208 - Board of Directors Committees
208 - Board of Directors Committees dawn@iowaschoo… Fri, 09/25/2020 - 10:09208.1 - Board of Directors Committees
208.1 - Board of Directors CommitteesThe board may determine from time to time that board committees may be required to assist the board in its discharge of duties. In addition to any legally required committees, the board may appoint standing committees with specific charges.
If the board creates or appoints a committee, the board and the committee will strive to follow all applicable federal and state laws. The board and the committee will strive to follow state open meetings and public records requirements.
In no case shall a committee constitute a quorum of the Board of Directors.
Reports of board committees shall be circulated in advance through the superintendent's office, except in an emergency or as directed by the board or president of the board.
Approved March 26, 2018
Reviewed June 28, 2021
Revised June 28, 2021
208.2 - AD Hoc Committees
208.2 - AD Hoc CommitteesWhenever the board deems it necessary, the board may appoint a committee composed of citizens, employees or students to assist the board. Committees formed by the board are ad hoc committees.
An ad hoc committee may be formed by board resolution which will outline the duties and purpose of the committee. The committee is advisory in nature and has no duty or responsibility other than that specifically stated in the board resolution. The committee will automatically dissolve upon the delivery of its final recommendation to the board or upon completion of the duties outlined in the board resolution. The board will receive the report of the committee for consideration. The board retains the authority to make a final decision on the issue.
The method for selection of committee members will be stated in the board resolution. When possible, and when the necessary expertise required allows, the committee members will be representative of the school district community and will consider the various viewpoints on the issue. The board may designate a board member and/or the superintendent to serve on an ad hoc committee. The committee will select its own chairperson, unless the board designates otherwise.
Legal Reference:
Iowa Code §§ 21; 279.8; 280.12(2).
281 I.A.C. 12.3(3), .3(8); .5(8).
Approved March 26, 2018
Reviewed June 28, 2021
Revised June 28, 2021
208.2R1 - AD Hoc Committees Regulations
208.2R1 - AD Hoc Committees RegulationsAd Hoc Committee Purpose and Function
The specific purpose of each ad hoc committee varies. Generally, the primary function of an ad hoc committee is to give specific advice and suggestions. The advice and suggestions should focus on the purpose and duties stated in the board resolution establishing the committee. It is the board’s role to take action based on information received from the ad hoc committee and other sources. Ad hoc committees may be subject to the open meetings law.
Role of an Ad Hoc Committee Member
The primary role of an ad hoc committee member is to be a productive, positive member of the committee. In doing so, it is important to listen to and respect the opinions of others. When the ad hoc committee makes a recommendation to the board, it is important for the ad hoc committee members to support the majority decision of the ad hoc committee. An ad hoc committee will function best when its members work within the committee framework and bring items of business to the ad hoc committee.
Ad Hoc Committee Membership
Ad hoc committee members may be appointed by the board. The board may request input from individuals or organizations, or it may seek volunteers to serve. Only the board or superintendent has the authority to appoint members to an ad hoc committee. Boards must follow the legal limitations or requirements regarding the membership of an ad hoc committee.