special Meeting of the Board of Directors

Meeting Location:  Virtual

March 6, 2025


The special meeting of the Board of Directors of the Red Oak Community School District was called to order by President Bret Blackman at 7:30 a.m.  The Special Board Meeting was held virtually.


Directors: Bret Blackman, Kathy Walker, Scott Bruce, and Pastor Ricky Rohrig

Superintendent Ron Lorenz, Board Secretary/Business Manager Heidi Harris

Approval of Agenda

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Bruce to approve the agenda with the order of agenda items at the discretion of the meeting chair.  Motion carried unanimously.

Consent Agenda

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Rohrig to approve the consent agenda as presented including personnel considerations (striking item 4.1.4).  Motion carried unanimously.

Stellar Virtual

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Bruce to approve contracting with Stellar Virtual to launch a Statewide K-12 virtual academy.  Motion carried unanimously.

Math Intervention Materials

Motion by Director Bruce second by Director Rohrig to approve the purchase of math intervention materials relating to the ESSA School Improvement Plan for $12,808.26   Motion carried unanimously.


Motion by Director Bruce, second by Director Rohrig to adjourn the meeting at 7:34 a.m.  Motion carried unanimously.


Next Board of Directors Meeting                            Thursday, March 20, 2024

                                                                                    Virtual Classroom/Phone/Internet

                                                                                    Red Oak Junior Senior High School Campus


harrish@redoak… Thu, 03/06/2025 - 14:00

Minutes - 7.17.2024

Minutes - 7.17.2024

Red Oak Community School District

Meeting of the Board of Directors

Meeting Location:  Virtual Classroom/ Phone/Internet

Red Oak Junior Senior High School Campus

July 17, 2024


The regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Red Oak Community School District was called to order by President Bret Blackman at 5:30 p.m. at the Red Oak Junior Senior High School Virtual Classroom.


Directors: Bret Blackman, Kathy Walker, and Aaron Schmid

Superintendent Ron Lorenz, Board Secretary/Business Manager Heidi Harris

Approval of Agenda

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Schmid to approve the agenda with the order of agenda items at the discretion of the meeting chair.  Motion carried unanimously.

Good News

Congratulations to Kaysie Kells, Jaydin Lindsay, Joselyn McCunn, and Merced Ramirez for being named to the 2024 Hawkeye 10 All-Academic Softball team.

Southwestern Community College has hired a Carpentry and Building Trades instructor which allows us to proceed with our Building Trades course offering for the 2024-2025 school year.

RAGBRAI riders will arrive in Red Oak on July 21 and the District is prepared to offer green space, buildings for emergency protocol and storm shelters, indoor shower stalls, transportation assistance, and logistical support.

Consent Agenda

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Schmid to approve the consent agenda as presented including meeting minutes, business reports, current personnel considerations, payment for goods and services, and contract renewals.  Motion carried unanimously.

Board Policy 509.2

Motion by Director Schmid, second my Director Walker to approve the second reading of Board Policy 509.2.  Motion carried unanimously.

Board Policy 104 (Title IX)

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Schmid to approve the first reading of board policy 104 (Title IX).  Motion carried unanimously. 

Board Policy 501.3

Motion by Director Schmid second by Director Walker to approve the first reading of Board Policy 501.3.  Motion carried unanimously.

Board Policies 501.9 and 501.10

Motion by Director Schmid, second by Director Walker to approve the first reading of policies 501.9 and 501.10.  Motion carried unanimously.

Board Policy 506.2

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Schmid to approve the first reading of Board Policy 506.2. Motion carried unanimously.

Board Policy 603.1

Motion by Director Schmid, second by Director Walker to approve the first reading of Board Policy 603.1, Motion carried unanimously.

Part-Time Industrial Manufacturing and Welding Teacher

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Schmid to approve using General Funds to hire an additional part-time industrial manufacturing and welding teacher for the 2024-2025 school year.  Motion carried unanimously.

Snow Removal Bid

Motion by Director Schmid, second by Director Walker to approve Orme Outdoor as our snow removal service provider for the 2024-2025 school year.  Motion carried unanimously.

High School Course Handbook Amendment

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Schmid to approve amending the 2024-2025 High School Course Handbook to reconcile business offerings with state coding and accreditation requirements.  Motion carried unanimously.

2024-2025 Substitute Teacher Pay

Motion by Director Schmid, second by Director Walker to approve increasing the 2024-2025 daily substitute pay rate from $140 to $150 and the long-term substitute pay from $153 to $160 per day. Motion carried unanimously.

Business and Industrial Technology Career and Technical Organization

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Schmid to approve the creation of a Business and Industrial Technical Organization (CTSO), paying required dues, and providing associated sponsor stipends of $1,638.75 per sponsor for the 2024-2025 school year. Motion carried unanimously.

Preschool Hardware Purchases

Motion by Schmid, second by Director Walker to approve the purchase of tables, chairs, and shelving units using Statewide Voluntary Preschool funds for $8,854.45. Motion carried unanimously.

Preschool Curriculum Based Equipment

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Schmid to approve the purchase of Community Play Things, curriculum based equipment, using Statewide Voluntary Preschool funds for $5,425.  Motion carried unanimously.


Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Schmid to adjourn the meeting at 6:04 p.m.  Motion carried unanimously.


Next Board of Directors Meeting                            Wednesday, August 21, 2024

                        `                                                           Virtual Classroom/Phone/Internet

                                                                                    Red Oak Junior Senior High School Campus

harrish@redoak… Thu, 07/18/2024 - 13:30

Minutes - 8.07.2024

Minutes - 8.07.2024

Red Oak Community School District

Special Meeting of the Board of Directors

Meeting Location:  Virtual

Red Oak Junior Senior High School Campus

August 7, 2024


The special meeting of the Board of Directors of the Red Oak Community School District was called to order by President Bret Blackman at 7:31 a.m. The meeting was held virtually.


Directors: Bret Blackman, Kathy Walker, and Aaron Schmid

Superintendent Ron Lorenz, Board Secretary/Business Manager Heidi Harris

Approval of Agenda

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Schmid to approve the agenda with the order of agenda items at the discretion of the meeting chair.  Motion carried unanimously.

Consent Agenda

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Schmid to approve the consent agenda as presented including only personnel considerations. Motion carried unanimously.


Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Schmid to adjourn the meeting at 7:32 a.m.  Motion carried unanimously.


Next Board of Directors Meeting                            Wednesday, August 21, 2024

                        `                                                           Virtual Classroom/Phone/Internet

                                                                                    Red Oak Junior Senior High School Campus

harrish@redoak… Thu, 08/08/2024 - 15:00

Minutes - 8.21.2023

Minutes - 8.21.2023

Red Oak Community School District

Meeting of the Board of Directors

Meeting Location:  Virtual Classroom/ Phone/Internet

Red Oak Junior Senior High School Campus

August 21, 2024


The regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Red Oak Community School District was called to order by President Bret Blackman at 5:30 p.m. at the Red Oak Junior Senior High School Virtual Classroom.


Directors: Bret Blackman, Kathy Walker, Bryce Johnson, and Scott Bruce

Superintendent Ron Lorenz, Board Secretary/Business Manager Heidi Harris

Approval of Agenda

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Bruce to approve the agenda with the order of agenda items at the discretion of the meeting chair.  Motion carried unanimously.

Good News

Our teachers returned to work Monday, August 19, 2024, and the kids will return for the 2024-2025 school year on Friday, August 23, 2024.

All the SLFRF Safety Grant projects have been completed this summer including protective window films, intercom systems, and front door stop locks.

Daric O’Neil from Alley Poyner Macchietto Architecture updated the Board with revised proposals and renovations to Inman Elementary and the outdoor Athletic Facilities.

Consent Agenda

Motion by Director Johnson, second by Director Walker to approve the consent agenda as presented including meeting minutes, business reports, out-of-state field trips, and current personnel considerations.  Motion carried unanimously.

Board Policy 501.3

Motion by Director Bruce, second by Director Walker to approve the second reading of Board Policy 501.3.  Motion carried unanimously.

Board Policies 501.9 and 501.10

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Johnson to approve the second reading of Board Policy 501.9 and dismiss/remove Board Policy 501.10.  Motion carried unanimously. 

Board Policy 506.2

Motion by Director Johnson, second by Director Bruce to approve the second reading of Board Policy 506.2.  Motion carried unanimously.

Board Policy 603.1

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Bruce to approve the second reading of Board Policy 603.1.  Motion carried unanimously.

Board Policies 501.12 and 501.13

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Johnson to approve the first reading, waive the second and third reading of Board Policies 501.12 and 501.13. Motion carried unanimously.

Special Education Open Enrollments

Motion by Director Johnson, second by Director Bruce to approve capping special education open enrollments due to insufficient classroom space, in accordance with board Policy 501.13. Motion carried unanimously.

Perkins Funds Purchase

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Johnson to approve the purchase of a cabinet saw from Midwest Technology Products for $5,250 to be paid with Perkins Funds.  Motion carried unanimously.

Regional Planning Partnership Mini Grant Purchase

Motion by Director Johnson, second by Director Walker to approve the purchase of a foundry furnace for $9,344 from McEnglevan Industrial Furnace Company to be paid through a CTE Regional Planning Partnership Mini Grant.  Motion carried unanimously.

Compact Tractor Purchase

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Bruce to approve the purchase of a Kubota (LX3520HSDC) compact tractor and loader with third function and snow blade from Whipp Sales for $44,200.  Motion carried unanimously.

Welding Academy and College Credit Courses

Motion by Director Johnson, second by Director Walker to approve addition of a Welding Academy and College Algebra and Trigonometry as concurrent enrollment (i.e. College Credit) options through Southwest Community College. Motion carried unanimously.

Interscholastic Activity Sharing with Stanton CSD

Motion by Director Bruce, second by Director Walker to approve an Interscholastic Activity Sharing Agreement for Boys’ and Girls’ Bowling, Golf, Soccer, Tennis, and Wrestling with Stanton Community School District for the 2024-2025 school year. Motion carried unanimously.

Interscholastic Activity Sharing with Griswold CSD

Motion by Bruce, second by Director Walker to approve the Interscholastic Sharing Agreement for Girls’ Wrestling with Griswold Community School District for the 2024-2025 school year. Motion carried unanimously.

Banking Services

Motion by Director Bruce, second by Director Johnson to approve Houghton State Bank for checking/savings/scholarship services and Bank Iowa for investment services for the remainder of 2024, 2025, and 2026.  Motion carried unanimously.

School Meal Prices

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Johnson to approve raising school meal prices by ten cents ($.10) for lunch and breakfast per USDA recommendations for the 2024-2025 school year.


Motion by Director Johnson, second by Director Bruce to adjourn the meeting at 6:19 p.m.  Motion carried unanimously.


Next Board of Directors Meeting                            Wednesday, September 18, 2024

with Work Session                                                    Virtual Classroom/Phone/Internet

                                                                                    Red Oak Junior Senior High School Campus

harrish@redoak… Thu, 09/05/2024 - 13:58

Minutes - 9.18.2024

Minutes - 9.18.2024

Red Oak Community School District

Meeting of the Board of Directors

Meeting Location:  Virtual Classroom/ Phone/Internet

Red Oak Junior Senior High School Campus

September 18, 2024


The regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Red Oak Community School District was called to order by Vice President at 5:30 p.m. at the Red Oak Junior Senior High School Virtual Classroom.


Directors: Bret Blackman (arrived at 5:48 p.m.), Kathy Walker, Bryce Johnson, and Scott Bruce

Superintendent Ron Lorenz, Board Secretary/Business Manager Heidi Harris, Payroll/Human Resources, Jessie Bruning

Approval of Agenda

Motion by Director Johnson, second by Director Bruce to approve the agenda with the order of agenda items at the discretion of the meeting chair.  Motion carried unanimously.

Good News

The Boys’ Cross Country team won our 6th Annual Paul Fish Invitational Cross Country Meet on Monday, September 16, 2024, and are currently ranked 19th in the State’s Class 2A division.

The Building Trades construction project is progressing nicely with students beginning their work soon. 

Thank you to the Board for their courage and efforts to restrict student access to cell phones during instructional time.  There have been several schools across the State that have followed our lead and implemented their own set of restrictions meant to limit distractions and enhance the learning process.

Consent Agenda

Motion by Director Bruce, second by Director Johnson to approve the consent agenda as presented including meeting minutes, business reports, 2024-2025 contract agreements, out-of-state field trips, and current personnel considerations.  Motion carried unanimously.

Board Policies 200-209

Motion by Director Johnson, second by Director Bruce to approve the first reading of Board Policies 200-209.  Motion carried unanimously.

2024-2025 Talented and Gifted Program

Motion by Director Bruce, second by Director Johnson to approve the District’s 2024-2025 Talented and Gifted Program.  Motion carried unanimously. 

SBRC Request for Modified Supplemental Amount for Negative Special Education Balance

Motion by Director Johnson, second by Director Bruce to approve the SBRC request for modified supplemental amount for negative special education balance.  Motion carried unanimously.

Installation of Small Cell Device

Motion by Director Bruce, second by Director Johnson to approve the installation of a small cell

device to enhance cellular reception at the Bus Barn.  Motion carried unanimously.

Contracting with MCMH to Provide Nursing Services

Discussion to consider contracting with Montgomery Country Memorial Hospital to provide nursing services for the remainder of 2024-2024.


Motion by Director Johnson, second by Director Bruce to adjourn the meeting at 6:18 p.m.  Motion carried unanimously.


Next Board of Directors Meeting                            Wednesday, October 16, 2024

with Work Session                                                    Virtual Classroom/Phone/Internet

                                                                                    Red Oak Junior Senior High School Campus

harrish@redoak… Thu, 09/19/2024 - 16:05

Minutes - 9.25.2024

Minutes - 9.25.2024

Red Oak Community School District

Special Meeting of the Board of Directors

Meeting Location:  Virtual

September 25, 2024


The special meeting of the Board of Directors of the Red Oak Community School District was called to order by President Bret Blackman at 7:30 a.m. The special meeting was held virtually.


Directors: Bret Blackman, Kathy Walker, Bryce Johnson, and Aaron Schmid

Superintendent Ron Lorenz, Board Secretary/Business Manager Heidi Harris

Approval of Agenda

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Johnson to approve the agenda with the order of agenda items at the discretion of the meeting chair.  Motion carried unanimously.

Nursing Service Contract with Montgomery County Memorial Hospital

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Schmid to approve the contracting with Montgomery County Memorial Hospital to provide school nursing services for the remainder of the 2024-2025 school year.  Motion carried unanimously.


Motion by Director Johnson, second by Director Schmid to adjourn the meeting at 7:32 a.m.  Motion carried unanimously.


Next Board of Directors Meeting                            Wednesday, October 16, 2024

                                                                                    Virtual Classroom/Phone/Internet

                                                                                    Red Oak Junior Senior High School Campus

harrish@redoak… Tue, 10/01/2024 - 08:08

Minutes - 9.30.2024

Minutes - 9.30.2024

Red Oak Community School District

Special Meeting of the Board of Directors

Meeting Location:  Virtual

September 30, 2024


The special meeting of the Board of Directors of the Red Oak Community School District was called to order by President Bret Blackman at 7:30 a.m. The meeting was held virtually.


Directors: Bret Blackman, Kathy Walker, Bryce Johnson, Scott Bruce, and Aaron Schmid

Superintendent Ron Lorenz, Board Secretary/Business Manager Heidi Harris

Approval of Agenda

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Johnson to approve the agenda with the order of agenda items at the discretion of the meeting chair.  Motion carried unanimously.

Consent Agenda

Motion by Director Johnson, second by Director Bruce to approve the consent agenda as presented including Beyond the Bell Grant expenditures and out of town field trips.  Motion carried unanimously.


Motion by Director Johnson, second by Director Schmid to adjourn the meeting at 7:32 a.m.  Motion carried unanimously.


Next Board of Directors Meeting                            Wednesday, October 16, 2024

                                                                                    Virtual Classroom/Phone/Internet

                                                                                    Red Oak Junior Senior High School Campus

harrish@redoak… Tue, 10/01/2024 - 08:10