Click on the fiscal year from the list below to view minutes for the Red Oak Community School board meetings.

Board Meeting Minutes 2024-25

Board Meeting Minutes 2023-24

Board Meeting Minutes 2022-23

Board Meeting Minutes 2021-22

Board Meeting Minutes 2020-21

Board Meeting Minutes 2019-20



Jen@iowaschool… Thu, 09/19/2019 - 10:48


2024-25 BOARD MINUTES herrickk@rosch… Thu, 07/18/2024 - 13:26

Minutes - 1.29.2025

Minutes - 1.29.2025

Red Oak Community School District

Special Meeting of the Board of Directors

Meeting Location:  Virtual Classroom/ Phone/Internet

Red Oak Junior Senior High School Campus

January 29, 2025


The special board meeting of the Board of Directors of the Red Oak Community School District was called to order by Vice President Kathy Walker at 5:30 p.m. at the Red Oak Junior Senior High School Virtual Classroom.


Directors: Bret Blackman (arrived at 5:38 p.m.), Kathy Walker, Bryce Johnson, Scott Bruce, Pastor Ricky Rohrig

Superintendent Ron Lorenz, Board Secretary/Business Manager, Heidi Harris

Approval of Agenda

Motion by Director Johnson, second by Director Bruce to approve the agenda with the order of agenda items at the discretion of the meeting chair.  Motion carried unanimously.

Public Comment

Lisa Kotter, City Administrator, introduced herself to the Board and advised of the City of Red Oak’s support for Acorn’s efforts to improve the community.

Public Hearing on Conveyance of Bancroft and Webster Properties

Kathy Walker opened the public hearing on the conveyance of an interest in real property of the Webster and Bancroft buildings at 5:37 p.m.

In response to the current request for proposals, Jeff Soe and Tim Werges, representing Acorn Development Two, Inc. spoke of Acorn’s proposal to purchase both Webster and Bancroft with the intention of abating and demolishing for infill housing. 

Community member, Tom Kennedy voiced his support for Acorn efforts to improve our community.  Ryan Beeson, Red Oak Chamber of Commerce and Building Trades partner voiced his appreciation for Acorn’s help in making the Building Trades Program a success for bringing affordable housing to Red Oak.

Good News

Congratulations to the Red Oak Large Group Speech Team who competed in the Large Group Speech Contest in Glenwood, earning 1 rating qualifying them for the Starte Large Group Speech Competition. 

The district’s attendance as of January 28, 2025, has steadily increased since 2022 suggesting that our District’s efforts to decrease chronic absenteeism has been successful.

Visitors and Presentations

Daric O’Neil from Alley Poyner Macchietto presented preliminary schematic designs and budget estimates for the proposed Inman Elementary School additions and renovations.

Consent Agenda

Motion by Director Bruce, second by Director Rohrig to approve the consent agenda as presented including meeting minutes, business reports, out-of-state field trips, resignations, personnel considerations, approval of School Budget Review Committee Request for Supplemental Modified Amount, and approval of At-Risk/Dropout Prevention Modified Supplemental Amount of $240,317.  Motion carried unanimously.

Board Policy 214.2

Motion by Director Johnson, second by Director Walker to approve the third reading of Board Policy 214.2.  Motion carried unanimously.

Board Policy 506.5 and Regulation 506.5R1

Motion by Director Johnson, second by Director Bruce to approve the first reading of Board Policy 506.5 and accompanying regulation 506.5R1 (i.e. Designating Personal Finance as a High School Elective rather than a graduation requirement, adjusting the number of required electives accordingly, and eliminating Pre-Algebra).  Motion carried unanimously. 

Transfer of Media Book Club Funds

Motion by Director Bruce, second by Director Walker to approve the transfer of unexpended and unobligated Media Book Club Funds ($57.30) balance to the General Athletic Fund per the recommendation of our independent auditor.  Motion carried unanimously.

Transfer of K-3 Activity Funds

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Johnson to approve the transfer of unexpended and unobligated K – 3 Activity Funds ($507.25) balance to the General Athletic Fund per the recommendation of our independent auditor.  Motion carried unanimously.

Officiate Statements of Claims

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Bruce authorizing the Board Secretary to use the Board President’s facsimile signature (i.e. autopen stamp) to endorse officiate statements of claims in order to pay officials, referees, umpires, and judges in a timely manner. Motion carried unanimously.

E-Rate Proposal for Outdoor Facilities

Motion by Director Johnson, second by Director Walker to approve the E-Rate proposal for internet services at the Outdoor Learning Facilities (i.e. Football/Track/Baseball Complex) for the 2025-2026 school year with Mediacom at $60 per month.  Motion carried unanimously.

E-Rate Multi-Year Proposal for Managed Services

Motion by Director Rohrig, second by Director Walker to approve a three-year E-Rate proposal with Riverside Technologies for managed services at $720 per month starting July 2025.  Motion carried unanimously.

Conveyance of Real Properties of Bancroft and Webster

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Johnson to approve conveying of Bancroft and Webster real properties to Acorn Development for $1,000 each and other good and valuable considerations (Conveyance shall be by Deed without Warranty).  Motion carried unanimously.

Issuance of Custodial RFP’s

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Rohrig to approve issuing request for proposal for custodial services.  Motion carried unanimously

2025-2026 Budget Guarantee Resolution

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Johnson to approve the 2025-2026 Budget Guarantee Resolution. Motion carried unanimously.


Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Bruce, to adjourn the regular meeting at 8:32 p.m.  Motion carried unanimously.

Exempt Session

The Board entered an exempt session at 8:34 p.m. to discuss negotiation strategy for the upcoming contract discussions with the Red Oak Education Association per Iowa Code section 20.17(3). And exited at 9:07 p.m.


Next Board of Directors Meeting                            Wednesday, February 19, 2024 – 5:30 p.m.

                                                                                    Virtual Classroom/Phone/Internet

                                                                                    Red Oak Junior Senior High School Campus

harrish@redoak… Fri, 01/31/2025 - 13:56

Minutes - 1.8.2025 REVISED

Minutes - 1.8.2025 REVISED

Red Oak Community School District

Meeting of the Board of Directors

Meeting Location:  Virtual Classroom/ Phone/Internet

Red Oak Junior Senior High School Campus

January 8, 2025


The special meeting of the Board of Directors of the Red Oak Community School District was called to order by President Bret Blackman at 5:30 p.m. at the Red Oak Junior Senior High School Virtual Classroom.


Directors: Bret Blackman, Kathy Walker, Bryce Johnson, Scott Bruce

Superintendent Ron Lorenz, Board Secretary/Business Manager, Heidi Harris

Approval of Agenda

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Bruce to approve the agenda with the order of agenda items at the discretion of the meeting chair.  Motion carried unanimously.

Consent Agenda

Motion by Director Johnson, second by Director Walker to approve the consent agenda as presented including meeting minutes and personnel considerations.  Motion carried unanimously.

Board Policies 210-218

Motion by Director Bruce, second by Director Walker to approve the second reading of board policies 210 – 218.  Motion carried unanimously.

Closed Session

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Johnson to enter closed session at 5:42 p.m. per Iowa Code 21.5(1)(i) “to evaluate the professional competency of an individual whose appointment, hiring, performance, or discharge is being considered when necessary to prevent needless and irreparable to injury to that individual’s reputation and that individual requests a closed session.”

Exited closed session at 5:45 p.m.

Appointing Individual to Fill Vacant Board Position

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Johnson to approve and appoint Pastor Ricky Rohrig to fill the vacant board seat for the remainder of the original term. Motion carried unanimously.

Oath of Office

Heidi Harris, Board Secretary, issued the Oath of Office to new Board Director Pastor Ricky Rohrig.


Motion by Director Johnson, second by Director Bruce to adjourn the regular meeting at 5:50 p.m.  Motion carried unanimously.


Next Board of Directors Meeting                            Wednesday, January 29, 2025 – 5:30 p.m.

                                                                                    Virtual Classroom/Phone/Internet

                                                                                    Red Oak Junior Senior High School Campus

harrish@redoak… Thu, 01/09/2025 - 09:07

Minutes - 10.16.2024

Minutes - 10.16.2024

Red Oak Community School District

Meeting of the Board of Directors

Meeting Location:  Virtual Classroom/ Phone/Internet

Red Oak Junior Senior High School Campus

October 16, 2024


The regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Red Oak Community School District was called to order by President Bret Blackman at 5:30 p.m. at the Red Oak Junior Senior High School Virtual Classroom.


Directors: Bret Blackman, Kathy Walker, Bryce Johnson, Aaron Schmid, and Scott Bruce

Superintendent Ron Lorenz, Human Resources/Payroll Jessie Bruning

Approval of Agenda

Motion by Director Johnson, second by Director Bruce to approve the agenda with the order of agenda items at the discretion of the meeting chair.  Motion carried unanimously.

Good News

The Tiger Marching Band placed 3rd in the 2A preliminaries and 4th overall at the Glenwood Fieldfest XXXII.

Janelle Erickson reviewed the quarterly outcomes of the District’s Work Based Learning program FORGE.

Consent Agenda

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Bruce to approve the consent agenda as presented including meeting minutes, business reports, out-of-state field trips, FY 2024-2025 Contract renewals/amendments, and current personnel considerations.  Motion carried unanimously.

Board Policies 200-209

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Schmid to approve the second reading of Board Policies 200-209.  Motion carried unanimously.

Board Policy 506.5 Amendment

Motion by Director Johnson, second by Director Bruce to approve amending Board Policy 506.5 (i.e. graduation requirements) to strike Earth/Space Science as a Science requirement.  Motion carried unanimously.

High School Course Handbook Amendment

Motion by Director Bruce, second by Director Schmid to approve amending the High School Course Handbook to replace Plumbing with Woodworking I for second semester.  Motion carried unanimously.

High School Course Handbook Amendment

Motion by Director Schmid, second by Director Walker to approve amending the High School Course Handbook to include Plant Science I and II as Science electives. Motion carried unanimously. 

Southwest Community College Courses

Motion by Director Johnson, second by Director Schmid to approve adding Microbiology and Intro to Ethics as concurrent enrollment (i.e. college credit) options through Southwestern Community College.  Motion carried unanimously.

2024-2025 SIAC Members

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Bruce to approve the 2024-2025 School Improvement Advisory Committee (SIAC) members.  Motion carried unanimously.

Key Financial Metrics

Ron Lorenz presented the key financial metrics for the District in accordance with Board Policy 701.5.


Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Bruce to adjourn the meeting at 6:47 p.m.  Motion carried unanimously.


Next Board Work Session                                        Wednesday, November 13, 2024

Virtual Classroom/Phone/Internet

                                                                                    Red Oak Junior Senior High School Campus


Next Board of Directors Meeting                            Wednesday, November20, 2024

with Work Session                                                    Virtual Classroom/Phone/Internet

                                                                                    Red Oak Junior Senior High School Campus

harrish@redoak… Sun, 10/20/2024 - 16:49

Minutes - 11.20.2024

Minutes - 11.20.2024

Red Oak Community School District

Meeting of the Board of Directors

Meeting Location:  Virtual Classroom/ Phone/Internet

Red Oak Junior Senior High School Campus

November 20, 2024


The regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Red Oak Community School District was called to order by President Bret Blackman at 5:30 p.m. at the Red Oak Junior Senior High School Virtual Classroom.


Directors: Bret Blackman, Kathy Walker, Bryce Johnson, and Scott Bruce

Superintendent Ron Lorenz, Board Secretary/Business Manager, Heidi Harris

Approval of Agenda

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Johnson to approve the agenda with the order of agenda items at the discretion of the meeting chair.  Motion carried unanimously.

Good News

Congratulations to Emmanuel Grass and Hayden Heitbrink who qualified for the 2A

State Cross country meet.  Grace Goldapp, Lily Marsden, and Ethan Struck were selected for the Iowa All Star Choir. Hawkeye 10 All-Conference Volleyball honors went to Jocelyn O’Neal, Nicole Bond, and Kelly Jones. 

Riley Pelzer and the FFA Students reported on their trip to the National FFA Convention in Indianapolis, Indiana.

Consent Agenda

Motion by Director Johnson, second by Director Bruce to approve the consent agenda as presented including meeting minutes, business reports, out-of-state field trips, FY 2024-2025 Contract amendments, current personnel considerations, Modified Supplemental Amount Due to Open Enrollment ($149,689.11), Modified Supplemental Amount due to Limited English Proficient Instruction Beyond five years ($9,860.76), and amended SBRC Request for Modified Supplemental Amount for Negative Special Education Balance ($72,708.04).  Motion carried unanimously.

FY2024 Financials and Depository Balances

Superintendent Lorenz and Business Manager Heidi Harris discussed the FY2024 end of year financials including depository balances as of June 30, 2024.

Early Graduation Requests

Motion by Director Bruce, second by Director Walker to approve the 2024-2025 Red Oak Jr/Sr High School early graduation requests.  Motion carried unanimously.

Hard Surface Bus Route for 2024-2025

Motion by Director Johnson, second by Director Walker to approve the 2024-2025 hard surface bus route.  Motion carried unanimously.

Online Learning Program Manual Revisions

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Bruce to approve revisions to the Online Learning Program Manual.  Motion carried unanimously. 

Interscholastic Activity Sharing Boys’ Wrestling

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Johnson to approve the interscholastic activity sharing agreement for Boys’ Wrestling with East Mills Community School District for the 2024-2025 school year.  Motion carried unanimously.

Interscholastic Activity Sharing Girls’ and Boys’ Bowling

Motion by Director Bruce, second by Director Walker to approve the interscholastic activity sharing agreement for Girls’ and Boys’ Bowling with Essex CSD.  Motion carried unanimously.

Redistribution of Registrar Duties for 2025-2026

Motion by Director Johnson, second by Director Bruce to approve consolidating and redistributing duties of the District Registrar with the District Curriculum Coordinator, Counselors, and building Secretaries and adjusting contracts and work assignments accordingly. Motion carried unanimously.

Replacing and Adding ROECC Security Cameras

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Johnson to approve replacing existing ROECC security cameras and purchasing additional external cameras as part of the Iowa School Safety Grant Initiative (SLFRF Grant) for $18,893.69.  Motion carried unanimously.

Audio System for Secondary Gym

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Bruce to approve upgrading the audio system in the secondary gymnasium at the Jr/Sr High School for $15,177.  Motion carried unanimously.

Design/Engineering Agreement

Motion by Director Johnson, second by Director Bruce to approve the agreement with Alley Poyner Macchietto Architecture to provide professional architectural services related to the design and engineering of proposed renovations and additions to ongoing facility improvements.  Motion carried unanimously.

Construction Management Services

Motion by Director Bruce, second by Director Walker to approve the agreement with Boyd Jones to serve as construction manager as advisor related to the design and engineering of proposed renovations and additions to ongoing facilities improvements.  Motion carried unanimously.

Retiring Board Adjournment

Motion by Director Johnson, second by Director Walker to retire to the regular board meeting at 6:58 p.m. Motion carried unanimously.


Organizational Board of Directors Meeting (FY2024-2025)


The organizational meeting of the Board of Directors of the Red Oak Community School District was called to order by Board Secretary Heidi Harris at 7:03 p.m.


Directors: Bret Blackman, Kathy Walker, Bryce Johnson, and Scott Bruce

Superintendent Ron Lorenz, Board Secretary/Business Manager, Heidi Harris

Approval of Agenda

Motion by Director Blackman, second by Director Walker to approve the agenda with the order of agenda items at the discretion of the meeting chair.  Motion carried unanimously.

Election of Officers

Director Walker nominated Bret Blackman for Board President.  Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Johnson that nominations cease.  Motion carried 3-0 with Director Blackman abstaining.

Newly elected Board President, Bret Blackman, was given the Oath of Office by Board Secretary Heidi Harris.

Director Johnson nominated Kathy Walker for Vice President.  Motion by Director Johnson, second by Director Bruce that nominations cease. Motion carried 3-0 with Director Walker abstaining.

Newly elected Board Vice President, Kathy Walker, was given the Oath of Office by Board Secretary Heidi Harris.

Board Secretary/Treasurer

Motion by Board President Blackman, second by Director Bruce to name Heidi Harris as Board Secretary and Treasurer.  Motion carried unanimously.

Legal Publication

Motion by Director Johnson, second by Director Bruce to designate the Red Oak Express for the District’s legal publications for 2024-2025.  Motion carried unanimously.

Depositories/Legal Limits

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Bruce, to set the Depositories as Houghton State Bank, Bank Iowa, and Iowa Schools Joint Investment Trust with a legal limit of $25,000,000 at each.  Motion carried unanimously.

Legal Counsel

Motion by Director Johnson, second by Director Walker to name Ahlers Cooney Law Firm as the District’s legal counsel for 2024-2025 school year.  Motion carried unanimously.

Meeting Dates/Times

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Bruce to set meeting dates to the third Wednesday of each month at 5:30 p.m. with quarterly work sessions.  Motion carried unanimously.

District Calendar Committee

Motion by Director Johnson, second by Director Bruce to approve Aaron Schmid as the District Calendar Committee representative for the 2024-2025 school year.  Motion carried unanimously.

Red Oak Technology Committee

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Bruce to approve Bret Blackman and Aaron Schmid as the 2024-2025 Red Oak Technology Committee representatives.  Motion carried unanimously.

Red Oak County Conference Board Committee

Motion by Director Johnson, second by Director Bruce to approve Kathy Walker as the 2024-2025 Red Oak County Conference Board Committee representative.  Motion carried unanimously.

Red Oak STEAM Committee

Motion by Director Bruce, second by Director Walker to approve Aaron Schmid and Bret Blackman as the 2024-2025 STEAM Committee representatives.  Motion carried unanimously.


Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Johnson to adjourn the Organizational Meeting at 7:22 p.m.  Motion carried unanimously.



Next Board Work Session                                        Wednesday, December 11, 2024

Virtual Classroom/Phone/Internet

                                                                                    Red Oak Junior Senior High School Campus


Next Board of Directors Meeting                            Wednesday, December 18, 2024

                                                                                    Virtual Classroom/Phone/Internet

                                                                                    Red Oak Junior Senior High School Campus

harrish@redoak… Fri, 11/22/2024 - 09:00

Minutes - 12.11.2024

Minutes - 12.11.2024

Red Oak Community School District

Special Meeting of the Board of Directors

Meeting Location:  Virtual

December 11, 2024


The special meeting of the Board of Directors of the Red Oak Community School District was called to order by President Bret Blackman at 5:30 p.m. at the Red Oak Junior Senior High School Virtual Classroom.


Directors: Bret Blackman, Kathy Walker, Bryce Johnson (arrived at 5:45 p.m.), and Scott Bruce

Superintendent Ron Lorenz, Board Secretary/Business Manager Heidi Harris

Approval of Agenda

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Bruce to approve the agenda with the order of agenda items at the discretion of the meeting chair.  Motion carried unanimously.

Consent Agenda

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Bruce to approve the consent agenda as presented including personnel considerations.  Motion carried unanimously.

Board of Directors Resignation

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Bruce to approve the resignation of Aaron Schmid from the Red Oak Community School District Board of Directors, effective December 31, 2024.  Motion carried unanimously.

Posting Board Vacancy

Motion by Director, second by Director Bruce to approve posting a vacancy, inviting applicants, interviewing candidates, and appointing a replacement for the open board seat.  Motion carried unanimously.


Motion by Director Bruce, second by Director Walker to adjourn the meeting at 5:36 p.m.  Motion carried unanimously.


Next Board of Directors Meeting                            Wednesday, December 18, 2024

                                                                                    Virtual Classroom/Phone/Internet

                                                                                    Red Oak Junior Senior High School Campus



Board of Directors Work Session


Matt Gillaspie, from Piper Sandler Public Financial Services, reviewed the District’s capacity to to fund potential future capital improvement projects. His presentation included the different types of loan and bonding options, timelines, and new legislative rules regarding borrowing.

Travis Squires, from Piper Sandler Public Financial Services, reviewed the District’s 2025 Comprehensive Financial Projections Model (CFPM).  This model allows the District to see the current enrollment trends along with legislative funding and how they affect the District financially currently and for the next several years.


harrish@redoak… Thu, 12/12/2024 - 09:55

Minutes - 12.18.2024

Minutes - 12.18.2024

Red Oak Community School District

Meeting of the Board of Directors

Meeting Location:  Virtual Classroom/ Phone/Internet

Red Oak Junior Senior High School Campus

December 18, 2024


The regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Red Oak Community School District was called to order by President Bret Blackman at 5:30 p.m. at the Red Oak Junior Senior High School Virtual Classroom.


Directors: Bret Blackman, Kathy Walker, Bryce Johnson, and Scott Bruce

Superintendent Ron Lorenz, Board Secretary/Business Manager, Heidi Harris

Approval of Agenda

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Johnson to approve the agenda with the order of agenda items at the discretion of the meeting chair.  Motion carried unanimously.

Good News

Congratulations to Coy Wilson who finished third in the Junior National Rodeo Saddle Bronc Championship.

Congratulations to Adam Baier as he was invited to participate in the Iowa Shrine Bowl as part of the South Squad on July 19, 2025.

Thank you to the Red Oak Minisingers for a wonderful performance for the Board with a few of their best holiday songs.

Consent Agenda

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Bruce to approve the consent agenda as presented including meeting minutes, monthly business reports, and personnel considerations.  Motion carried unanimously.

Board Policies 210 - 218

Motion by Director Bruce, second by Director Walker to approve the first reading of Board Policies 210 – 218.  Motion carried unanimously.

Interscholastic Activity Sharing for Boys and Girls Soccer with East Mills CSD

Motion by Director Bruce, second by Director Johnson to approve the Interscholastic Activity Sharing Agreement for Boys and Girls Soccer with the East Mills Community School District for the 2024-2025 school year.  Motion carried unanimously.

2025–2026 Pre-Service/Orientation Training Speaker

Motion by Director Bruce, second by Director Johnson to approve using professional development funds to pay a speaker for the 2025-2026 pre-service training and orientation for $10,500.  Motion carried unanimously.

Approval of FY2023 Independent Audit

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Bruce to approve the FY 2023 Audit as presented.  Motion carried unanimously. 

Topographic and Partial Boundary Surveys

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Johnson to approve the topographic and partial boundary survey at Inman Elementary School for $4,520.00.  Motion carried unanimously.

Resolution Requesting Proposals to Purchase Real Property

Motion by Director Johnson, second by Director Walker to resolution requesting proposals to purchase real property (i.e. Bancroft and Webster Parcels).  Motion carried unanimously.

Public Hearing for Potential Conveyance of Real Property

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Bruce to approve setting a public hearing date of January 29, 2025, for the potential conveyance of real property (i.e. Bancroft and Webster Parcels).  Motion carried unanimously.

Discussion of Board Goals for Proposed Capital Improvement Projects

Ron Lorenz, Superintendent, discussed the goals, objectives, priorities, preferences, and timelines for proposed capital improvement projects.


Motion by Director Bruce, second by Director Walker to retire to the regular board meeting at 6:47 p.m. Motion carried unanimously.


Next Board of Directors Meeting                            Wednesday, January 8, 2025

                                                                                    Virtual Classroom/Phone/Internet

                                                                                    Red Oak Junior Senior High School Campus

harrish@redoak… Thu, 12/19/2024 - 09:45

Minutes - 2.19.2025

Minutes - 2.19.2025

Red Oak Community School District

Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors

Meeting Location: Virtual Classroom/ Phone/Internet

Red Oak Junior Senior High School Campus

February 19, 2025


The regular board meeting of the Board of Directors of the Red Oak Community School District was called to order by President Bret Blackman at 5:30 p.m. at the Red Oak Junior Senior High School Virtual Classroom.


Directors: Bret Blackman, Kathy Walker, Bryce Johnson, Scott Bruce, Pastor Ricky Rohrig (arrived at 5:31 p.m.)

Superintendent Ron Lorenz, Board Secretary/Business Manager, Heidi Harris

Approval of Agenda

Motion by Director Johnson, second by Director Walker to approve the agenda with the order of agenda items at the discretion of the meeting chair.  Motion carried unanimously.

Public Hearing of Proposed 2024-2025 District Calendar

President Bret Blackman opened the public hearing on the proposed 2024-2025 District Calendar at 5:34 p.m. There were no public comments.

Good News

Congratulations to Ella Johnson, Lena Torbett, Zoie Rohrig, Will Pollock, Grace and Josie Goldapp, and Madi Parker who participated in the Iowa State Large Group Speech Competition, all three groups earned “1” designations which is the highest possible rating. 

Congratulations to Nicole Bond who qualified, competed, and placed 12th in the Iowa Girls State Wrestling Tournament. 

Congratulations to Adam Baier who won the 165 lb. Division, Class 2A District Wrestling Tournament.  He competed in the Iowa High School State Wrestling Tournament and won his first match 3-2.

Visitors and Presentations

Josh Solomon and Dr. Lisa Collins from Stellar Virtual reviewed their proposal to partner with the Red Oak Community School District to develop and implement a virtual academy that would serve students from across the state.

Consent Agenda

Motion by Director Bruce, second by Director Walker to approve the consent agenda as presented including meeting minutes, business reports, resignations, and personnel considerations.  Motion carried unanimously.

Board Policy 506.5 and Accompanying Regulation 506.5R1

Motion by Director Johnson, second by Director Bruce to approve the second reading of Board Policy 506.5 and accompanying regulation 506.5R1 (i.e. Designating Personal Finance as a High School Elective rather than a graduation requirement, adjusting the number of required electives accordingly, and eliminating Pre-Algebra).  Motion carried unanimously.

Board Policy 606.6

Motion by Director Johnson, second by Director Bruce to approve the first reading of Board Policy 606.6 to approve the Superintendent approving Out-of-State field trips.  The Board suggested the policy also be revised to state the Superintendent must approve trips or excursions involving unusual length and expense. Motion carried unanimously. 

2025-2026 District Calendar

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Rohrig to approve the proposed 2025-2026 District Calendar.  Motion carried unanimously.

Resolution to Transfer Funds for Protective/Safety Equipment

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Johnson to approve the resolution transferring $5,376.99 from the General fund to the Activity fund to reimburse the purchase and refurbishing of safety and protective equipment (i.e. football helmets), in accordance with Iowa Code Chapter 289A.8.  Motion carried unanimously.

Purchase of Football Helmets/Helmet Refurbishing

Motion by Director Johnson, second by Director Walker to approve the refurbishment of 41 existing football helmets and the purchase of five new football helmets from Riddell for $5,376.99. Motion carried unanimously.

Voice Evacuation Fire Alarm System at ROECC

Motion by Director Johnson, second by Director Walker to approve Johnson Controls for the installation of a voice evacuation fire alarm system at the Red Oak Early Childhood Center for $80,628.22. Motion carried unanimously.

Online Learning Program Revisions

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Bruce to approve the revisions to the District’s Online Learning Program.  Motion carried unanimously.

Maximum FY 2026 Certified Budget Property Tax Rate

Motion by Director Johnson, second by Director Walker to approve the FY 2026 certified budget maximum property tax of $15.47.  Motion carried unanimously.


Motion by Director Rohrig, second by Director Johnson, to adjourn the regular meeting at 7:11 p.m.  Motion carried unanimously.

Exempt Session

The Board entered an exempt session at 7.14 p.m. to discuss negotiation strategy for the upcoming contract discussions with the Red Oak Education Association per Iowa Code section 20.17(3). The Board exited the exempt session at 8:07 p.m.


Next Board of Directors Meeting                            Wednesday, March 19, 2024 – 5:30 p.m.

                                                                                    Virtual Classroom/Phone/Internet

                                                                                    Red Oak Junior Senior High School Campus

harrish@redoak… Thu, 02/20/2025 - 12:49

Minutes - 2.5.2025

Minutes - 2.5.2025

Red Oak Community School District

Special Meeting of the Board of Directors

Meeting Location: Virtual

February 5, 2025


The special meeting of the Board of Directors of the Red Oak Community School District was called to order by President Bret Blackman at 7:35 a.m. The meeting was held virtually.


Directors: Bret Blackman, Kathy Walker, Bryce Johnson, Scott Bruce, and Pastor Ricky Rohrig

Superintendent Ron Lorenz, Board Secretary/Business Manager Heidi Harris

Approval of Agenda

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Johnson to approve the agenda with the order of agenda items at the discretion of the meeting chair.  Motion carried unanimously.

Out-of-State Field Trip

Motion by Director Bruce, second by Director Walker to approve the High School Choir to travel to Lincoln, NE to attend the Nebraska Wesleyan Honor Choir on February 6 -7, 2025. Motion carried unanimously.


Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Bruce to adjourn the meeting at 7:37 a.m.  Motion carried unanimously.


Next Board of Directors Meeting                            Wednesday, February 19, 2025

                        `                                                           Virtual Classroom/Phone/Internet

                                                                                    Red Oak Junior Senior High School Campus

harrish@redoak… Wed, 02/05/2025 - 07:51

Minutes - 3.20.2025

Minutes - 3.20.2025

Red Oak Community School District

Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors

Meeting Location: Virtual Classroom/ Phone/Internet

Red Oak Junior Senior High School Campus

March 20, 2025


The regular board meeting of the Board of Directors of the Red Oak Community School District was called to order by Director Bryce Johnson at 5:30 p.m. at the Red Oak Junior Senior High School Virtual Classroom.


Directors: Bret Blackman (arrived at 5:46 p.m.), Bryce Johnson, Scott Bruce, Pastor Ricky Rohrig

Superintendent Ron Lorenz, Board Secretary/Business Manager, Heidi Harris

Approval of Agenda

Motion by Director Bruce, second by Director Rohrig to approve the agenda with the order of agenda items at the discretion of the meeting chair.  Motion carried unanimously.

Public Hearing of Proposed 2024-2025 District Calendar

Director Bryce Johnson opened the public hearing on the proposed 2024-2025 District Calendar at 5:37 p.m. Heidi Harris presented on the proposed property tax levy and notice for the 2025-2026 school year. There were no public comments.  The public hearing was closed at 5:43 p.m.

Good News

Six Red Oak students qualified for the State Individual Speech contest. Two of these students, including Madi Parker and Mariella Richards-Hernandez, were selected to participate in the Individual Speech All-State Festival.

FFA students competed in the District FFA Contests and earned a variety of awards. Natalie Johnson was selected to participate in the state competition at the State FFA Convention.

Three Red Oak students received All-Hawkeye 10 Basketball honors: Reese Montgomery (1st Team), Brayden Sifford (Honorable Mention), and Ellison Johnson (Honorable Mention).

Several Red Oak seniors received Hawkeye 10 All-Academic Awards.

A number of Red Oak students were recently selected as outstanding soloists and honor band participants.

Visitors and Presentations

Chandler Green, APMA, and Leila Knoles, Boyd Jones presented updates on the previously discussed possible renovations at Inman Elementary School.

Consent Agenda

Motion by Director Johnson, second by Director Rohrig to approve the consent agenda as presented including meeting minutes, business reports, contract renewals, resignations, personnel considerations, and out-of-state field trips.  Motion carried unanimously.

Board Policy 606.6

Motion by Director Bruce, second by Director Rohrig to approve the second reading of Board Policy 606.6 to approve the Superintendent approving Out-of-State field trips and trips involving unusual length or expense. Motion carried unanimously. 

2025-2026 Red Oak Education Association Master Contracts

Motion by Director Johnson, second by Director Rohrig to approve the Red Oak Education Association Master Contract and issuing individual contracts for the FY2025-2026 school year.  Motion carried unanimously.

Medical and Ancillary Insurance Renewals

Motion by Director Bruce, second by Director Rohrig to approve the renewal of the District’s Medical and Ancillary Insurance through Mercer/Iowa Educator Group Insurance Trust (i.e. Wellmark) for the 2025-2026 school year.  Motion carried unanimously. 

2025-2026 Vision Insurance

Motion by Director Johnson, second by Director Bruce to approve switching our Vision Insurance from Vision Direct to Delta Vision through Mercer/Iowa Educator Group Insurance Trust (i.e. Wellmark) for the 2025-2026 school year. Motion carried unanimously.

Discussion of Cost Saving Measures

With the loss of 87 students, the District must cut approximately $700,000 from our next three-year’s budgets.  Discussion of cost savings include cutting unnecessary technology, combining work positions, cancelling outdated leases, underperforming programs, and reduction through attrition.


Motion by Director Johnson, second by Director Rohrig, to adjourn the regular meeting at 6:49 p.m.  Motion carried unanimously.


Next Board of Directors Meeting                            Wednesday, April 16, 2025 – 5:30 p.m.

                                                                                    Virtual Classroom/Phone/Internet

                                                                                    Red Oak Junior Senior High School Campus





harrish@redoak… Fri, 03/21/2025 - 12:55

Minutes - 3.6.2025

Minutes - 3.6.2025

Red Oak Community School District

Special Meeting of the Board of Directors

Meeting Location:  Virtual

March 6, 2025


The special meeting of the Board of Directors of the Red Oak Community School District was called to order by President Bret Blackman at 7:30 a.m.  The Special Board Meeting was held virtually.


Directors: Bret Blackman, Kathy Walker, Scott Bruce, and Pastor Ricky Rohrig

Superintendent Ron Lorenz, Board Secretary/Business Manager Heidi Harris

Approval of Agenda

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Bruce to approve the agenda with the order of agenda items at the discretion of the meeting chair.  Motion carried unanimously.

Consent Agenda

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Rohrig to approve the consent agenda as presented including personnel considerations (striking item 4.1.4).  Motion carried unanimously.

Stellar Virtual

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Bruce to approve contracting with Stellar Virtual to launch a Statewide K-12 virtual academy.  Motion carried unanimously.

Math Intervention Materials

Motion by Director Bruce second by Director Rohrig to approve the purchase of math intervention materials relating to the ESSA School Improvement Plan for $12,808.26   Motion carried unanimously.


Motion by Director Bruce, second by Director Rohrig to adjourn the meeting at 7:34 a.m.  Motion carried unanimously.


Next Board of Directors Meeting                            Thursday, March 20, 2024

                                                                                    Virtual Classroom/Phone/Internet

                                                                                    Red Oak Junior Senior High School Campus


harrish@redoak… Thu, 03/06/2025 - 14:00

Minutes - 7.17.2024

Minutes - 7.17.2024

Red Oak Community School District

Meeting of the Board of Directors

Meeting Location:  Virtual Classroom/ Phone/Internet

Red Oak Junior Senior High School Campus

July 17, 2024


The regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Red Oak Community School District was called to order by President Bret Blackman at 5:30 p.m. at the Red Oak Junior Senior High School Virtual Classroom.


Directors: Bret Blackman, Kathy Walker, and Aaron Schmid

Superintendent Ron Lorenz, Board Secretary/Business Manager Heidi Harris

Approval of Agenda

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Schmid to approve the agenda with the order of agenda items at the discretion of the meeting chair.  Motion carried unanimously.

Good News

Congratulations to Kaysie Kells, Jaydin Lindsay, Joselyn McCunn, and Merced Ramirez for being named to the 2024 Hawkeye 10 All-Academic Softball team.

Southwestern Community College has hired a Carpentry and Building Trades instructor which allows us to proceed with our Building Trades course offering for the 2024-2025 school year.

RAGBRAI riders will arrive in Red Oak on July 21 and the District is prepared to offer green space, buildings for emergency protocol and storm shelters, indoor shower stalls, transportation assistance, and logistical support.

Consent Agenda

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Schmid to approve the consent agenda as presented including meeting minutes, business reports, current personnel considerations, payment for goods and services, and contract renewals.  Motion carried unanimously.

Board Policy 509.2

Motion by Director Schmid, second my Director Walker to approve the second reading of Board Policy 509.2.  Motion carried unanimously.

Board Policy 104 (Title IX)

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Schmid to approve the first reading of board policy 104 (Title IX).  Motion carried unanimously. 

Board Policy 501.3

Motion by Director Schmid second by Director Walker to approve the first reading of Board Policy 501.3.  Motion carried unanimously.

Board Policies 501.9 and 501.10

Motion by Director Schmid, second by Director Walker to approve the first reading of policies 501.9 and 501.10.  Motion carried unanimously.

Board Policy 506.2

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Schmid to approve the first reading of Board Policy 506.2. Motion carried unanimously.

Board Policy 603.1

Motion by Director Schmid, second by Director Walker to approve the first reading of Board Policy 603.1, Motion carried unanimously.

Part-Time Industrial Manufacturing and Welding Teacher

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Schmid to approve using General Funds to hire an additional part-time industrial manufacturing and welding teacher for the 2024-2025 school year.  Motion carried unanimously.

Snow Removal Bid

Motion by Director Schmid, second by Director Walker to approve Orme Outdoor as our snow removal service provider for the 2024-2025 school year.  Motion carried unanimously.

High School Course Handbook Amendment

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Schmid to approve amending the 2024-2025 High School Course Handbook to reconcile business offerings with state coding and accreditation requirements.  Motion carried unanimously.

2024-2025 Substitute Teacher Pay

Motion by Director Schmid, second by Director Walker to approve increasing the 2024-2025 daily substitute pay rate from $140 to $150 and the long-term substitute pay from $153 to $160 per day. Motion carried unanimously.

Business and Industrial Technology Career and Technical Organization

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Schmid to approve the creation of a Business and Industrial Technical Organization (CTSO), paying required dues, and providing associated sponsor stipends of $1,638.75 per sponsor for the 2024-2025 school year. Motion carried unanimously.

Preschool Hardware Purchases

Motion by Schmid, second by Director Walker to approve the purchase of tables, chairs, and shelving units using Statewide Voluntary Preschool funds for $8,854.45. Motion carried unanimously.

Preschool Curriculum Based Equipment

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Schmid to approve the purchase of Community Play Things, curriculum based equipment, using Statewide Voluntary Preschool funds for $5,425.  Motion carried unanimously.


Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Schmid to adjourn the meeting at 6:04 p.m.  Motion carried unanimously.


Next Board of Directors Meeting                            Wednesday, August 21, 2024

                        `                                                           Virtual Classroom/Phone/Internet

                                                                                    Red Oak Junior Senior High School Campus

harrish@redoak… Thu, 07/18/2024 - 13:30

Minutes - 8.07.2024

Minutes - 8.07.2024

Red Oak Community School District

Special Meeting of the Board of Directors

Meeting Location:  Virtual

Red Oak Junior Senior High School Campus

August 7, 2024


The special meeting of the Board of Directors of the Red Oak Community School District was called to order by President Bret Blackman at 7:31 a.m. The meeting was held virtually.


Directors: Bret Blackman, Kathy Walker, and Aaron Schmid

Superintendent Ron Lorenz, Board Secretary/Business Manager Heidi Harris

Approval of Agenda

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Schmid to approve the agenda with the order of agenda items at the discretion of the meeting chair.  Motion carried unanimously.

Consent Agenda

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Schmid to approve the consent agenda as presented including only personnel considerations. Motion carried unanimously.


Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Schmid to adjourn the meeting at 7:32 a.m.  Motion carried unanimously.


Next Board of Directors Meeting                            Wednesday, August 21, 2024

                        `                                                           Virtual Classroom/Phone/Internet

                                                                                    Red Oak Junior Senior High School Campus

harrish@redoak… Thu, 08/08/2024 - 15:00

Minutes - 8.21.2023

Minutes - 8.21.2023

Red Oak Community School District

Meeting of the Board of Directors

Meeting Location:  Virtual Classroom/ Phone/Internet

Red Oak Junior Senior High School Campus

August 21, 2024


The regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Red Oak Community School District was called to order by President Bret Blackman at 5:30 p.m. at the Red Oak Junior Senior High School Virtual Classroom.


Directors: Bret Blackman, Kathy Walker, Bryce Johnson, and Scott Bruce

Superintendent Ron Lorenz, Board Secretary/Business Manager Heidi Harris

Approval of Agenda

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Bruce to approve the agenda with the order of agenda items at the discretion of the meeting chair.  Motion carried unanimously.

Good News

Our teachers returned to work Monday, August 19, 2024, and the kids will return for the 2024-2025 school year on Friday, August 23, 2024.

All the SLFRF Safety Grant projects have been completed this summer including protective window films, intercom systems, and front door stop locks.

Daric O’Neil from Alley Poyner Macchietto Architecture updated the Board with revised proposals and renovations to Inman Elementary and the outdoor Athletic Facilities.

Consent Agenda

Motion by Director Johnson, second by Director Walker to approve the consent agenda as presented including meeting minutes, business reports, out-of-state field trips, and current personnel considerations.  Motion carried unanimously.

Board Policy 501.3

Motion by Director Bruce, second by Director Walker to approve the second reading of Board Policy 501.3.  Motion carried unanimously.

Board Policies 501.9 and 501.10

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Johnson to approve the second reading of Board Policy 501.9 and dismiss/remove Board Policy 501.10.  Motion carried unanimously. 

Board Policy 506.2

Motion by Director Johnson, second by Director Bruce to approve the second reading of Board Policy 506.2.  Motion carried unanimously.

Board Policy 603.1

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Bruce to approve the second reading of Board Policy 603.1.  Motion carried unanimously.

Board Policies 501.12 and 501.13

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Johnson to approve the first reading, waive the second and third reading of Board Policies 501.12 and 501.13. Motion carried unanimously.

Special Education Open Enrollments

Motion by Director Johnson, second by Director Bruce to approve capping special education open enrollments due to insufficient classroom space, in accordance with board Policy 501.13. Motion carried unanimously.

Perkins Funds Purchase

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Johnson to approve the purchase of a cabinet saw from Midwest Technology Products for $5,250 to be paid with Perkins Funds.  Motion carried unanimously.

Regional Planning Partnership Mini Grant Purchase

Motion by Director Johnson, second by Director Walker to approve the purchase of a foundry furnace for $9,344 from McEnglevan Industrial Furnace Company to be paid through a CTE Regional Planning Partnership Mini Grant.  Motion carried unanimously.

Compact Tractor Purchase

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Bruce to approve the purchase of a Kubota (LX3520HSDC) compact tractor and loader with third function and snow blade from Whipp Sales for $44,200.  Motion carried unanimously.

Welding Academy and College Credit Courses

Motion by Director Johnson, second by Director Walker to approve addition of a Welding Academy and College Algebra and Trigonometry as concurrent enrollment (i.e. College Credit) options through Southwest Community College. Motion carried unanimously.

Interscholastic Activity Sharing with Stanton CSD

Motion by Director Bruce, second by Director Walker to approve an Interscholastic Activity Sharing Agreement for Boys’ and Girls’ Bowling, Golf, Soccer, Tennis, and Wrestling with Stanton Community School District for the 2024-2025 school year. Motion carried unanimously.

Interscholastic Activity Sharing with Griswold CSD

Motion by Bruce, second by Director Walker to approve the Interscholastic Sharing Agreement for Girls’ Wrestling with Griswold Community School District for the 2024-2025 school year. Motion carried unanimously.

Banking Services

Motion by Director Bruce, second by Director Johnson to approve Houghton State Bank for checking/savings/scholarship services and Bank Iowa for investment services for the remainder of 2024, 2025, and 2026.  Motion carried unanimously.

School Meal Prices

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Johnson to approve raising school meal prices by ten cents ($.10) for lunch and breakfast per USDA recommendations for the 2024-2025 school year.


Motion by Director Johnson, second by Director Bruce to adjourn the meeting at 6:19 p.m.  Motion carried unanimously.


Next Board of Directors Meeting                            Wednesday, September 18, 2024

with Work Session                                                    Virtual Classroom/Phone/Internet

                                                                                    Red Oak Junior Senior High School Campus

harrish@redoak… Thu, 09/05/2024 - 13:58

Minutes - 9.18.2024

Minutes - 9.18.2024

Red Oak Community School District

Meeting of the Board of Directors

Meeting Location:  Virtual Classroom/ Phone/Internet

Red Oak Junior Senior High School Campus

September 18, 2024


The regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Red Oak Community School District was called to order by Vice President at 5:30 p.m. at the Red Oak Junior Senior High School Virtual Classroom.


Directors: Bret Blackman (arrived at 5:48 p.m.), Kathy Walker, Bryce Johnson, and Scott Bruce

Superintendent Ron Lorenz, Board Secretary/Business Manager Heidi Harris, Payroll/Human Resources, Jessie Bruning

Approval of Agenda

Motion by Director Johnson, second by Director Bruce to approve the agenda with the order of agenda items at the discretion of the meeting chair.  Motion carried unanimously.

Good News

The Boys’ Cross Country team won our 6th Annual Paul Fish Invitational Cross Country Meet on Monday, September 16, 2024, and are currently ranked 19th in the State’s Class 2A division.

The Building Trades construction project is progressing nicely with students beginning their work soon. 

Thank you to the Board for their courage and efforts to restrict student access to cell phones during instructional time.  There have been several schools across the State that have followed our lead and implemented their own set of restrictions meant to limit distractions and enhance the learning process.

Consent Agenda

Motion by Director Bruce, second by Director Johnson to approve the consent agenda as presented including meeting minutes, business reports, 2024-2025 contract agreements, out-of-state field trips, and current personnel considerations.  Motion carried unanimously.

Board Policies 200-209

Motion by Director Johnson, second by Director Bruce to approve the first reading of Board Policies 200-209.  Motion carried unanimously.

2024-2025 Talented and Gifted Program

Motion by Director Bruce, second by Director Johnson to approve the District’s 2024-2025 Talented and Gifted Program.  Motion carried unanimously. 

SBRC Request for Modified Supplemental Amount for Negative Special Education Balance

Motion by Director Johnson, second by Director Bruce to approve the SBRC request for modified supplemental amount for negative special education balance.  Motion carried unanimously.

Installation of Small Cell Device

Motion by Director Bruce, second by Director Johnson to approve the installation of a small cell

device to enhance cellular reception at the Bus Barn.  Motion carried unanimously.

Contracting with MCMH to Provide Nursing Services

Discussion to consider contracting with Montgomery Country Memorial Hospital to provide nursing services for the remainder of 2024-2024.


Motion by Director Johnson, second by Director Bruce to adjourn the meeting at 6:18 p.m.  Motion carried unanimously.


Next Board of Directors Meeting                            Wednesday, October 16, 2024

with Work Session                                                    Virtual Classroom/Phone/Internet

                                                                                    Red Oak Junior Senior High School Campus

harrish@redoak… Thu, 09/19/2024 - 16:05

Minutes - 9.25.2024

Minutes - 9.25.2024

Red Oak Community School District

Special Meeting of the Board of Directors

Meeting Location:  Virtual

September 25, 2024


The special meeting of the Board of Directors of the Red Oak Community School District was called to order by President Bret Blackman at 7:30 a.m. The special meeting was held virtually.


Directors: Bret Blackman, Kathy Walker, Bryce Johnson, and Aaron Schmid

Superintendent Ron Lorenz, Board Secretary/Business Manager Heidi Harris

Approval of Agenda

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Johnson to approve the agenda with the order of agenda items at the discretion of the meeting chair.  Motion carried unanimously.

Nursing Service Contract with Montgomery County Memorial Hospital

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Schmid to approve the contracting with Montgomery County Memorial Hospital to provide school nursing services for the remainder of the 2024-2025 school year.  Motion carried unanimously.


Motion by Director Johnson, second by Director Schmid to adjourn the meeting at 7:32 a.m.  Motion carried unanimously.


Next Board of Directors Meeting                            Wednesday, October 16, 2024

                                                                                    Virtual Classroom/Phone/Internet

                                                                                    Red Oak Junior Senior High School Campus

harrish@redoak… Tue, 10/01/2024 - 08:08

Minutes - 9.30.2024

Minutes - 9.30.2024

Red Oak Community School District

Special Meeting of the Board of Directors

Meeting Location:  Virtual

September 30, 2024


The special meeting of the Board of Directors of the Red Oak Community School District was called to order by President Bret Blackman at 7:30 a.m. The meeting was held virtually.


Directors: Bret Blackman, Kathy Walker, Bryce Johnson, Scott Bruce, and Aaron Schmid

Superintendent Ron Lorenz, Board Secretary/Business Manager Heidi Harris

Approval of Agenda

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Johnson to approve the agenda with the order of agenda items at the discretion of the meeting chair.  Motion carried unanimously.

Consent Agenda

Motion by Director Johnson, second by Director Bruce to approve the consent agenda as presented including Beyond the Bell Grant expenditures and out of town field trips.  Motion carried unanimously.


Motion by Director Johnson, second by Director Schmid to adjourn the meeting at 7:32 a.m.  Motion carried unanimously.


Next Board of Directors Meeting                            Wednesday, October 16, 2024

                                                                                    Virtual Classroom/Phone/Internet

                                                                                    Red Oak Junior Senior High School Campus

harrish@redoak… Tue, 10/01/2024 - 08:10


2023-24 BOARD MINUTES Jen@iowaschool… Mon, 06/26/2023 - 11:06

Minutes - 1.10.2024 Work Session

Minutes - 1.10.2024 Work Session

Red Oak Community School District

Meeting of the Board of Directors

Work Session

January 10, 2024



Daric O’Neal from Alley Poyner Macchietto Architecture presented a review of the Strategic Facilities Planning Process to the Board Members. Daric went over the most immediate needs and explained the strategic facilities planning matrix and what it meant to the new board members.  Discussion ensued on some simple security measures that could go a long way in a difficult situation for each building.  Daric discussed different options for improvements to Inman Elementary, the Junior Senior High School, and the Sports Complex.

Ron Lorenz shared our 5-year financial forecasting model from ISFIS with several different but realistic scenarios.  Mr. Lorenz went over the financial basics for school accounting including solvency, spending authority, and unspent authorized budget.  Best case scenarios and worst-case scenarios were presented to the Board.

harrish@redoak… Thu, 01/18/2024 - 09:29

Minutes - 1.24.2024 - REVISED

Minutes - 1.24.2024 - REVISED

Red Oak Community School District

Meeting of the Board of Directors

Meeting Location:  Virtual Classroom/ Phone/Internet

Red Oak Junior Senior High School Campus

January 24, 2024



The regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Red Oak Community School District was called to order by President Bret Blackman at 5:30 p.m. at the Red Oak Junior Senior High School Virtual Classroom.


Directors: Bret Blackman, Kathy Walker, Aaron Schmid, Scott Bruce

Superintendent Ron Lorenz, Board Secretary/Business Manager, Heidi Harris

Approval of Agenda

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Bruce approve the agenda with the order of agenda items at the discretion of the meeting chair.  Motion carried unanimously.

Consent Agenda

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Schmid to approve the consent agenda as presented including meeting minutes, business reports, out of state field trips, current personnel considerations, and the At-Risk/Dropout Prevention Modified Supplemental amount of $375,281.  Motion carried unanimously.

Good News from Red Oak Schools

Congratulations to Red Oak Large Group Speech students who had ten students earn #1 ratings and qualified for State Speech Competition.  Students included Grace and Josie Goldapp, Connor Knight, Tony Filipi, Cade Lovell, Kaz Jackson, Auden Coover, Seth Richards, and Ella Johnson.  Gilliam Heim, Leya Walker, Ethan Struck, and Anna Butz earned #2 ratings.  State qualifiers will perform during the Evening with the Stars on Thursday, February 1, in the High School Choir Room.

Congratulations to Max DeVries as he excels again in the recent basketball game against Sidney, earning his 200th career 3-pointer.

Visitors and Presentations

Jane Chaillie and Nate Perrien presented an update on the School Improvement Advisory Committee (SIAC).  The update included the goals, trends, policies and procedures, and expectations of the SIAC committee for the 2024 school year.

Janelle Erickson presented an update on the Work Based Learning Program, now called FORGE.  She presented the proposed process of FORGE and its collaborative effort from the beginning of High School to Graduation and how it can get our students on a career path this is specifically tailored to the student’s life goals.

Board Policy 701.5

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Bruce to approve the third and final reading of board policy 701.5.  Motion carried unanimously. 


Continuation of January 24, 2024, Meeting Minutes – Page 2

Board Policy 804.6

Motion by Director Bruce, second by Director Schmid to approve the third and final reading of Board Policy 804.6.  Motion carried unanimously.

Board Policy 406

Motion by Director Bruce, second by Director Schmid to approve the second reading and waive the third reading of Board Policy 406.  Motion carried unanimously.

Board Policy 510

Motion by Director Schmid, second by Director Walker to approve the 2nd reading and waive the 3rd reading of Board Policy 510.  Motion carried unanimously.

Board Policy 506.5

Motion by Director Schmid, second by Director Walker to approve the second and final reading of board policy 506.5.  Motion carried unanimously.

Board Policy 603.1

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Bruce to approve the second reading of board policy 603.1.  Motion carried unanimously.

District Calendar Parameters

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Schmid to approve the 2024-2025 district calendar development parameters.  Motion carried unanimously.

Contracting of ETI for IES Boilers

Motion by Director Bruce, second by Director Schmid to approve the contracting of Engineering Technologies, Inc to assess the IES boilers, prepare plans with specifications, estimate the total cost of replacement, and assist in the posting and notice to potential bidders.  In addition, we would request ETI to assess/advise if the boiler replacement would assist with overall room temperature efficiency.  Motion carried unanimously.

Vacant Board Seat

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Bruce to approve the process to fill the vacant board seat previously held by Roger Carlson.  Motion carried unanimously.


Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Bruce to adjourn the regular meeting at 7:42 p.m.  Motion carried unanimously.

Exempt Session

The Board of Directors entered an exempt session to discuss negotiation strategy for the upcoming contract discussions with the teacher unit per Iowa Code Section 20.17(3).


Special Board Meeting                                             Tuesday, February 13, 2024 - 5:30 p.m

                                                                                    Virtual Classroom/Phone/Internet

                                                                                    Red Oak Junior Senior High School Campus


Next Board of Directors Meeting                            Wednesday, February 21, 2024 – 5:30 p.m.

                                                                                    Virtual Classroom/Phone/Internet

                                                                                   Red Oak Junior Senior High School Campus

harrish@redoak… Wed, 01/31/2024 - 15:13

Minutes - 1.30.2024

Minutes - 1.30.2024

Red Oak Community School District

Meeting of the Board of Directors

Meeting Location:  Virtual Classroom/ Phone/Internet

Red Oak Junior Senior High School Campus

January 30, 2024


The special meeting of the Board of Directors of the Red Oak Community School District was called to order by President Bret Blackman at 5:30 p.m. at the Red Oak Junior Senior High School Virtual Classroom.


Directors: Bret Blackman, Kathy Walker, Aaron Schmid (phone), Scott Bruce (arrived at 5:33 p.m.)

Superintendent Ron Lorenz, Board Secretary/Business Manager, Heidi Harris

Approval of Agenda

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Schmid approve the agenda with the order of agenda items at the discretion of the meeting chair.  Motion carried unanimously.

Closed Session

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Bruce to enter closed session per Iowa Code 21.5(1)(a) “to review or discuss records which are required or authorized to be kept confidential” and 21.5(1)(e) “to discuss whether to conduct a hearing to determine whether to suspend or expel student(s)”.

Exited closed session at 5:51 p.m.

Disciplinary Action

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Schmid to approve the expulsion of a student for the remainder of the 2023 -2024 school year. Motion carried unanimously.


Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Bruce to adjourn the regular meeting at 5:53 p.m.  Motion carried unanimously.


Special Board Meeting                                             Tuesday, February 13, 2024 - 5:30 p.m

                                                                                    Virtual Classroom/Phone/Internet

                                                                                    Red Oak Junior Senior High School Campus


Next Board of Directors Meeting                            Wednesday, February 21, 2024 – 5:30 p.m.

                                                                                    Virtual Classroom/Phone/Internet

                                                                                    Red Oak Junior Senior High School Campus

harrish@redoak… Wed, 01/31/2024 - 15:10

Minutes - 11.01.2023

Minutes - 11.01.2023

Red Oak Community School District

Special Meeting of the Board of Directors

Meeting Location:  Phone/Internet


November 1, 2023


The special meeting of the Board of Directors of the Red Oak Community School District was called to order by President Bret Blackman at 7:30 a.m. The meeting was held virtually.


Directors: Bret Blackman, Roger Carlson, Kathy Walker, and Jackie DeVries (arrived at 7:32 a.m.)

Superintendent Ron Lorenz, Board Secretary/Business Manager Heidi Harris

Approval of Agenda

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Carlson to approve the special agenda with the order of agenda items at the discretion of the meeting chair.  Motion carried unanimously.

Consent Agenda

Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Walker to approve the special consent agenda as presented which included only personnel considerations.


Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Carlson to adjourn the board meeting at 7:33 a.m.  Motion carried unanimously.


Next Board of Directors Meeting                               Wednesday November 15, 2023 – 5:30 p.m.

                                                                                    Virtual Classroom/Phone/Internet

                                                                                    Red Oak Junior Senior High School Campus


harrish@redoak… Wed, 11/01/2023 - 13:17

Minutes - 10.16.2023 Work Session

Minutes - 10.16.2023 Work Session

Red Oak Community School District

Meeting of the Board of Directors

Work Session

Red Oak Junior Senior High School Campus

September 20, 2023



Matt Gillaspie, Managing Director, from Piper Sandler & Co. was invited to speak to the Board about the financial health of the district and future potential funding possibilities.  Matt included a discussion of where we are currently at with our solvency rate and where we would like to be at in the future.  He included opportunities for us to pay off debt sooner rather than later and discussed the new voting laws for future bond issues.


harrish@redoak… Thu, 10/19/2023 - 08:45

Minutes - 10.18.2023

Minutes - 10.18.2023

Red Oak Community School District

Meeting of the Board of Directors

Meeting Location:  Virtual Classroom/ Phone/Internet

Red Oak Junior Senior High School Campus

October 18, 2023


The regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Red Oak Community School District was called to order by President Bret Blackman at 5:30 p.m. at the Red Oak Junior Senior High School Virtual Classroom.


Directors: Bret Blackman, Jackie DeVries, and Kathy Walker

Superintendent Ron Lorenz, Board Secretary/Business Manager Heidi Harris

Approval of Agenda

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director DeVries to approve the agenda with the order of agenda items at the discretion of the meeting chair.  Motion carried unanimously.

Consent Agenda

Motion by Director DeVries, second by Director Walker to approve the consent agenda as presented including meeting minutes, business reports, and current personnel considerations.  Motion carried unanimously.

Good News from Red Oak Schools

The Red Oak Marching Band earned a Division 1 rating at the IHSMA State Marching Band Festival in Glenwood, they placed fourth in the Class 2A Division at the Mid-Iowa Band Championships.

The Boys and Girls Varsity Cross Country Team finished 9th at the Hawkeye 10 Conference Meet.

The volleyball team defeated Harlan to advance to the Class 3A regional semi-final game just as Coach Montgomery earned her 400th career victory.

We had 11 football players receive All-District recognition for 2nd team honors while four additional players received honorable mention.

Sad News

Our friend, colleague and beloved bus driver, Tom Solt, passed away unexpectedly this week.  Tom served the District for 11 years and was loved by all.  Our thoughts and prayers are with his family and friends.

Board Policies Series 800 - 806

Motion by Director DeVries, second by Director Walker to approve the second reading of board policies series 800 - 806.  Motion carried unanimously. 

Board Policy 402.14

Motion by Director Walker second by Director DeVries to approve the second reading of Board Policy 402.14.  Motion carried unanimously.

Board Policy 503.6

Motion by Director DeVries, second by Director Walker to approve the first reading of Board Policy 503.6.  Motion carried unanimously.

School Beyond School Sponsor

Motion by Director DeVries, second by Director Walker to approve the hiring of a School Beyond School sponsor with a supplemental stipend of $4,726.  Motion carried unanimously.

School Improvement Advisory Committee (SIAC)

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director DeVries to approve a School Improvement Advisory Committee for the 2023-2024 school year.  Motion carried unanimously.


Motion by Director Walker, second by Director DeVries to adjourn the meeting at 6:05 p.m.  Motion carried unanimously.


Next Board of Directors Meeting                               Wednesday, November 15, 2023 – 5:30 p.m.

                                                                                    Virtual Classroom/Phone/Internet

                                                                                    Red Oak Junior Senior High School Campus

harrish@redoak… Thu, 10/19/2023 - 09:57

Minutes - 11.15.2023

Minutes - 11.15.2023

Red Oak Community School District

Meeting of the Board of Directors

Meeting Location:  Virtual Classroom/ Phone/Internet

Red Oak Junior Senior High School Campus

November 15, 2023


The regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Red Oak Community School District was called to order by Director Roger Carlson at 5:30 p.m. at the Red Oak Junior Senior High School Virtual Classroom.


Directors: Roger Carlson, Kathy Walker, Bryce Johnson (virtual), Bret Blackman (joined virtually at 5:40 p.m., in-person at 6:31 p.m.)

Superintendent Ron Lorenz, Board Secretary/Business Manager, Heidi Harris

Approval of Agenda

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Johnson to approve the agenda with the order of agenda items at the discretion of the meeting chair.  Motion carried unanimously.

Consent Agenda

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Johnson to approve the revised consent agenda as presented including meeting minutes, business reports, and current personnel considerations.  Motion carried unanimously.

Good News from Red Oak Schools

Congratulations to Emmanuel Grass for finishing 47th out of 132 runners in the Class 2A Boys 500M State Cross Country Meet.

Connor Knight was selected to perform at the 2023 All-State Chorus Festival Concert thus earning the highest individual honor for an Iowa high school musician. 

Four Freshman students have been selected to participate in the 37th annual Opus Honor Choir Festival with additional underclassman will participate in the mixed choir, treble choir, and mixed ensemble.

Four Red Oak Volleyball players received Hawkeye 10 All-Conference Recognition.  In addition, we have fourteen Hawkeye 10 All-Academic Awards and seven students earning All-District Academic Team honors for maintaining a GPA of 3.5 throughout their high school careers.  The Girls and Boys Cross Country and Volleyball team earned the Distinguished Academic Achievement for earning a composite GPA of 3.75 or higher.

Board Policy 402.14

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Johnson to approve the second reading of board policy 402.14.  Motion carried unanimously. 

Board Policy 503.6

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Johnson to approve the second reading of Board Policy 503.6.  Motion carried unanimously.

Board Policy 806

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Johnson to approve the first reading of Board Policy 806.  Motion carried unanimously.

Board Policy 701.5

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Johnson to approve the first reading of board policy 701.5.  Motion carried unanimously.

Board Policy 804.6

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Johnson to approve the first reading of board policy 804.6.  Motion carried unanimously.

Early Graduation Requests

Motion by Director Walker, second by President Blackman to approve the Red Oak Jr/Sr High School early graduation requests.  Motion carried unanimously.

Renewal of Marzano iObservation

Motion by Director Walker, second by President Blackman to approve the renewal of Marzano iObservation license for $5,000.  Motion carried unanimously.

Clothing and Shoe Recycling Bin

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Johnson to approve the placing of a clothing and shoe recycling bin at the Jr/Sr High School.  Motion carried unanimously.

Hard Surface Bus Plan

Motion by Director Walker, second by President Blackman to approve the hard surface bus route plan for the 2023-2024 school year.  Motion carried unanimously.

Building and District Professional Development Plans

Motion by Director Walker, second by President Blackman to approve the building and district professional development plans for the 2023-2024 school year.  Motion carried unanimously.

Professional Development Funds

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Johnson to approve the use of professional development funds to purchase PK – 12 in-person training on relationship building with students and parents and developing common language regarding school culture on January 15, 2024, for $9,500.  Motion carried unanimously.

Jr/Sr High School Water Heater

Motion by Director Walker, second by President Blackman to replace the water heater in the Jr/Sr High School Steam center for $7,742.92.  Motion carried unanimously.

Fiscal Year 2022 Audit

Motion by Director Walker, second by President Blackman to accept the findings of the Fiscal Year 2022 Audit as presented.  Motion carried unanimously.

FY2023 Financials and Depository Balances

Discussion of current fund finances and depository balances as of November 15, 2023.

Online Blended Learning

Discussion of creating an online blended learning platform to serve our resident non-traditional students.

Tiered Diploma System

Discussion of creating a tiered diploma system to accommodate each type of student.


Motion by President Blackman, second by Director Walker to adjourn the meeting at 7:05 p.m.  Motion carried unanimously.


Next Board of Directors Meeting                               Wednesday, December 13, 2023 – 5:30 p.m.

                                                                                    Virtual Classroom/Phone/Internet

                                                                                    Red Oak Junior Senior High School Campus

harrish@redoak… Thu, 11/16/2023 - 13:52

Minutes - 11.29.2023

Minutes - 11.29.2023

Red Oak Community School District

Meeting of the Board of Directors

Meeting Location:  Virtual Classroom/ Phone/Internet

Red Oak Junior Senior High School Campus

November 29, 2023


The organizational meeting of the Board of Directors of the Red Oak Community School District was called to order by Board Secretary Heidi Harris at 5:30 p.m. at the Red Oak Junior Senior High School Virtual Classroom.


Directors: Roger Carlson, Bret Blackman, Kathy Walker, Scott Bruce, Aaron Schmid

Superintendent Ron Lorenz, Board Secretary/Business Manager, Heidi Harris

Approval of Abstract of Election

Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Walker to approve the Montgomery County Abstract of Elections with Scott Bruce and Aaron Schmid being elected Directors At-Large for a term of four years.  Motion carried unanimously.

Oath of Office

Board Secretary Heidi Harris administered the Oath of Office to the two new board members, Scott Bruce,and Aaron Schmid.

Approval of Agenda

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Blackman to approve the agenda with the order of agenda items at the discretion of the meeting chair.  Motion carried unanimously.

Election of Officers

Director Carlson nominated Bret Blackman for Board President.  Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Walker that nominations cease.  Motion carried 4-0 with President Blackman abstaining. 

Newly elected Board President Bret Blackman was given the Oath of Office by Board Secretary Heidi Harris.

Director Carlson nominated Kathy Walker for Vice President.  Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Bruce that nominations cease.  Motion carried 4-0 with Director Walker abstaining. 

Newly elected Board Vice President Kathy Walker was given the Oath of Office by Board President Bret Blackman.

Board Secretary/Treasurer

Motion by Director Carlson, second by Vice President Walker to name Heidi Harris as Board Secretary and Treasurer.  Motion carried unanimously.

Legal Publication

Motion by Vice President Walker, second by Director Carlson to name the Red Oak Express as

the District’s Legal Publication.  Motion carried unanimously.

Depositories/Legal Limits

Motion by Vice President Walker, second by Director Schmid to set the Depositories as

Houghton State Bank, Bank Iowa, and Iowa Schools Joint Investment Trust with a legal limit of

$25,000,000 at each.  Motion carried 4-0 with Director Carlson abstaining.

Legal Counsel

Motion by Director Carlson, second by Vice President Walker to name Ahlers Cooney Attorneys as legal counsels for the District.  Motion carried unanimously.

Meeting Dates and Times

Motion by Director Bruce, second by Director Schmid to set meeting dates to be the third Wednesday of each month at 5:30 p.m. with quarterly work sessions.  Motion carried unanimously.

Red Oak Education Association/Labor Management Committee

Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Schmid to elect Vice President Walker and President Blackman to the Red Oak Education Association/Labor Management Committee.  Motion carried unanimously.

School Improvement Advisory Committee

Motion by Director Carlson, second by Vice President Walker to elect Director Bruce and Director Schmid as School Improvement Advisory Committee representatives.

Red Oak District Policy Committee

Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Schmid to elect President Blackman and Vice President Walker to the Red Oak District Policy Committee.  Motion carried unanimously.

Red Oak District Facilities Committee

Motion by Vice President Walker, second by Director Schmidt to elect Director Carlson and Director Bruce to the Red Oak District Facilities Committee.  Motion carried unanimously.

Red Oak District Calendar Committee

Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Bruce to elect Director Schmid to the Red Oak District Calendar Committee.  Motion carried unanimously.

Red Oak Technology Committee

Motion by Director Bruce, second by Director Carlson to elect President Blackman and Director Schmid to the Red Oak Technology Committee.  Motion carried unanimously.

Montgomery County Conference Board

Motion by Vice President Walker, second by Director Schmid to elect Director Carlson to the Montgomery County Conference Board.  Motion carried unanimously.

STEAM Committee

Motion by Director Bruce, second by Vice President Walker to elect President Blackman to the STEAM committee.  Motion carried unanimously.

Revised Consent Agenda

Motion by Vice President Walker, second by Director Schmid to approve the revised consent agenda as presented including meeting minutes, business reports, SBRC Modified Supplemental

Amount requests, payments of goods and services for December 2023 prior to formal approval, and current personnel considerations.  Motion carried unanimously.

Board Policy 402.14

Motion by Director Carlson, second by Vice President Walker to approve the third reading of board policy 402.14.  Motion carried unanimously.

Board Policy 503.6

Motion by Vice President Walker, second by Director Bruce to approve the third ready of board policy 503.6.  Motion carried unanimously.


Motion by Vice President Walker, second by Director Carlson to adjourn the meeting at 6:23 p.m.  Motion carried unanimously.


Next Board of Directors Meeting                               Wednesday, December 13, 2023 – 5:30 p.m.

                                                                                    Virtual Classroom/Phone/Internet

                                                                                    Red Oak Junior Senior High School Campus



__________________________                                __________________________

Bret Blackman, President                                           Heidi Harris, Board Secretary

harrish@redoak… Thu, 01/18/2024 - 11:29

Minutes - 12.13.2023

Minutes - 12.13.2023

Red Oak Community School District

Meeting of the Board of Directors

Meeting Location:  Virtual Classroom/ Phone/Internet

Red Oak Junior Senior High School Campus

December 13, 2023


The regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Red Oak Community School District was called to order by President Bret Blackman at 5:30 p.m. at the Red Oak Junior Senior High School Virtual Classroom.


Directors: Bret Blackman, Roger Carlson, Kathy Walker, Scott Bruce

Superintendent Ron Lorenz, Board Secretary/Business Manager, Heidi Harris

Approval of Agenda

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Bruce to approve the agenda with the order of agenda items at the discretion of the meeting chair.  Motion carried unanimously.

Good News from Red Oak Schools

Congratulations to Coy Wilson for winning the Junior Saddle Bronc Championship at the World Championship Junior Rodeo in Las Vegas.

Congratulations to Max DeVries for becoming the Red Oak Boys’ Basketball programs all-time leading scorer.  Max broke the previous record of 1,265 points by ending the record-breaking game with 1,284 points.

Congratulations to Griffin Eubank, Brayden Sego, Pablo Villaneuva, Lily Marsden, Anna Butz, and Seth Richards for being selected for the Southwest Iowa Band Association Honor Band after competing on Saturday, December 9, 2023.

Revised Consent Agenda

Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Walker to approve the revised consent agenda as presented including meeting minutes, business reports, current personnel considerations, and request for SBRC Modified Supplemental Amount due to Increased Enrollment ($188,584.50).  Motion carried unanimously.

Board Policy 701.5

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Carlson to approve the second reading of board policy 701.5.  Motion carried unanimously. 

Board Policy 804.6

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Bruce to approve the second reading of Board Policy 804.6.  Motion carried unanimously.

Board Policy 406

Motion by Director Bruce, second by Director Walker to approve the first reading of Board Policy 406.  Motion carried unanimously.

Board Policy 510

Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Bruce to approve the first reading of board policy 510.  Motion carried unanimously.

Board Policy 506.5

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Carlson to approve the first reading of board policy 506.5.  Motion carried unanimously.

Board Policy 603.1

Motion by Director Bruce, second by Director Walker to approve the first reading of board policy 603.1.  Motion carried unanimously.

Payment of Inman Roof Repair Retainage/Final Payment

Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Walker to approve the retainage fee and final payment to Elevate Roofing for the repair of the Inman roof repair for $23,073.  Motion carried unanimously.

Speaker for 2024-2025 Pre-Service Training

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Bruce to approve the use of professional development funds to pay for a speaker for the 2024-2025 pre-service training and orientation for $9,800.  Motion carried unanimously.

Online Blended Learning Program

Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Walker to approve the implementation of an online blended learning program to serve non-traditional students.  Motion carried unanimously.

Back-up Server/Offsite Back-up Services

Motion by Director Bruce, second by Director Carlson to approve the purchase a back-up server and to add offsite back-up services to our managed services contract with Riverside Technologies, Inc.  Motion carried unanimously.

Gift to Inman Elementary School

Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Walker to approve the acceptance of a gift of a Gaga Pit and Triple Toss Funnel Ball Station from the Inman Parent Teacher Organization.  Motion carried unanimously.


Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Bruce to adjourn the meeting at 6:47 p.m.  Motion carried unanimously.


Next Board of Directors Meeting                               Wednesday, January 17, 2024 – 5:30 p.m.

Next Work Session                                                     Wednesday, January 10, 2024 – 5:30 p.m.

                                                                                    Virtual Classroom/Phone/Internet

                                                                                 Red Oak Junior Senior High School Campus

harrish@redoak… Thu, 12/14/2023 - 11:01

Minutes - 2.13.2024

Minutes - 2.13.2024

Red Oak Community School District

Special Meeting of the Board of Directors

Meeting Location:  Virtual Classroom/ Phone/Internet

Red Oak Junior Senior High School Campus

February 13, 2024


The special meeting of the Board of Directors of the Red Oak Community School District was called to order by Director Bret Blackman at 5:30 p.m. at the Red Oak Junior Senior High School Virtual Classroom.


Directors: Bret Blackman, Kathy Walker, Aaron Schmid, Scott Bruce (arrived at 5:32 p.m.)

Superintendent Ron Lorenz, Board Secretary/Business Manager, Heidi Harris

Approval of Agenda

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Schmid to approve the agenda with the order of agenda items at the discretion of the meeting chair.  Motion carried unanimously.

Vacant Board Seat Interviews

Reverend Ricky Rohrig and Bryce Johnson were interviewed to fill the current vacant board seat. 

Prospective Candidates Discussion

Motion by Director Bruce, second by Director Walker to enter closed session at 5:31 p.m. per Iowa Code 21.5(1)(i) “to evaluate the professional competency of an individual whose appointment, hiring, performance, or discharge is being considered when necessary to prevent needless and irreparable injury to that individual’s reputation and that individual requests a closed session” to discuss the qualifications of the prospective candidates to fill the current vacant board seat. Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Schmid to exit closed session at 6:31 p.m.  Motion carried unanimously.

Vacant Board Seat Appointment

Motion by Director Schmid, second by Director Bruce to approve Bryce Johnson to fill the vacant board seat for the remainder of the original term. Motion carried unanimously.


Motion by Director Schmid, second by Director Bruce to adjourn the special board meeting at 6:32 p.m.  Motion carried unanimously.

Exempt Session

The Board entered an exempt session per Iowa code 20.17(3) to discuss negotiations strategy at 6.41 p.m. and exited exempt session at 7:36 p.m.



Next Board of Directors Meeting                               Wednesday, February 21, 2023 – 5:30 p.m.

                                                                                    Virtual Classroom/Phone/Internet

                                                                                    Red Oak Junior Senior High School Campus

harrish@redoak… Thu, 02/15/2024 - 08:53

Minutes - 2.21.24

Minutes - 2.21.24

Red Oak Community School District

Meeting of the Board of Directors

Meeting Location:  Virtual Classroom/ Phone/Internet

Red Oak Junior Senior High School Campus

February 21, 2024


The regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Red Oak Community School District was called to order by President Bret Blackman at 5:35 p.m. at the Red Oak Junior Senior High School Virtual Classroom.


Directors: Bret Blackman, Kathy Walker, Scott Bruce

Superintendent Ron Lorenz, Board Secretary/Business Manager, Heidi Harris

Approval of Agenda

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Bruce approve the agenda with the order of agenda items at the discretion of the meeting chair.  Motion carried unanimously.

Public Hearing for 2024-2024 Calendar

President Blackman opened the public hearing for the 2024-2025 school calendar at 5:36 p.m.  Superintendent Lorenz presented the proposed calendars, each dependent upon current legislation.  There were no public comments.  President Blackman closed the public meeting at 5:40 p.m.

Revised Consent Agenda

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Bruce to approve the revised consent agenda as presented including meeting minutes, business reports, out-of-state field trips, and current personnel considerations.  Motion carried unanimously.

Good News from Red Oak Schools

Bryce Johnson was issued the Oath of Office at the Administrative Office on February 15, 2024, as he was unable to attend this meeting.

The Red Oak FFA advanced all competitors in the sub-district contest to the district competition in Clarinda.  Congratulations to Ella Johnson, Hailey Rydberg, Natalie Johnson, Cloie Bruce, and Addey Lydon.   

Congratulations to iJAG students Ayden Olivas, Brandon Dozier-Wolcott, and Jessica Knight for being selected to participate in the Career Development State Competition.

Congratulations to our many Hawkeye 10 All Academic Honors for maintaining a cumulative grade point average of 3.5 or higher.

Congratulations to Kyler Sandholm for advancing to the State Wrestling tournament.

Congratulations to Max DeVries for earning 1st Team All Hawkeye 10 honors, Hunter Gilleland for earning 2nd Team All Hawkeye 10 honors and Merced Ramirez for receiving All Hawkeye 10 Honorable mention.

Board Policy 506.5R1

Motion by Director Bruce, second by Director Walker to approve the first reading and waive the second reading of Board Policy 506.5R1. Motion carried unanimously.

Board Policies 900 – 907

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Bruce to approve the first reading of Board Policies 900 – 907.  Motion carried unanimously.

2024 – 2025 Budget Guarantee Resolution

Motion by Director Bruce, second by Director Walker to approve the 2024–2025 budget guarantee resolution.  Motion carried unanimously. 

2024 – 2025 Proposed District Calendar

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Bruce to approve the proposed 2024-2025 district calendar as presented with alternate calendar also approved if current legislation should prevail. Motion carried unanimously.

E-Rate Quotes

Motion by Director Bruce, second by Director Walker to approve the E-Rate quote from RTI to purchase uninterruptible power supplies, network switches, and cabling for $48,974.71.  Motion carried unanimously.

FY2025 Budget

The Board discussed an initial FY2025 certified budget and maximum property tax rates contingent to current legislation.


Motion by Director Bruce, second by Director Walker to adjourn the regular meeting at 6:18 p.m.  Motion carried unanimously.

Exempt Session

Entered exempt session at 6:20 p.m. to discuss upcoming contract discussions with the teacher unit per Iowa Code Section 20.17(3) and exited at 7:10 p.m.


Next Board of Directors Meeting                            Wednesday, March 20, 2024 – 5:30 p.m.

                                                                                    Virtual Classroom/Phone/Internet

                                                                                    Red Oak Junior Senior High School Campus

harrish@redoak… Fri, 02/23/2024 - 14:15

Minutes - 3.20.2024

Minutes - 3.20.2024

Red Oak Community School District

Meeting of the Board of Directors

Meeting Location:  Virtual Classroom/ Phone/Internet

Red Oak Junior Senior High School Campus

March 20, 2024


The regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Red Oak Community School District was called to order by Vice President Kathy Walker at 5:30 p.m. at the Red Oak Junior Senior High School Virtual Classroom.


Directors: Bret Blackman (5:35 p.m.), Kathy Walker, Bryce Johnson (remote), Scott Bruce

Superintendent Ron Lorenz, Board Secretary/Business Manager, Heidi Harris

Approval of Agenda

Motion by Director Johnson, second by Director Bruce approve the agenda with the order of agenda items at the discretion of the meeting chair.  Motion carried unanimously.

Good News

Coach Dale French was recognized as a Class 1A Assistant Coach of the Year by the Iowa Football Coaches Association.

Madi Parker will be honored as Outstanding Performer in the Literary Program division at the Individual All State Speech Festival at UNI on March 25, 2024.  She will also be performing that day.

Both the Boys and Girls track teams competed in the Iowa Track Coaches Indoor Track Championships on March 7-8, 2024.  Congratulations to those who participated and placed in the event.

Congratulations to Josie and Dillon Wiser on the birth of their healthy baby boy!

Consent Agenda

Motion by Director Johnson, second by Director Bruce to approve the consent agenda as presented including meeting minutes, business reports, out-of-state field trips, annual contract renewals, and current personnel considerations.  Motion carried unanimously.

Board Policies 900 – 907

Motion by Director Bruce, second by Director Johnson to approve the second reading of Board Policies 900 – 907.  Motion carried unanimously.

2023–2024 Montgomery County Conference Representative

Motion by Director Johnson, second by Director Bruce to approve Kathy Walker as the Montgomery County Conference Board representative for the 2023–2024 school year.  Motion carried unanimously. 

2024-2025 Medical Insurance Renewal

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Bruce to approve the renewal of the district’s medical insurance through Mercer/Iowa Educator Group Insurance Trust for the 2024-2025 school year. Motion carried unanimously.

2024-2025 Ancillary Insurance Programs

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Johnson to approve ancillary insurance programs

(i.e. life insurance, AD&D, long-term disability, short-term disability, voluntary life and child, legal, Wellmark EGRP, and pet insurance) with Mercer/Hartford for the 2024-2025 school year. Motion carried unanimously.

2024-2025 Red Oak Education Association Master Contract

Motion by Director Bruce, second by Director Walker to approve the Red Oak Education Association Master Contract and the issuing of individual teacher contracts for the 2024-2025 school year.  Motion carried unanimously.

2024-2025 High School Course Handbook

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Bruce to approve the 2024-2025 High School Course Handbook.  Motion carried unanimously.

Continuation of March 20, 2024, Board Meeting Minutes – Page 2

2024-2025 Concurrent Enrollment Courses

Motion by Director Bruce, second by Director Walker to approve the 2024-2025 concurrent enrollment courses along with career and technical education programs with Southwestern Community College.  Motion carried unanimously.

Boys and Girls Soccer Sharing with Stanton Community School District

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Bruce to approve the Boys and Girls soccer interscholastic activity sharing agreement with the Stanton Community School District for the 2023-2024 school year.  Motion carried unanimously.

Online Learning Coordinator Stipend

Motion by Director Johnson, second by Director Walker to approve the implementation of a supplemental online learning coordinator stipend of $8,550.  Motion carried unanimously.

Inman Boiler Replacement

Motion by Director Bruce, second by Director Walker to approve the Inman Boiler Replacement scope of engineering services and project schedule.  Motion carried unanimously.

Closed Session

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Bruce to enter closed session at 6:11 p.m. per Iowa Code 21.5(1)e “to review or discuss records which are required or authorized to be kept confidential” and Iowa Code 21.5(1)e “to discuss whether to conduct a hearing to determine whether to suspend or expel a student(s)”.  Exited closed session at 6:37 p.m.

Disciplinary Action

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Bruce to approve the agreed upon disciplinary action as discussed in closed session.  Motion carried unanimously.


Motion by Director Bruce, second by Director Walker to adjourn the regular meeting at 6:38 p.m.  Motion carried unanimously.


Next Board of Directors Meeting                            Wednesday, April 4, 2024 – 5:30 p.m.

Public Hearing/Work Session                                  Virtual Classroom/Phone/Internet

                                                                                    Red Oak Junior Senior High School Campus


Next Board of Directors Meeting                            Wednesday, April 17, 2024 – 5:30 p.m.

                                                                                    Virtual Classroom/Phone/Internet

                                                                                    Red Oak Junior Senior High School Campus

harrish@redoak… Fri, 03/22/2024 - 08:04

Minutes - 4.12.2024

Minutes - 4.12.2024

Red Oak Community School District

Special Meeting of the Board of Directors

Meeting Location:  Phone/Internet


April 12, 2024


The special meeting of the Board of Directors of the Red Oak Community School District was called to order by President Bret Blackman at 7:30 a.m. The meeting was held virtually.


Directors: Bret Blackman, Bryce Johnson, Scott Bruce, and Aaron Schmid

Superintendent Ron Lorenz, Board Secretary/Business Manager Heidi Harris

Approval of Agenda

Motion by Director Bruce, second by Director Schmid to approve the special agenda with the order of agenda items at the discretion of the meeting chair.  Motion carried unanimously.

Consent Agenda

Motion by Director Johnson, second by Director Bruce to approve the special consent agenda as presented which included only personnel considerations.

Memorandum of Understanding

Motion by Director Bruce, second by Director Schmid to approve the memorandum of understanding between the Red Oak Community School District and the Red Oak Education Association reconciling the 2024-2025 Master Contract with the new minimum teacher salary requirements set forth in Iowa House File 2612.  Motion carried unanimously.

Revised Teacher Contracts

Motion by Director Johnson, second by Director Bruce to approve issuing revised individual teacher contracts for the 2024-2025 school year to reflect the new statutory minimum teacher salaries.  Motion carried unanimously.


Motion by Director Johnson, second by Director Schmid to adjourn the board meeting at 7:34 a.m.  Motion carried unanimously.


Next Board of Directors Meeting                               Wednesday, April 24, 2024 – 5:30 p.m.

                                                                                    Virtual Classroom/Phone/Internet

                                                                                    Red Oak Junior Senior High School Campus

harrish@redoak… Fri, 04/12/2024 - 09:23

Minutes - 4.24.2024

Minutes - 4.24.2024

Red Oak Community School District

Meeting of the Board of Directors

Meeting Location:  Virtual Classroom/ Phone/Internet

Red Oak Junior Senior High School Campus

April 24, 2024


The regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Red Oak Community School District was called to order by President Bret Blackman at 5:30 p.m. at the Red Oak Junior Senior High School Virtual Classroom.


Directors: Bret Blackman, Kathy Walker (virtual, not voting), Bryce Johnson, Scott Bruce, Aaron Schmid

Superintendent Ron Lorenz, Board Secretary/Business Manager, Heidi Harris

Approval of Agenda

Motion by Director Bruce, second by Director Johnson approve the agenda with the order of agenda items at the discretion of the meeting chair.  Motion carried unanimously.

Good News

Congratulations to the Red Oak Girls’ Golf team, they are currently undefeated in 9-hole match play.

Cyrus Mensen was named to the Hawkeye all-academic team.  Brayden Sego was honored with the Red Oak Character Award recipient.  Members of the Red Oak FFA Chapter attended the Iowa FFA Convention and received a Gold rating for Ambassador of the FFA Foundation.  Many of our FFA students received gold and silver recommendations in many other categories.  Congratulations to our exemplary students!

FY2025 Certified Budget Public Hearing

President Blackman opened the FY 2025 certified budget public meeting at 5:35 p.m.  Superintendent Lorenz and Heidi Harris explained and presented information on the proposed FY2025 Certified Budget. There were no public comments.  President Blackman closed the public hearing at 5:45 p.m.

FY2024 Budget Amendment Public Hearing

President Blackman opened the FY 2024 budget amendment public meeting at 5:45 p.m. Superintendent Lorenz requested increasing the current FY2024 Budget by $1.9 million dollars to account for previous years budget amendments and increased costs.  This amendment will have no impact on tax rates or other general fund expenditures.  There were no public comments.  President Blackman closed the public hearing at 5:47 p.m.

Visitors and Presentations

Elaine Carlson and Jeanice Lester, co-chairs of the local executive planning committee for RAGBRAI reviewed community plans, along with the school district’s involvement for RAGBRAI’s visit to Red Oak.

Leanne Fluckey and Riley Pelzer reviewed the proposed 2024-2025 District Career and Academic Plan (DCAP).

Consent Agenda

Motion by Director Johnson, second by Director Schmid to approve the consent agenda as presented including meeting minutes, business reports, annual contract renewals, FY 2025 operational sharing agreements, and current personnel considerations.  Motion carried unanimously.

FY2024 Budget Amendment

Motion by Director Bruce, second by Director Johnson to approve the FY2024 Budget Amendment.  Motion carried unanimously.

FY2025 Budget Approval

Motion by Director Bruce, second by Director Schmid to approve the FY 2025 Budget.  Motion carried unanimously. 

FY 2025 Surplus Levy/GO Bond Redemption Resolution

Motion by Director Bruce, second by Director Schmid to approve the redemption of GO School Bonds, Series 2018, dated August 28, 2018, and levying a tax for FY2025 for the redemption of general obligation school bonds, series 2018, dated August 28, 2018. Motion carried unanimously – motion carried 4 – 0.

2024 Summer School Structure

Motion by Director Johnson, second by Director Schmid to approve the proposed 2024 Summer School structure. Motion carried unanimously.

2024-2025 District Career and Academic Plan

Motion by Director Schmid, second by Director Bruce to approve the District Career and Academic Plan for the 2024-2025 school year.  Motion carried unanimously.

2024-2025 Support Staff Increases

Motion by Director Johnson, second by Director Schmid to approve the hourly wage increases for Support Staff and to issue letters of assignments for the 2024-2025 school year.  Motion carried unanimously.

2024-2025 Administrative Staff Increases

Motion by Director Bruce, second by Director Schmid to approve the Administrative Staff salary increases and expanded leaves for the 2024 – 2025 school year.  Motion carried unanimously.

Montgomery County Child Development Association Fence Expansion

Motion by Director Johnson, second by Director Bruce to approve the Montgomery County Child Development Association fence expansion at the ROECC complex.  Motion carried unanimously.

Class of 2024 Graduates

Motion by Director Schmid, second by Director Bruce to approve the Class of 2024 list of graduates.  Motion carried unanimously.

Closed Session

Motion by Director Bruce, second by Director Schmid to enter closed session at 7:12 p.m. for the Superintendent’s Evaluation pursuant to Iowa Code 215 (l)(i). and exited at 7:50 p.m.

Closed Session

Motion by Director Schmid, second by Director Bruce to enter closed session at 7:51 p.m. per Iowa Code 21.5(1)e “to review or discuss records which are required or authorized to be kept confidential” and Iowa Code 21.5(1)e “to discuss whether to conduct a hearing to determine whether to suspend or expel a student(s)”.  Exited closed session at 7:56 p.m.

Disciplinary Action

Motion by Director Schmid, second by Director Johnson to approve the agreed upon disciplinary action as discussed in closed session.  Motion carried unanimously.


Motion by Director Johnson, second by Director Schmid to adjourn the regular meeting at 7:57 p.m.  Motion carried unanimously.


Next Board of Directors Meeting                            Wednesday, May 15, 2024 – 5:30 p.m.

                                                                                    Virtual Classroom/Phone/Internet

                                                                                 Red Oak Junior Senior High School Campus

harrish@redoak… Thu, 04/25/2024 - 13:06

Minutes - 5.15.2024

Minutes - 5.15.2024

Red Oak Community School District

Meeting of the Board of Directors

Meeting Location:  Virtual Classroom/ Phone/Internet

Red Oak Junior Senior High School Campus

May 15, 2024


The regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Red Oak Community School District was called to order by President Bret Blackman at 4:30 p.m. at the Red Oak Junior Senior High School Virtual Classroom.


Directors: Bret Blackman, Kathy Walker, and Scott Bruce

Superintendent Ron Lorenz, Board Secretary/Business Manager Heidi Harris

Approval of Agenda

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Bruce to approve the agenda with the order of agenda items at the discretion of the meeting chair.  Motion carried unanimously.

Consent Agenda

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Bruce to approve the consent agenda as presented including meeting minutes, business reports, current personnel considerations, contract renewals, and out-of-state field trip.  Motion carried unanimously.

Good News from Red Oak Schools

Congratulations to the Girls’ Golf team for an exemplary year (29-4) and for placing second in the Hawkeye 10 Conference meet. Brynn Knaus has qualified for a spot in the Regional Golf Finals.

Brayden Sifford has qualified to compete in the 100, 200, and 400-Meter dash at State Track.  Jocelyn O’Neal has qualified for the 200 and 400-meter dash and the long jump at State Track.

Merced Ramirez qualified to compete in the State Tennis meet.

100 Series of Board Policies

Motion by Director Walker, second my Director Bruce to approve the first reading of 100 Series board policies.  Motion carried unanimously.

Board Policy 605.6

Motion by Director DeVries, second by Director Blackman to approve the first reading of board policy 605.6.  Motion carried unanimously. 

2024-2025 Teacher Handbook

Motion by Director Bruce second by Director Walker to approve the 2024-2025 Teacher Handbook.  Motion carried unanimously.

2024-2025 District Technology Handbook

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Bruce to approve the District Technology Handbook.  Motion carried unanimously.

2024-2025 Red Oak Preschool Handbook

Motion by Director Bruce, second by Director Walker to approve the 2024-2025 Red Oak Preschool Handbook.  Motion carried unanimously.

2024-2025 Inman Elementary Handbook

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Bruce to approve 2024-2025 Inman Elementary Handbook.  Motion carried unanimously.

2024-2025 Red Oak Jr/Sr High School Handbook

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Bruce to approve the 2024-2025 Red Oak Jr/Sr High School Handbook.  Motion carried unanimously.

TouchPoint Time Clock System

Motion by Director Bruce, second by Director Walker to approve the purchase of a TouchPoint Time Clock System for $12,774.40.  Motion carried unanimously.

Wilson Literacy Material for Summer School

Motion by Director Bruce, second by Director Walker to approve the purchase of Wilson Literacy Materials for summer school for $12,392.46.  Motion carried unanimously.

STEM Best Computer Hardware

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Bruce to approve the purchase of four design-oriented computers from Sterling Computers for $7,855.40.  This purchase is part of the STEM Best Work Based Learning Grant.  Motion carried unanimously.

Inman Boiler Project Bid

Motion by Director Bruce, second by Director Walker to approve awarding the Inman boiler project bid to Grunwald Mechanical for $289,479.  Motion carried unanimously.

Safety and Security Window Film Bid

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Bruce to approve awarding the contract to Midwest Window Films for $47,284.08 to install safety and security window film at the Jr/Sr High School as part of the School Safety Grant Initiative.  Motion carried unanimously.

ROECC and Inman Intercom/Public Address System

Motion by Walker, second by Director Bruce to approve awarding the contract to ECC for ROECC ($30,155.72) and IES ($34,933.37) to install a new school intercom/public address system as part of the School Safey Grant initiative.  Motion carried unanimously.

Inman Elementary Door Strikes

Motion by Director Bruce, second by Director Walker to approve the installation of new electric door strikes at IES for $14,671.49 as part of the School Safety Grant Initiative.  Motion carried unanimously.

Closed Session

Motion by Director Bruce, second by Director Walker to enter closed session per Iowa Code 21.5 (1)(i) at 5:03 p.m. to discuss Superintendent performance evaluation.  Exited closed session at 5:28 p.m.


Motion by Director Bruce, second by Director Walker to adjourn the meeting at 5:29 p.m.  Motion carried unanimously.


Next Board of Directors Work Session                   Wednesday, June 5, 2024 – 5:30 p.m.

                                                                                    Virtual Classroom/Phone/Internet

                                                                                    Red Oak Junior Senior High School Campus


Next Board of Directors Meeting                            Wednesday, June 19, 2025

                        `                                                           Virtual Classroom/Phone/Internet

                                                                                    Red Oak Junior Senior High School Campus

harrish@redoak… Thu, 05/16/2024 - 11:50

Minutes - 6.05.2024 with Work Session

Minutes - 6.05.2024 with Work Session

Red Oak Community School District

Meeting of the Board of Directors with Work Session

Meeting Location:  Virtual Classroom/ Phone/Internet

Red Oak Junior Senior High School Campus

June 5, 2024


The regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Red Oak Community School District was called to order by President Bret Blackman at 5:30 p.m. at the Red Oak Junior Senior High School Virtual Classroom.


Directors: Bret Blackman, Kathy Walker, Bryce Johnson, Scott Bruce, Aaron Schmid

Superintendent Ron Lorenz, Board Secretary/Business Manager, Heidi Harris

Approval of Agenda

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Bruce approve the agenda with the order of agenda items at the discretion of the meeting chair.  Motion carried unanimously.

Use of District’s Flexibility Account to Purchase Math Curriculum Public Hearing

President Blackman opened the public meeting at 5:35 p.m.  Superintendent Lorenz requested that $74,011.92 from the District’s Flexibility Funds ($48,544.25 Home School Assistance Flexibility Fund and $25,467.67 from the District’s Professional Development Flexibility Fund) to purchase new math curriculum to replace our current outdated math curriculum.  There were no public comments.  President Blackman closed the public hearing at 5:39 p.m.

Public Hearing to Transfer Unexpended Professional Development Funds to the District’s Flexibility Account

President Blackman opened public meeting at 5:40 p.m. to transfer unexpended professional development funds to the District’s Flexibility Account. Superintendent Lorenz requested $186,000 of unexpended professional development funds be transferred to the District’s flexibility account to be used for future General Fund purchases.  There were no public comments.  President Blackman closed the public hearing at 5:41 p.m.

Consent Agenda

Motion by Director Johnson, second by Director Schmid to approve the consent agenda as presented including personnel considerations.  Motion carried unanimously.

Transfer of Professional Development Funds to the District’s Flexibility Account

Motion by Director Bruce, second by Director Schmid to approve the transfer of $186,000 from the Professional Development fund to the District’s Flexibility Account.  Motion carried unanimously.

Resolution Directing Expenditures from the School’s Flexibility Account

Motion by Director Johnson, second by Director Walker to approve the purchase of new math curriculum using $48,544.25 from the HSAP Flexibility account and $25,467.67 from the District’s Professional Development Flexibility Account for a total of $74,011.92.  Motion carried unanimously. 

Instructional Empowerment and Marzano Contracts

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Bruce to approve contracting with Instructional Empowerment to provide new teacher on-site professional development on Identifying Critical Content and the Marzano Focused Teacher Growth and Evaluation Model for $5,900.  Motion carried unanimously.

Purchase/Lease of New Chromebooks

Motion by Director Bruce, second by Director Schmid to approve the purchase/lease of 900 ACER R756T Chromebooks to update our fleet of K-12 1:1 devices for $80,485.64 per year with a four year lease.  Motion carried unanimously.

Bridges Elementary Mathematics Curriculum

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Johnson to approve the purchase of Bridges Elementary (K-4) Mathematics curriculum for $46,742.40.  Motion carried unanimously.

EnVision Elementary Mathematics Curriculum

Motion by Director Schmid, second by Director Johnson to approve the purchase of EnVision Elementary (5-6) mathematics curriculum for $27,060.  Motion carried unanimously.

Letter of Engagement with Piper Sandler & Co.

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Bruce to approve the letter of engagement with Piper Sandler & Co.  Motion carried unanimously.

PikMyKid Software Purchase

Motion by Director Johnson, second by Director Bruce to approve the purchase of the PikMyKid Dismissal Management, Electronic Hall Pass, Emergency Alert, and Emergency Reunification System for $9,950 per year for a term of four years.  Motion carried unanimously.

Superintendent Contract

Motion by Director Bruce, second by Director Schmid to approve the three-year extension to the Superintendent’s contract for school years 2024-2025, 2025-2026, and 2026-2027.  Motion carried unanimously.

FY 2025 Preliminary School Tax Certification

Motion by Director Johnson, second by Director Walker to approve the FY 2025 preliminary tax certification.  Motion carried unanimously.


Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Johnson to adjourn the regular meeting at 5:58 p.m.  Motion carried unanimously.


Next Board of Directors Meeting                            Wednesday, June 19, 2024 – 5:30 p.m.

                                                                                    Virtual Classroom/Phone/Internet

                                                                                    Red Oak Junior Senior High School Campus


Work Session


  1. Daric O’Neal from Alley Poyner Macchietto Architecture presented detailed renderings and updated pricing for future potential capital improvement projects.
  2. Matt Gillaspie from Piper Sandler & Co. presented our current financial analysis along with potential funding options for capital improvement projects.
  3. Administrative priorities and recommendations for future capital improvement projects focused mainly on IES cafeteria extensions, a building extension for the Fine Arts, outdoor facility improvements, and possible District storage options.
harrish@redoak… Thu, 06/06/2024 - 14:49

Minutes - 8.21.2024

Minutes - 8.21.2024

Red Oak Community School District

Meeting of the Board of Directors

Meeting Location:  Virtual Classroom/ Phone/Internet

Red Oak Junior Senior High School Campus

August 21, 2024


The regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Red Oak Community School District was called to order by President Bret Blackman at 5:30 p.m. at the Red Oak Junior Senior High School Virtual Classroom.


Directors: Bret Blackman, Kathy Walker, Bryce Johnson, and Scott Bruce

Superintendent Ron Lorenz, Board Secretary/Business Manager Heidi Harris

Approval of Agenda

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Bruce to approve the agenda with the order of agenda items at the discretion of the meeting chair.  Motion carried unanimously.

Good News

Our teachers returned to work Monday, August 19, 2024, and the kids will return for the 2024-2025 school year on Friday, August 23, 2024.

All the SLFRF Safety Grant projects have been completed this summer including protective window films, intercom systems, and front door stop locks.

Daric O’Neil from Alley Poyner Macchietto Architecture updated the Board with revised proposals and renovations to Inman Elementary and the outdoor Athletic Facilities.

Consent Agenda

Motion by Director Johnson, second by Director Walker to approve the consent agenda as presented including meeting minutes, business reports, out-of-state field trips, and current personnel considerations.  Motion carried unanimously.

Board Policy 501.3

Motion by Director Bruce, second by Director Walker to approve the second reading of Board Policy 501.3.  Motion carried unanimously.

Board Policies 501.9 and 501.10

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Johnson to approve the second reading of Board Policy 501.9 and dismiss/remove Board Policy 501.10.  Motion carried unanimously. 

Board Policy 506.2

Motion by Director Johnson, second by Director Bruce to approve the second reading of Board Policy 506.2.  Motion carried unanimously.

Board Policy 603.1

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Bruce to approve the second reading of Board Policy 603.1.  Motion carried unanimously.

Board Policies 501.12 and 501.13

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Johnson to approve the first reading, waive the second and third reading of Board Policies 501.12 and 501.13. Motion carried unanimously.

Special Education Open Enrollments

Motion by Director Johnson, second by Director Bruce to approve capping special education open enrollments due to insufficient classroom space, in accordance with board Policy 501.13. Motion carried unanimously.

Perkins Funds Purchase

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Johnson to approve the purchase of a cabinet saw from Midwest Technology Products for $5,250 to be paid with Perkins Funds.  Motion carried unanimously.

Regional Planning Partnership Mini Grant Purchase

Motion by Director Johnson, second by Director Walker to approve the purchase of a foundry furnace for $9,344 from McEnglevan Industrial Furnace Company to be paid through a CTE Regional Planning Partnership Mini Grant.  Motion carried unanimously.

Compact Tractor Purchase

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Bruce to approve the purchase of a Kubota (LX3520HSDC) compact tractor and loader with third function and snow blade from Whipp Sales for $44,200.  Motion carried unanimously.

Welding Academy and College Credit Courses

Motion by Director Johnson, second by Director Walker to approve addition of a Welding Academy and College Algebra and Trigonometry as concurrent enrollment (i.e. College Credit) options through Southwest Community College. Motion carried unanimously.

Interscholastic Activity Sharing with Stanton CSD

Motion by Director Bruce, second by Director Walker to approve an Interscholastic Activity Sharing Agreement for Boys’ and Girls’ Bowling, Golf, Soccer, Tennis, and Wrestling with Stanton Community School District for the 2024-2025 school year. Motion carried unanimously.

Interscholastic Activity Sharing with Griswold CSD

Motion by Bruce, second by Director Walker to approve the Interscholastic Sharing Agreement for Girls’ Wrestling with Griswold Community School District for the 2024-2025 school year. Motion carried unanimously.

Banking Services

Motion by Director Bruce, second by Director Johnson to approve Houghton State Bank for checking/savings/scholarship services and Bank Iowa for investment services for the remainder of 2024, 2025, and 2026.  Motion carried unanimously.

School Meal Prices

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Johnson to approve raising school meal prices by ten cents ($.10) for lunch and breakfast per USDA recommendations for the 2024-2025 school year.


Motion by Director Johnson, second by Director Bruce to adjourn the meeting at 6:19 p.m.  Motion carried unanimously.

harrish@redoak… Mon, 08/26/2024 - 07:55

Minutes - 6.26.2024

Minutes - 6.26.2024

Red Oak Community School District

Meeting of the Board of Directors

Meeting Location:  Virtual Classroom/ Phone/Internet

Red Oak Junior Senior High School Campus

June 26, 2024


The regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Red Oak Community School District was called to order by President Bret Blackman at 5:30 p.m. at the Red Oak Junior Senior High School Virtual Classroom.


Directors: Bret Blackman, Kathy Walker, Bryce Johnson, and Scott Bruce

Superintendent Ron Lorenz, Board Secretary/Business Manager Heidi Harris

Approval of Agenda

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Johnson to approve the agenda with the order of agenda items at the discretion of the meeting chair.  Motion carried unanimously.

Consent Agenda

Motion by Director Johnson, second by Director Bruce to approve the consent agenda as presented including meeting minutes, business reports, current personnel considerations, and contract renewals.  Motion carried unanimously.

100 Series of Board Policies

Motion by Director Walker, second my Director Johnson to approve the second reading of 100 Series board policies.  Motion carried unanimously.

Board Policy 605.6

Motion by Director Bruce, second by Director Walker to approve the second reading of board policy 605.6.  Motion carried unanimously. 

Board Policy 509.2

Motion by Director Walker second by Director Bruce to approve the first reading of Board Policy 509.2.  Motion carried unanimously.

Request for Proposal for Banking Services

Motion by Director Bruce, second by Director Walker to approve issuing request for proposals for banking services for the next three years.  Motion carried unanimously.

Auditing Services Bid

Motion by Director Johnson, second by Director Walker to approve Nolte, Cornman, and Johnson, P.C. for required auditing services for the 2024, 2025, and 2026 school years. Motion carried unanimously.

Resolution for Computer Lease

Motion by Director Bruce, second by Director Johnson to approve the resolution of Property Schedule No. 2, Dated August 1, 2024, to the master lease purchase agreement between American Capital Financial Services, Inc., as Lessor, and Red Oak Community School District, as lessee, dated August 1, 2020, including addendum and exhibits.  Motion carried unanimously.

Pest Control Bid

Motion by Director Bruce, second by Director Johnson to approve Pesky Pest Protection as our pest control service provider the 2024-2025 school year.  Motion carried unanimously.

Trash Removal Bid

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Bruce to approve Batten Sanitation as our trash removal service provider for the 2024-2025 school year.  Motion carried unanimously.

Fuel Bid

Motion by Director Bruce, second by Director Walker to approve The New Cooperative Inc. as our fuel provider for the 2024-2025 school year.  Motion carried unanimously.

Fixed Price Fuel Contract

Motion by Director Bruce, second by Director Walker to approve contracting diesel and ethanol fuel at fixed prices with The New Cooperative Inc. for the 2024-2025 school year.  Motion carried unanimously.

Registration Fees

Motion by Director Johnson, second by Director Bruce to approve maintaining the current registration fees of $40 for K-6 students and $60 for students in grades 7-12.  Motion carried unanimously.

Property/Casualty Insurance Renewal

Motion by Bruce, second by Director Johnson to approve the renewal of the District’s property and casualty insurance with United Group Insurance for the 2024-2025 school year.  Motion carried unanimously.

2024-2025 High School Course Handbook

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Bruce to approve amending the 2024-2025 High School Course Handbook to include Consumer Math.  Motion carried unanimously.

2025 Legislative Priorities

Motion by Director Johnson, second by Director Bruce to approve Legislative Priorities for the 2024-2025 school year. 


Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Bruce to adjourn the meeting at 6:17 p.m.  Motion carried unanimously.


Next Board of Directors Meeting                            Wednesday, July 17, 2024

                        `                                                           Virtual Classroom/Phone/Internet

                                                                                    Red Oak Junior Senior High School Campus

harrish@redoak… Thu, 06/27/2024 - 13:47

Minutes -7.19.2023

Minutes -7.19.2023

Red Oak Community School District

Meeting of the Board of Directors

Meeting Location:  Virtual Classroom/ Phone/Internet

Red Oak Junior Senior High School Campus

July 19, 2023


The regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Red Oak Community School District was called to order by President Bret Blackman at 5:30 p.m. at the Red Oak Junior Senior High School Virtual Classroom.


Directors: Bret Blackman, Roger Carlson, Jackie DeVries (virtual), Bryce Johnson, and Kathy Walker

Superintendent Ron Lorenz, Board Secretary/Business Manager Heidi Harris

Approval of Agenda

Motion by Director Johnson, second by Director Walker to approve the agenda with the order of agenda items at the discretion of the meeting chair.  Motion carried unanimously.

Oath of Office

Bret Blackman, Board President administered the Oath of Office to the new Board Secretary/School Business Official Heidi Harris.

Consent Agenda

Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Walker to approve the consent agenda as presented including meeting minutes, business reports, current personnel considerations, software renewals, and student accident/catastrophic injury insurance renewal.  Motion carried unanimously.

Public Hearing on Continued Participation in the Instructional Support Program

President Blackman opened the public hearing at 5:35 p.m. on the continued participation in the Instructional Support Program for a period of five years commencing with the fiscal year ending June 30, 2025.  There were no public comments.  President Blackman closed the public meeting at 5:36 p.m.

Good News from Red Oak Schools

Congratulations to Jaydin Lindsay, Merced Ramirez, and Tymberlee Bentley for their postseason Softball awards.  Baseball postseason awards were also presented to Dawson Bond, Landon Couse, AJ Schmid, Chase Roeder, and Braden Woods.  Hawkeye Ten All Academic awards went to Dawson Bond, Landon Couse, and Braden Woods. 

Visitors and Presentations

Janelle Erickson discussed the development and implementation of the new work-based learning program (WBL).  The purpose of the WBL academic program is to incorporate career exploration, workplace prep, and post-secondary education focus when necessary.  The estimated start date of this program is August 2024.

Instructional Support Program

Motion by Director Johnson, second by Director Walker to approve the resolution to continue participation in the Instructional Support Program for a period of five years commencing with the fiscal year ending June 30, 2025.  Motion carried unanimously.

2023-2024 Teacher Handbook

Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Walker to approve the 2023–2024 Teacher Handbook.  Motion carried unanimously.

Red Oak Preschool Handbook

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Johnson to approve the Red Oak Preschool Handbook.  Motion carried unanimously.

2023-2024 Inman Elementary Handbook

Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Walker to approve the 2023-2024 Inman Elementary Handbook.  Motion carried unanimously.

2023-2024 Red Oak Jr/Sr High School Handbook

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Johnson to approve the 2023-2024 Red Oak Jr/Sr High School Handbook.  Motion carried unanimously.

Google Workspace for Education Plus

Motion by Director Johnson, second by Director Walker to approve the purchase of Google Workspace for Education Plus for $5,000.  Motion carried unanimously.

Go Bound Agreement with ASPi Solutions, Inc.

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Carlson to approve the Go Bound Agreement with ASPi Solutions Inc.  Motion carried unanimously.

2023-2024 Fuel Bid

Motion by Director Johnson, second by Director Carlson to approve and award the 2023-2024 fuel bid to the United Farmers Coop.  Motion carried unanimously.

2023-2024 Trash Removal Bid

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Carlson to approve and award the 2023-2024 trash removal bid to Batten Sanitation.  Motion carried unanimously.

2023-2024 Snow Removal Bid

Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Walker to approve and award the 2023-2024 snow removal bid to Orme Outdoor.  Motion carried unanimously.

2023-2024 Pest Control Bid

Motion by Director Johnson, second by Director Walker to approve and award the 2023-2024 pest control bid to Sellers Pest Control.  Motion carried unanimously.


Motion by Director Johnson, second by Director Walker to adjourn the board meeting at 6:55 p.m.  Motion carried unanimously.


Next Board of Directors Meeting                               Wednesday August 2, 2023 – 5:30 p.m.

Work Session                                                              Virtual Classroom/Phone/Internet

                                                                                    Red Oak Junior Senior High School Campus



__________________________                                __________________________

Bret Blackman, President                                           Heidi Harris, Board Secretary

dreyd@redoaksc… Thu, 07/20/2023 - 12:36

Minutes - 7.19.2023

Minutes - 7.19.2023

Red Oak Community School District

Meeting of the Board of Directors

Meeting Location:  Virtual Classroom/ Phone/Internet

Red Oak Junior Senior High School Campus

July 19, 2023


The regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Red Oak Community School District was called to order by President Bret Blackman at 5:30 p.m. at the Red Oak Junior Senior High School Virtual Classroom.


Directors: Bret Blackman, Roger Carlson, Jackie DeVries (virtual), Bryce Johnson, and Kathy Walker

Superintendent Ron Lorenz, Board Secretary/Business Manager Heidi Harris

Approval of Agenda

Motion by Director Johnson, second by Director Walker to approve the agenda with the order of agenda items at the discretion of the meeting chair.  Motion carried unanimously.

Oath of Office

Bret Blackman, Board President administered the Oath of Office to the new Board Secretary/School Business Official Heidi Harris.

Consent Agenda

Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Walker to approve the consent agenda as presented including meeting minutes, business reports, current personnel considerations, software renewals, and student accident/catastrophic injury insurance renewal.  Motion carried unanimously.

Public Hearing on Continued Participation in the Instructional Support Program

President Blackman opened the public hearing at 5:35 p.m. on the continued participation in the Instructional Support Program for a period of five years commencing with the fiscal year ending June 30, 2025.  There were no public comments.  President Blackman closed the public meeting at 5:36 p.m.

Good News from Red Oak Schools

Congratulations to Jaydin Lindsay, Merced Ramirez, and Tymberlee Bentley for their postseason Softball awards.  Baseball postseason awards were also presented to Dawson Bond, Landon Couse, AJ Schmid, Chase Roeder, and Braden Woods.  Hawkeye Ten All Academic awards went to Dawson Bond, Landon Couse, and Braden Woods. 

Visitors and Presentations

Janelle Erickson discussed the development and implementation of the new work-based learning program (WBL).  The purpose of the WBL academic program is to incorporate career exploration, workplace prep, and post-secondary education focus when necessary.  The estimated start date of this program is August 2024.

Instructional Support Program

Motion by Director Johnson, second by Director Walker to approve the resolution to continue participation in the Instructional Support Program for a period of five years commencing with the fiscal year ending June 30, 2025.  Motion carried unanimously.

2023-2024 Teacher Handbook

Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Walker to approve the 2023–2024 Teacher Handbook.  Motion carried unanimously.

Red Oak Preschool Handbook

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Johnson to approve the Red Oak Preschool Handbook.  Motion carried unanimously.

2023-2024 Inman Elementary Handbook

Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Walker to approve the 2023-2024 Inman Elementary Handbook.  Motion carried unanimously.

2023-2024 Red Oak Jr/Sr High School Handbook

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Johnson to approve the 2023-2024 Red Oak Jr/Sr High School Handbook.  Motion carried unanimously.

Google Workspace for Education Plus

Motion by Director Johnson, second by Director Walker to approve the purchase of Google Workspace for Education Plus for $5,000.  Motion carried unanimously.

Go Bound Agreement with ASPi Solutions, Inc.

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Carlson to approve the Go Bound Agreement with ASPi Solutions Inc.  Motion carried unanimously.

2023-2024 Fuel Bid

Motion by Director Johnson, second by Director Carlson to approve and award the 2023-2024 fuel bid to the United Farmers Coop.  Motion carried unanimously.

2023-2024 Trash Removal Bid

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Carlson to approve and award the 2023-2024 trash removal bid to Batten Sanitation.  Motion carried unanimously.

2023-2024 Snow Removal Bid

Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Walker to approve and award the 2023-2024 snow removal bid to Orme Outdoor.  Motion carried unanimously.

2023-2024 Pest Control Bid

Motion by Director Johnson, second by Director Walker to approve and award the 2023-2024 pest control bid to Sellers Pest Control.  Motion carried unanimously.


Motion by Director Johnson, second by Director Walker to adjourn the board meeting at 6:55 p.m.  Motion carried unanimously.


Next Board of Directors Meeting                               Wednesday August 2, 2023 – 5:30 p.m.

Work Session                                                              Virtual Classroom/Phone/Internet

                                                                                    Red Oak Junior Senior High School Campus



__________________________                                __________________________

Bret Blackman, President                                           Heidi Harris, Board Secretary

dreyd@redoaksc… Fri, 07/21/2023 - 09:38

Minutes - 8.02.2023

Minutes - 8.02.2023

Red Oak Community School District

Meeting of the Board of Directors

Meeting Location:  Virtual Classroom/ Phone/Internet

Red Oak Junior Senior High School Campus

August 2, 2023


The special meeting of the Board of Directors of the Red Oak Community School District was called to order by Vice President Jackie DeVries at 5:30 p.m. at the Red Oak Junior Senior High School Virtual Classroom.


Directors: Roger Carlson, Jackie DeVries, Bryce Johnson, Kathy Walker

Virtually:  Bret Blackman (arrived to meeting at 6 p.m.)

Superintendent Ron Lorenz, Board Secretary Heidi Harris

Approval of Agenda

Motion by Director Johnson, second by Director Walker to approve the agenda with the order of agenda items at the discretion of the meeting chair.  Motion carried unanimously.

Consent Agenda

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Carlson to approve the consent agenda as presented including meeting minutes, reports, personnel considerations, software contract renewals for the 23-24 school year, and out-of-state field trips. Motion carried unanimously.

Board Policy 214.1

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Johnson to approve the first reading and waive the second reading Board Policy 214.1.  Motion carried unanimously.

Board Policies 706 - 711

Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Walker to approve the first reading of Board Policies 706 - 711.  Motion carried unanimously.

Board Policy 803.1

Motion by Director Johnson, second by Director Walker to approve the first reading and waive the second reading Board Policy 803.1.  Motion carried unanimously.

Disposition of Disused Buses

Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Walker to approve the disposition of two disused school buses.  Motion carried unanimously.

Interscholastic Activity Sharing with Stanton CSD

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Johnson to approve interscholastic activity sharing with Stanton Community School District to include Boys and Girls Bowling, Boys and Girls Wrestling, and Boys and Girls Tennis for the 2023 – 2024 school year.  Motion carried unanimously.


Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Carlson to adjourn the special meeting at 5:41 p.m.


Continuation of August 2, 2023, Meeting Minutes – Page 2



Next Board of Directors Meeting                             Wednesday, August 16, 2023 – 5:30 p.m.

                                                                                  Virtual Classroom/Phone/Internet

                                                                                  Red Oak Junior Senior High School Campus


Board of Directors Work Session


Intermediate and Long-Term Capital Improvements Project

Daric O’Neal from Alley Poyner Macchietto Architecture presented requested updates on the intermediate and long-term capital improvements projects for Inman Elementary School, the Jr/Sr High School, the Football and Baseball fields, and the Sports Complex at the Jr/Sr High School. 

2024 Legislative Priorities

The Board discussed and identified priorities from the 2024 Legislative Session, including Student Achievement, and Accountability, Educator Equality, Fiscal Responsibility and Stewardship, and Governance. 


The work session was closed at 8:02 p.m.

harrish@redoak… Mon, 08/07/2023 - 07:46

Minutes - 8.16.2023

Minutes - 8.16.2023

Red Oak Community School District

Meeting of the Board of Directors

Meeting Location:  Virtual Classroom/ Phone/Internet

Red Oak Junior Senior High School Campus

August 16, 2023


The regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Red Oak Community School District was called to order by Vice President Jackie DeVries at 5:30 p.m. at the Red Oak Junior Senior High School Virtual Classroom.


Directors: Roger Carlson, Jackie DeVries, and Kathy Walker

Virtual:  Bret Blackman

Superintendent Ron Lorenz, Board Secretary/Business Manager Heidi Harris

Approval of Agenda

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Carlson to approve the agenda with the order of agenda items at the discretion of the meeting chair.  Motion carried unanimously.

Consent of Revised Agenda

Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Walker to approve the revised consent agenda as presented including meeting minutes, business reports, current personnel considerations, and renewal of the 28E Agreement with the Southwest Iowa APEX Consortium.  Motion carried unanimously.

Good News from Red Oak Schools

Congratulations to Landon Couse and Dawson Bond who were selected for Third Team All-State Baseball.  Dawson Bond also participated in in the Iowa High School Baseball Coaches Association All-Star Series, the first Red Oak player to do so in the last ten years.

We are excited to say that Fall Activities numbers are strong.

New teacher onboarding and training began August 15 with veteran teachers returning on August 17 as school officially starts Wednesday, August 23, 2023. 

Board Policies 706 -711

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Carlson to approve the second reading of Board Policies 706 -711.  Motion carried unanimously.

Board Policy 603.6

Motion by Director Walker, second by President Blackman to approve the first reading of Board Policy 603.6 and waive the second reading.  Motion carried unanimously.

Partial Re-Roofing Project at IES Initial Payment

Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Walker to approve the initial payment of $195,505.00 to Elevate Roofing for completion of the partial re-roofing at Inman Elementary School.  Motion carried unanimously.

Jr/Sr High School Handbook Amendment

Motion by Director Blackman, second by Director Walker to approve the revision regarding Homecoming guest attendance with clarification that the Homecoming Dance is not a formal event.  Motion carried unanimously.

2023-2024 High School Course Book Amendment

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Carlson to approve the amendment of the 2023-2024 Jr/Sr High School Course Book to include Culinary Prep and Production I and Culinary Prep and Production II courses.  Motion carried unanimously.

Back-to-School Teacher Social

The Board discussed a Back-to-School Teacher/Staff Social to be hosted by a current board member on Saturday, August 26. 


Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Walker to adjourn the board meeting at 5.58 p.m.  Motion carried unanimously.


Next Board of Directors Meeting                               Wednesday September 20, 2023 – 5:30 p.m.

                                                                                    Virtual Classroom/Phone/Internet

                                                                                    Red Oak Junior Senior High School Campus

harrish@redoak… Wed, 08/16/2023 - 19:27

Minutes - 8.21.2023

Minutes - 8.21.2023

Red Oak Community School District

Special Meeting of the Board of Directors

Meeting Location:  Virtual Classroom/ Phone/Internet


August 21, 2023


The special meeting of the Board of Directors of the Red Oak Community School District was called to order by President Bret Blackman at 7:30 a.m. The meeting was held virtually.


Directors: Bret Blackman, Roger Carlson, Jackie DeVries, and Kathy Walker

Superintendent Ron Lorenz, Board Secretary/Business Manager Heidi Harris

Approval of Agenda

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director DeVries to approve the agenda with the order of agenda items at the discretion of the meeting chair.  Motion carried unanimously.

Consent of Revised Agenda

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director DeVries to approve the special consent agenda as presented including personnel considerations, and out-of-state field trips.  Motion carried unanimously.

Inman Elementary Boiler Repair

Motion by Director DeVries, second by Director Carlson to approve the replacement of the air/fuel valve for the Inman Elementary Boiler for $7,140.68.  Motion carried unanimously.


Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Carlson to adjourn the board meeting at 7:32 a.m.  Motion carried unanimously.


Next Board of Directors Meeting                               Wednesday September 20, 2023 – 5:30 p.m.

                                                                                    Virtual Classroom/Phone/Internet

                                                                                    Red Oak Junior Senior High School Campus

harrish@redoak… Mon, 08/21/2023 - 14:49

Minutes - 9.20.2023

Minutes - 9.20.2023

Red Oak Community School District

Meeting of the Board of Directors

Meeting Location:  Virtual Classroom/ Phone/Internet

Red Oak Junior Senior High School Campus

September 20, 2023


The regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Red Oak Community School District was called to order by President Bret Blackman at 5:30 p.m. at the Red Oak Junior Senior High School Virtual Classroom.


Directors: Bret Blackman, Roger Carlson, Jackie DeVries, Bryce Johnson (arrived at 6:01 p.m.), and Kathy Walker

Superintendent Ron Lorenz, Board Secretary/Business Manager Heidi Harris

Approval of Agenda

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director DeVries to approve the agenda with the order of agenda items at the discretion of the meeting chair.  Motion carried unanimously.

Consent Agenda

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Carlson to approve the consent agenda as presented including meeting minutes, business reports, current personnel considerations, out-of-state field trips, and future fundraisers.  Motion carried unanimously.

Public Hearing on Resolution to Transfer Unexpended Child Care Funds to the District’s Flexibility Account

President Blackman opened the public hearing at 5:34 p.m. for the resolutions to transfer unexpended childcare funds to the District’s Flexibility Account.  There were no public comments.  President Blackman closed the public meeting at 5:36 p.m.

Good News from Red Oak Schools

The new drop off and pick up app PickMyKid has been very successful in expediting the arrival and dismissal for all students in the District.  

The new cell phones procedures have been accepted by students and seem to be having a positive impact on the school climate. 

Scheduling changes have had a positive impact with the preschool instruction time while shortening the Wednesday afternoon early-outs has resulted in a greater focus on Professional Learning. 

We are happy to announce that our new Teacher Prep Academy has five students and is going very well.

Visitors and Presentations

Daric O’Neal from Alley Poyner Macchietto Architecture shared an update on requested cost projections for the capital improvement projects identified in the District’s long-range strategic facilities plan.

Board Policies Series 800 - 806

Motion by Director Johnson, second by Director DeVries to approve the first reading of board policies series 800 - 806.  Motion carried unanimously.

Board Policy 402.9

Motion by Director DeVries, second by Director Carlson to approve the first reading of board policy 402.9.  Motion carried unanimously.

Board Policy 402.14

Motion by Director Johnson, second by Director DeVries to approve the first reading of Board Policy 402.14.  Motion carried unanimously.

Board Policy 403.2

Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director DeVries to approve the first reading and waive the second reading of Board Policy 403.2.  Motion carried unanimously.

Board Policy 509.4

Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Walker to approve the first reading and waive the second reading of Board Policy 509.4.  Motion carried unanimously.

Board Policy Series 605.1 - 605.3

Motion by Director Johnson, second by Director Carlson to approve the first reading and waive the second reading of Board Policies series 605.1 - 605.3.  Motion carried unanimously.

Transfer of Child Funds to Flexibility Account

Motion by Director DeVries, second by Director Walker to approve the resolution to transfer unexpended childcare funds to the District’s Flexibility Account, formerly an enterprise account.  Motion carried unanimously.

Replacing Aging Facilities Vehicle

Motion by Director Johnson, second by Director Walker to approve the purchase of a 2015 Dodge Caravan for $7,900 for the Maintenance Department.  Motion carried unanimously.

Funds Transfer for Safety Equipment

Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director DeVries to approve the transfer $11,406.11 from the General Fund to the Activity Fund for the purchase of and re-conditioning of protective and safety equipment in accordance with Iowa Code Chapter 298A.8. Motion carried unanimously.

Talented and Gifted Program

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Johnson to approve the continuation of the Talented and Gifted Program.  Motion carried unanimously.

Title 1 Reallocation

Motion by Director Johnson, second by Director DeVries to approve the hiring of two paraprofessionals to support the Title 1 Reading Program.  Motion carried unanimously.

Leased Bus Repair

Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Walker to approve the payment of up to $10,899.58 for assessed damages (i.e., body repair) of recently returned leased school buses.  Motion carried unanimously.


Motion by Director Walker, second by Director DeVries to adjourn the meeting at 7:06 p.m.  Motion carried unanimously.

Closed Session

Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Walker to enter into closed session per Iowa Code 21.5(1)(i) at 6.54 p.m.  Motion carried unanimously.  Exited closed session at 7.11 p.m.

Closed Session

Motion by Director Johnson, second by Director Carlson to enter into closed session per Iowa Code (1)(j) at 7:12 p.m.  Motion carried unanimously.  Exited closed session at 7.49 p.m.

Closed Sessions adjourned at 7:49 p.m.


Work Session                                                              Monday, October 16, 2023 – 5:30 p.m.

                                                                                    Virtual Classroom/Phone/Internet

                                                                                    Red Oak Junior Senior High School Campus


Next Board of Directors Meeting                               Wednesday October 18, 2023 – 5:30 p.m.

                                                                                    Virtual Classroom/Phone/Internet

                                                                                 Red Oak Junior Senior High School Campus

harrish@redoak… Thu, 09/21/2023 - 15:30

Minutes - 9.27.2023

Minutes - 9.27.2023

Red Oak Community School District

Special Meeting of the Board of Directors

Meeting Location:  Virtual Classroom/ Phone/Internet


September 27, 2023


The special meeting of the Board of Directors of the Red Oak Community School District was called to order by President Bret Blackman at 7:30 a.m. The meeting was held virtually.


Directors: Bret Blackman, Roger Carlson, Jackie DeVries (7:31 a.m.), and Kathy Walker

Superintendent Ron Lorenz, District Secretary Jessie Bruning

Approval of Agenda

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Carlson to approve the agenda with the order of agenda items at the discretion of the meeting chair.  Motion carried unanimously.

Gift of Personal Property

Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Walker to approve the resolution of the acceptance of a gift of personal property (i.e. 2023 customized H & H Trailer, 7 X 16’ HH Series, flat top, V-Nose enclosed cargo trailer, 7K tandem) from the Red Oak Music Boosters.  Motion carried unanimously.


Motion by Director Walker, second by Director DeVries to adjourn the board meeting at 7:34 a.m.  Motion carried unanimously.


Next Board of Directors Meeting                               Wednesday, October 18, 2023 – 5:30 p.m.

Work Session                                                              Monday, October 16, 2023 – 5:30 p.m.

                                                                                    Virtual Classroom/Phone/Internet

                                                                                    Red Oak Junior Senior High School Campus

harrish@redoak… Thu, 10/19/2023 - 08:42


2022-23 BOARD MINUTES Jen@iowaschool… Wed, 06/22/2022 - 08:29

Minutes - 2022.07.11

Minutes - 2022.07.11

Red Oak Community School District

Meeting of the Board of Directors

Meeting Location:  Virtual Classroom/ Phone/Internet

Red Oak Junior Senior High School Campus

July 11, 2022


The regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Red Oak Community School District was called to order by President Pro-Tem Bryce Johnson at 5:30 p.m. at the Red Oak Junior Senior High School Virtual Classroom.


Directors: Jackie DeVries via internet due to illness, Roger Carlson, Bryce Johnson, Kathy Walker

Superintendent Ron Lorenz, Business Manager Deb Drey

Approval of Agenda

Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Walker to approve the agenda with the order of agenda items at the discretion of the meeting chair.  Motion carried unanimously.

Good News from Red Oak Schools

The baseball team reached 12 wins for the season.  Several players received all district and all-conference honors.  These will be announced in the near future.

Engineers have begun to replace switches and access points for the district’s internet.

After board action tonight, only one elementary teaching positions remains to be hired.


Daric O’Neal of Alley Poyner Macchietto Architecture presented information reviewing previous district renovations and capital improvement projects and outlined the next steps and implementation timeline of the upcoming facilities assessment and planning process.

Consent Agenda

Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Walker to approve the consent agenda as presented including meeting minutes, monthly business reports, and personnel considerations.  Motion carried unanimously.

July 2022 Payment Authorization

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Carlson to authorize Board Secretary Deb Drey to pay July invoices prior to formal approval on the August 8, 2022, board meeting in accordance with Board Policy 705.3.  Motion carried unanimously.

Protective Equipment Resolution

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Carlson to approve the resolution to transfer up to $15,000.00 from the general fund to the activity in FY23 to purchase protective and safety equipment in accordance with Iowa Code Chapter 298A.8.  Motion carried unanimously.

First Reading Board Policies

Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Walker to approve the first reading of Board Policies 203; 403.2; 501.12; 501.13; 505.5; 505.R1; 505.7; 506.5; 607.2; 805; 805R1; and 901 that require revisions due to recent legislation.  Motion carried unanimously.

Continuation of July 11, 2022 Meeting Minutes-Page 2

Microsoft Licensing

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Walker to approve renewal of Microsoft licensing for the district and servers in the amount of $10,114.46.  Motion carried unanimously.

Brightly Software Renewal

Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Walker to approve the renewal of Brightly Software (formerly Dude Solutions) in the amount of $6,980.38.  Motion carried unanimously.


Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Walker to adjourn the meeting at 6:17 p.m.  Motion carried unanimously.



Next Board of Directors Meeting                               Monday, August 8, 2022 – 5:30 p.m.

Virtual Classroom/Phone/Internet

                                                                                    Red Oak Junior Senior High School Campus



__________________________                                            __________________________

Bryce Johnson, President Pro-Tem                                         Deb Drey, Board Secretary

vanmetert@rosc… Wed, 07/13/2022 - 14:43

Minutes - 2022.07.15

Minutes - 2022.07.15

Red Oak Community School District

Meeting of the Board of Directors

Meeting Location:  Phone/Internet

Red Oak Junior Senior High School Campus

July 15, 2022


The special meeting of the Board of Directors of the Red Oak Community School District was called to order by Vice President Jackie DeVries at 7:15 a.m. via phone/internet.


Directors: Roger Carlson, Jackie DeVries, Bryce Johnson, Kathy Walker

Superintendent Ron Lorenz, Business Manager Deb Drey

Approval of Agenda

Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Johnson to approve the agenda with the order of agenda items at the discretion of the meeting chair.  Motion carried unanimously.

STEAM Center Boiler Replacement

Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Walker to approve replacing the boiler system at the Junior/Senior High School STEAM Center at a cost of $291,000.  Motion carried unanimously.


Motion by Director Johnson, second by Director Walker to adjourn the meeting at 7:20 a.m.  Motion carried unanimously.



Next Board of Directors Meeting                               Monday, August 8, 2022 – 5:30 p.m.

Virtual Classroom/Phone/Internet

                                                                                    Red Oak Junior Senior High School Campus



__________________________                                            __________________________

Jackie DeVries, Vice President                                              Deb Drey, Board Secretary

vanmetert@rosc… Tue, 07/26/2022 - 07:14

Minutes - 2022.08.01

Minutes - 2022.08.01

Red Oak Community School District

Meeting of the Board of Directors

Meeting Location:  Virtual Classroom/ Phone/Internet

Red Oak Junior Senior High School Campus

August 1, 2022


The special meeting of the Board of Directors of the Red Oak Community School District was called to order by President Bret Blackman at 7:15 a.m. via internet/phone.


Directors: Bret Blackman, Roger Carlson, Jackie DeVries, Bryce Johnson, Kathy Walker arrived at 7:17 a.m.

Superintendent Ron Lorenz, Business Manager Deb Drey

Approval of Agenda

Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director DeVries to approve the agenda with the order of agenda items at the discretion of the meeting chair.  Motion carried 4-0 (Director Walker had not arrived).

IES Portable Building Electricity

Motion by Director Johnson, second by Director Carlson to accept the bid from Haley Electric in the amount of $10,706.37 for electrical wiring of the portable building at Inman Elementary School.  Motion carried unanimously.


Motion by Director Johnson, second by Director DeVries to adjourn the meeting at 7:19 a.m.  Motion carried unanimously.



Next Board of Directors Meeting                               Monday, August 8, 2022 – 5:30 p.m.

Virtual Classroom/Phone/Internet

                                                                                    Red Oak Junior Senior High School Campus



__________________________                                            __________________________

Bret Blackman, President                                                       Deb Drey, Board Secretary

vanmetert@rosc… Wed, 08/10/2022 - 14:12

Minutes - 2022.08.08

Minutes - 2022.08.08

Red Oak Community School District

Meeting of the Board of Directors

Meeting Location:  Virtual Classroom/ Phone/Internet

Red Oak Junior Senior High School Campus

August 8, 2022


The regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Red Oak Community School District was called to order by President Bret Blackman at 5:39 p.m. at the Red Oak Junior Senior High School Virtual Classroom.


Directors: Bret Blackman, Roger Carlson, Bryce Johnson via internet

Superintendent Ron Lorenz, Business Manager Deb Drey

Approval of Agenda

Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Johnson to approve the agenda with the order of agenda items at the discretion of the meeting chair.  Motion carried unanimously.

Good News from Red Oak Schools

The track resurfacing has been completed and is open to the public.

Several ROCSD students will be competing at the Iowa State Fair.

The 11th and 12th grades iJAG program received the 5 of 5 Award for meeting or exceeding all five outcome standards established by the National Jobes for America’s Graduates Program.

Several baseball and softball athletes earned recognition for their contributions.

The baseball team set 12 team season records and broke various individual records to earn the most victories they have seen in 18 years.

Consent Agenda

Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Johnson to approve the consent agenda as presented including meeting minutes, monthly business reports, personnel considerations, special education agreements, license renewals, and 2022-2023 handbooks with the exception of item 5.3.2 under personnel considerations. Motion carried unanimously.

2nd Reading Board Policies

Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Johnson to approve the second reading of Board Policy Series 203; 403.2; 501.12; 501.13; 505.5; 505.R1; 506.5; 607.2; 805; and 805.R1 due to recent legislation.  Motion carried unanimously.

Wilson Reading System Training

Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Johnson to approve Wilson Reading System In-Person Training for special education staff in the amount of $6,200.00.  Motion carried unanimously.

Fundations & Just Words Training

Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Johnson to approve Fundations and Just Words In-Person Training for K-6 grades classroom teachers and Title Teachers in the amount of $10,500 plus an amount of travel expenses to be determined.  Motion carried unanimously.


Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Johnson to adjourn the meeting at 6:02 p.m.  Motion carried unanimously.

Continuation of August 8, 2022 Meeting Minutes-Page 2

Next Board of Directors Meeting                               Monday, August 22, 2022 – 5:30 p.m.

Virtual Classroom/Phone/Internet

                                                                                    Red Oak Junior Senior High School Campus



__________________________                                            __________________________

Bret Blackman, President                                                       Deb Drey, Board Secretary

vanmetert@rosc… Wed, 08/10/2022 - 14:17

Minutes - 2022.08.22

Minutes - 2022.08.22


Red Oak Community School District

Meeting of the Board of Directors

Meeting Location:  Virtual Classroom/ Phone/Internet

Red Oak Junior Senior High School Campus

August 22, 2022


The regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Red Oak Community School District was called to order by President Bret Blackman at 4:30 p.m. at the Red Oak Junior Senior High School Virtual Classroom.


Directors: Bret Blackman, Roger Carlson, Jackie DeVries, Bryce Johnson, Kathy Walker

Superintendent Ron Lorenz, Business Manager Deb Drey

Approval of Agenda

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Johnson to approve the agenda with the order of agenda items at the discretion of the meeting chair.  Motion carried unanimously.

Good News from Red Oak Schools

Several students exhibited livestock and static projects and were recognized at the Iowa State Fair.

Enrollment in Junior/Senior High School courses that were added to diversify course offerings and enhance rigor has been good.  Several students are taking advantage of these offerings.


Daric O’Neal from Alley Poyner Macchietto Architecture presented information regarding the long-range planning process.  Mr. O’Neal updated the board on the assessment thus far and the upcoming schedule.

Consent Agenda

Motion by Director Johnson, second by Director DeVries to approve the revised consent agenda as presented including meeting minutes, monthly business reports, open enrollment requests, handbooks, and personnel considerations.  Motion carried unanimously.

Board Policy Series 805

Motion by Director DeVries, second by Director Carlson to approve the third reading of Board Policies Series 805 and 805.R1.  Motion carried unanimously.

Equipment Disposal

Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director DeVries to approve the sale of old lockers and blocking sled through Purple Wave or scrapped if not purchased.  Motion carried unanimously.

2023 Legislative Priorities

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Johnson to approve 2023 Legislative Priorities of Teacher Recruitment, Open Enrollment Clarification, Adequate School Funding Policy, and Mental Health Supports.  Motion carried unanimously.

Level 1 Investigator

Motion by Director DeVries, second by Director Walker to approve appointing Jamie Sherley as the District Level 1 Investigator and Tony Jones as the alternate Level 1 Investigator.  Motion carried unanimously.


Continuation of August 22, 2022 Meeting Minutes-Page 2

Boiler Replacement Bid

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Carlson to approve the STEAM Center boiler replacement bid from Ray Martin in the amount of $163,000.  Motion carried unanimously.


Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Walker to adjourn the meeting at 5:15 p.m.  Motion carried unanimously.


Board Work Session

President Bret Blackman opened the work session at 5:19 p.m.


  1.  Health Insurance

Mark Becker of Archer J Gallagher & Company presented information regarding insurance funding.  Mr. Becker explained the concepts of fully-insured, partially self-funded, and fully self-funded and answered board members questions.

  1. Negative Lunch Account Balances

Superintendent Lorenz explained that the district will now be charging students who do not qualify for free or reduced lunches.  The district needs to create a policy regarding the procedure for students with negative lunch account balances.  Mr. Lorenz cited policy examples from several schools in the area.  The board suggested that Mr. Lorenz meet with a couple of the board members to create a policy to bring to the board.

  1. Proposed Walking Trail at Inman Elementary

Discussion on this item was postponed to a later work session.


President Blackman closed the work session at 7:05 p.m.



Next Board of Directors Meeting                               Monday, September 12, 2022 – 5:30 p.m.

Virtual Classroom/Phone/Internet

                                                                                    Red Oak Junior Senior High School Campus



__________________________                                            __________________________

Bret Blackman, President                                                       Deb Drey, Board Secretary

vanmetert@rosc… Wed, 09/14/2022 - 08:09

Minutes - 2022.09.12

Minutes - 2022.09.12

Red Oak Community School District

Meeting of the Board of Directors

Meeting Location:  Virtual Classroom/ Phone/Internet

Red Oak Junior Senior High School Campus

September 12, 2022


The regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Red Oak Community School District was called to order by President Pro-Tem Bryce Johnson at 5:30 p.m. at the Red Oak Junior Senior High School Virtual Classroom.


Directors: Roger Carlson, Bryce Johnson, Kathy Walker

Superintendent Ron Lorenz, Business Manager Deb Drey, Accounts Payable Clerk Heidi Harris

Approval of Agenda

Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Walker to approve the agenda, striking the word all in Item 6.2.4, with the order of agenda items at the discretion of the meeting chair.  Motion carried unanimously.

Good News from Red Oak Schools

The football team is 3-0 on the season and currently ranked #8 in the Des Moines Register’s Top-10.

The volleyball team is 2-0 in regular season conference play.

With the schedule change at the Junior/Senior High School, students seem to be more engaged in learning on a day-to-day basis.

There are a lot of great learning activities going on in the district, including Ms. Brown’s Plant and Soil Science class preparing for an upcoming soil judging contest.

Coach Michael Nordeen is a finalist for the Hometown Heroes Coach of the Year sponsored by Dish Network.

Consent Agenda

Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Walker to approve the consent agenda as presented including meeting minutes, open enrollment requests, Extended Learning Opportunities/Gifted and Talented plan, School Improvement Advisory Committee (SIAC) members, and personnel considerations. Motion carried unanimously.

Board Policy Series 500-504

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Carlson to approve the first reading of Board Policy Series 500-504.  Motion carried unanimously.

Board Policy Series 606.2

Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Walker to approve the first reading of Board Policy Series 606.2-Insufficient Classroom Space.  Motion carried unanimously

Board Policy Series 710.3

Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Walker to approve the first reading of Board Policy Series 710.3-Meal Charges and Negative Balances.  Motion carried unanimously.

Open Enrollment Approval Authorization

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Carlson to authorize the superintendent to approve open enrollment applications.  Motion carried unanimously.

Continuation of September 12, 2022 Meeting Minutes-Page 2

Security/Vulnerability Assessments

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Carlson to contract with Stategos International LLC to conduct physical security/vulnerability assessments and assess and consolidate emergency operations plans in an amount up to $16,188.00.  Motion carried unanimously.


Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Walker to adjourn the meeting at 6:16 p.m. Motion carried unanimously



Next Board of Directors Meeting                               Monday, September 26, 2022 – 5:30 p.m.

Virtual Classroom/Phone/Internet

                                                                                    Red Oak Junior Senior High School Campus



__________________________                                            __________________________

Bret Blackman, President                                                       Deb Drey, Board Secretary

vanmetert@rosc… Wed, 09/14/2022 - 08:10

Minutes - 2022.09.26

Minutes - 2022.09.26

Red Oak Community School District

Meeting of the Board of Directors

Meeting Location:  Virtual Classroom/ Phone/Internet

Red Oak Junior Senior High School Campus

September 26, 2022


The regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Red Oak Community School District was called to order by President Bret Blackman at 5:30 p.m. at the Red Oak Junior Senior High School Virtual Classroom.


Directors: Bret Blackman, Roger Carlson, Jackie DeVries, Kathy Walker

Superintendent Ron Lorenz, Business Manager Deb Drey, Accounting Clerk Heidi Harris

Approval of Agenda

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director DeVries to approve the agenda with the order of agenda items at the discretion of the meeting chair.  Motion carried unanimously.

Good News from Red Oak Schools

Despite tough loss to Des Moines Christian, the varsity football is off to their best start in 50 years.

Ms. Brown’s Plant and Soil Science class placed 8th in the Southwest District Soil Judging Contest.

The 9th grade volleyball team won the Harlan Tournament.

The district will be hosting two student teachers at Inman in December.

A number of teachers stepped to cover essential duties during a difficult week.  There were also parents that rallied around the district.


Daric O’Neal of Alley Poyner Macchietto Architecture reported on the progress of the building assessment and long-range planning process.  Meetings were held last week with two different groups and two more groups are scheduled this week.

Mark Erickson, Activities Director, reported on fall activities participation numbers, how well the cashless ticketing process is going, and thanked the board for hiring the activities sponsors.

Consent Agenda

Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Walker to approve the consent agenda as presented including meeting minutes, monthly business reports, out of state field trips, Physical Education Requirement waivers, administrative team appointments to the Teacher Quality Committee, and personnel considerations. Motion carried unanimously.

Board Policy 606.2-Insufficient Classroom Space

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director DeVries to approve the second reading of Board Policy 606.2-Insufficient Classroom Space.  Motion carried unanimously.

Board Policy Series 500-504

Motion by Director DeVries, second by Director Carlson to approve the second reading of the Board Policy Series 500-504.  Motion carried unanimously.



Continuation of September 26, 2022, Meeting Minutes-Page 2

Board Policy 710.3-Meal Charges & Negative Balances

Motion by Director Carlson, second by Direct DeVries to approve the first reading of Board Policy 710.3-Meal Charges & Negative Balances.  Motion carried unanimously.

Approved Fund Raiser Discussion

Information regarding the first semester approved fund raisers was distributed to the board.

Additional Assistant Wrestling Coach

Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director DeVries to approve hiring an additional assistant wrestling coach to serve the girls’ wrestling program.  Motion carried unanimously.

Board Policy 506.5-Graduation Requirements

Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Walker to approve the first reading and waive the second reading of Board Policy 506.5-Graduations Requirements. Motion carried unanimously.

Closed Session

Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Walker to enter closed session per Iowa Code 21.5(1)(i) “To evaluate the professional competency of an individual whose appointment, hiring, performance, or discharge is being considered when necessary to prevent needless and irreparable injury to that individual’s reputation and that individual requests a closed session” at 6:20 p.m.  Motion carried unanimously.

Exited Closed Session at 6:39 p.m.

Closed Session

Motion by Director DeVries, second by Director Walker to enter closed session per Iowa Code 21.5(1)(i) “To evaluate the professional competency of an individual whose appointment, hiring, performance, or discharge is being considered when necessary to prevent needless and irreparable injury to that individual’s reputation and that individual requests a closed session” at 6:40 p.m.  Motion carried unanimously.

Exited Closed Session at 7:26 p.m.


Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Walker to adjourn the meeting at 7:27 p.m. Motion carried unanimously.


Next Board of Directors Meeting                               Monday, October 10, 2022 – 5:30 p.m.

Virtual Classroom/Phone/Internet

                                                                                    Red Oak Junior Senior High School Campus



__________________________                                            __________________________

Bret Blackman, President                                                       Deb Drey, Board Secretary

vanmetert@rosc… Mon, 10/03/2022 - 07:27

Minutes - 2022.10.24

Minutes - 2022.10.24

Red Oak Community School District

Meeting of the Board of Directors

Meeting Location:  Virtual Classroom/ Phone/Internet

Red Oak Junior Senior High School Campus

October 24, 2022


The regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Red Oak Community School District was called to order by President Bret Blackman at 5:30 p.m. at the Red Oak Junior Senior High School Virtual Classroom.


Directors: Bret Blackman, Roger Carlson, Jackie DeVries, Bryce Johnson, Kathy Walker

Superintendent Ron Lorenz, Business Manager Deb Drey

Approval of Agenda

Motion by Director Johnson, second by Director Walker to approve the agenda with the order of agenda items at the discretion of the meeting chair.  Motion carried unanimously.

Good News from Red Oak Schools

The High School Marching Band has completed their very successful season, earning a Division 1-Superior Rating at the State Marching Band Competition, 5th place finish at the Mid-Iowa Band Championships, 4th place finish at the Loess Hills Field Festival, and 2nd place finish at the Clarinda Band Jamboree.

James Gass was named an alternate for the bass/baritone section at the upcoming All-State Music Festival.

 Anna Butz, Lilly Marsden, and Zoie Rohrig were named to the OPUS Honor Choir for 5th through 9th grade students.

The Middle School Cross Country team competed in the Washburn Classic Middle School State Championships with several members of the team medaling.

The High School Varsity Cross Country team competed in the state qualifying meet but had no one place in the top fifteen to qualify for the for the state meet.

The High School Volleyball team’s season ended with a heartbreaking loss to Clarinda.

The High School Football team ended their season with a win over Chariton and a final record of 5-4.

Jane Chaillie’s 2012 Griswold 1A State Championship Cross Country team was inducted into the KMA Sports Hall of Fame.

Consent Agenda

Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Walker to approve the consent agenda, removing personnel item 5.3.2 to be acted on separately, including meeting minutes, monthly business reports, and personnel considerations. Motion carried unanimously.

Personnel Consideration

Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Walker to accept the resignation of Deb Drey, School Business Official/Board Secretary effective June 30, 2023, with regrets.  Motion carried unanimously.

Continuation of October 24, 2022, Meeting Minutes-Page 2

Board Polity Series 505-507

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Johnson to approve the first reading of Board Polity Series 505-507.  Motion carried unanimously.

Child Nutrition Program Van Purchase

Motion by Director DeVries, second by Director Carlson to approve the purchase of a van with a lift for the Child Nutrition Program at a cost not to exceed $65,000.  Motion carried unanimously.

Marzano Staff Development

Motion by Director Johnson, second by Director DeVries to approve on-site and virtual staff development and support for the Marzano Focused Growth and Evaluation Model at a cost of $37,950.  Motion carried unanimously.

Transportation Hard Surface Only Plan

Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Walker to approve the Transportation Hard Surface Only Plan as presented for the 2022-2023 school year.  Motion carried unanimously.


Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Carlson to adjourn the meeting at 6:27 p.m.  Motion carried unanimously.



Next Board of Directors Meeting                               Monday, November 7, 2022 – 5:30 p.m.

Virtual Classroom/Phone/Internet

                                                                                    Red Oak Junior Senior High School Campus



__________________________                                            __________________________

Bret Blackman, President                                                       Deb Drey, Board Secretary

vanmetert@rosc… Wed, 10/26/2022 - 12:45

Minutes - 2022.11.07

Minutes - 2022.11.07

Red Oak Community School District

Meeting of the Board of Directors

Meeting Location:  Virtual Classroom/ Phone/Internet

Red Oak Junior Senior High School Campus

November 7, 2022


The regular meeting (replacing the November 14, 2022, meeting) of the Board of Directors of the Red Oak Community School District was called to order by President Bret Blackman at 5:30 p.m. at the Red Oak Junior Senior High School Virtual Classroom.


Directors: Bret Blackman, Roger Carlson, Jackie DeVries, Bryce Johnson, Kathy Walker

Superintendent Ron Lorenz, Business Manager Deb Drey, Accounting Clerk Heidi Harris

Approval of Agenda

Motion by Director Johnson, second by Director Walker to approve the agenda with the order of agenda items at the discretion of the meeting chair.  Motion carried unanimously.

Good News from Red Oak Schools

Thirteen fall athletes received Hawkeye 10 All Academic Awards for achieving cumulative 3.5 grade point averages throughout their high school career.

Several high school football players received All-District Honors including Dawson Bond receiving the Defensive Most Valuable Player.

Four high school volleyball players received Hawkeye 10 All Conference awards.

The High School National Honor Society inducted 13 new members.

Kristina Chilton was named the “Favorite Teacher (Currently Teaching) Award” in the annual Best of Southwest Iowa Contest.

Attendance at Inman Elementary School is improving. The number of students that missed 8 days or more in the first quarter was half of the number for the same time last year.

Consent Agenda

Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director DeVries to approve the consent agenda as presented including meeting minutes, monthly business reports, personnel considerations, and out of state trip.  Motion carried unanimously.

Board Policy Series 505-507

Motion by Director Johnson, second by Director Walker to approve the second reading of the Board Policy Series 505-507.  Motion carried unanimously.

November 2022 Payments

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director DeVries to allow the board secretary to pay November invoices prior to approval at the November 28, 2022, meeting.  Motion carried unanimously.

LEP Beyond 5 Years Application

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director DeVries to approve the SBRC application for Limited English Proficiency Beyond 5 Years in the amount of $37,788.77.  Motion carried unanimously.



Continuation of November 7, 2022, Meeting Minutes-Page 2


Motion by Director Johnson, second by Director Walker to adjourn the meeting at 5:38 p.m.  Motion carried unanimously.


Next Board of Directors Meeting                               Monday, November 28, 2022 – 5:30 p.m.

Virtual Classroom/Phone/Internet

                                                                                    Red Oak Junior Senior High School Campus


Red Oak Community School District

Board of Directors Work Session


The Red Oak Community School District Board of Directors Work Session began at 5:40 p.m.



Directors: Bret Blackman, Roger Carlson, Jackie DeVries, Bryce Johnson, Kathy Walker

Superintendent Ron Lorenz, Business Manager Deb Drey, Accounting Clerk Heidi Harris


Larry Sigel of Iowa School Finance Information Services (ISFIS) joined the meeting via the internet.  Mr. Sigel presented background information on his partner, Margaret Buckton, and himself. 


Sigel shared general information regarding school finance including the different funds, spending authority, tax levy funding, and solvency ratio.  ISFIS has a 5-year planning model spreadsheet which was demonstrated. 


Sigel said that the Red Oak District is in a good financial position at this time. The district’s levy rate is higher than area schools due to the debt service levy of $4.05.  The levy rate will automatically increase a bit for FY24 due to declining enrollment and the budget guarantee. Creating scenarios with the 5-year model can help prepare for the future.


Sigel left the work session at 6:50 p.m.


The board members discussed enrollment trends, operational sharing money, state supplemental aid, and tax levy rates.


The work session ended at 7:05 p.m.





__________________________                                            __________________________

Bret Blackman, President                                                       Deb Drey, Board Secretary

vanmetert@rosc… Wed, 11/09/2022 - 12:25

Minutes - 2022.11.28

Minutes - 2022.11.28

Red Oak Community School District

Meeting of the Board of Directors

Meeting Location:  Virtual Classroom/ Phone/Internet

Red Oak Junior Senior High School Campus

November 28, 2022


The regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Red Oak Community School District was called to order by President Bret Blackman at 5:30 p.m. at the Red Oak Junior Senior High School Virtual Classroom.


Directors: Bret Blackman, Roger Carlson, Jackie DeVries, Bryce Johnson

Superintendent Ron Lorenz, Business Manager Deb Drey, Heidi Harris Accounting Clerk

Approval of Agenda

Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director DeVries to approve the agenda with the order of agenda items at the discretion of the meeting chair.  Motion carried unanimously.

Good News from Red Oak Schools

Merced Ramirez was named to the Iowa Girls Coaches Association 3A All District Volleyball Team.

Dawson Bond was named to the first team and Riley Fouts was named to the second team of the Iowa Print Sports Writers Association and Iowa Football Coaches Association All-State Football teams.

The girls’ wrestling program is officially underway.


Riley Brown and Kaitlyn Brammer, Vocation Agriculture Instructs, and FFA members presented on their recent trip to the National FFA Convention.  Each member shared information regarding tours, convention sessions, and favorite memories of the trip.  A video created by Stef Medina was shown.

Consent Agenda

Motion by Director Johnson, second by Director DeVries to approve the consent agenda as presented including meeting minutes, monthly business reports, personnel considerations, out-of-state field trips, and special education agreements.  Motion carried unanimously.

Board Policy 508.10

Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director DeVries to approve the first reading of the Board Policy 508.10-Wellness Policy and waive the second reading.  Motion carried unanimously.

Board Policy Series 509

Motion by Director Johnson, second by Director Carlson to approve the first reading of Board Policy Series 509.  Motion carried unanimously.

SBRC Application for Open Enrollment Out

Motion by Director DeVries, second by Director Johnson to approve the SBRC Application for Open Enrollment Out in current year not in certified enrollment in the prior year in the amount of $144,540.00.  Motion carried unanimously.

Continuation of November 28, 2022 Meeting Minutes-Page 2

SBRC Application for LEP Beyond 5 Years

Motion by Director Johnson, second by Director DeVries to approve the Limited English Proficiency Beyond 5 Years application in the amount of $15,567.30.  Motion carried unanimously.

Early Graduation Requests

Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director DeVries to approve the early graduation requests as presented if all graduation requirements are fulfilled.  Motion carried unanimously.

2022-2023 Natural Gas Risk Pool

Motion by Director DeVries, second by Director Johnson to approve participation in the Local Government Risk Pool for Natural Gas in the amount of $100,304.57.  Motion carried unanimously.

ESSER Fund Usage

Motion by Director Johnson, second by Director Carlson to approve using ESSER funds to purchase replacement devices for the central office in the amount of $11,570.48.  Motion carried unanimously.

Regular Meeting Adjournment

Motion by Director DeVries, second by Director Carlson to adjourn the regular meeting at 6:01 p.m.  Motion carried unanimously.

Annual Meeting of the Board of Directors

The annual meeting of the Board of Directors of the Red Oak Community School District was called to order by Board Secretary Deb Drey at 6:02 p.m. at the Red Oak Junior Senior High School Virtual Classroom.


Directors: Bret Blackman, Roger Carlson, Jackie DeVries, Bryce Johnson

Superintendent Ron Lorenz, Business Manager Deb Drey, Heidi Harris Accounting Clerk

Election of President

Director Carlson nominated Bret Blackman for the office of president and moved that nominations cease.  Director DeVries seconded the motion.  Motion carried 3-0 with Director Blackman abstaining.

Board Secretary Deb Drey gave the oath of office to Newly Elected President Blackman.

President Blackman took over the meeting.

Election of Vice President

Director Carlson nominated Jackie DeVries for the office of vice president and moved that nominations cease.  Director Johnson seconded the motion.  Motion carried 3-0 with Director DeVries abstaining.

Board Secretary/Treasurer Appointment

Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Johnson to appoint Deb Drey as Board Secretary/Treasurer and Heidi Harris as Assistant Board Secretary/Treasurer.  Motion carried unanimously.

Continuation of November 28, 2022 Meeting Minutes-Page 3

Legal Publication

Motion by Director Johnson, second by Director DeVries to approve The Red Oak Express as the district’s legal publication.  Motion carried unanimously.


Motion by Director DeVries, second by Director Carlson to approve Houghton State and Iowa Schools Joint Investment Trust as depositories with a limit of $25,000,000, Motion carried unanimously.

Legal Counsel

Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director DeVries to approve Ahlers and Cooney, PC as the district’s legal counsel.  Motion carried unanimously.

Meeting Dates and Times

Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Johnson to change to one regular meeting per month on the third Wednesday at 5:30 p.m. beginning in January 2023, and a work session once a quarter on the first Wednesday of the month at 5:30 p.m. with a review of this change in April 2023.  Motion carried unanimously.

Committee Assignments

Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director DeVries to approve the following committee assignments:  Red Oak Education Association Negotiations/Labor Management Committee:  Directors DeVries and Walker; Support Staff Negotiation/Labor Management Committee:  Directors Blackman and Johnson; School Improvement Committee: Directors Walker and DeVries; District Policy Committee:  Directors Walker and DeVries; District Facilities Committee:  Directors Carlson and Blackman; District Calendar Committee:  Director Walker;

District Technology Committee: Directors Blackman and Johnson; Montgomery County Conference Board:  Director Carlson; District STEM Committee:  Directors Johnson and Blackman.  Motion carried unanimously.

Agenda Ordering and Approval

Motion by Director Johnson, second by Director DeVries to order and approve the agenda as it currently is done.  Motion carried unanimously.

Annual Meeting Adjournment

Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director DeVries to adjourn the annual meeting at 6:29 p.m.  Motion carried unanimously.

Exempt Session of the Red Oak Community School District Board of Directors

The board of directors entered an exempt session to discuss negotiations strategy for upcoming contract discussions with support staff groups and teachers unit per Iowa Code Section 20.17(3) at 6:33 p.m. and exited at 7:26 p.m.

Next Board of Directors Meeting                               Monday, December 19, 2022 – 5:30 p.m.

Virtual Classroom/Phone/Internet

                                                                                    Red Oak Junior Senior High School Campus


__________________________                                            __________________________

Bret Blackman, President                                                       Deb Drey, Board Secretary

vanmetert@rosc… Tue, 11/29/2022 - 13:13

Minutes - 2022.12.12

Minutes - 2022.12.12

Red Oak Community School District

Meeting of the Board of Directors

Meeting Location:  Virtual Classroom/ Phone/Internet

Red Oak Junior Senior High School Campus

December 12, 2022


The special meeting of the Board of Directors of the Red Oak Community School District was called to order by President Bret Blackman at 7:31 a.m. via internet/phone


Directors: Bret Blackman, Roger Carlson, Jackie DeVries, Bryce Johnson, Kathy Walker

Superintendent Ron Lorenz, Business Manager Deb Drey

Approval of Agenda

Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Johnson to approve the agenda with the order of agenda items at the discretion of the meeting chair.  Motion carried unanimously.

Out of State Wrestling Trip

Motion by Director Johnson, second by Director DeVries to approve the varsity wrestling team trip to Kansas City on December 16-17, 2022.  Motion carried unanimously.

Use of PPEL Funds

Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Walker to approve using Physical Plant and Equipment Levy (PPEL) to purchase a van with a lift for the Child Nutrition Program in the amount of $57,186.00.  Motion carried unanimously.


Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Johnson to adjourn the meeting at 7:36 a.m.  Motion carried unanimously.


Next Board of Directors Meeting                               Monday, December 19, 2022 – 5:30 p.m.

Virtual Classroom/Phone/Internet

                                                                                    Red Oak Junior Senior High School Campus



__________________________                                            __________________________

Bret Blackman, President                                                       Deb Drey, Board Secretary

vanmetert@rosc… Mon, 12/12/2022 - 08:51

Minutes - 2022.12.19

Minutes - 2022.12.19

Red Oak Community School District

Meeting of the Board of Directors

Meeting Location:  Virtual Classroom/ Phone/Internet

Red Oak Junior Senior High School Campus

December 19, 2022


The regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Red Oak Community School District was called to order by President Bret Blackman at 5:30 p.m. at the Red Oak Junior Senior High School Virtual Classroom.


Directors: Bret Blackman, Roger Carlson, Jackie DeVries, Kathy Walker

Superintendent Ron Lorenz, Business Manager Deb Drey, Accounting Clerk Heidi Harris

Approval of Agenda

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director DeVries to approve the agenda with the order of agenda items at the discretion of the meeting chair.  Motion carried unanimously.

Good News from Red Oak Schools

The District has hosted amazing holiday music programs by Kindergarten through 6th Grades and the Winter Extravaganza including the 6th Grade, Junior High and High School Bands and High School Choirs.

Six of the 15 students that auditioned for the Southwest Iowa Honor Band were selected to participate in the concert in Atlantic on January 16, 2023.

Teachers at Inman Elementary and the Junior/Senior High School participated in a fund raiser that brought in a number of food items and $540 for Christ Cupboard.

High School Juniors took the Armed Services Vocation Aptitude Battery administered by Armey, Navy, and National Guard members.  The proctors complemented our students on their behavior and engagement throughout the test.

Radon testing results for Red Oak Early Childhood Center came back well below the EPA’s action level and the World Health Organization’s more stringent level.


The High School Minisingers performed several Christmas songs for the Board and visitors.

Consent Agenda

Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Walker to approve the revised consent agenda as presented including meeting minutes, monthly business reports, and personnel considerations.  Motion carried unanimously.

Board Policy Series 509

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director DeVries to approve the second reading of the Board Policy Series 509.  Motion carried unanimously.

Board Policy Series 600-604

Motion by Director DeVries, second by Director Carlson to approve the first reading of the Board Policy Series 600-604.  Motion carried unanimously.




Continuation of December 19, 2022 Meeting Minutes-Page 2

December Invoice Payment

Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Walker to approve authorizing the board secretary to pay December invoices prior to formal approval at the next board meeting per Board Policy 705.3.  Motion carried unanimously.

Defined Insurance Contribution

Motion by Director DeVries, second by Director Walker to approve setting a defined district contribution for health insurance for the 2023-2024 school year for all covered employees at current levels.  Motion carried unanimously.

2022-2023 Mid-Year Increase

Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director DeVries to approve increasing the hourly rate by $2.00 per hour for para-professionals, building secretaries, and bus drivers for the remainder of the 2022-2023 school year effective January 1, 2023.  Motion carried unanimously.

2023-2024 Increase

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director DeVries to approve increasing the hourly rate by $2.00 per hour for para-professionals, building secretaries, and bus drivers for the 2023-2024 school year effective July 1, 2023.  Motion carried unanimously.

At Risk/Drop Out MSA

Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Walker to approve the At Risk/Drop Out Modified Supplemental Application in the amount of $315,976.  Motion carried unanimously.

Gym Floor Refinishing

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Carlson to approve the Junior/Senior High School Orange Gym floor refinishing in an amount not to exceed $5,678.50.  Motion carried unanimously.


Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Carlson to adjourn the meeting at 6:20 p.m.  Motion carried unanimously.



Next Board of Directors Meeting                               Wednesday, January 25, 2023 – 5:30 p.m.

Virtual Classroom/Phone/Internet

                                                                                    Red Oak Junior Senior High School Campus



__________________________                                            __________________________

Bret Blackman, President                                                       Deb Drey, Board Secretary

vanmetert@rosc… Tue, 12/20/2022 - 12:03

Minutes - 2023.01.25

Minutes - 2023.01.25

Red Oak Community School District

Meeting of the Board of Directors

Meeting Location:  Virtual Classroom/ Phone/Internet

Red Oak Junior Senior High School Campus

January 25, 2023

The regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Red Oak Community School District was called to order by President Bret Blackman at 5:30 p.m. at the Red Oak Junior Senior High School Virtual Classroom.


Directors: Bret Blackman, Roger Carlson, Jackie DeVries, Bryce Johnson, Kathy Walker

Superintendent Ron Lorenz, Business Manager Deb Drey, Accounting Clerk Heidi Harris

Approval of Agenda

Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Johnson to approve the agenda with the order of agenda items at the discretion of the meeting chair.  Motion carried unanimously.

Good News from Red Oak Schools

Six students were selected to perform in the Southwest Iowa Honor Band on January 10, 2023.

Eleven students were selected to perform in the University of Iowa Honor Band on February 19, 2023.

Sam Fields was selected to perform February 2-5, 2023, in the University of Nebraska-Lincoln Honor Band and Jonah Wemhoff was selected as an alternate.

Junior/Senior High School Band Instructor Taylor Wood was selected to participate in the Young Conductor Symposium at the Iowa Bandmasters State Conference in May, 2023.

Max DeVries scored his 1000th career points in the basketball game against Clarinda.

Consent Agenda

Motion by Director Johnson, second by Director DeVries to approve the consent agenda as presented including meeting minutes, monthly business reports, out of state field trips, personnel considerations, and second semester fundraisers.  Motion carried unanimously.

Board Policy Series 600-604

Motion by Director DeVries, second by Director Carlson to approve the second reading of Board Policy Series 600-604.  Motion carried unanimously.

Graduation Ceremony & Scholarship Recognition

The new procedures that will be in place for the graduation ceremony and scholarship recognition was explained to the Directors.

School Bus Lease

Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Johnson to approve leasing three new 77-passenger diesel school busses from Blue Bird for three years. Motion carried unanimously.

Handicap Accessible Bus

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director DeVries to approve the purchase of a handicap accessible small bus with wheelchair lift from Thomas Built Busses in the amount of $90,478.00.  Motion carried unanimously.

Senior Early Release Program

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Johnson to approve the senior early release program as presented.  Motion carried unanimously.

2023-2024 High School Course Book

Motion by Director DeVries, second by Director Walker to approve the 2023-2024 High School Course Book as presented.  Motion carried unanimously.

Central Office Staff Increase

Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Johnson to approve increasing the Central Office support staff wages by $1.50 per hour effective February 1, 2023, and an additional $1.50 per hour effective July 1, 2023.  Motion carried unanimously.

K-12 Docs

Motion by Director Johnson, second by Director DeVries to approve the purchase of the K-12 Docs add on to Software Unlimited.  Motion carried unanimously.

ESSER Fund Usage

Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Walker to approve the purchase of new devices for teachers using ESSER funds in the amount of $89,746.00.  Motion carried unanimously.

JV Girls’ Soccer

Motion by Director DeVries, second by Director Johnson to approve offering a junior varsity girls’ soccer program effective in the spring of 2023 with an approximate cost of $8,000.00.  Motion carried unanimously.

Hiring Incentive

Motion by Director Johnson, second by Director Carlson to approve prorating the one-time hiring incentive ($100/month) for the 2022-2023 school year over the remaining months in the year effective February 1, 2023.  Motion carried unanimously.


Motion by Director Johnson, second by Director DeVries to adjourn the meeting at 6:40 p.m.  Motion carried unanimously.

Exempt Session

The Board of Directors entered into an exempt session to discuss negotiations strategy for the upcoming contract discussions with the teacher unit per Iowa Code Section 20.17(3).


Next Board of Directors Meeting      

Work Session Wednesday, February 1, 2023-5:30 p.m.

Virtual Classroom/Phone/Internet                                                       

Red Oak Junior Senior High School Campus


Regular Meeting Wednesday, February 15, 2023 -5:30 p.m.

Virtual Classroom/Phone/Internet

Red Oak Junior Senior High School Campus

dreyd@redoaksc… Thu, 01/26/2023 - 12:43

Minutes - 2023.02.15

Minutes - 2023.02.15

Red Oak Community School District

Meeting of the Board of Directors

Meeting Location:  Virtual Classroom/ Phone/Internet

Red Oak Junior Senior High School Campus

February 15, 2023


The regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Red Oak Community School District was called to order by President Bret Blackman at 5:30 p.m. at the Red Oak Junior Senior High School Virtual Classroom.


Directors: Bret Blackman, Roger Carlson, Jackie DeVries arrived at 6:01 p.m, Bryce Johnson, Kathy Walker

Superintendent Ron Lorenz, Business Manager Deb Drey, Accounting Clerk Heidi Harris

Approval of Agenda

Motion by Director Johnson, second by Director Walker to approve the agenda with the order of agenda items at the discretion of the meeting chair.  Motion carried unanimously.

Good News from Red Oak Schools

Nicole Bond was the district’s first girls’ state wrestling qualifier.

Kyler Sandholm, Adam Baier, and Dawson Bond qualified for the state wrestling tournament.

The boys’ basketball team advanced to the district semi-final with a victory over Missouri Valley.

Several students performed well at the State Large Group Speech Contest.

FFA members participated in the South Sub-District FFA Contest and several will advance to the District Contest.

Girls’ and Boys’ Bowling completed their seasons with good showings at the state qualifying meet but narrowly missed qualifying for the state tournament.


Steve McPhillips from Green Hills AEA and Curtis Hamstra from the 4th Judicial District discussed the School Based Intervention Program.

Consent Agenda

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Johnson to approve the consent agenda as presented including meeting minutes, monthly business reports, personnel considerations, and out-of-state field trip request.  Motion carried unanimously with Director Carlson abstaining on item 5.3.1.

Board Policy Series 604.11

Motion by Director Johnson, second by Director Carlson to approve the third reading of Board Policy Series 604.11.  Motion carried unanimously.

Board Policy Series 605-607

Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Walker to approve the first reading of Board Policy Series 605-607.  Motion carried unanimously.

Football Helmet Purchase

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Johnson to approve the purchase of new football helmets from Riddell All American Sports in the amount of $9,298.45.  Motion carried unanimously.



Continuation of February 15, 2023 Meeting Minutes-Page 2

Graduation Ceremony & Scholarship Recognition

Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Walker to approve the changes to the graduation ceremony and scholarship recognition as presented.  Motion carried unanimously.

School Based Intervention Program

Motion by Director Johnson, second by Director Walker to approve participation in the Department of Human Services/4th Judicial District’s School Based Intervention Program for the remainder of the 2022-2023 school year and the 2023-2024 school year.  Motion carried unanimously.

Director DeVries arrived at the meeting.

Alternative PK Instruction Delivery

Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Walker to approve adopting the alternative pre-school instruction delivery model as presented for the 2023-2024 school year. Motion carried unanimously.

Health Insurance Plans

Motion by Director Johnson, second by Director Carlson to approve the employee health benefits plans as presented for the 2023-2024 school year. Motion carried unanimously.

March Board Meeting Date

Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director DeVries to have the regular meeting of the board of directors on March 15, 2023, as originally scheduled.  Motion carried unanimously.


Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Walker to adjourn the meeting at 6:31 p.m.  Motion carried unanimously.

Exempt Session per Iowa Code section 20.17(3)

The Board of Directors entered into an exempt session to discuss negotiations strategy for upcoming contract discussion with the teachers’ unit per Iowa Code section 20.17(3) at 6:33 p.m. and exited at 6:47 p.m.

Next Board of Directors Meeting                               Wednesday, March 15, 2023 – 5:30 p.m.

Virtual Classroom/Phone/Internet

                                                                                    Red Oak Junior Senior High School Campus

dreyd@redoaksc… Thu, 02/16/2023 - 10:28

Minutes - 2023.03.15

Minutes - 2023.03.15

Red Oak Community School District

Meeting of the Board of Directors

Meeting Location:  Virtual Classroom/ Phone/Internet

Red Oak Junior Senior High School Campus

March 15, 2023

The regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Red Oak Community School District was

called to order by President Bret Blackman at 5:30 p.m. at the Red Oak Junior Senior High

School Virtual Classroom.


Directors: Roger Carlson, Bret Blackman, Kathy Walker, and Bryce Johnson.

Superintendent Ron Lorenz, Business Manager Deb Drey, Accounting Clerk Heidi Harris

Approval of Agenda

Motion by Director Walker, seconded by Director Johnson to approve the agenda with the order

of agenda items at the discretion of the meeting chair. Motion carried unanimously.

2023-2024 School Calendar Public Hearing

President Blackman opened the public hearing for the 2023-2024 school calendar at 5.35 p.m.

Superintendent Lorenz presented the proposed calendar. There were no comments. Blackman closed the public hearing at 5.37 p.m.

Good News from Red Oak Schools

Congratulations to Dawson Bond who is the 2023 Class 2A 160-pound State Wrestling

Champion and KMALand’s Wrestler of the Year.

Congratulations to our students who received Hawkeye Ten Winter Sports All Academic


Max DeVries and Hunter Gilleland received 1st and 2nd team All-Conference honors. Lainey

DeVries received Honorable Mention.

Congratulations to the twelve High School Speech students that qualified for the State Speech

Competition in Ames on March 11.

Congratulations to Tim Marsden and his students for an outstanding job with their “Fiddler on the Roof” production.

Congratulations to Tessa Rolenc for being selected as Red Oak High School’s Governor’s

Scholar for the Governor’s Iowa High School Athletic Association and the Iowa Farm Bureau.

The Varsity Track team competed in the IATC Indoor Track Championships and will compete

next at the Hawkeye 10 South Meet on March 28 in Glenwood.


Daric O’Neal from Alley, Poyner, Macchietto Architecture presented their final recommendations for the District’s Long-Range Strategic Facilities Plan. Recommendations included IES original roof being a top priority. Derek presented needs/actions from an immediate to a ten to fifteen-year range for IES, HS, ROECC, Sports Complex, and HS Sports Complex.

Consent Agenda

Motion by Director Carlson, seconded by Director Walker to approve the consent agenda as presented including meeting minutes, monthly business reports, personnel considerations, physical education 2nd semester waivers and out-of-state field trip request. Motion carried unanimously.

Board Policy Series 605 – 607

Motion by Director Johnson, seconded by Director Walker to approve the second reading of Board Policies 605-607. Motion carried unanimously.

2023 – 2024 District Calendar

Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Walker to approve the proposed 2023-2024 district calendar. Motion carried unanimously.

Iowa K-5 Open SciEd Pilot Program

Motion by Director Johnson, seconded by Director Walker to approve the participation in the Iowa K-5 SciEd Pilot Program for the 2023-2024 and 2024-2025 school years. Motion carried unanimously.

Extension of Food Service Management Contract

Motion by Director Walker, seconded by Director Carlson to approve the extension of OPAA! Food Management Company contract through 2023-2024 school year. Motion carried unanimously.

Acceptance of Gift of Personal Property

Motion by Director Carlson, seconded by Director Johnson to approve the gift of a video message board from the Red Oak Optimist Club. Motion carried unanimously.

Renewal of Software Applications

Motion by Director Johnson, seconded by Director Walker to approve the renewal of Frontline Education Software (Budget and Financial Analytics, Frontline Central Solutions, Time and Attendance, and Absence Management) in the amount of $35,701.06 for the 2023-2024 school year. Motion carried unanimously.

District Career and Academic Plan (DCAP)

Motion by Director Walker, seconded by Director Carlson to approve the District Career and Academic Plan for the 2023-2024 school year. Motion carried unanimously.

Repair of Wheelchair Accessible Bus

Motion by Director Carlson, seconded by Director Johnson to approve the repair of the wheelchair accessible bus in the amount of $8,363.98. Motion carried unanimously.

2023-2024 District Budget Priorities Discussion

Discussion regarding the Board’s direction for budget priorities and recommendations for school year 2023-2024.


Motion by Director Carlson, seconded by Director Walker to adjourn the meeting at 7:29 p.m. Motion carried unanimously.

Exempt Session

Entered in to exempt session to discuss negotiation strategy for upcoming contract discussions with teacher unit per Iowa Code Section 20.17(3) at 7:36 p.m. and exited at 8:30 p.m.


Next Board of Directors Meeting

Wednesday, April 19, 2023 – 5:30 p.m.

Virtual Classroom/Phone/Internet

Red Oak Junior Senior High School Campus

dreyd@redoaksc… Thu, 03/16/2023 - 14:22

Minutes - 2023.04.05

Minutes - 2023.04.05


Red Oak Community School District

Meeting of the Board of Directors

Meeting Location:  Virtual Classroom/ Phone/Internet

Red Oak Junior Senior High School Campus



The special meeting of the Board of Directors of the Red Oak Community School District was called to order by President Bret Blackman at 5:30 p.m. at the Red Oak Junior Senior High School Virtual Classroom.


Directors: Roger Carlson, Bret Blackman, Kathy Walker, and Jackie DeVries.

Superintendent Ron Lorenz, Business Manager Deb Drey, Accounting Clerk Heidi Harris

Approval of Agenda

Motion by Director Walker, seconded by Director Carlson to approve the agenda with the order of agenda items at the discretion of the meeting chair.  Motion carried unanimously.

Consent Revised Agenda

Motion by Director Carlson, seconded by Director Walker to approve the revised consent agenda as presented including personnel considerations.  Motion carried unanimously.

Red Oak Education Association Master Contract

Motion by Director Carlson, seconded by Director Walker to approve the 2023 – 2024 Red Oak Education Association Master Contract.  Motion carried unanimously.

2023-2024 Wage Increase for Non-Bargained Personnel

Motion by Director DeVries, second by Director Walker to approve the proposed 2023-2024 wage increases for remaining non-bargained personnel (Administrators, Directors, and Support Staff).  Motion carried unanimously.

2023-2024 School Business Official Position

Motion by Director Carlson, seconded by Director DeVries to approve Heidi Harris as the School Business Official/Board Secretary/Treasurer for the 2023-2024 school year.  Motion carried unanimously.


Motion by Director Walker, seconded by Director DeVries to adjourn the meeting at 5:37 p.m.  Motion carried unanimously.

Next Board of Directors Meeting                              

Wednesday, April 19, 2023 – 5:30 p.m.

Virtual Classroom/Phone/Internet

Red Oak Junior Senior High School Campus

Board of Directors Work Session

2023-2024 Health Insurance Plans

Susan Matlage-Simms and Dawn Barr of Mercer presented a general overview of the insurance plans offered for the 2023-2024 school year.

Summer Maintenance Projects

Adam Wenberg presented information of planned maintenance projects for the summer and addressed long-range facilities improvement projects identified by Alley Poyner Macchietto Architecture.

Closed Session

Motion by Director Carlson, and seconded by Director Walker to enter into a closed session per Iowa Code 21.5(1)(k) and 22.7(50) at 6:27 p.m.  Motion carried unanimously. 

Exited closed session at 7:52 p.m.

Closed Work session at 8:19 p.m.

dreyd@redoaksc… Thu, 04/06/2023 - 10:34

Minutes - 2023.04.19

Minutes - 2023.04.19

Red Oak Community School District  

Meeting of the Board of Directors 

Meeting Location:  Virtual Classroom/ Phone/Internet 

Red Oak Junior Senior High School Campus  



The regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Red Oak Community School District was called to order by President Bret Blackman at 5:30 p.m. at the Red Oak Junior Senior High School Virtual Classroom. 


Directors: Bret Blackman, Roger Carlson, Jackie DeVries, and Kathy Walker 

Superintendent Ron Lorenz, Business Manager Deb Drey, Asst Board Secretary Heidi Harris 

Approval of Agenda 

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Carlson to approve the agenda with the order of agenda items at the discretion of the meeting chair.  Motion carried unanimously. 

Good News from Red Oak Schools 

Two Red Oak High School students were selected as Outstanding Performers at the Iowa High School Speech Association Individual Speech Competition.  Congratulations to Josie Rengsdorf and Lauren Dean for being selected as two of the state’s best individual speech performers.  

The Kiwanis Club presented the entire 3rd grade with bicycle helmets for the 25th year. 

ISASP testing has been completed at Inman Elementary and the Jr/Sr High School. 

The FFA program and FFA Alumni, along with their supporters held their cattle show on April 8 with a record-number breaking number of cattle entered. 

Visitors and Presentations 

Dr. Jason Plourde, Jeremy Stukenholtz, and John Gambs presented on behalf of the Green Hills AEA highlighting the services, supports, and members of our AEA region’s staff.  They presented a short video profiling the AEA staff that currently work with our staff and the partnership opportunities they have to offer our district. 

Consent Agenda 

Motion by Director Carlson, seconded by Director DeVries to approve the consent agenda items including meeting minutes, personnel considerations, monthly business reports, and operational sharing agreements.  Motion carried unanimously. 

FY24 Certified Budget Public Hearing 

President Blackman opened the FY24 Certified Budget Public Hearing at 5:35 p.m.  Heidi Harris presented information on the FY24 proposed budget.  There were no public comments.  President Blackman closed the public hearing at 5.41 p.m. 

FY23 Budget Amendment Public Hearing 

President Blackman opened the FY23 Budget Amendment Public Hearing at 5:41 p.m.  Superintendent Lorenz requested increasing the current FY23 budget by $800,000 due to increased costs in instruction, support services, and other expenditures.  This amendment will have no impact on tax rates or other general fund expenditures.  There were no public comments.  President Blackman closed the public hearing at 5.42 p.m. 

FY23 Budget Amendment 

Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Walker to approve the FY23 Budget Adjustment Resolution.  Motion carried unanimously. 

FY2024 Budget Approval 

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director DeVries to approve the FY24 Certified Budget.  Motion carried unanimously. 

Director DeVries left the meeting at 6:01 p.m. 

FY24 Budget Adjustment Resolution  

Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Walker to approve the FY24 Budget Adjustment Resolution. Motion carried 3 - 0. 

FY24 Bond Surplus Levy 

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Carlson to approve the FY Bond Surplus Levy.  Motion carried 3 - 0. 

Director DeVries returned to the meeting at 6:04 p.m. 

Health Savings Account Administrative Vendor 

Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Walker to approve iSolved as the Health Savings Account Administrative Vendor.  Motion carried unanimously. 

Timberline Billing Service LLC Agreement 

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director DeVries to approve the Timberline Billing Service LLC agreement for Medicaid reimbursement services.  Motion carried unanimously. 

Infinite Campus Software Renewal 

Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Walker to approve the renewal of Infinite Campus Student Information Systems Software for FY24.  Motion carried unanimously. 

2023 Summer School Structure 

Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director DeVries to approve the proposed 2023 Summer School Structure.  Motion carried unanimously. 

Concurrent Enrollment 

Motion by Director DeVries, second by Director Walker to approve the 23-24 Concurrent Enrollment (college credit, courses, career, and technical education) with Southwestern Community College. Motion carried unanimously. 

2023-2024 High School Course Handbook 

Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Walker to approve the 2023-2024 High School Course Handbook. Motion carried unanimously. 

Amendment to District’s Teacher Leadership and Compensation Plan 

Motion by Director DeVries, second by Director Walker to approve the proposed amendment to the District’s Teacher Leadership and Compensation plan.  Motion carried unanimously.  

Girls’ Wrestling Interscholastic Activity Sharing 

Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director DeVries to approve the activity sharing of Girls’ Interscholastic Wrestling with Griswold Community School District for the 2023-2024 school year.  Motion carried unanimously.   

Cell Phone Use During School Day Discussion 

The Board discussed the recent survey regarding cell phones in the classroom and the current cell phone policies for Inman Elementary and the Junior/Senior High School during school hours.  Nate Perrien and Jane Chaillie discussed the current cell phone policies for each building.  Discussion of possible solutions ensued. 

Monthly Board Meeting Schedule 

The Board revisited the current schedule of one board meeting per month in lieu of the two meetings per month.  The general consensus was the current policy of one meeting per month was sufficient. 

Closed Session 

Entered into closed session for the Superintendent’s Work Evaluation pursuant to to Iowa Code Section 21.5 (1)(i) at 7:13 p.m. and exited at 7:28 p.m. 


Motion by Director DeVries, second by Director Carlson to adjourn the meeting at 7:28 p.m.  Motion carried unanimously. 


Next Board of Directors Meeting Wednesday, May17, 2023 – 5:30 p.m. 

Virtual Classroom/Phone/Internet 

Red Oak Junior Senior High School Campus 


dreyd@redoaksc… Fri, 04/21/2023 - 08:27

Minutes - 2023.05.09

Minutes - 2023.05.09

Red Oak Community School District

Meeting of the Board of Directors

Meeting Location:  Virtual Classroom/ Phone/Internet

Red Oak Junior Senior High School Campus

May 9, 2023


The special meeting of the Board of Directors of the Red Oak Community School District was called to order by President Bret Blackman at 5:30 p.m. at the Red Oak Junior Senior High School Virtual Classroom.


Directors: Bret Blackman, Roger Carlson, Jackie DeVries, Bryce Johnson, Kathy Walker

Superintendent Ron Lorenz, Business Manager Deb Drey

Approval of Agenda

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director DeVries to approve the agenda with the order of agenda items at the discretion of the meeting chair.  Motion carried unanimously.

Consent Agenda

Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Johnson to approve the consent agenda including personnel considerations and an out-of-state field trip.  Motion carried 4-0 with Director DeVries abstaining.

Rising Hope Academy Hosting Discussion

Superintendent Lorenz informed the Board of Directors of a possible partnership with Green Hills Area Education Association to host the Rising Hope Academy.  Rising Hope Academy provides education for area youth with challenging behaviors and mental health concerns.  The partnership will be placed on the next board agenda as an action item.

Public Hearing on the IES Partial Reroof Project

President Blackman opened the public hearing regarding the plans, specifications, form of contract, and estimated cost of the Inman Elementary School partial reroofing project at 5:39 p.m. Superintendent Lorenz and Daric O’Neal of Alley, Poyner, Macchietto Architecture presented information and answered board members’ questions regarding the IES partial reroof project.  There were no public comments.  President Blackman closed the public hearing at 5:44 p.m.

IES Partial Reroof Plans & Specifications

Motion by Director Johnson, second by Director DeVries to approve the Inman Elementary School partial reroof plans and specifications as presented.  Motion carried unanimously.

IES Partial Reroof Form of Contract

Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director DeVries to approve the Inman Elementary School partial reroof form of contract as presented.  Motion carried unanimously.

IES Partial Reroof Estimated Cost

Motion by Director Johnson, second by Director Carlson to approve the estimated cost of $275,000 for the Inman Elementary School partial reroof. Motion carried unanimously.

APMA Letter of Agreement

Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Walker to approve the letter of agreement with Alley, Poyner, Macchietto Architecture for design services and coordination of the bid process for the Inman Elementary School partial reroof project in the amount of $12,000.  Motion carried unanimously.

IES Partial Reroof Project Contract

Motion by Director DeVries, second by Director Johnson to award the Inman Elementary School partial reroof contract to Elevate Roofing in the amount of $219,228.  Motion carried unanimously.


Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Walker to adjourn the meeting at 5:49 p.m.  Motion carried unanimously.


Next Board of Directors Meeting                               Wednesday, May 17, 2023 – 5:30 p.m.

Virtual Classroom/Phone/Internet

                                                                                    Red Oak Junior Senior High School Campus


dreyd@redoaksc… Wed, 05/10/2023 - 12:39

Minutes - 2023.05.17

Minutes - 2023.05.17

Red Oak Community School District

Meeting of the Board of Directors

Meeting Location:  Virtual Classroom/ Phone/Internet

Red Oak Junior Senior High School Campus

May 17, 2023


The regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Red Oak Community School District was called to order by President Bret Blackman at 5:30 p.m. at the Red Oak Junior Senior High School Virtual Classroom.


Directors: Bret Blackman, Roger Carlson, Jackie DeVries, Bryce Johnson (remotely), and Kathy Walker.

Superintendent Ron Lorenz, Business Manager Deb Drey, Accounting Clerk Heidi Harris

Approval of Agenda

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director DeVries to approve the agenda with the order of agenda items at the discretion of the meeting chair.  Motion carried unanimously.

Good News from Red Oak Schools

May is School Board Recognition month.  Thank you to our five board members who dedicate themselves, their vision, and leadership to our school district.

The Music Boosters were able to raise $36,000 and provide our Music Department with two beautiful new pianos – a huge thank you to the Music Boosters!

The Red Oak High School Theatre Department has been selected to participate in the 2023 High School Musical Theater Awards Showcase at the Des Moines Civic Center.  This is a prestigious opportunity for our students to participate in the Triple Threat Award program and represent Iowa and work with Broadway performers at the National High School Music Theatre Awards in New York City. Congratulations on all your hard work!

Congratulations to our very own Kristina Chilton who was presented with the 2023 Charles Lakin Outstanding Teacher Award – she received a monetary award along with another stipend to Inman Elementary.  Congratulations Kristina on a job well done!

We also have several track state qualifiers who will compete in the 2023 State Track Championship this weekend – good luck to our track Tigers.

We had nine seniors named to Hawkeye 10 All-Academic Team varsity letters for maintaining a 3.5 grade point average throughout their high school career. 

Visitors and Presentations

Ivan Gentry from the Green Hills AEA presented an overview of The Rising Hope Academy which will help students with severe behavioral challenges. 

Public Comments

Larry Brandstetter commented on the importance of having an exit interview practice in

place for all exiting staff.

Jeff Gigstad commented on reviewing and reinforcing our current cell phone policies in lieu of a cell phone ban.

Consent Agenda

Motion by Director Carlson, seconded by Director DeVries to approve the consent agenda as presented including meeting minutes, personnel considerations, and sharing agreements.  Motion carried unanimously.

Board Policy Series 700 – 705

Motion by Director Carlson, seconded by Director Walker to approve the first reading of Board Policies 700 – 705.  Motion carried unanimously.

Board Policy 905.1

Motion by Director Walker, seconded by Director DeVries to approve the first reading of Board Policy 905.1.  Motion carried unanimously.

Class of 2023 Graduates

Motion by Director DeVries, seconded by Director Walker to approve the Class of 2023 list of graduates.  Motion carried unanimously.

Life Insurance, AD&D, Long-Term Disability, and Dental Insurance Policy

Motion by Director Walker, seconded by Director DeVries to approve Lincoln Financials’ life insurance, accidental death & dismemberment, long-term disability, and dental insurance rates for the 23–24 and 24–25 school years.  Motion carried unanimously.

Mercer Health and Benefits LLC

Motion by Director Walker, seconded by Director Carlson to approve the letter of engagement with Mercer Health and Benefits, LLC for the 23–24 school year.  Motion carried unanimously.

Specialty Underwriters Insurance

Motion by Director DeVries, seconded by Director Walker to renew the Specialty Underwriters Insurance for the 2023-2024 school year.  Motion carried unanimously.

2023-2024 Substitute Teacher Pay

Motion by Director Walker, seconded by Director DeVries to approve raising the daily substitute teacher pay from $130 to $140 per day.  Motion carried unanimously.

2023-2024 Substitute Support Staff Pay

Motion by Director DeVries, seconded by Director Walker to approve a $2 per hour raise for substitute support staff (i.e. Paraprofessionals, Secretaries, and Bus Drivers) for the 2023-2024 school year.  Motion carried unanimously.

Jr/Sr High School and Inman Elementary School Parking Lot

Motion by Director Carlson, seconded by Director Walker to approve SW Parking Lot to re-stripe the Jr/Sr High School and Inman Elementary School parking lots for $8,800.  Motion carried unanimously.

Elementary Literacy Curriculum

Motion by Director Walker, seconded by Director DeVries to purchase My View Elementary Literacy Curriculum for $206,445.55.  Motion carried unanimously.

Rising Hope Academy

Motion by Director Walker, seconded by Director Carlson to approve the partnering with Green Hills AEA in hosting the Rising Hope Academy for the 2023-2024 school year.  Motion carried unanimously.

Closed Session

Entered into closed session at 6:51 p.m. for the Superintendent Performance Evaluation Pursuant to Iowa Code Section 21.5(1)(i). and exited at 7:33 p.m.  Note:  Bryce Johnson exited the meeting at 6:44 p.m.


Motion by Director Carlson, seconded by Director Walker to adjourn the meeting at 7:34 p.m.  Motion carried unanimously.


Next Board of Directors Meeting                               Wednesday, June 21, 2023 – 5:30 p.m.

Virtual Classroom/Phone/Internet

                                                                                    Red Oak Junior Senior High School Campus

dreyd@redoaksc… Fri, 05/26/2023 - 10:10

Minutes - 2023.05.25

Minutes - 2023.05.25

Red Oak Community School District

Meeting of the Board of Directors

Meeting Location:  Virtual Classroom/ Phone/Internet

Red Oak Junior Senior High School Campus

May 25, 2023


The special meeting of the Board of Directors of the Red Oak Community School District was called to order by President Bret Blackman at 5:30 p.m. at the Red Oak Junior Senior High School Virtual Classroom.


Directors: Bret Blackman, Roger Carlson, Jackie DeVries, and Kathy Walker

Superintendent Ron Lorenz, Business Manager Deb Drey, Accounting Clerk Heidi Harris

Approval of Agenda

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Carlson to approve the agenda with the order of agenda items at the discretion of the meeting chair.  Motion carried unanimously.

Consent Agenda

Motion by Director DeVries, second by Director Carlson to approve the consent agenda as presented including personnel considerations.  Motion carried unanimously.

Inman Elementary Boiler

Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director DeVries to approve the replacement of the heat exchanger on the Inman Elementary Boiler system for $9,063.33.  Motion carried unanimously.

Handicap Accessible Minibus

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director DeVries to approve the purchase of a handicap accessible minibus with wheelchair lift for $105,800.  Motion carried unanimously.

ESSER Funds Purchase

Motion by Director DeVries to approve the use of ESSER funds to purchase and install new servers for $58,164.34.  Motion carried unanimously.

Superintendent Contract Renewal

Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Walker to approve the three-year Superintendent’s contract for school years 2023–2024, 2024-2025, and 2025-2026.  Motion carried unanimously.

Disposal of Obsolete Equipment

Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director DeVries to approve the disposal of obsolete equipment as presented, using PurpleWave online auction services, pursuant to board policy 803.1.


Motion by Director Walker, second by Director DeVries to adjourn the special board meeting at 5:39 p.m.  Motion carried unanimously.


Next Board of Directors Meeting                            Wednesday June 21, 2023 – 5:30 p.m.

Virtual Classroom/Phone/Internet

                                                                                    Red Oak Junior Senior High School Campus


dreyd@redoaksc… Fri, 05/26/2023 - 10:04

Minutes - 2023.6.13

Minutes - 2023.6.13

Red Oak Community School District

Meeting of the Board of Directors

Meeting Location:  Virtual/Phone/Internet

June 13, 2023


The special meeting of the Board of Directors of the Red Oak Community School District was called to order by President Bret Blackman at 5:30 p.m. The meeting was held virtually.


Directors: Bret Blackman, Roger Carlson, Bryce Johnson, and Kathy Walker

Superintendent Ron Lorenz, Asst Board Secretary Heidi Harris

Approval of Agenda

Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Walker to approve the agenda with the order of agenda items at the discretion of the meeting chair.  Motion carried unanimously.

Consent Agenda

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Johnson to approve the consent agenda as presented including current personnel considerations and an out of state field trip.  Motion carried unanimously.


Motion by Director Johnson, second by Director Walker to adjourn the special board meeting at 5:32 p.m.  Motion carried unanimously.


Next Board of Directors Meeting                              

Wednesday, June 21, 2023 – 5:30 p.m.

Virtual Classroom/Phone/Internet

Red Oak Junior Senior High School Campus




dreyd@redoaksc… Thu, 06/15/2023 - 13:13

Minutes - 2023.6.21

Minutes - 2023.6.21

Red Oak Community School District

Meeting of the Board of Directors

Meeting Location:  Virtual Classroom/ Phone/Internet

Red Oak Junior Senior High School Campus

June 21, 2023


The regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Red Oak Community School District was called to order by Vice President Jackie DeVries at 5:30 p.m. at the Red Oak Junior Senior High School Virtual Classroom.


Directors: Jackie DeVries, Roger Carlson

Virtually:  Bryce Johnson

Superintendent Ron Lorenz, Assistant Board Secretary Heidi Harris

Approval of Agenda

Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Johnson to approve the agenda with the order of agenda items at the discretion of the meeting chair.  Motion carried unanimously.

Good News from Red Oak Schools

Congratulation to Aiden Bruce and Landon Couse for receiving Academic All-State recognition from the Iowa Association of Track Coaches for maintaining a 3.8 or higher cumulative grade point average.

Consent Agenda

Motion by Director Johnson, second by Director Carlson to approve the consent agenda as presented including meeting minutes, monthly business reports, personnel considerations, and software contract renewals for the 23-24 school year.

Board Policies 700–705

Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Johnson to approve the second reading of the Board Policies 700 – 705.  Motion carried unanimously.

Board Policy 905.1

Motion by Director Johnson, second by Director Carlson to approve the second reading of Board Policy 905.1.  Motion carried unanimously.

Creation of Flexibility Account

Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Johnson to approve the creation of a flexibility account and transfer of unexpended and unobligated Professional Development ($50,000), Home School Assistance Program ($48,544.25), and Before/After School Program ($8,049.79) funds in accordance with Iowa Code 298A.2. Motion carried unanimously.

Continued Participation Instructional Support Program

Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Johnson to approve the form of resolution and holding a public hearing on the continued participation in the Instructional Support Program.  Motion carried unanimously.

2023-2024 Property and Casualty Insurance Renewal

Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Johnson to approve the renewal of the district’s property and casualty insurance with United Group Insurance for the 2023-2024 school year for $409,113.  Motion carried unanimously.

2023-2024 Registration Fees

Motion by Director Johnson, second by Director Carlson to approve the setting of registration fees for the 2023-2024 school year at $40 for Kindergarten through Sixth grade and $60 for Seventh grade through Twelfth grade.  Motion carried unanimously.

SAVVAS Literacy Curriculum

Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Johnson to approve the purchase of SAVVAS Preschool Literacy Curriculum for $22,340.97.  Motion carried unanimously.

Marzano Instructional Empowerment Training

Motion by Director Johnson, second by Director Carlson to approve the purchase of Marzano Instructional Empowerment Training for $5,500.  Motion carried unanimously.

Pikmykid Dismissal Management System

Motion by Director to approve the purchase of Pikmykid Dismissal Management System for $6,650.  Motion carried unanimously.

2024 Legislative Priorities

Motion by Director Carlson to table the discussion of 2024 Legislative Priorities to the July 19, 2023, board meeting.


Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Johnson to adjourn the meeting at 6:22 p.m.  Motion carried unanimously.



Next Board of Directors Meeting                               Wednesday, July 19, 2023 – 5:30 p.m.

Virtual Classroom/Phone/Internet

                                                                                    Red Oak Junior Senior High School Campus

dreyd@redoaksc… Thu, 06/22/2023 - 10:58


2021-22 BOARD MINUTES Jen@iowaschool… Fri, 06/11/2021 - 11:16

Minutes - 2021. 7. 12

Minutes - 2021. 7. 12

Red Oak Community School District

Meeting of the Board of Directors

Meeting Location:  Red Oak Inman Elementary/ Phone/Internet

Red Oak Inman Elementary Campus

July 12, 2021


The regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Red Oak Community School District was called to order by President Bryce Johnson at 5:30 p.m. at the Red Oak Inman Elementary School Media Center.


Directors: Bret Blackman via internet due to travel, Roger Carlson, Jackie DeVries, Bryce Johnson, Kathy Walker

Superintendent Ron Lorenz, Business Manager Deb Drey

Good News from Red Oak Schools

The High School Drama Department was featured during the 2021 Iowa High School Musical Theater Awards Showcase on Iowa Public Television.

Public Hearing

President Johnson opened the public hearing on the conveyance of an interest in real property at 5:30 p.m.  There were no written or oral comments.  President Johnson closed the meeting at 5:31 p.m.

Approval of Agenda

Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Walker to approve the agenda with the order of agenda items at the discretion of the meeting chair.  Motion carried unanimously.

Consent Agenda

Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director DeVries to approve the consent agenda as presented including meeting minutes, monthly business reports, open enrollment requests, and personnel considerations. Motion carried unanimously.

Sale of Real Property Resolution

Motion by Director DeVries, second by Director Carlson to approve the resolution for the sale of real property.  Motion carried unanimously.

Revenue Purpose Statement Resolution

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director DeVries to approve the revenue purpose statement resolution as presented.  Motion carried unanimously.

2021-2022 Ag/Industrial Tech Sharing Agreement

Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Walker to approve the 2021-2022 Agriculture and Industrial Technology Courses Sharing Agreement with Stanton Community School District.  Motion carried unanimously.


Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director DeVries to adjourn the meeting at 5:51 p.m.  Motion carried unanimously.

Continuation of July 12, 2021 Meeting Minutes-Page 2

Next Board of Directors Meeting                               Monday, July 26, 2021 – 5:30 p.m.

                                                                                    Red Oak Inman Elementary/Phone/Internet

                                                                                    Red Oak CSD Inman Elementary Campus

__________________________                                            __________________________

Bryce Johnson, President                                                        Deb Drey, Board Secretary

vanmetert@rosc… Wed, 07/28/2021 - 15:14

Minutes- 2021. 7. 26

Minutes- 2021. 7. 26

Red Oak Community School District

Meeting of the Board of Directors

Meeting Location:  Red Oak Inman Elementary/ Phone/Internet

Red Oak Inman Elementary Campus

July 26, 2021

The regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Red Oak Community School District was called to order by President Bryce Johnson at 5:30 p.m. at the Red Oak Inman Elementary School Media Center.


Directors: Bret Blackman via internet due to travel, Roger Carlson, Bryce Johnson, Kathy Walker

Superintendent Ron Lorenz, Business Manager Deb Drey

Approval of Agenda

Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Walker to approve the agenda with the order of agenda items at the discretion of the meeting chair.  Motion carried unanimously.

Good News from Red Oak Schools

Several Red Oak students excelled at the Montgomery County Fair.

Summer athletes received Hawkeye 10 recognition.  Hawkeye 10 All-Academic Team included Emma Bierbaum, Alexa McCunn, Cami Porter, Kamryn Wendt, Garrett Couse and Chloe DeVries.  Alex McCunn and Dawson Bond were named to the 2nd Team and Garret Couse was Honorable Mention.

Dawson Bond, Garrett Couse, and Chase Roeder received All District honors.

Consent Agenda

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Carlson to approve the consent agenda as presented including meeting minutes, monthly business reports, open enrollments, personnel considerations, and use of ESSER and General Funds. Motion carried unanimously.

Standing Process for Disposition of Buildings

Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Walker to authorize the standing process as described for the disposition of Webster and Bancroft buildings.  Motion carried unanimously.

2021-2022 Snow Removal Bid

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Carlson to approve The Green Tree bid for snow removal for the 2021-2022 school year.  Motion carried unanimously.


Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Walker to adjourn the meeting at 5:52 p.m.  Motion carried unanimously.

Next Board of Directors Meeting                               Monday, August 9, 2021 – 5:30 p.m.

                                                                                    Red Oak Inman Elementary/Phone/Internet

                                                                                    Red Oak CSD Inman Elementary Campus

__________________________                                            __________________________

Bryce Johnson, President                                                        Deb Drey, Board Secretary

vanmetert@rosc… Wed, 07/28/2021 - 15:16



Red Oak Community School District

Meeting of the Board of Directors

Meeting Location:  Red Oak Inman Elementary/ Phone/Internet

Red Oak Inman Elementary Campus

August 9, 2021


The regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Red Oak Community School District was called to order by President Bryce Johnson at 5:30 p.m. at the Red Oak Inman Elementary School Media Center.


Directors: Bret Blackman arrived at 5:34 p.m., Roger Carlson, Jackie DeVries, Bryce Johnson, Kathy Walker

Superintendent Ron Lorenz, Business Manager Deb Drey

Approval of Agenda

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Carlson to approve the agenda with the order of agenda items at the discretion of the meeting chair.  Motion carried unanimously.

Good News from Red Oak Schools

Three FFA members participated in the All-Iowa Showdown in Oskaloosa, Iowa this past weekend.

Consent Agenda

Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director DeVries to approve the consent agenda as presented including meeting minutes, open enrollments, personnel considerations, use of ESSER funds, and special education agreement. Motion carried unanimously.

Director Blackman arrived.

FFA Assistant Sponsor Position

Motion by Director DeVries, second by Director Walker to approve the FFA Assistant Sponsor position for the 2021-2022 school year at a salary of $3,240.  Motion carried unanimously.

2021-2022 Teacher Handbook

Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director DeVries to approve the 2021-2022 teacher handbook as presented.  Motion carried unanimously.

Activity Fund Manual

Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Walker to approve the activity fund manual with the addition of “and auxiliary organizations” on page 103, paragraph 3.  Motion carried unanimously.

2021-2022 Paraprofessional Guidelines

Motion by Director Blackman, second by Director DeVries to approve the 2021-2022 paraprofessional guidelines as presented.  Motion carried unanimously.

Board Policy 401.5 First Reading

Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Blackman to approve the first reading of Board Policy 401.5 Employee Contract Release-Licensed Employees.  Motion carried unanimously.

Continuation of August 9, 2021, Meeting Minutes-Page 2


Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Blackman to adjourn the meeting at 5:54 p.m.  Motion carried unanimously.

Board Work Session

Board President Bryce Johnson opened the work session at 6:01 p.m.

Facilities Planning

Superintendent Lorenz presented information on the district’s funding capacity and the process to be used regarding facilities planning upgrades/renovations.

Attendees listed items that they felt needed to be upgraded or renovated in the future.  Through the process items received a priority rating.  Next steps were discussed.

Block Scheduling

Discussion regarding the benefits/disadvantages of block scheduling.  More information regarding this issue was requested.

The Board work session ended at 8:56 p.m.


Next Board of Directors Meeting:                              Monday, August 23, 2021 – 5:30 p.m.

                                                                                    Red Oak Inman Elementary/Phone/Internet

                                                                                    Red Oak CSD Inman Elementary Campus

__________________________                                            __________________________

Bryce Johnson, President                                                        Deb Drey, Board Secretary

vanmetert@rosc… Wed, 08/11/2021 - 07:43

Minutes - 2021.8.18

Minutes - 2021.8.18

Red Oak Community School District

Meeting of the Board of Directors

Meeting Location:  Red Oak Jr./Sr. High Virtual Learning Center/ Phone/Internet

Red Oak Jr./Sr. High Campus

August 18, 2021


The regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Red Oak Community School District was called to order by President Bryce Johnson at 5:30 p.m. at the Red Oak Jr./Sr. High School Virtual Learning Center.


Directors: Bret Blackman via internet due to travel, Roger Carlson, Jackie DeVries, Bryce Johnson, Kathy Walker.

Superintendent Ron Lorenz, Business Manager Deb Drey

Approval of Agenda

Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Walker to approve the agenda with the order of agenda items at the discretion of the meeting chair.  Motion carried unanimously.


Motion by Director Walker, second by Director DeVries to approve the ESSER III Plan as presented. Motion carried unanimously.

2021-2022 COVID 19 Plan

Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director DeVries to the 2021-2022 COVID 19 Plan as presented.  Motion carried unanimously.

FFA Activity Fund Audit

Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Walker to accept the FFA Activity Fund Audit.  Motion carried unanimously.

First Reading Board Policy 505.5

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Carlson to approve the first reading of Board Policy 505.5-Student Fund Raising.  Motion carried unanimously.

First Reading Board Policy 704.1

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director DeVries to approve the first reading of Board Policy 704.1-Local, State, Federal, and Miscellaneous Revenue.  Motion carried unanimously.

First Reading Board Policy 704.6

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director DeVries approve the first reading of Board Policy 704.6-Online Fundraising Campaigns-Crowd Funding.  Motion carried unanimously.


Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director DeVries to adjourn the meeting at 6:13 p.m.  Motion carried unanimously.

Next Board of Directors Meeting                   Monday, August 23, 2021 – 5:30 p.m.

                                                                        Red Oak Jr./Sr. High Virtual Learning Center                                                                                   Phone/Internet

                                                                        Red Oak CSD Inman Elementary Campus


__________________________                    __________________________

Bryce Johnson, President                                Deb Drey, Board Secretary

vanmetert@rosc… Thu, 08/19/2021 - 14:19

Minutes - 2021.8.23

Minutes - 2021.8.23

Red Oak Community School District

Meeting of the Board of Directors

Meeting Location:  Virtual Classroom/ Phone/Internet

Red Oak Junior Senior High School Campus

August 23, 2021


The regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Red Oak Community School District was called to order by President Bryce Johnson at 5:30 p.m. at the Red Oak Jr./Sr. High School Virtual Classroom.


Directors: Roger Carlson, Jackie DeVries, Bryce Johnson, Kathy Walker, Bret Blackman arriving at 6:10 p.m.

Superintendent Ron Lorenz, Business Manager Deb Drey

Public Hearing on Conveyance of an Interest in Real Property-Webster

President Johnson opened the public hearing on the conveyance of an interest in real property of the Webster Building at 5:30 p.m.  Several community members expressed their concerns relating to the sale of the Webster Building.  President Johnson closed the public hearing at 5:51 p.m.

Public Hearing on Conveyance of an Interest in Real Property-Bancroft

President Johnson opened the public hearing on the conveyance of an interest in real property of the Bancroft Building at 5:51 p.m.  There was discussion by community members relating to the sale of the Bancroft Building.  President Johnson declared the public hearing closed at 5:56 p.m.

Approval of Agenda

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director DeVries to approve the agenda with the order of agenda items at the discretion of the meeting chair.  Motion carried unanimously.

Good News from Red Oak Schools

Teachers have participated in a very productive professional development and are ready to begin school on August 25.

OPAA has provided delicious meals for the staff.

Consent Agenda

Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director DeVries to approve the consent agenda as presented including meeting minutes, monthly business reports, open enrollment requests, personnel considerations, and use of ESSER III funds.  Motion carried unanimously.

IES Playground Equipment

Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Walker to accept the option two bid from Boland Recreation for Inman Elementary Playground Equipment in the amount of $45,005. Motion carried unanimously.

Press Box Renovation

Motion by Director DeVries, second by Director Carlson to accept the bid from Sellers Construction to renovate the Press Box to provide internet access in the amount of $28,518.50.  Motion carried unanimously.

Director Blackman arrived at 6:10 p.m.


Continuation of August 23, 2021, Meeting Minutes-Page 2

Board Policy 505.5 Second Reading

Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Walker to approve the second reading of Board Policy 505.5-Student Fund Raising.  Motion carried unanimously.

Board Policy 704.1 Second Reading

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director DeVries to approve the second reading of Board Policy 704.1-Local, State, Federal, and Miscellaneous Revenue.  Motion carried unanimously.

Board Policy 704.6 Second Reading

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Blackman to approve the second reading of Board Policy 704.6-Online Fund-Raising Campaigns-Crowd Funding.  Motion carried unanimously.

Board Policy 401.5 Second Reading

Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director DeVries to approve the second reading of Board Policy 401.5-Employee Contract Release-Licensed Employees.  Motion carried unanimously.

Resolutions for the Sale of Webster and Bancroft Buildings

Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director DeVries to table action on the resolutions for the sale of Webster and Bancroft buildings until the next meeting.  Motion carried unanimously.

High School Course Handbook Amendment

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director DeVries to amend the High School Course Handbook as presented.  Motion carried unanimously.

2021-2022 Student/Parent Handbooks

Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director DeVries to approve the 2021-2022 Student/Parent Handbooks with a grammatical change per Nate Perrien.  Motion carried unanimously.

MCCDA Renovations to ROECC

Motion by Director Blackman, second by Director Walker to approve the Montgomery County Child Development Association to replace the non-ballasted portion of the Red Oak Early Childhood Center roof and install new doors and window at the west entrance.  Motion carried unanimously.


Motion by Director Blackman, second by Director Walker to adjourn the meeting at 6:50 p.m.  Motion carried unanimously.


Next Board of Directors Meeting                               Monday, September 13, 2021 – 5:30 p.m.

Virtual Classroom/Phone/Internet

                                                                                    Red Oak Junior Senior High School Campus



__________________________                                            __________________________

Bryce Johnson, President                                                        Deb Drey, Board Secretary

vanmetert@rosc… Wed, 08/25/2021 - 15:17

Minutes - 2021.9.13

Minutes - 2021.9.13

Red Oak Community School District

Meeting of the Board of Directors

Meeting Location:  Virtual Classroom/ Phone/Internet

Red Oak Junior Senior High School Campus

September 13, 2021


The regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Red Oak Community School District was called to order by President Bryce Johnson at 5:30 p.m. at the Red Oak Junior Senior High School Virtual Classroom.


Directors: Bret Blackman via phone due to child’s activity, Roger Carlson, Jackie DeVries, Bryce Johnson, Kathy Walker

Superintendent Ron Lorenz, Business Manager Deb Drey

Approval of Agenda

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Carlson to approve the agenda with the order of agenda items at the discretion of the meeting chair.  Motion carried unanimously.

Good News from Red Oak Schools

All activities are in full swing.  The high school football team broke a 22-game losing streak and lost a heartbreaker last week.  The high school volleyball team currently ranks #14 in the state and has a record of 4-7.  The Cross-Country team has participated in four meets including the Red Oak meet today.

Visitors and Presentations

Several community members spoke regarding the sale of the Webster property.

George Duncan from Gold Nugget Properties LLC presented information regarding his business and possible plans for the Webster and Bancroft properties.

Brad Wright, Red Oak City Administrator, presented information and answered the board’s questions regarding city zoning.

Consent Agenda

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director DeVries to approve the consent agenda as presented including meeting minutes, monthly business reports, open enrollments, personnel considerations, and use of ESSER funds.  Motion carried unanimously.

Sale of Webster Property

Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Walker to decline the purchase offer from Gold Nugget LLC for the Webster property.  Motion carried unanimously.

Sale of Bancroft Property

Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Walker to decline the purchase offer from Gold Nugget LLC for the Bancroft property.  Motion carried unanimously.

Activity Fund Handbook Revisions

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director DeVries to approve the revisions to the Activity Fund Handbook as presented.  Motion carried unanimously.

Continuation of September 13, 2021, Meeting Minutes-Page 2

Technology Equipment Bid

Motion by Director DeVries, second by Director Carlson to approve the RTI bid to purchase and install technology equipment to provide internet access to outdoor activities facilities.  Motion carried unanimously.


Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Walker to adjourn the meeting at 6:30 p.m.  Motion carried unanimously.


Next Board of Directors Meeting                               Monday, September 27, 2021 – 5:30 p.m.

Virtual Classroom/Phone/Internet

                                                                                    Red Oak Junior Senior High School Campus



__________________________                                            __________________________

Bryce Johnson, President                                                        Deb Drey, Board Secretary

vanmetert@rosc… Wed, 09/15/2021 - 09:12

Minutes - 2021.9.29

Minutes - 2021.9.29

Red Oak Community School District

Meeting of the Board of Directors

Meeting Location:  Virtual Classroom/ Phone/Internet

Red Oak Junior Senior High School Campus

September 27, 2021


The regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Red Oak Community School District was called to order by President Bryce Johnson at 5:30 p.m. at the Red Oak Junior Senior High School Virtual Classroom.


Directors: Bret Blackman (5:35 p.m.), Roger Carlson (5:45 p.m.), Jackie DeVries, Bryce Johnson, Kathy Walker

Superintendent Ron Lorenz, Business Manager Deb Drey

Approval of Agenda

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director DeVries to approve the agenda with the order of agenda items at the discretion of the meeting chair.  Motion carried unanimously.

Good News from Red Oak Schools

The varsity football team defeated Shenandoah but lost to Des Moines Christian.

The varsity volleyball team was the runner up at the Red Oak Tournament and defeated Creston in 3 sets.  The freshman volleyball team won the Harlan tournament.

The cross-country teams will be in action on Thursday and the high school marching band will participate in the Clarinda Band Jamboree this weekend.

Homecoming is next week with many activities planned.  The homecoming court was named last week.

Director Blackman arrived at the meeting.

Consent Agenda

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director DeVries to approve the consent agenda including meeting minutes, monthly business reports, open enrollment requests, personnel considerations, use of ESSER funds, and field trip request.  Motion carried unanimously.

Weight Room Equipment

Motion by Director DeVries, second by Director Walker to approve the purchase of weight room equipment in the amount of $6,172.  Motion carried unanimously.

Fund Raising Activities

Information was presented and discussed regarding the approved fund raising requests for first semester.

Non-bargaining Sick/Emergency Bank

Motion by Director Blackman, second by Director Walker to approve the creation of sick and emergency leave banks for the non-bargaining staff as presented.  Motion carried unanimously.

Director Carlson arrived at the meeting.

Board Policy Series 210-218

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Blackman to approve the first reading of Board Policy Series 210-218.  Motion carried unanimously.

Continuation of September 27, 2021, Meeting Minutes-Page 2

Closed Session

Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Walker to enter closed session at 6:00 p.m. per Iowa Code Section 21.5(1)(i).  Motion carried unanimously.

Exited closed session at 7:20 p.m.


Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director DeVries to adjourn the meeting at 7:21 p.m.  Motion carried unanimously.


Next Board of Directors Meeting                               Monday, October 11, 2021 – 5:30 p.m.

Virtual Classroom/Phone/Internet

                                                                                    Red Oak Junior Senior High School Campus


_________________________                                            __________________________

Bryce Johnson, President                                                        Deb Drey, Board Secretary

vanmetert@rosc… Wed, 09/29/2021 - 14:20

Minutes - 2021.10.11

Minutes - 2021.10.11

Red Oak Community School District

Meeting of the Board of Directors

Meeting Location:  Virtual Classroom/ Phone/Internet

Red Oak Junior Senior High School Campus

October 11, 2021


The regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Red Oak Community School District was called to order by President Bryce Johnson at 5:30 p.m. at the Red Oak Junior Senior High School Virtual Classroom.


Directors: Bret Blackman via internet due to travel (5:38 p.m.), Roger Carlson, Jackie DeVries, Bryce Johnson, Kathy Walker

Superintendent Ron Lorenz, Business Manager Deb Drey

Approval of Agenda

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director DeVries to approve the agenda with the order of agenda items at the discretion of the meeting chair.  Motion carried unanimously.

Good News from Red Oak Schools

Homecoming 2021 was a tremendous success.  The football team defeated Clarke of Osceola, Andrew Woods (Class of 2006) was inducted into the Athletic Hall of Fame, Luke Sperling and Camryn Bass reigned as King and Queen, and everyone had a great time.

The Tiger Marching Band placed 4th in the Loess Hills Field Fest, 3rd in the 2A parade and field contests at the Clarinda Band Jamboree, and 4th in the 2A class at Starfest contest at Morningside College.

The High School Business Department and Mrs. Wiig received the Gold Standard Recognition from Next Gen Personal Finance (NGPF).

Rebranding Presentation

Cassandra Pullen and Elaine Carlson from the Red Oak Chamber of Commerce presented ideas for the rebranding for the City of Red Oak.

Director Blackman arrived at the meeting via the internet.

Consent Agenda

Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Walker to approve the consent agenda as presented including meeting minutes, monthly business reports, open enrollment requests, personnel considerations, field trip requests, and use of ESSER funds.  Motion carried unanimously.

Board Policy Series 210-218 Second Reading

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director DeVries to approve the second reading of Board Policy Series 210-218, as presented.  Motion carried unanimously.

Girls Wrestling Resolution

Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director DeVries to support a resolution sanctioning girls wrestling as an official Iowa sport.  Motion carried unanimously.

Continuation of October 11, 2021, Meeting Minutes-Page 2


Motion by Director Walker, second by Director DeVries to adjourn the meeting at 6:02 p.m.  Motion carried unanimously.

Next Board of Directors Meeting                               Monday, October 25, 2021 – 5:30 p.m.

Virtual Classroom/Phone/Internet

                                                                                    Red Oak Junior Senior High School Campus

__________________________                                            __________________________

Bryce Johnson, President                                                        Deb Drey, Board Secretary

vanmetert@rosc… Tue, 10/12/2021 - 09:47

Minutes- 2021.10.25

Minutes- 2021.10.25

Red Oak Community School District

Meeting of the Board of Directors

Meeting Location:  Virtual Classroom/ Phone/Internet

Red Oak Junior Senior High School Campus

October 25, 2021


The regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Red Oak Community School District was called to order by President Bryce Johnson at 5:30 p.m. at the Red Oak Junior Senior High School Virtual Classroom.


Directors: Bret Blackman via internet due to illness, Roger Carlson, Jackie DeVries, Bryce Johnson, Kathy Walker

Superintendent Ron Lorenz, Business Manager Deb Drey

Approval of Agenda

Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Walker to approve the agenda with the order of agenda items at the discretion of the meeting chair.  Motion carried unanimously.

Good News from Red Oak Schools

The HS Chorus Fall Concert was tremendous.  Eighteen Chorus members tried out for All State Chorus and Jonah Wemhoff will participate for the second time.

Marching Band completed their competitions with a 1 Rating at the State Marching Band Competition.

The HS Football Team ended their season with a 3-6 record and earned a trip to the playoffs.

The HS Volleyball Team completed their season with a 28-9 record and ranked thirteenth in the state.

Baylor Bergren qualified for the state cross country meeting with a fourth-place finish at the state qualifying meet.

The HS eSports program has three squads that compete against teams across the Midwest.  All three squads are ranked in the Midwest Region.

The FFA Chapter is one of only six from Iowa that will be awarded a Three-Star Rating by the National FFA Organization.

Consent Agenda

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director DeVries to approve the consent agenda as presented including meeting minutes, monthly business reports, open enrollment requests, use of ESSER funds, special education contract, and personnel considerations.  Motion carried unanimously.

SIAC Committee Members

Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Walker to approve the School Improvement Advisory Committee members as presented.  Motion carried unanimously.

Activity Center Underlayment Matting

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Carlson to approve the bid from Tractor Supply Company in the amount of $6,722.65 for underlayment matting for the Activity Center.  Motion carried unanimously.


Continuation of October 25, 2021 Meeting Minutes-Page 2

JSHS Security Cameras

Motion by Director Carlson, second by DeVries to approve the purchase of additional security cameras for the Junior/Senior High School from Inteconnex in the amount of $27,046.66.  Motion carried unanimously.

2022-2023 School Calendar Parameters

Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Walker to approve the 2022-2023 School Calendar Parameters as presented and use of a minimum of 1080 hours as the basis for the calendar.  Motion carried unanimously.


Motion by Director Walker, second by Director DeVries to adjourn the meeting at 6:29 p.m.  Motion carried unanimously.


Next Board of Directors Meeting                               Monday, November 8, 2021 – 5:30 p.m.

Virtual Classroom/Phone/Internet

                                                                                    Red Oak Junior Senior High School Campus


__________________________                                            __________________________

Bryce Johnson, President                                                        Deb Drey, Board Secretary

vanmetert@rosc… Wed, 10/27/2021 - 09:40

Minutes - 2021.11.8

Minutes - 2021.11.8

Red Oak Community School District

Meeting of the Board of Directors

Meeting Location:  Virtual Classroom/ Phone/Internet

Red Oak Junior Senior High School Campus

November 8, 2021


The regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Red Oak Community School District was called to order by President Bryce Johnson at 4:00 p.m. at the Red Oak Junior Senior High School Virtual Classroom.


Directors: Bret Blackman, Roger Carlson, Jackie DeVries, Bryce Johnson

Superintendent Ron Lorenz, Business Manager Deb Drey

Approval of Agenda

Motion by Director Blackman, second by Director DeVries to approve the agenda with the order of agenda items at the discretion of the meeting chair. Motion carried unanimously.

Good News from Red Oak Schools

Joseph Daniel was selected to participate in the iJAG National Student Leadership Academy.

Seventeen seniors were named to the Hawkeye 10 Academic All-Conference List.

Several of the fall athletes received All-Conference and All-District awards.

The High School Drama Department will present “Radium Girls” this weekend.

Seven FFA members and their sponsors attended the 94th National FFA Convention and Expo in Indianapolis. A video blog created by Estefany Medina was presented to the Board.

Consent Agenda

Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Blackman to approve the consent agenda as presented including meeting minutes, monthly business reports, open enrollment requests, personnel considerations, and field trip requests. Motion carried unanimously.

Early Graduation Requests

Motion by Director DeVries, second by Director Carlson to approve the four early graduation requests pending completion of requirements as per Board Policy 506.6-Early Graduation.  Motion carried unanimously.

GHAEA District #6 Ballot

Motion by Director Blackman, second by Director DeVries to approve the official ballot vote for the Green Hills Area Education Association District #6 for John Gambs.  Motion carried unanimously.

Adult Lunch Price

Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director DeVries to approve raising the adult lunch price to $3.95 as directed by the State Department of Education.  Motion carried unanimously.

Attendance Center/Course Enrollment Information

The board was provided detailed information regarding gender and ethnicity of the attendance centers, grade levels, and course enrollments.

Continuation of November 8, 2021, Meeting Minutes-Page 2


Motion by Director Blackman, second by Director DeVries to adjourn the meeting at 4:42 p.m.  Motion carried unanimously.


Next Board of Directors Meeting                               Monday, November 22, 2021 – 5:30 p.m.

Virtual Classroom/Phone/Internet

                                                                                    Red Oak Junior Senior High School Campus



__________________________                                            __________________________

Bryce Johnson, President                                                        Deb Drey, Board Secretary

vanmetert@rosc… Tue, 11/09/2021 - 09:56

Minutes - 2021.11.22

Minutes - 2021.11.22

Red Oak Community School District

Meeting of the Board of Directors

Meeting Location:  Virtual Classroom/ Phone/Internet

Red Oak Junior Senior High School Campus

November 22, 2021


The regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Red Oak Community School District was called to order by President Bryce Johnson at 5:30 p.m. at the Red Oak Junior Senior High School Virtual Classroom.


Directors: Bret Blackman, Roger Carlson, Jackie DeVries, Bryce Johnson, Kathy Walker-via internet due to trip.

Superintendent Ron Lorenz, Business Manager Deb Drey, Heidi Harris

Approval of Agenda

Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director DeVries to approve the agenda with the order of agenda items at the discretion of the meeting chair. Motion carried unanimously.

Good News from Red Oak Schools

Kudos to Laura LePrell and the cast for the production of “Radium Girls.”

Winter sports are under way.

Baylor Bergren was named to All-KMAland Iowa Boys’ Cross Country Team.

Adam Baier was named KMAland Hawkeye 10 Football Freshman of the Year.

Consent Agenda

Motion by Director Blackman, second by Director DeVries to approve the consent agenda as presented including meeting minutes, monthly business reports, and personnel considerations. Motion carried unanimously.

IES Playground Bid

Motion by Director DeVries, second by Director Carlson to approve the bid for Inman Elementary School Playground Equipment from Park Planet in the amount of $69,394. Motion carried unanimously.

Adjournment of Regular Meeting

Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Blackman to adjourn the regular meeting at 5:35 p.m. Motion carried unanimously.


Organizational Meeting


The organizational meeting of the Board of Directors of the Red Oak Community School District was called to order by Board Secretary Deb Drey at 5:36 p.m.

Present:  Bret Blackman, Roger Carlson, Jackie DeVries, Bryce Johnson, Kathy Walker-via internet due to trip.

Superintendent Ron Lorenz, Business Manager Deb Drey, Heidi Harris

Oath of Office

The oath of office was given to the elected members:  Bret Blackman, Roger Carlson, and Kathy Walker.

Continuation of November 22, 2021, Meeting Minutes-Page 2

Election of President

Director Carlson nominated Bret Blackman for the office of president.

Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Walker that nominations cease and elect Director Blackman as president. Motion carried unanimously.

Board Secretary Deb Drey administered the oath of office to newly elected President Bret Blackman.

Election of Vice President

Director Walker nominated Jackie DeVries for the office of Vice President.

Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Johnson that nominations cease and elect Director DeVries as Vice President. Motion carried unanimously.

Board Secretary Deb Drey administered the oath of office to newly elected Vice President Jackie DeVries.

Appoint Board Secretary/Treasurer

Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Walker to appoint Deb Drey as board secretary/treasurer and Heidi Harris as assistant board secretary/treasurer. Motion carried unanimously.

Name Legal Publication

Motion by Director DeVries, second by Director Johnson to name the Red Oak Express as the district’s legal publication. Motion carried unanimously.


Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director DeVries to designate Houghton State Bank and Iowa Schools Joint Investment Trust with the limit of $25,000,000 as the district’s depositories. Motion carried unanimously.

Legal Counsel

Motion by Director Johnson, second by Director DeVries to name Ahlers & Cooney PC as legal counsel. Motion carried unanimously.

Meeting Dates/Time

Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Johnson to approve meeting on the second and fourth Mondays of the month at 5:30 p.m. at the Junior/Senior High School Virtual Classroom with a work session during the first board meeting of even months, board members will be provided with a hard copy of the agenda at each meeting, and the packet pages will be numbered to coincide with page numbers when looking at the packet on-line. Motion carried unanimously.

Committee Assignments

Motion by Director Carlson, second by DeVries to appoint the following committee assignments:

Red Oak Education Association Labor Management Committee-Director DeVries & Director Walker

Red Oak Support Staff Labor Management Committee-Director Blackman & Director Johnson

School Improvement Advisory Committee-Director DeVries & Director Walker

Policy Committee-Director DeVries & Director Walker

Facilities Committee-Director Blackman & Director Carlson

Calendar Committee-Director Walker

Continuation of November 22, 2021, Meeting Minutes-Page 3

Technology Committee-Director Blackman & Director Johnson

Montgomery County Conference Board-Director Carlson

STEM Committee-Director Blackman & Director Johnson. Motion carried unanimously.

Agenda Order

Motion by Director Johnson, second by Director DeVries to order the agenda at the discretion of the chair. Motion carried unanimously.

Additional Facilities Personnel

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Johnson to approve hiring an additional support staff position for facilities. Motion carried unanimously.

Board Policy 404.8

Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director DeVries to approve the first reading of Board Policy 404.8-Employee Vaccination/Testing for COVID 19 which will not be in effective until there is an approved second reading. Motion carried unanimously.

Entryway Rugs

Motion by Director Johnson, second by Director DeVries to approve the purchase of entryway rugs throughout the district in the amount of $8,437.30 plus shipping. Motion carried unanimously.

December 2021 Meeting Date

Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Johnson to have one board meeting in December on December 20, 2021, at 5:30 p.m. Motion carried unanimously.

SBRC Application for Increased Enrollment

Motion by Director Johnson, second by Director Carlson to approve the SBRC Application for Increased Enrollment on in Fall 2020 in the amount of $263,752.50. Motion carried unanimously.

SBRC Application for LEP Beyond 5 Years

Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director DeVries to approve the SBRC Application for LEP Beyond 5 Years in the amount of $15,176.70. Motion carried unanimously.


Motion by Director Johnson, second by Director Carlson to adjourn the meeting at 6:23 p.m. Motion carried unanimously.


Next Board of Directors Meeting                               Monday, December 20, 2021 – 5:30 p.m.

Virtual Classroom/Phone/Internet

                                                                                    Red Oak Junior Senior High School Campus



__________________________                                __________________________

Bret Blackman, President                                           Deb Drey, Board Secretary

vanmetert@rosc… Tue, 11/23/2021 - 15:07

Minutes - 2021.12.6

Minutes - 2021.12.6

Red Oak Community School District

Meeting of the Board of Directors

Meeting Location:  Phone/Internet

December 6, 2021


The special meeting of the Board of Directors of the Red Oak Community School District was called to order by President Bret Blackman at 5:00 p.m. via phone/internet.


Directors: Bret Blackman, Roger Carlson, Bryce Johnson, Kathy Walker

Superintendent Ron Lorenz, Business Manager Deb Drey

Approval of Agenda

Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Johnson to approve the agenda with the order of agenda items at the discretion of the meeting chair. Motion carried unanimously.

Consent Agenda

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Carlson to approve the consent agenda as presented including personnel items. Motion carried unanimously.


Motion by Director Johnson, second by Director Walker to adjourn the meeting at 5:03 p.m. Motion carried unanimously.

Next Board of Directors Meeting                               Monday, December 20, 2021 – 5:30 p.m.

Virtual Classroom/Phone/Internet

                                                                                    Red Oak Junior Senior High School Campus



__________________________                                            __________________________

Bret Blackman, President                                                       Deb Drey, Board Secretary

vanmetert@rosc… Tue, 12/07/2021 - 13:01

Minutes - 2021.12.20

Minutes - 2021.12.20

Red Oak Community School District

Meeting of the Board of Directors

Meeting Location:  Virtual Classroom/ Phone/Internet

Red Oak Junior Senior High School Campus

December 20, 2021


The regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Red Oak Community School District was called to order by President Bret Blackman at 5:30 p.m. at the Red Oak Junior Senior High School Virtual Classroom.


Directors: Bret Blackman, Roger Carlson, Jackie DeVries, Bryce Johnson, Kathy Walker

Superintendent Ron Lorenz, Business Manager Deb Drey

Approval of Agenda

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director DeVries to approve the agenda with the order of agenda items at the discretion of the meeting chair.  Motion carried unanimously.

Good News from Red Oak Schools

The High School National Honor Society inducted twelve new members on December 9, 2021.

Fifteen band students were selected to participate in the Iowa Western Community College Honor Band on December 11, 2021.

Five band students were selected to participate in the Southwest Iowa Honor Band and will perform in Atlantic on January 17, 2022.

Seven band students will be marching with the Southwest Iowa Honor Marching Band at the Holiday Bowl on December 28, 2021.

The Junior High musical performance of Cinderella, directed by Terra Marsden, was a tremendous hit.

Consent Agenda

Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Johnson to approve the consent agenda as presented including meeting minutes, monthly business reports, special education agreement, and personnel considerations.  Motion carried unanimously.

Open Enrollment Application

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Carlson to deny the 2021-2022 open enrollment application for Zaden Beacham due to not meeting the requirements.  Motion carried unanimously.

December 2021 Payment Authorization

Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director DeVries to authorize Board Secretary Deb Drey to pay December invoices prior to formal approval on the January 10, 2021, board meeting in accordance with Board Policy 705.3.  Motion carried unanimously.

Montgomery County Ag Society Partnership

Motion by Director Johnson, second by Director Walker to approve the partnership agreement with the Montgomery County Agricultural Society.  Motion carried unanimously.

LEP Excess Costs Application

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director DeVries to approve the Limited English Proficiency Application in the amount of $21,912.46.  Motion carried unanimously.

Continuation of December 20, 2021, Meeting Minutes-Page 2


Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Johnson to adjourn the regular meeting at 5:51 p.m.  Motion carried unanimously.

Red Oak Community School District

Work Session of the Board of Directors

The work session of the Board of Directors of the Red Oak Community School District was opened by President Bret Blackman at 5:57 p.m.

Matt Gillaspie of Piper Sandler presented information on the District’s funding sources and bonding capability.

Superintendent Ron Lorenz provided Board Members with information on the Thought Exchange completed by 221 participates earlier this month and a review of the Board Priorities determined in August 2021.

There was discussion on possible next steps that the Board can take.

President Blackman closed the work session at 7:47 p.m.


Next Board of Directors Meeting                               Monday, January 10, 2022 – 5:30 p.m.

Virtual Classroom/Phone/Internet

                                                                                    Red Oak Junior Senior High School Campus



__________________________                                            __________________________

Bret Blackman, President                                                       Deb Drey, Board Secretary

vanmetert@rosc… Wed, 12/29/2021 - 08:58

Minutes - 2022.1.3

Minutes - 2022.1.3

Red Oak Community School District

Meeting of the Board of Directors

Meeting Location:  Virtual Classroom/ Phone/Internet

Red Oak Junior Senior High School Campus

January 3, 2022


The special meeting of the Board of Directors of the Red Oak Community School District was called to order by President Bret Blackman at 5:30 p.m. at the Red Oak Junior Senior High School Virtual Classroom.


Directors: Bret Blackman, Roger Carlson, Jackie DeVries, Bryce Johnson, Kathy Walker

Superintendent Ron Lorenz, Business Manager Deb Drey

Approval of Agenda

Motion by Director Johnson, second by Director Walker to approve the agenda with the order of agenda items at the discretion of the meeting chair.  Motion carried unanimously.

Board Policy 404.8 Second Reading

Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Johnson to approve the second reading and waive the third reading of Board Policy 404.8-Employee Vaccination/Testing for COVID-19 subject to additional stays or rulings by the United State Supreme Court limiting the authority of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, Centers for Disease Control, or the federal government to require mandatory vaccination, face masks, and/or COVID-19 testing policies.  Motion carried unanimously.

Closed Session

Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Bryce Johnson to enter closed session per Section 21.5(1)(e) of the Iowa Code to discuss whether to conduct a hearing to determine whether to suspend or expel student(s) and per section 21.5(1)(a) of the Iowa Code to review or discuss records which are required or authorized by state or federal law to be kept confidential at 5:40 p.m. Motion carried unanimously.

Exited Closed Session at 6:03 p.m.

Student Discipline

Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Walker to approve the expulsion of the student through the end of the current school year as discussed to closed session and per the signed consent agreement.  Motion carried unanimously.


Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Johnson to adjourn the meeting at 6:05 p.m.  Motion carried unanimously.


Next Board of Directors Meeting                               Monday, January 10, 2022 – 5:30 p.m.

Virtual Classroom/Phone/Internet

                                                                                    Red Oak Junior Senior High School Campus


__________________________                                            __________________________

Bret Blackman, President                                                       Deb Drey, Board Secretary

vanmetert@rosc… Wed, 01/05/2022 - 08:29

Minutes - 2022.1.10

Minutes - 2022.1.10

Red Oak Community School District

Meeting of the Board of Directors

Meeting Location:  Virtual Classroom/ Phone/Internet

Red Oak Junior Senior High School Campus

January 10, 2022


The regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Red Oak Community School District was called to order by President Bret Blackman at 5:30 p.m. at the Red Oak Junior Senior High School Virtual Classroom.


Directors: Bret Blackman, Roger Carlson, Jackie DeVries, Kathy Walker

Superintendent Ron Lorenz, Business Manager Deb Drey

Approval of Agenda

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Carlson to approve the agenda with the order of agenda items at the discretion of the meeting chair.  Motion carried unanimously.

Good News from Red Oak Schools

Junior Senior High E Sports team ranked 40th out of 133 teams this fall.  Eighteen students participate.

High School Student, Ryan Johnson, was named to the Class 2A All-Academic Team.

January 9th was National Law Enforcement Appreciation Day and the district would like to thank the law enforcement agency for always being available to the district.

Consent Agenda

Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director DeVries to approve the consent agenda including meeting minutes, monthly business reports, and personnel considerations.  Motion carried unanimously.

Board Policy Series 300-304 First Reading

Motion by Director DeVries, second by Director Walker to approve the first reading of Board Policy Series 300 to 304.  Motion carried unanimously.

General Obligation Bond Resolution

Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Walker to approve the resolution authorizing the Redemption of General Obligation School Bonds, Series 2018, dated August 28,20218 and approving an escrow agreement.  Motion carried unanimously.

JSHS 2022-2023 Course Description Handbook

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director DeVries to approve the Junior/Senior High School 2022-2023 Course Description Handbook as presented.  Motion carried unanimously.

JSHS 2022-2023 Delivery Model

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Carlson to approve the Junior/Senior High School traditional delivery model for the 2022-2023 school year.  Motion carried unanimously.

Closed Session Per Iowa Code Section 21.5(1)(i)

Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Walker to enter closed session per Iowa Code Section 21.5(1)(i) to review and discuss records authorized to be kept confidential and to evaluate individuals whose appointment or hiring is being considered to prevent needless and irreparable injury to those individuals’ reputations and those persons having requested a close session at 6:11 p.m. Motion carried unanimously.

Exited Closed Session at 7:11 p.m.


Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Walker to adjourn the meeting at 7:12 p.m.  Motion carried unanimously.


Next Board of Directors Meeting                               Monday, January 24, 2022 – 5:30 p.m.

Virtual Classroom/Phone/Internet

                                                                                    Red Oak Junior Senior High School Campus



__________________________                                            __________________________

Bret Blackman, President                                                       Deb Drey, Board Secretary

vanmetert@rosc… Wed, 01/12/2022 - 14:50

Minutes - 2022.1.24

Minutes - 2022.1.24

Red Oak Community School District

Meeting of the Board of Directors

Meeting Location:  Virtual Classroom/ Phone/Internet

Red Oak Junior Senior High School Campus

January 24, 2022


The regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Red Oak Community School District was called to order by President Bret Blackman at 5:30 p.m. at the Red Oak Junior Senior High School Virtual Classroom.


Directors: Bret Blackman, Roger Carlson, Bryce Johnson via phone at 5:55 p.m., Kathy Walker via phone

Superintendent Ron Lorenz, Business Manager Deb Drey

Approval of Agenda

Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Walker to approve the agenda with the order of agenda items at the discretion of the meeting chair.  Motion carried unanimously (3-0).

Good News from Red Oak Schools

Iowa Girls High School Athletic Union announced that girls’ wrestling will be sanctioned in 2022-2023.

Three high school girls participated in the girls’ state wrestling tournament.

Dawson Bond won his weight division at the John J Harris Invitational Tournament.  Bond and Chase Sandholm have each recorded their 100th win.

The Atlantic Wrestling Cheerleading Sponsor sent a letter to the Junior/Senior High School Activities Department complimenting the Red Oak Wrestling Cheerleaders for their collaboration with the Atlantic squad.

Optimist Presentation

Dan Crouse representing the Red Oak Optimist Club presented information on a digital sign to be placed on the Junior/Senior High School Campus.

Public Hearing on 2022-2023 School Calendar

President Blackman opened the public hearing on the 2022-2023 School Calendar at 5:48 p.m.  There were no oral or written comments.  The public hearing was closed at 5:51 p.m.

Consent Agenda

Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Walker to approve the consent agenda as presented including meeting minutes, monthly business reports, open enrollment requests excluding open enrollment item 5.3.3, personnel considerations, and out of state field trip request.  Motion carried unanimously (3-0).

2022-2023 School Calendar

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Carlson to approve the 2022-2023 school calendar as presented.  Motion carried unanimously (3-0).

At Risk/Drop Out Modified Supplemental Amount

Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Walker to approve the School Budget Review Committee Modified Supplemental Amount Application in the amount of $190,747.  Motion carried unanimously (3-0).

Continuation of the January 24, 2022, Meeting Minutes-Page 2

Street Smarts LLC Agreement

Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Walker to approve the agreement with Street Smarts LLC to provide driver’s education.  Motion carried unanimously (3-0).

Director Johnson joined the meeting via phone.

Retention Stipend

Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Walker to approve use of ARP ESSER III funds to provide a one-time $2,000 retention stipend for all returning regular/permanent employees for the 2022-2023 school year.  Motion carried unanimously (4-0).

Hiring Incentive

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Carlson to approve use of ARP ESSER III funds to provide a one-time $1,000 hiring incentive to new certified and classified regular/permanent employees for the 2022-2023 school year.  Motion carried unanimously (4-0).

Second Reading Board Policy Series 300-304

Motion by Director Johnson, second by Director Carlson to approve the second reading of Board Policy Series 300-304.  Motion carried unanimously (4-0).


Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Carlson to adjourn the meeting at 6:16 p.m.  Motion carried unanimously (4-0).


Next Board of Directors Meeting                               Monday, February 14, 2022 – 5:30 p.m.

Virtual Classroom/Phone/Internet

                                                                                    Red Oak Junior Senior High School Campus


__________________________                                            __________________________

Bret Blackman, President                                                       Deb Drey, Board Secretary

vanmetert@rosc… Wed, 01/26/2022 - 09:23

Minutes - 2022.2.14

Minutes - 2022.2.14

Red Oak Community School District

Meeting of the Board of Directors

Meeting Location:  Virtual Classroom/ Phone/Internet

Red Oak Junior Senior High School Campus

February 14, 2022


The regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Red Oak Community School District was called to order by President Bret Blackman at 5:30 p.m. at the Red Oak Junior Senior High School Virtual Classroom.


Directors: Bret Blackman, Jackie DeVries, Bryce Johnson via phone due to travel, Kathy Walker

Superintendent Ron Lorenz, Business Manager Deb Drey

Approval of Agenda

Motion by Director DeVries, second by Director Walker to approve the agenda with the order of agenda items at the discretion of the meeting chair removing Item 6.2.1 due to parent withdrawal of open enrollment request for the current year.  Motion carried unanimously.

Good News from Red Oak Schools

High School Large Group Speech participated in the state competition and had great success.

Five high school band students participated in the Southwest Iowa Honor Band and fifteen band students participated in the Iowa Western Community College Honor Band. 

FFA members participated in the sub-district contest and qualified for the upcoming district contest.

Two high school boys’ bowlers placed in the top ten of the Hawkeye 10 Conference tournament.  The boys’ team placed seventh overall and the girls’ team placed ninth overall.

The high school girls’ basketball team completed their season with a loss to Des Moines Christian.

The boys’ basketball team begins tournament play against the Missouri Valley.

Consent Agenda

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director DeVries to approve the consent agenda as presented including meeting minutes, monthly business reports, open enrollment requests, and personnel considerations.  Motion carried unanimously.

1st Reading Board Policy Series 400-402

Motion by Director DeVries, second by Director Walker to approve the first reading of Board Policy Series 400 through 402.  Motion carried unanimously.

Generator Service Contract

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director DeVries to approve the five year service contract with Cummins Sales and Service as presented.  Motion carried unanimously.

Overhead Shop Doors Replacement

Motion by Director DeVries, second by Director Walker to approve replacing two overhead shop doors at the Bus Barn.  Motion carried unanimously.

Continuation of the February 14, 2022 Meeting Minutes-Page 2


SBRC Funding Request

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director DeVries to approve the School Budget Review (SBRC) funding request in the amount of $39,748.50 for increased enrollment in the State-Wide Voluntary Pre-School Program.  Motion carried unanimously.


Motion by Director Walker, second by Director DeVries to adjourn the meeting at 5:56 p.m.  Motion carried unanimously.



Next Board of Directors Meeting                               Monday, February 28, 2022 – 5:30 p.m.

Virtual Classroom/Phone/Internet

                                                                                    Red Oak Junior Senior High School Campus



__________________________                                            __________________________

Bret Blackman, President                                                       Deb Drey, Board Secretary

vanmetert@rosc… Wed, 05/25/2022 - 08:17

Minutes - 2022.2.28

Minutes - 2022.2.28

Red Oak Community School District

Meeting of the Board of Directors

Meeting Location:  Virtual Classroom/ Phone/Internet

Red Oak Junior Senior High School Campus

February 28, 2022


The regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Red Oak Community School District was called to order by President Bret Blackman at 5:30 p.m. at the Red Oak Junior Senior High School Virtual Classroom.


Directors: Bret Blackman, Roger Carlson, Jackie DeVries, Bryce Johnson, Kathy Walker

Superintendent Ron Lorenz, Business Manager Deb Drey

Approval of Agenda

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director DeVries to approve the agenda with the order of agenda items at the discretion of the meeting chair.  Motion carried unanimously.

Good News from Red Oak Schools

Hawkeye 10 Winter Sports All-Academic Awards were announced, and six senior athletes received the recognition.

The 11th and 12th grade iJag students took over the planning and hosting of monthly birthday parties for Nishna Productions Adult Day program.

Several band students participated in the Iowa Honor Band hosted by the University of Iowa School of Music.

Nine students qualified for the State Individual Speech Contest and will perform at the Evening with the Stars on March 3, 2022.

The high school musical, “Guys and Dolls,” was a huge success.

The high school boys’ basketball team qualified for the state tournament.

Consent Agenda

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Johnson to approve the consent agenda including meeting minutes, monthly business reports, open enrollment requests, personnel considerations, and use of ESSER funds.  Motion carried unanimously.


Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Walker to adjourn the regular meeting at 5:50 p.m.  Motion carried unanimously.


Work Session


The work session of the Board of Directors of the Red Oak Community School District was called to order by President Bret Blackman at 6:00 p.m. at the Red Oak Junior Senior High School Virtual Classroom.


Directors: Bret Blackman, Roger Carlson, Jackie DeVries, Bryce Johnson, Kathy Walker

Superintendent Ron Lorenz, Business Manager Deb Drey


Continuation of February 28, 2022, Meeting Minutes-Page 2

Approval of Agenda

Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Walker to approve the work session agenda.  Motion carried unanimously.

FY23 Certified Budget

Superintendent Lorenz provided a presentation of FY23 Certified Budget Information.  Information regarding items being considered was given. Discussion centered around these items such as the tax rate, debt service surplus levy, management fund uses, and assessed valuations.

Facilities Assessment RFP

Superintendent Lorenz created a request for proposal (RFP) for assessing district facilities.  The Board went through the RFP to edit the document. The Board discussed a possible timeline to send out the RFP, possible presentations to the Board, and Board action to accept the proposal.

Custodial RFP

The Administrative Team went through the original request for proposal (RFP) for custodial services to update for current facilities. The Board discussed possible options for custodial services including bringing these services back in house.


Motion by Director Johnson, second by Director DeVries to adjourn the work session at 8:12 p.m.  Motion carried unanimously.


Next Board of Directors Meeting                               Monday, March 14, 2022 – 5:30 p.m.

Virtual Classroom/Phone/Internet

                                                                                    Red Oak Junior Senior High School Campus



__________________________                                            __________________________

Bret Blackman, President                                                       Deb Drey, Board Secretary

vanmetert@rosc… Tue, 03/01/2022 - 10:52

Minutes -2022.3.14

Minutes -2022.3.14

Red Oak Community School District

Meeting of the Board of Directors

Meeting Location:  Virtual Classroom/ Phone/Internet

Red Oak Junior Senior High School Campus

March 14, 2022


The regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Red Oak Community School District was called to order by President Bret Blackman at 5:30 p.m. at the Red Oak Junior Senior High School Virtual Classroom.


Directors: Bret Blackman, Roger Carlson, Jackie DeVries, Bryce Johnson, Kathy Walker

Superintendent Ron Lorenz, Business Manager Deb Drey

Approval of Agenda

Motion by Director Johnson, second by Director Walker to approve the agenda with the order of agenda items at the discretion of the meeting chair.  Motion carried unanimously.

Good News from Red Oak Schools

High School speech contestants performed well at the State Individual Speech Contest.

Several boys’ basketball team members and girls’ basketball team members received recognition.

Junior High Choir and Junior Senior High Bands presented concerts.

FFA members received awards at the Southwest District Contest.

OPAA Presentation

Katie VanMeter of OPAA presented information regarding the school lunch program.

Consent Agenda

Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director DeVries to approve the consent agenda as presented including meeting minutes, monthly business reports, open enrollment requests, field trip request, and personnel considerations.  Motion carried unanimously.

Board Policy Series 400-402

Motion by Director Johnson, second by Director Walker to approve the second reading of Board Policy Series 400-402.  Motion carried unanimously.

2021-2022 Open Enrollment Request

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director DeVries to approve the open enrollment request for Zeke Polsley, Kindergarten, to Essex Community School District for the 2021-2022 school year.  Motion carried unanimously.

Frontline Education Application Renewals

Motion by Director DeVries, second by Director Carlson to approve the renewal of Frontline Applications including Absence Management, Frontline Central, Time and Attendance, and Financial Planning and Analysis (formerly Forecast 5) for the 2022-2023 year.  Motion carried unanimously.

Wellmark BCBS Insurance Renewal

Motion by Director Johnson, second by Director Carlson to approve the Wellmark Blue Cross Blue Shield health insurance renewal rates for the 2022-2023 year.  Motion carried unanimously.

Continuation of March 14, 2022, Meeting Minutes-Page 2

Natural Gas Agreement

Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director DeVries to approve the Iowa Local Government Risk Pool Commission Natural Gas Program Participation Agreement for 2022-2023 year.  Motion carried unanimously.

E-Rate Managed Services

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director DeVries to approve the E-Rate Managed Services Agreement with Riverside Technologies Inc.  Motion carried unanimously.

E-Rate Dedicated Internet

Motion by Director Johnson, second by Director DeVries to approve Media Com providing the Dedicated Internet Access at the football field/outdoor educational facility through E-Rate.  Motion carried unanimously.

2022-2023 Certified Staff Contracts

Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Walker to approve issuing the 2022-2023 certified staff contracts on March 15, 2022.  Motion carried unanimously.

2022-2023 Bargaining Support Staff Letters of Employment

Motion by Director Johnson, second by Director Walker to approve issuing bargaining support staff 2022-2023 letters of employment.  Motion carried unanimously.

2022-2023 Non-Bargaining Staff Contracts/Letters of Employment

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director DeVries to issue 2022-2023 administrator contracts and non-bargaining support staff letters of employment.  Motion carried unanimously.

TLC Plan

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Carlson to temporarily amend the Teacher Leadership Compensation Plan (TLC) as presented for 2022-2023 school year.  Motion carried unanimously.

Facilities Assessment and Master Plan RFP

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Johnson to approve the Facilities Assessment and Master Plan Request for Proposal (RFP) as presented.  Motion carried unanimously.

Custodial Services RFP

Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director DeVries to approve the Custodial Services Request for Proposal (RFP) as presented.  Motion carried unanimously.

Closed Session

Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director DeVries to enter closed session pursuant Iowa Code Section 21.5(1)(i) to review and discuss records authorized to be kept confidential and to evaluate individuals whose appointment or hiring is being considered to prevent needless and irreparable injury to those individuals’ reputations and those persons having requested a closed session at 6:30 p.m. Motion carried unanimously.

Exited closed session at 7:06 p.m.

Continuation of March 14, 2022, Meeting Minutes-Page 3


Motion by Director Johnson, second by Director Walker to adjourn the meeting at 7:07 p.m.

Motion carried unanimously.



Next Board of Directors Meeting                               Monday, March 28, 2022 – 5:30 p.m.

Virtual Classroom/Phone/Internet

                                                                                    Red Oak Junior Senior High School Campus


__________________________                                            __________________________

Bret Blackman, President                                                       Deb Drey, Board Secretary

vanmetert@rosc… Tue, 03/22/2022 - 08:12



Red Oak Community School District

Meeting of the Board of Directors

Meeting Location:  Virtual Classroom/ Phone/Internet

Red Oak Junior Senior High School Campus

March 28, 2022


The regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Red Oak Community School District was called to order by President Bret Blackman at 5:30 p.m. at the Red Oak Junior Senior High School Virtual Classroom.


Directors: Bret Blackman, Roger Carlson, Jackie DeVries, Bryce Johnson

Superintendent Ron Lorenz, Business Manager Deb Drey

Approval of Agenda

Motion by Director Johnson, second by Director DeVries to approve the agenda with the order of agenda items at the discretion of the meeting chair.  Motion carried unanimously.

Good News from Red Oak Schools

Seven iJag students will be participating in the Career Development Conference on April 7, 2022.

The Junior/Senior High School held a recognition assembly for all students who participated in winter sports and activities.

Congratulations to Director Laura LaPrell and the junior high students on an outstanding performance of “The Long View.”

Consent Agenda

Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director DeVries to approve the consent agenda as presented including meeting minutes, monthly business reports, personnel considerations, and field trip request.  Motion carried unanimously.

2022-2023 Superintendent Contract

Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Johnson to approve issuing a three-year contract to begin on July 1, 2022, with the salary of $201,500 to Superintendent Ronald Lorenz.  Motion carried unanimously.

Terminate FBG Service Corporation Contract

Motion by Director DeVries, second by Director Carlson to terminate the contract with FBG Service Corporation for janitorial services effective June 30, 2022.  Motion carried unanimously.

SWCC Concurrent & Academy Courses

Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Johnson to approve the contracts with Southwestern Community College (SWCC) for the 2022-2023 concurrent and academy courses.  Motion carried unanimously.

35-Second Shot Clocks

Motion by Director Johnson, second by Director DeVries to approve the quote from Daktronics in the amount of $11,715 to purchase 35-second shot clocks for both gyms.  Motion carried unanimously.

Continuation of March 28, 2022 Meeting Minutes-Page2

FY23 Certified Budget Public Hearing

President Blackman opened the FY23 Certified Budget Public Hearing at 5:41 p.m.  Heidi Harris and Deb Drey presented information on the FY23 proposed budget.  There were no public comments.  President Blackman closed the public hearing at 5:52 p.m.

FY23 Certified Budget

Motion by Director DeVries, second by Director Carlson to approve the FY23 Certified Budget as presented.  Motion carried unanimously.

Budget Adjustment Resolution

Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Johnson to approve the FY23 Budget Adjustment Resolution. Motion carried unanimously.

Bond Surplus Levy Resolution

Motion by Director Johnson, second by Director DeVries to approve resolution authorizing the redemption of general obligation school bonds, series 2018, dated August 28, 2018, and approving the first amendment to the escrow agreement.  Motion carried unanimously.

IES Space Limitations Discussion

The Board discussed the space limitations at Inman Elementary School.  There is a shortage of classroom space for the 2022-2023 school year.  Three sections of 6th grade will be moving to the Junior/Senior High school but four seconds of kindergarten are anticipated.  The cafeteria area is tight. Discussion of possible solutions ensued.


Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director DeVries to adjourn the meeting at 6:28 p.m.  Motion carried unanimously.


Next Board of Directors Meeting                               Monday, April 11, 2022 – 5:30 p.m.

Virtual Classroom/Phone/Internet

                                                                                    Red Oak Junior Senior High School Campus





__________________________                                __________________________

Bret Blackman, President                                           Deb Drey, Board Secretary

vanmetert@rosc… Tue, 03/29/2022 - 15:42

Minutes - 2022.4.11

Minutes - 2022.4.11

Red Oak Community School District

Meeting of the Board of Directors

Meeting Location:  Virtual Classroom/ Phone/Internet

Red Oak Junior Senior High School Campus

April 11, 2022


The regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Red Oak Community School District was called to order by Vice President Jackie DeVries at 5:30 p.m. at the Red Oak Junior Senior High School Virtual Classroom.


Directors: Bret Blackman via phone due to family event, Roger Carlson, Jackie DeVries, Bryce Johnson, Kathy Walker

Superintendent Ron Lorenz, Business Manager Deb Drey

Approval of Agenda

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Johnson to approve the agenda with the order of agenda items at the discretion of the meeting chair.  Motion carried unanimously.

Good News from Red Oak Schools

The Music Boosters completed a $20,000 fundraising project to purchase a four-head timpani.

Aedynn Graham received the Hawkeye 10 All-Academic Award and Ryan Johnson received the Hawkeye 10 Character Award.

Barb Sims was awarded a STEM Scale-Up Program Grant to participate in the Project GUTS (Growing Up Thinking Scientifically).

The installation of the new playground equipment at Inman Elementary is complete.

Consent Agenda

Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Walker to approve the consent agenda as presented including meeting minutes, monthly business reports, open enrollment requests, personnel considerations, special education agreement, and operational sharing agreements.  Motion carried unanimously.

Open Enrollment Request

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Johnson to deny the open enrollment request for Jaydin Jones and Ashton Williams for the 2022-2023 school year due to not meeting the deadline or good cause.  Motion carried unanimously.

Purchase Football Uniforms

Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Walker to approve the purchase of football uniforms from Dannco in the amount of $25,308.30.  Motion carried unanimously.

Food Service Agreement Extension

Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Walker to approve the first extension to the Fixed Price Agreement with OPAA for the 2022-2023 school year.  Motion carried unanimously.

Back to School Gathering

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Johnson to set the all-staff back to school gathering on August 19, 2022.  Motion carried unanimously.

Continuation of April 11, 2022, Meeting Minutes-Page 2

Seasonal Activities Sponsors

Motion by Director Johnson, second by Director Carlson to approve the hiring of up to three seasonal activities sponsors for the 2022-2023 school year at a salary of $3,780 each.  Motion carried unanimously.

2022-2023 Supplemental Contracts

Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Johnson to approve issuing the 2022-2023 supplemental contracts.  Motion carried unanimously.

Summer School

Motion by Director Johnson, second by Director Walker to approve using ESSER III funds to provide summer school, certified personnel service incentives, and pay para-professionals and other staff.  Motion carried unanimously.

Sophos Antivirus Renewal

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Carlson to approve the two-year renewal for Sophos Antivirus with Trebron in the amount of $8,256.  Motion carried unanimously.

2022-2023 Head Start Agreement

Motion by Director Johnson, second by Director Walker to approve the agreement with West Central Community Action for Head Start Preschool for 2022-2023.  Motion carried unanimously.


Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Johnson to adjourn the meeting at 6:47 p.m.  Motion carried unanimously.


Next Board of Directors Meeting                               Monday, April 25, 2022 – 5:30 p.m.

Virtual Classroom/Phone/Internet

                                                                                    Red Oak Junior Senior High School Campus



__________________________                                            __________________________

Jackie DeVries, Vice President                                              Deb Drey, Board Secretary

vanmetert@rosc… Tue, 04/12/2022 - 11:18

Minutes- 2022. 4. 25

Minutes- 2022. 4. 25

Red Oak Community School District

Meeting of the Board of Directors

Meeting Location:  Virtual Classroom/ Phone/Internet

Red Oak Junior Senior High School Campus

April 25, 2022


The regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Red Oak Community School District was called to order by Vice President Jackie DeVries at 5:30 p.m. at the Red Oak Junior Senior High School Virtual Classroom.


Directors: Bret Blackman via internet due to family event, Jackie DeVries, Bryce Johnson, Kathy Walker

Superintendent Ron Lorenz, Business Manager Deb Drey, Accounts Payable Clerk Heidi Harris

Approval of Agenda

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Johnson to approve the agenda with the order of agenda items at the discretion of the meeting chair.  Motion carried unanimously.

Good News from Red Oak Schools

Prom was successful with Kate Edie and Grayson Hewitt being crowned as queen and king.

High School vocal students participated in the Class 2A Solo/Ensemble Contest earning ten Superior Ratings, four Excellent Ratings, and two Good Ratings.

High School Choirs are preparing for their spring concert and Large Group District Contest.


The Music Boosters recently completed fundraising and grant project to purchase four-head timpani and a bass drum for the band.  Trinity LaMar performed the solo on the timpani that she earned a near perfect score on at the recent solo/ensemble contest.

Consent Agenda

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Johnson to approve the consent agenda as presented including meeting minutes, monthly business reports, open enrollment requests, sharing agreements, other agreements, class trip requests, and personnel considerations.  Motion carried unanimously.

Specialty Underwriters Insurance Renewal

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Johnson to approve the renewal bid from Specialty Underwriters Insurance for the FY23 in the amount of $96,423.  Motion carried unanimously.


Motion by Director Johnson, second by Director Walker to adjourn the regular meeting at 5:50 p.m.  Motion carried unanimously.


Page 2 from Red Oak School Board Minutes April 25, 2022

Work Session

Vice President Jackie DeVries opened the work session at 5:50 p.m.

Potential ROECC Expansion

Laura Kloewer and Tim Werges presented information on a possible expansion at the Red Oak Early Childhood Center (ROECC).  The Montgomery County Childhood Development Center

(MCCDC) will be pursuing grants for this project. Werges expressed appreciation for the partnership between the School District and MCCDC.

Director Roger Carlson arrived at 6:06 p.m.

Infrastructure Funding Sources

Matt Gillaspie of Piper Sandler Company presented information regarding possible funding sources that the district has available at this time and the amount that can be legally borrowed.  Information was provided on the steps necessary to use each of the funding sources.

Space Limitations/Facilities Assessment and Long-Range Planning

The Board discussed a variety of facilities issues, including the space limitations at Inman Elementary, the need to replace the roof at Inman, replacing the boilers in the STEAM wing of the Jr/Sr High School, and resurfacing the track.  Building Crafts estimates it will cost approximately $2,240,000 to add 4-5 additional classrooms at Inman.  

Director Blackman left the work session at 7:18 p.m.

We are expecting a good response to our request for proposals for a comprehensive facilities assessment and long-range facilities plan. We reached out to 16 different firms across the state and met with several. Proposals are due this Friday afternoon. The Board Facilities Committee will meet in the next few weeks to select finalists who will be invited to present their proposal to the entire Board. The Board intends to act on the proposals in July.

Vice President DeVries closed the work session at 7:42 p.m.


Next Board of Directors Meeting                               Monday, May 9, 2022 – 5:30 p.m.

Virtual Classroom/Phone/Internet

                                                                                    Red Oak Junior Senior High School Campus



__________________________                                            __________________________

Jackie DeVries, Vice President                                              Deb Drey, Board Secretary

vanmetert@rosc… Wed, 05/25/2022 - 08:10

Minutes- 2022. 5. 9

Minutes- 2022. 5. 9

Red Oak Community School District

Meeting of the Board of Directors

Meeting Location:  Virtual Classroom/ Phone/Internet

Red Oak Junior Senior High School Campus

May 9, 2022


The regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Red Oak Community School District was called to order by President Bret Blackman at 5:30 p.m. at the Red Oak Junior Senior High School Virtual Classroom.


Directors: Bret Blackman, Roger Carlson via phone due to work, Jackie DeVries, Kathy Walker

Superintendent Ron Lorenz, Business Manager Deb Drey

Board Member Recognition

Superintendent Ron Lorenz recognized the board members for the work that they do.  Each board member received a certificate.

FY22 Budget Amendment Public Hearing

President Blackman opened the public hearing for the FY22 Budget Amendment at 5:35 p.m.  There were no comments.

The hearing was closed at 5:36 p.m.

Good News from Red Oak Schools

Josie Rengstorf won the Green Hills Area Education Earth Day Poster Contest.

Joey Daniel attended the National Career Development Conference in Dallas TX where he and his team placed first in the Creative Decision-Making competition.

Both the varsity choir and concert band received Superior 1 ratings at the Iowa High School Music Association’s Large Group Competition.

The Junior High Choir received a 1 Rating at the Worlds of Fun Music Festival.

Several band and vocal concerts were held recently.

The boys’ and girls’ tennis teams participated in the Hawkeye 10 Conference Meet. The #1 doubles team of Merced Ranirez and Tessa Rolenc and the #2 doubles team of Jessica Lukehart and Grace Wingfield placed second in their division.  Stephany Ramos placed seventh in the #2 singles bracket.  Max DeVries placed seventh in the #1 singles and Brett Erickson placed seventh in the #2 singles bracket.  The #1 doubles team of Braden Woods and Jonah Wemhoff placed eighth.

The varsity track teams participated in the Hawkeye 10 meet with the boys’ team finishing fifth and the girls’ team finishing tenth.

The boys’ and girls’ golf teams participated in the Hawkeye 10 meet.  Adelia Lydon finished second and Brynn Knaus finished tenth.

Sonia Kunze’s fifth grade class received a Project Jack Grant which allows the class to “pay it forward” by donating to the Montgomery County Food Pantry.

Approval of Agenda

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director DeVries to approve the agenda with the order of agenda items at the discretion of the meeting chair.  Motion carried unanimously.


Continuation of May 9, 2022, Meeting Minutes-Page 2

Consent Agenda

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director DeVries to approve the consent agenda as presented including meeting minutes, monthly business reports, and personnel considerations.  Motion carried 3-0 with Director Blackman abstaining.

Director Carlson left the meeting at 5:43 p.m.

FY22 Budget Amendment

Motion by Director DeVries, second by Director Walker to approve the FY22 Budget Amendment as presented.  Motion carried unanimously.

Substitute Teacher Rate

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director DeVries to increase the substitute teacher rate to $130.00 per day for the 2022-22023 school year.  Motion carried unanimously.

Support Staff Substitute Rate

Motion by Director DeVries, second by Director Walker to increase the substitute paraprofessional, secretary, and bus driver rates by $1.00 per hour for the 2022-2023 school year. Motion carried unanimously.

2022 Graduation List

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director DeVries to approve the 2022 Graduate List as presented pending completion of requirements.  Motion carried unanimously.

Board Policy Series 403-405

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director DeVries to approve the first reading of Board Policy Series 403-405.  Motion carried unanimously.

Infinite Campus Renewal

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director DeVries to approve the 2022-2023 renewal of the Infinite Campus Student Information System in the amount of $25,672.00.  Motion carried unanimously.

Facilities Assessment & Long-Range Planning Process

Discussion regarding the process for facilities assessment and long-range planning included the request for proposal process and space considerations and utilization.  Superintendent Lorenz will evaluate and rate the requests for proposals that have been received. 

Engineering Technologies Inc. Contract

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director DeVries to approve contracting with Engineering Technologies Inc. to assess, prepare plans and specifications, estimate cost, and assist in posting the boiler replacement project at the STEAM Center.  Motion carried unanimously.

Larson Engineering Inc. Contract

Motion by Director DeVries, second by Director Walker to approve contracting with Larson Engineering Inc. to assess the condition of the track, identify resurfacing options, and assist in posting the project.  Motion carried unanimously.

Portable Modular Classroom

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director DeVries to approve the lease of a two-room portable modular classroom for 39 months in the amount of $136,902.80.  Motion carried unanimously.

Continuation of May 9, 2022, Meeting Minutes-Page 3

SIAC Committee Meeting Discussion

Superintendent Lorenz informed the board regarding the recent School Improvement Advisory Committee recommendations and outcomes. 


Motion by Director Walker, second by Director DeVries to adjourn the meeting at 6:32 p.m.  Motion carried unanimously.

Next Board of Directors Meeting                               Monday, May 23, 2022 – 5:30 p.m.

Virtual Classroom/Phone/Internet

                                                                                    Red Oak Junior Senior High School Campus



__________________________                                            __________________________

Bret Blackman, President                                                       Deb Drey, Board Secretary

vanmetert@rosc… Wed, 05/25/2022 - 08:12

Minutes - 2022.5.23

Minutes - 2022.5.23

Red Oak Community School District

Meeting of the Board of Directors

Meeting Location:  Virtual Classroom/ Phone/Internet

Red Oak Junior Senior High School Campus

May 23, 2022


The regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Red Oak Community School District was called to order by President Bret Blackman at 5:30 p.m. at the Red Oak Junior Senior High School Virtual Classroom.


Directors: Bret Blackman, Roger Carlson, Jackie DeVries, Bryce Johnson, Kathy Walker

Superintendent Ron Lorenz, Business Manager Deb Drey

Approval of Agenda

Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Walker to approve the agenda with the order of agenda items at the discretion of the meeting chair.  Motion carried unanimously.

Good News from Red Oak Schools

Liz Carbaugh and Jack Kling medaled at the state track meet. Baylor Bergren and the boys’ distance medley relay team ran season best times.

Merced Ramirez and Tessa Rolenc qualified for girls’ state tennis doubles competition.

The varsity baseball team won its home opener against Fremont Mills.

The softball team will kick off their season this week at Creston.

Graduation was a tremendous success.  Congratulations to the Class of 2022.

Consent Agenda

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Johnson to approve the consent agenda as presented including meeting minutes, monthly business reports, personnel considerations, use of Title I funds, and open enrollment requests.  Motion carried unanimously.

Board Policy Series 403-405

Motion by Director DeVries, second by Director Walker to approve the second reading of Board Policy Series 403-405. Motion carried unanimously.

2022-2023 Online Cashless Ticketing Discussion

The Hawkeye 10 Conference Board of Controls is considering going to an online cashless ticketing process for the 2022-2023 for all conference events.  The board members had mixed feelings about this.  There are many community members who do not have smart phones.  There was concern regarding internet access.  Consensus was that the board would prefer that Red Oak vote against going to a total online cashless ticketing process.

FY23 Custodial Contract

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director DeVries to approve awarding the FY23 custodial contract to Jan-Pro of Omaha in the amount of $450,000 for year 1, $465,000 for year 2, and $480,000 for year 3.  Motion carried unanimously.

Continuation of May 23, 2022, Meeting Minutes-Page 2

Facilities Assessment and Long-Range Planning Process

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Johnson to invite the top three candidates-Alley Poyner Machietto Architecture, Incite Design/Denovo Construction Services, and CMBA; to make a presentation during the June 13, 2022, regular board meeting; action may be taken at that time or the next board meeting.  Motion carried unanimously.

2022-2023 Adult Activity Ticket Prices

Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director DeVries to increase the adult activity ticket prices by $10.00 to $80.00 for a single and $130.00 for a couple for the 2022-2023 school year.  Motion carried unanimously.

2022-2023 Registration Fees

Motion by Director Johnson, second by Director Walker to increase the registration fees for the 2022-2023 school year by $5.00 to $40.00 for Kindergarten through Sixth Grades and $60.00 for Grades Seven through Twelve.  Motion carried unanimously.

Guidance Counselor Sharing Agreement Revision

Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director DeVries to revise the 2022-2023 guidance counselor sharing agreement with East Mills Community School District to be 80% at East Mills Community School District and 20% at Red Oak Community School District.  Motion carried unanimously.


Motion by Director Johnson, second by Director Carlson to adjourn the meeting at 6:19 p.m.  Motion carried unanimously.


Next Board of Directors Meeting                               Monday, June 13, 2022 – 5:30 p.m.

Virtual Classroom/Phone/Internet

                                                                                    Red Oak Junior Senior High School Campus



__________________________                                            __________________________

Bret Blackman, President                                                       Deb Drey, Board

vanmetert@rosc… Wed, 05/25/2022 - 08:15

Minutes - 2022.1.6

Minutes - 2022.1.6

Red Oak Community School District

Meeting of the Board of Directors

Meeting Location:  Virtual Classroom/ Phone/Internet

Red Oak Junior Senior High School Campus

June 1, 2022


The special meeting of the Board of Directors of the Red Oak Community School District was called to order by President Bret Blackman at 5:30 p.m. at the Red Oak Junior Senior High School Virtual Classroom.


Directors: Bret Blackman, Roger Carlson, Jackie DeVries, Kathy Walker

Superintendent Ron Lorenz, Business Manager Deb Drey, Heidi Harris

Approval of Agenda

Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Walker to approve the agenda moving item 4.3.1 to New Business with the order of agenda items at the discretion of the meeting chair.  Motion carried unanimously.

Consent Agenda

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director DeVries to approve the consent agenda including personnel considerations and an out of state trip request.  Motion carried unanimously.

ESSER Fund Usage

Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Walker to use ESSER funds to provide funds for up to two full-time Red Oak Community School staff members to complete the course work necessary to become a guidance counselor.  Motion carried unanimously.

Central Office Staff Letter of Employment Amendment

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director DeVries to approve amending the letters of employment for Central Office Staff impacted by the Human Resources Sharing Agreement with Stanton Community School District. Motion carried unanimously.

Closed Session

Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Walker to enter closed session per Iowa Code 21.5(1)a to review or discuss records which are required or authorized to be kept confidential and Iowa Code 21.5(1)e to discuss whether to conduct a hearing to determine whether to suspend or expel student(s) at 5:45 p.m. Motion carried unanimously.

Exited Closed session at 5:53 p.m.

Disciplinary Action

Motion by Director DeVries, second by Director Walker to approve the agreed upon disciplinary as discussed in closed session.  Motion carried unanimously.

Closed Session

Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Walker to enter closed session per Iowa Code 21.5(1)a to review or discuss records which are required or authorized to be kept confidential and Iowa Code 21.5(1)e to discuss whether to conduct a hearing to determine whether to suspend or expel student(s) at 5:54 p.m. Motion carried unanimously.

Exited Closed session at 6:06 p.m.

Continuation of June 1, 2022, Meeting Minutes-Page 2

Disciplinary Action

Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director DeVries to approve the agreed upon disciplinary as discussed in closed session.  Motion carried unanimously.


Motion by Director Walker, second by Director DeVries to adjourn the meeting at 6:11 p.m. Motion carried unanimously.


Next Board of Directors Meeting                               Monday, June 13, 2022 – 5:30 p.m.

Virtual Classroom/Phone/Internet

                                                                                    Red Oak Junior Senior High School Campus



__________________________                                            __________________________

Bret Blackman, President                                                       Deb Drey, Board Secretary

vanmetert@rosc… Fri, 06/03/2022 - 08:25

Minutes - 2022.6.13

Minutes - 2022.6.13

Red Oak Community School District

Meeting of the Board of Directors

Meeting Location:  Virtual Classroom/ Phone/Internet

Red Oak Junior Senior High School Campus

June 13, 2022


The regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Red Oak Community School District was called to order by President Bret Blackman at 5:30 p.m. at the Red Oak Junior Senior High School Virtual Classroom.


Directors: Bret Blackman, Roger Carlson, Jackie DeVries, Bryce Johnson, Kathy Walker

Superintendent Ron Lorenz, Business Manager Deb Drey

Approval of Agenda

Motion by Director Johnson, second by Director Walker to approve the agenda with the order of agenda items at the discretion of the meeting chair.  Motion carried unanimously.

Good News from Red Oak Schools

The summer weight and conditioning program is under way and attendance has been good.

The varsity baseball team had a record of 4-1 last week.

Consent Agenda

Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Walker to approve the consent agenda as presented including meeting minutes, monthly business reports, open enrollment requests, personnel considerations, and use of ESSER funds.  Motion carried unanimously.

FY21 Audit Report

Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director DeVries to approve the FY21 Audit Report as presented.  Motion carried unanimously.

Facilities Assessment and Long-Range Planning

Three companies presented their proposals for assessing district facilities and creating a long-range plan for the district.


Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Johnson to adjourn the meeting at 7:33 p.m.  Motion carried unanimously.


Next Board of Directors Meeting                               Monday, June 27, 2022 – 5:30 p.m.

Virtual Classroom/Phone/Internet

                                                                                    Red Oak Junior Senior High School Campus



__________________________                                            __________________________

Bret Blackman, President                                                       Deb Drey, Board Secretary

vanmetert@rosc… Tue, 06/14/2022 - 13:17

minutes - 2022.6.27

minutes - 2022.6.27

Red Oak Community School District

Meeting of the Board of Directors

Meeting Location:  Virtual Classroom/ Phone/Internet

Red Oak Junior Senior High School Campus

June 27, 2022


The regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Red Oak Community School District was called to order by President Bret Blackman at 5:30 p.m. at the Red Oak Junior Senior High School Virtual Classroom.


Directors: Bret Blackman, Roger Carlson, Jackie DeVries, Bryce Johnson via internet due to trip, Kathy Walker

Superintendent Ron Lorenz, Business Manager Deb Drey, Accounts Payable Clerk Heidi Harris

Approval of Agenda

Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director DeVries to approve the agenda with the order of agenda items at the discretion of the meeting chair.  Motion carried unanimously.

Good News from Red Oak Schools

The baseball team has a record of 9-13, which is the best record in several years.  The team has a chance to equal or best the most wins of 10 in quite a while.  The tournament trail begins this week against Missouri Valley at Treynor.

The softball team begins the tournament trail next week.

Ryan Johnson was named to the Hawkeye 10 Conference Summer Academic Team.

Consent Agenda

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director DeVries to approve the consent agenda as presented including meeting minutes, monthly business reports, open enrollment requests, contract renewals, and personnel considerations.  Motion carried unanimously.

Facilities Assessment and Long-Range Planning

Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Johnson to award the bid for facilities assessment and long-range planning to Alley Poyner Macchietto Architecture.  Motion carried unanimously.

Track Resurfacing

Motion by Director DeVries, second by Director Walker to accept the bid from Midwest Tennis & Track in the amount of $82,000 to resurface the track.  Motion carried unanimously.

Pest Control Bid

Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director DeVries to accept the pest control bid from Sellers Pest Control for FY23.  Motion carried unanimously.

Fuel Bid

Motion by Director DeVries, second by Director Walker to accept the fuel bid from United Farmers Cooperative for FY23.  Motion carried unanimously.

Snow Removal Bid

Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director DeVries to accept the snow removal bid from Green Tree Company for FY23.  Motion carried unanimously.


Continuation of June 27, 2022 Meeting Minutes-Page 2

Trash Removal Bid

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Carlson to accept the trash removal bid from Batten Sanitation for FY23.  Motion carried unanimously.

Property Insurance Renewal

Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Walker to renew the district’s property insurance for FY23.  Motion carried unanimously.

Adult Lunch Price

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director DeVries to set the adult lunch price at $4.13 per state requirement for the 2022-2023 school year.  Motion carried unanimously.

Basketball Shooting Machine

Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director DeVries to approve the purchase of a basketball shooting machine from Dr. Dish in the amount of $6,070.  Motion carried unanimously.

Commercial Lawn Mower

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director DeVries to approve the purchase of a commercial lawn mower from Dickel Duit in the amount of $13,499.  Motion carried unanimously.

Lexia Literacy Program

Motion by Director DeVries, second by Director Walker to approve the purchase of the Lexia Literacy Program in the amount of $17,850.  Motion carried unanimously.


Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Walker to adjourn the meeting at 6:19 p.m.  Motion carried unanimously.

Board Work Session

President Blackman opened the work session at 6:26 p.m.

Susan Matlage-Simms from Mercer Health & Benefits LLC presented information regarding the district’s health insurance policy.  Ms. Matlage-Simms discussed historical data regarding the district health insurance policy and explained how partial self-funding of health insurance would work and save the district money.

The board received information comparing benefit costs for teachers, secretaries, para-professionals, and transportation personnel with districts near Red Oak’s size, districts in the local Area Education Association, and the Hawkeye 10 Conference.

The board then discussed health insurance options that could help keep costs down. These included making a defined contribution instead of defined contribution, increase the deductible, or partial self-funding.

The work session was closed at 7:50 p.m.

Next Board of Directors Meeting                               Monday, July 11th , 2022 – 5:30 p.m.

Virtual Classroom/Phone/Internet

                                                                                    Red Oak Junior Senior High School Campus



__________________________                                            __________________________

Bret Blackman, President                                                       Deb Drey, Board Secretary

vanmetert@rosc… Thu, 06/30/2022 - 10:01



Click on the meeting date from the list below to view the board minutes from recent or upcoming Red Oak Community School board meetings.


Jen@iowaschool… Tue, 09/08/2020 - 08:38

Minutes - 2020.07.07

Minutes - 2020.07.07

Red Oak Community School District
Meeting of the Board of Directors
Meeting Location:  Internet/Phone
July 7, 2020

The regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Red Oak Community School District was called to order by President Bryce Johnson at 5:00 p.m. via the internet and phone.

Directors: Bret Blackman, Roger Carlson, Jackie DeVries, Bryce Johnson, Kathy Walker
Superintendent Ron Lorenz, Business Manager Deb Drey

Approval of Agenda
Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director DeVries to approve the agenda with the order of agenda items at the discretion of the meeting chair.  Motion carried unanimously.

Amended 2020-2021 School Calendar
Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Walker to approve the amended 2020-2021 School Calendar as presented.  Motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Blackman to adjourn the meeting at 5:17 p.m.   Motion carried unanimously.


Next Board of Directors Meeting                   Monday, July 13, 2020 – 7:00 p.m.
                                                                                    Red Oak Inman Elementary
                                                                                    Red Oak CSD Inman Elementary Campus


__________________________                                            __________________________
Bryce Johnson, President                                                        Deb Drey, Board Secretary


dawn@iowaschoo… Sat, 09/26/2020 - 12:10

Minutes - 2020.07.13

Minutes - 2020.07.13

Red Oak Community School District
Meeting of the Board of Directors
Meeting Location:  Red Oak Inman Elementary/ Phone/Internet
Red Oak Inman Elementary Campus
July 13, 2020

The regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Red Oak Community School District was called to order by President Bryce Johnson at 7:00 p.m. at the Red Oak Inman Elementary School Cafeteria.

Directors: Bret Blackman, Roger Carlson, Jackie DeVries, Bryce Johnson
Superintendent Ron Lorenz, Business Manager Deb Drey

Approval of Agenda
Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Blackman to approve the agenda removing item 7.2.3 with the order of agenda items at the discretion of the meeting chair.  Motion carried unanimously.

Good News from Red Oak Schools
The high school baseball team ended their season.  The team is young, and the future looks bright.

The Child Development Center is set to open on August 17, 2020.

Janelle Erickson presented on the Return to Learn plan and scheduled professional development for the teachers.

Ron Lorenz updated the board on facilities and district signage.

Consent Agenda:
Motion by Director Blackman, second by Director DeVries to approve the consent agenda including meeting minutes and monthly business reports as presented.  Motion carried unanimously.

SUI Walk In Freezer/Cooler Addition
Motion by Director Blackman, second by Director Carlson to approve adding the Junior/Senior High School Walk-In Freezer/Cooler to the Specialty Underwriters Insurance Policy for FY21.  Motion carried unanimously.

Tree Removal Bids
Motion by Director DeVries, second by Director Carlson to accept the tree removal bid from Miner Tree Service in the amount of $4,375.00.  Motion carried unanimously.

Personnel Considerations
Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Blackman to accept the resignation of Ronald DeVries as Junior High Boys Basketball Coach effective at the end of the 2019-2020 school year.  Motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Director Blackman, second by Director Carlson to hire Ronald DeVries as High School Boys Basketball Assistant Coach for the 2020-2021 school year.  Motion carried 3-0 with Director DeVries abstaining.

Motion by Director DeVries, second by Director Blackman to hire Julie Wolfe as High School Assistant Bowling Coach for the 2020-2021 school year.  Motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Director Blackman, second by Director DeVries to approve the resignation of Brian Mensen as Junior High Boys Basketball Coach effective at the end of the 2019-2020 school year.  Motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Director DeVries, second by Director Blackman to hire Brian Mensen as High School Boys Basketball Assistant Coach for the 2020-2021 school year.  Motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Director Blackman, second by Director Carlson to accept the resignation of Heather Johnson as Para-Professional at the end of the 2019-2020 school year.  Motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Blackman to hire Kealan Graham as an Elementary Teacher for the 2020-2021 school year.  Motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Director DeVries, second by Director Blackman to approve the Sharing Agreement Addendum for Adam Wenberg for the 2020-2021 school year.  Motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director DeVries to adjourn the meeting at 7:53 p.m.  Motion carried unanimously.


Next Board of Directors Meeting                   Monday, July 27, 2020 – 7:00 p.m.
                                                                                    Red Oak Inman Elementary/Phone/Internet
                                                                                    Red Oak CSD Inman Elementary Campus

__________________________                                            __________________________
Bryce Johnson, President                                                        Deb Drey, Board Secretary


dawn@iowaschoo… Sat, 09/26/2020 - 12:07

Minutes - 2020.07.27

Minutes - 2020.07.27

Red Oak Community School District
Meeting of the Board of Directors
Meeting Location:  Red Oak Inman Elementary/ Phone/Internet
Red Oak Inman Elementary Campus
July 27, 2020

The regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Red Oak Community School District was called to order by Vice President Roger Carlson at 7:00 p.m. at the Red Oak Inman Elementary School Cafeteria.

Directors: Bret Blackman, Roger Carlson, Jackie DeVries, Kathy Walker
Superintendent Ron Lorenz, Business Manager Deb Drey

Approval of Agenda
Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Blackman to approve the agenda removing item 7.2.8 with the order of agenda items at the discretion of the meeting chair.  Motion carried unanimously.

Good News from Red Oak Schools
Most of the teachers attended the training for Return to Learn.
Two baseball players received Hawkeye 10 Conference Honors:  Landon Couse-2nd Team and Dawson Bond-Honorable Mention.
FFA Members Tyler Beeson exhibited the Goat Reserve Champion Breeding Doe and Allie Sandin exhibited the Grand Champion Market Lamb at the Montgomery County Fair.
Former Tiger Athlete Kate Walker has been named a graduate assistant coach for the Richmond women’s basketball team.

Public Comments
Julie Ford commented on the request for Open Enrollment for her son.

Consent Agenda
Motion by Director Blackman, second by Director DeVries to approve the consent agenda including meeting minutes, monthly business reports, and open enrollment for Carly Cline. Motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Director Blackman, second by Director Walker to deny the open enrollment requests for Gavin Ford and Lillyan Ford.  Motion carried unanimously.

Building and Grounds Update
Bancroft has been mostly emptied out and Maintenance is working on emptying Webster to prepare for an auction.

Miner Tree Service is working on removing dead trees.

Red Oak Childhood Development Center registration was today and there are 40 enrollments so far.

Return to Learn Plan
Motion by Director Walker, second by Director DeVries to approve the Return to Learn Plan as presented.  Motion carried unanimously.

2020-2021 Teacher Leadership Contracts
Motion by Director Walker, second by Director DeVries to issue the 2020-2021 Teacher Leadership Contracts as presented.  Motion carried unanimously.

2020-2021 Inman Elementary Student Handbook
Motion by Director DeVries, second by Director Blackman to approve the 2020-2021 Inman Elementary Student Handbook as presented.  Motion carried unanimously.

2020-2021 Pest Control Bid
Motion by Director Blackman, second by Director DeVries to accept the pest control bid from Sellers Pest Control for 2020-2021.  Motion carried unanimously.

2020-2021 Fuel Bid
This item will be on the next agenda after obtaining more information.

2020-2021 Snow Removal Bid
Motion by Director Blackman, second by Director Walker to accept the 2020-2021 snow removal bid from The Green Tree Company LLC.  Motion carried unanimously.

2020-2021 Trash Removal Bid
Motion by Director Blackman, second by Director Walker to accept the 2020-2021 trash removal bid from Batten Sanitation.  Motion carried unanimously.

District Signage Bid
Motion by Director Walker, second by Director DeVries to accept the district signage bid from ASI Signage Innovations in the amount of 52,659.00.  Motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Director Blackman, second by Director Walker to adjourn the meeting at 8:22 p.m.  Motion carried unanimously.


Next Board of Directors Meeting                   Monday, August 10, 2020 – 7:00 p.m.
                                                                                    Red Oak Inman Elementary/Phone/Internet
                                                                                    Red Oak CSD Inman Elementary Campus


__________________________                                            __________________________
Roger Carlson, Vice President                                               Deb Drey, Board Secretary


dawn@iowaschoo… Sat, 09/26/2020 - 11:59

Minutes - 2020.08.04

Minutes - 2020.08.04

Red Oak Community School District
Meeting of the Board of Directors
August 4, 2020

The special meeting of the Board of Directors of the Red Oak Community School District was called to order by President Bryce Johnson at 5:00 p.m. at the Red Oak Inman Elementary School Cafeteria.

Directors: Roger Carlson, Jackie DeVries, Bryce Johnson, Kathy Walker
Superintendent Ron Lorenz, Business Manager Deb Drey

Approval of Agenda
Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director DeVries to approve the agenda with the order of agenda items at the discretion of the meeting chair.  Motion carried unanimously.

Administrative/Transportation Building Rock
Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Walker to accept the bid from Pat Lewis Trucking for parking lot rock.  Motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Director DeVries, second by Director Walker to adjourn the meeting at 5:05 p.m.  Motion carried unanimously.



Next Board of Directors Meeting                   Monday, August 10, 2020 – 7:00 p.m.
                                                                                    Red Oak Inman Elementary/Phone/Internet
                                                                                    Red Oak CSD Inman Elementary Campus


__________________________                                            __________________________
Bryce Johnson, President                                                        Deb Drey, Board Secretary


dawn@iowaschoo… Sat, 09/26/2020 - 12:17

Minutes - 2020.08.10

Minutes - 2020.08.10

Red Oak Community School District
Meeting of the Board of Directors
Meeting Location:  Red Oak Inman Elementary/ Phone/Internet
Red Oak Inman Elementary Campus
August 10, 2020

The regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Red Oak Community School District was called to order by President Bryce Johnson at 7:01 p.m. at the Red Oak Inman Elementary School Media Center.

Directors: Bret Blackman, Roger Carlson, Jackie DeVries, Bryce Johnson, Kathy Walker
Superintendent Ron Lorenz, Business Manager Deb Drey

Approval of Agenda
Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Kathy Walker to approve the agenda with the order of agenda items at the discretion of the meeting chair.  Motion carried unanimously.

Good News from Red Oak Schools
Four softball players earned All-Conference Honors:  Chloe Johnson-1st Team; Kendall Kells-2nd Team; Lexi Johnson-Honorable Mention; and Alexa McCunn-Honorable Mention.  Kells received the Academic All-Conference Award.  Chloe Johnson was named to KMA’s All Everything Team which honors multi-sport athletes who excel in at least three sports.

Sam Beeson and Sumer Sandholm from Montgomery Public Health presented information regarding the Iowa Department of Education and Iowa Department of Public Health Guidance for Return to Learn:  Reopening Iowa’s Schools Safely and Responsibly.

Mark Erickson, Activities Director, presented information regarding fall activities guidelines.

Members of the District Leadership Team received certificates of appreciation for their work on the Return to Learn Plan.

Consent Agenda
Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Blackman to approve the consent agenda as presented including meeting minutes, monthly business reports, personnel considerations, and open enrollments.  Motion carried unanimously.

Return to Learn Plan Update
The District Leadership Team is now resolving logistical issues including traffic flow plan on 8th Street and COVID-19 contact tracing.  Transportation will be provided for Red Oak Child Development Center and Sunshine and Rainbows and there will be a bus stop at Faith Community Church for students living north of Highway 34.

Building and Grounds Update
Construction of Transportation Office and restrooms is nearing completion.  Busses and vehicles have been moved to the new location.  Rock was put down for parking.  Work continues at Webster and Bancroft Buildings to clear out items and prepare for an auction.  Miner Tree Service is working on taking down the dead trees.

The City of Red Oak is having a public hearing on transferring the deed to a lot by the Early Childhood Center.

District 2020-2021 Handbook
Motion by Director Blackman, second by Director DeVries to approve the 2020-2021 District Handbook as presented.  Motion carried unanimously.

2020-2021 Fuel Bids
Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Blackman to accept the fuel bids from United Farmers Cooperative for Fiscal Year 2021.  Motion carried unanimously.

District Legal Counsel
Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Carlson to approve Ahlers & Cooney Law Firm as the District’s legal counsel.  Motion carried unanimously.

Spending Resolution
Motion by Director Blackman, second by Director Walker to adopt the spending resolution as presented.  Motion carried unanimously.

Board Policy 104-First Reading
Motion by Director Walker, second by Director DeVries to approve the first reading of Board Policy 104-Discrimination and Harassment Based on Sex Prohibited.  Motion carried unanimously.

Board Policy 711.10-First Reading
Motion by Director Blackman, second by Director DeVries to approve the first reading of Board Policy 711.10-School Bus Seat Belts.  Motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Blackman to adjourn the meeting at 8:12 p.m.  Motion carried unanimously.


Next Board of Directors Meeting                   Monday, August 24, 2020 – 7:00 p.m.
                                                                                    Red Oak Inman Elementary/Phone/Internet
                                                                                    Red Oak CSD Inman Elementary Campus


__________________________                                            __________________________
Bryce Johnson, President                                                        Deb Drey, Board Secretary


Jen@iowaschool… Fri, 09/25/2020 - 12:31

Minutes - 2020.08.18

Minutes - 2020.08.18

Red Oak Community School District
Meeting of the Board of Directors
Meeting Location:  Phone/Internet
August 18, 2020

The special meeting of the Board of Directors of the Red Oak Community School District was called to order by President Bryce Johnson at 4:00 p.m. VIA Go to Meeting through the Internet.

Directors: Bret Blackman, Roger Carlson, Jackie DeVries, Bryce Johnson, Kathy Walker
Superintendent Ron Lorenz, Business Manager Deb Drey

Approval of Agenda
Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Carlson to approve the agenda with the order of agenda items at the discretion of the meeting chair.  Motion carried unanimously.

Consent Agenda
Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Walker to approve the consent agenda including personnel items.  Motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Walker to adjourn the meeting at 4:03 p.m.  Motion carried unanimously.


Next Board of Directors Meeting                   Monday, August 24, 2020 – 7:00 p.m.
                                                                                    Red Oak Inman Elementary/Phone/Internet
                                                                                    Red Oak CSD Inman Elementary Campus


__________________________                                            __________________________
Bryce Johnson, President                                                        Deb Drey, Board Secretary


dawn@iowaschoo… Sat, 09/26/2020 - 12:15

Minutes - 2020.08.24

Minutes - 2020.08.24

Red Oak Community School District
Meeting of the Board of Directors
Meeting Location:  Red Oak Inman Elementary/ Phone/Internet
Red Oak Inman Elementary Campus
August 24, 2020

The regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Red Oak Community School District was called to order by President Bryce Johnson at 7:00 p.m. at the Red Oak Inman Elementary School Cafeteria.

Directors: Bret Blackman, Roger Carlson via Internet due to illness, Jackie DeVries, Bryce Johnson, Kathy Walker
Superintendent Ron Lorenz, Business Manager Deb Drey

Approval of Agenda
Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Blackman to approve the agenda with the order of agenda items at the discretion of the meeting chair.  Motion carried unanimously.

Good News from Red Oak Schools
Today was the first day of school and there were 848 face to face students and 196 remote students.

Justin McCunn was named to the KMA All Everything Team and the KMA Athlete of the Year.

The football team had a scrimmage last week and will play their first game this Friday.

The volleyball team will participate in a tournament at Bondurant Farrar on Saturday.

Bob Deter, Technology Director, updated the Board on technology.  New devices for K-12 students are in and in the process of being handed out.  New devices for staff are in but are still being set up.  There were some issues for both the remote and face to face students.  These were being dealt with.

Consent Agenda
Motion by Director Blackman, second by Director DeVries to approve the consent agenda as presented including meeting minutes, monthly business reports, open enrollments, and personnel considerations.  Motion carried unanimously.

Return to Learn Plan
Superintendent Lorenz updated the Board on the first day of school under the return to learn plan.  Inman Elementary had 433 students face to face and 113 students working remotely.  The Junior/Senior High School had 415 face to face students and 83 remote students.  Drop off/pick up at Inman Elementary was slow.  A better job needs to be done of getting the students in/out quickly. 

There were no bus complaints on the first day.  Approximately a half dozen students were transported from each of the Child Development Center and Sunshine and Rainbows to school in the morning.  Fifteen students were transported to Sunshine and Rainbows and twelve to the Child Development Center after school.

Continuation of August 24, 2020 Meeting Minutes-Page 2
Face masks were worn by 50-60% of the students.  Most students showed up with masks but the Junior/Senior High students took them off in the building and the elementary students took them off by the end of the day.  There is consideration to make masks mandatory.

Activities Guidelines will be distributed tomorrow.

The District is working with Public Health on positive cases as to when to close buildings.

Buildings & Grounds Update
Work continues on the transportation office and restrooms.

The water softener at Inman Elementary needs to be repaired.  This affects the dishwasher in the kitchen.  The hot water heater leak at Inman Elementary has been fixed. A blower needs to be replaced at a cost of $4300.

The air conditioner at the Junior/Senior High School was not working in the northwest area and it is being worked on.

Miner Tree Service has removed the dead trees around the District.

There has not been much work at Bancroft and Webster recently.

MidAmerican Energy did an energy audit on the District’s services and determined that the District qualified for a more economical rate and issued a credit.

The Red Oak City Council transferred ownership of a lot on West Washington to the school district.  The Child Development Center will develop the lot into a parking lot.

Board Policy 104 2nd Reading
Motion by Director Blackman, second by Director Carlson to approve the second reading and waive the third reading of Board Policy 104-Discrimination and Harassment Based on Sex Prohibited.  Motion carried unanimously.

Board Policy 711.10 2nd Reading
Motion by Director Blackman, second by Director DeVries to approve the second reading and waive the third reading of Board Policy 711.10-School Bus Seat Belts.  Motion carried unanimously.

Catastrophic Student Accident Insurance
Motion by Director Walker, second by Director DeVries to renew the Catastrophic Student Accident Insurance Policy for the 2020-2021 school year.  Motion carried unanimously.

2020-2021 Junior/Senior High School Handbook
Motion by Director DeVries, second by Director Blackman to approve the 2020-2021 Junior/Senior High School Student Handbook as presented.  Motion carried unanimously.

Security Systems
Motion by Director Blackman, second by Director DeVries to approve authorizing the superintendent to pursue grants and spend up to $5,000 to integrate and synchronize building security systems.  Motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director DeVries to adjourn the meeting at 7:40 p.m.  Motion carried unanimously.



Next Board of Directors Meeting                   Monday, September 14, 2020 – 7:00 p.m.
                                                                                    Red Oak Inman Elementary/Phone/Internet
                                                                                    Red Oak CSD Inman Elementary Campus


__________________________                                            __________________________
Bryce Johnson, President                                                        Deb Drey, Board Secretary


dawn@iowaschoo… Sat, 09/26/2020 - 12:13

Minutes - 2020.09.14

Minutes - 2020.09.14

Red Oak Community School District
Meeting of the Board of Directors
Meeting Location:  Red Oak Inman Elementary/ Phone/Internet
Red Oak Inman Elementary Campus
September 14, 2020

The regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Red Oak Community School District was called to order by President Bryce Johnson at 7:01 p.m. at the Red Oak Inman Elementary School Media Center.

PresentDirectors: Bret Blackman, Roger Carlson, Jackie DeVries, Bryce Johnson, Kathy Walker Superintendent Ron Lorenz, Business Manager Deb Drey

Approval of AgendaMotion by Director Carlson, second by Director Walker to approve the agenda with the order of agenda items at the discretion of the meeting chair. Motion carried unanimously

Good News from Red Oak SchoolsThe High School Volleyball Team has beaten two ranked opponents and are ranked #13 in Class 3A. Chloe DeVries reached 1000 assists. Coach Angie Montgomery earned her 300th career win.

The High School Cross Country Team is running well. Baylor Bergren placed 3rd, Nolan Blackman placed 11th, Alexa McCunn placed 7th, and Cam Bass placed 19th at the Clarinda meet. Results from the Red Oak meet were Baylor Bergren 1st place, Kaden Johnson 9th place, Nolan Blackman 10th place, Chloe DeVries 2nd place, and Alexa McCunn placed 3rd .

The JV Football team beat Shenandoah by a score of 20 to 6

Angie Britten and Tianna Fisher of United Farmers Coop and Jen Bruce from the Red Oak Athletic Boosters presented information on the Tiger Pump at
UFC. Three cents per gallon of the purchases through the rest of the school year from the Tiger Pump will be donated to the Weight Room at the Junior/Senior High School. The kickoff for the program was postponed until September 16. Athletes will be available to assist patrons from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. during the kickoff.

Janelle Erickson updated the Board on the remote instruction. There are several software programs that are being looked at for use with remote learning..

Consent Agenda 
Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Blackman to approve the consent agenda as presented including meeting minutes, monthly business reports, open enrollments, and personnel considerations. Motion carried unanimously.

ROECC Parking LotMotion by Director DeVries, second by Director Walker to allow the Montgomery County Child Development Center to construct a parking lot on property south of the Red Oak Early Childhood Center at no cost to the district. Motion carried unanimously.

District Title IX Handbook
Motion by Director Blackman, second by Director Walker to approve the District Title IX Handbook as presented. Motion carried unanimously.

Board Policy 501.9
Motion by Director Blackman, second by Director Walker to approve the first reading of Board Policy 501.9 Student Absences-Excused. Motion carried unanimously.

Board Policy 604.10
Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Walker to approve the first reading of Board Policy 604.10 Appropriate Use of Online Learning Platform. Motion carried unanimously.

Board Policy 906
Motion by Director Walker, second by Director DeVries to approve the first reading of Board Policy 906 District Operation During Public Emergencies. Motion carried unanimously.

Immersed Learning Program Policy & Procedure Manual
Motion by Director Walker, second by Director DeVries to approve the Junior/Senior High School Immersed Learning Program Policy and Procedure Manual at presented. Motion carried unanimously.

IASB 2020 Legislative Resolutions
Through consensus, the Board chose the following priority issues relative to IASB’s 2020 Legislative Resolutions: #18-School Funding Policy; #7-Mental Health; #2-Student Achievement Standards and Accountability; #25-Unfunded Mandates; with #6-Drop Out/At Risk being an alternate.

Closed Session Per Code Section 21.5(1)(i)
Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Blackman to enter closed session at 8:20 p.m. per Iowa Code Section 21.5(1)(i) to evaluate the professional competency of an individual whose appointment, hiring, performance or discharge is being considered when necessary to prevent needless and irreparable injury to that individual's reputation and that individual requests a closed session. Motion carried unanimously. Exited Closed Session at 9:41 p.m.

Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director DeVries to adjourn the meeting at 9:42 p.m. Motion carried unanimously.



Next Board of Directors Meeting                   Monday, September 28, 2020 – 7:00 p.m.
                                                                                    Red Oak Inman Elementary/Phone/Internet
                                                                                    Red Oak CSD Inman Elementary Campus


__________________________                                            __________________________
Bryce Johnson, President                                                        Deb Drey, Board Secretary


dawn@iowaschoo… Thu, 10/01/2020 - 10:02

Minutes - 2020.09.28

Minutes - 2020.09.28

Red Oak Community School District
Meeting of the Board of Directors

Meeting Location:  Red Oak Inman Elementary/ Phone/Internet
Red Oak Inman Elementary Campus
September 28, 2020


The regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Red Oak Community School District was called to order by President Bryce Johnson at 7:00 p.m. at the Red Oak Inman Elementary School Media Center.


Directors: Bret Blackman, Roger Carlson, Jackie DeVries, Bryce Johnson, Kathy Walker

Superintendent Ron Lorenz, Business Manager Deb Drey

Approval of Agenda

Motion by Director Blackman, second by Director DeVries to approve the agenda with the order of agenda items at the discretion of the meeting chair.  Motion carried unanimously.

Good News from Red Oak Schools

Homecoming was a resounding success.  Grace Blomstedt, Seth Esaias, Angie Spangenberg, and Kate Walker were inducted into the Hall of Fame.  Mya Southwell and Alex Axon were crowned Homecoming Queen and King.

COVID-19 Positivity Rate is 5.9% which is below the state average of 9.0%.

Forty-two students are currently enrolled in America’s Graduates or iJAG program.

Forty-five remote learners reported to Inman Elementary School last week for FAST testing.

Tracy Vannausdle arranged for representatives from Prime for Life and Set Me Free Project to present to seventh and eighth graders about high risk choices, dangers of social media and sex trafficking, and drug and alcohol prevention.


Matt Collins, Ralph Oxley, and Dave Schaar of Riverside Technologies presented information regarding replacement of network equipment, managed services, and additional technology supports.

Consent Agenda

Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director DeVries to approve the consent agenda as presented including meeting minutes, monthly business reports, and open enrollments.  Motion carried unanimously.

Board Policy 501.9 2nd Reading

Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Blackman to approve the second reading of Board Policy 501.9 Student Absences-Excused.  Motion carried unanimously.

Board Policy 604.10 2nd Reading

Motion by Director Blackman, second by Director Walker to approve the second reading of Board Policy 604.10 Appropriate Use of Online Learning Platform.  Motion carried unanimously.

Board Policy 906 2nd Reading

Motion by Director Blackman, second by Director DeVries to approve the second reading of Board Policy 906 District Operation During Public Emergencies.  Motion carried unanimously.

Continuation of September 28, 2020 Board Minutes-Page 2

Remote Learning Update

Principal Nate Perrien and Principal Jane Chaillie provided updates from each of their buildings on remote learners’ attendance and grades.

Lil SIS Software

Motion by Director Blackman, second by Director Walker to approve the purchase of Lil SIS for Google Classroom Application.  Motion carried unanimously.

E-Rate Managed Services Purchase

Motion by Director Blackman, second by Director Walker to approve purchasing managed services from Riverside Technologies for 2020-2021.  Motion carried unanimously.

E-Rate Technology Purchases

Motion by Director Blackman, second by Director Carlson to purchase switches, firewalls, Tripp Lite UPS, and all connectors, licensing, and installation from Riverside Technologies.  Motion carried unanimously.

Sale of Vehicles

Motion by Director Blackman, second by Director Carlson to approve advertising for sealed bids for sale of 2005 Thomas Freightliner Bus and two 2012 Dodge vans.  Motion carried unanimously.

Special Ed Allowable Growth

Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Blackman to approve the Special Education Supplement request for allowable growth in the amount of $72,828.35.  Motion carried unanimously.

Limited English Proficiency Allowable Growth

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director DeVries to approve the Limited English Proficiency request for allowable growth in the amount of $48,090.34.  Motion carried unanimously.

PK Program Policies & Procedures

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director DeVries to approve the Preschool Program Policies and Procedures Manual as presented.  Motion carried unanimously.

Marzano Model Purchase

Motion by Director DeVries, second by Director Walker to purchase the Marzano Focused Teacher Growth and Evaluation Model.  Motion carried unanimously.


Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Blackman to adjourn the meeting at 8:15 p.m. Motion carried unanimously.


Next Board of Directors Meeting                               Monday, October 12, 2020 – 7:00 p.m.

                                                                                    Red Oak Inman Elementary/Phone/Internet

                                                                                    Red Oak CSD Inman Elementary Campus



__________________________                                            __________________________

Bryce Johnson, President                                                       Deb Drey, Board Secretary

Jen@iowaschool… Mon, 11/09/2020 - 15:00

Minutes - 2020.10.12

Minutes - 2020.10.12

Red Oak Community School District
Meeting of the Board of Directors

Meeting Location:  Red Oak Inman Elementary/ Phone/Internet
Red Oak Inman Elementary Campus
October 12, 2020


The regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Red Oak Community School District was called to order by President Bryce Johnson at 7:00 p.m. at the Red Oak Inman Elementary School Media Center.


Directors: Bret Blackman, Roger Carlson, Jackie DeVries, Bryce Johnson, Kathy Walker

Superintendent Ron Lorenz, Business Manager Deb Drey

Approval of Agenda

Motion by Director Blackman, second by Director Walker to approve the agenda with the order of agenda items at the discretion of the meeting chair.  Motion carried unanimously.

Good News from Red Oak Schools

The FFA Reporter’s Chapter Scrapbook completed by Ashley Henneman was chosen as the State FFA Champion by the Iowa FFA Association.

The FFA Chapter fed over 80 individuals as part of its annual Harvest Appreciation “Feed our Farmers.”

Clear Touch Interactive Flat Panel training, which was postponed due to COVID-19, is be offered on Wednesday, October 14, 2020.

Work has begun on the parking lot south of the Red Oak Early Childhood Center.  This project is being coordinated and funded by the Montgomery County Child Development Association.

Consent Agenda

Motion by Director Blackman, second by Director DeVries to approve the consent agenda as presented including meeting minutes, open enrollments, personnel considerations, and special education contracts with East Mills Community School District. Motion carried unanimously.

Return to Learn Plan Revisions

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Carlson to revise the Return to Learn Plan to limit the remote learning options to students with verified medical rationale or other extenuating circumstances.  Motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Blackman to revise the Return to Learn Plan to require students and staff to wear face coverings throughout the school day except during lunch.  Motion carried unanimously.

District Level Investigator

Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Walker to appoint Justin Williams as the district’s Level 1 Investigator and Debbie Graber as the district’s alternate Level 1 Investigator.  Motion carried unanimously.

School Beyond School Field Trip

Motion by Director DeVries, second by Director Walker to approve the School Beyond School fieldtrip to the Bellevue Berry Farm on October 17, 2020.  Motion carried unanimously.


Continuation of the October 12, 2020 Meeting Minutes-Page2

Early Graduation Request

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director DeVries to approve the early graduation request of Jade Loftesness.  Motion carried unanimously.

Administrative Reports

Jane Chaillie reported that elementary pictures will be tomorrow.  FAST testing is completed with 94% of the students taking the assessment.  Fifty-three percent of the elementary students are proficient in the benchmark for literacy.  The buildings are still having connectivity issues.  Substitutes for teachers and para professionals are a struggle to find.

Nate Perrien reported that the Junior/Senior High School students have completed bench mark screenings. The scores were not as low as they were expected to be considering the COVID-19 closure.  Parents of students with failing grades each week are receiving an email regarding the issue.

Ron Lorenz asked for a board member to be the delegate to the Iowa Association of School Boards Delegate Assembly.  Kathy Walker volunteered to be Red Oak’s delegate.  The District will have a new web site with school board information which will include board member bios and photographs.  Mr. Lorenz will have a photographer come to an upcoming board meeting to take the photos.  Effective October 15,2020, restrictions will be relaxed at activities.  Attention will no longer be limited but all attendees will be required to wear masks and no food or drink will be allowed in the gym.

Closed Session

Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Walker to enter closed session at 7:39 p.m. per Iowa Code Section 21.5(1)(a) and (i) to review or discuss records which are required or authorized by state or federal law to be kept confidential or to be kept confidential as a condition for that governmental body’s possession or continued receipt of federal funds; and to evaluation the professional competency of an individual whose appointment, hiring, performance, or discharge is being considered when necessary to prevent needless and irreparable injury to that individual’s reputation and that individual requests a closed session.  Motion carried unanimously.

Exited closed session at 7:59 p.m.

Contract Release

Motion by Director Blackman, second by Director Walker to release Donald Weed from his contract effective October 12, 2020.  Motion carried unanimously.


Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Walker to adjourn the meeting at 8:04 p.m. Motion carried unanimously.

Next Board of Directors Meeting                               Monday, October 26, 2020 – 7:00 p.m.

                                                                                    Red Oak Inman Elementary/Phone/Internet

                                                                                    Red Oak CSD Inman Elementary Campus



__________________________                                            __________________________

Bryce Johnson, President                                                       Deb Drey, Board Secretary

Jen@iowaschool… Mon, 11/09/2020 - 15:01

Minutes - 2020.10.26

Minutes - 2020.10.26

Red Oak Community School District
Meeting of the Board of Directors

Meeting Location:  Red Oak Inman Elementary/ Phone/Internet
Red Oak Inman Elementary Campus
October 26, 2020


The regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Red Oak Community School District was called to order by President Bryce Johnson at 7:03 p.m. at the Red Oak Inman Elementary School Media Center.


Directors: Bret Blackman, Roger Carlson, Jackie DeVries, Bryce Johnson, Kathy Walker

Superintendent Ron Lorenz, Business Manager Deb Drey

Approval of Agenda

Motion by Director Blackman, second by Director Carlson to approve the agenda with the order of agenda items at the discretion of the meeting chair.  Motion carried unanimously.

Good News from Red Oak Schools

All nine senior cross-country runners received Hawkeye 10 All Academic Honors.

The cross-country team participated in the state qualifying meet in Panora.  Baylor Bergren-4th place and Chloe DeVries-7th place qualified for the state meet in Fort Dodge on October 31, 2020.

Chloe DeVries was named KMA Athlete of the Week.

Madison Bruce, Isaac Hidalgo, Xavier Ross, and Jonah Wemhoff were selected to All State Choir.

Clark Spencer was named a 2020 National FFA Agri Science finalist.

Tess Mittag, Agriculture Instructor, was named the 2020 Teacher Turn the Key winner by the Iowa Association of Agricultural Educators.

October is National Principals Month.  Superintendent Lorenz recognized Jane Chaillie, Elementary Principal, and Nate Perrien, Junior/Senior High School Principal.

Consent Agenda

Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Blackman to approve the consent agenda as presented including meeting minutes, monthly business reports, open enrollments, and personnel considerations.  Motion carried unanimously.

Certified Enrollment Discussion

Superintendent Lorenz reported that the certified enrollment for Red Oak Community School District was 1036.58 students.  This is a decline of 2.58 students.  Schools in the Hawkeye 10 Conference all had declining enrollment.  The average decline for the conference was 27 students.

Virtual Learning on Inclement Weather Days

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director DeVries to approve providing virtual learning on inclement weather days where there is no school.  Motion carried unanimously.

Hard Surface Road Bus Routes

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Blackman to approve the hard surface bus route plan as presented.  Motion carried unanimously.

Continuation of the October 26, 2020 Meeting Minutes-Page 2

Title 1 Curriculum

Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Walker to approve the purchase of curriculum from Title 1 Funds as presented.  Motion carried unanimously.

Grant Matching Funds

Motion by Director Blackman, second by Director DeVries to approve matching funds for the Iowa West Foundation Program Grant to enhance the security at Red Oak Early Childhood Center and Inman Elementary School.  Motion carried unanimously.


Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Blackman to adjourn the meeting at 7:53 p.m.  Motion carried unanimously.



Next Board of Directors Meeting                               Monday, November 9, 2020 – 7:00 p.m.

                                                                                    Red Oak Inman Elementary/Phone/Internet

                                                                                    Red Oak CSD Inman Elementary Campus



__________________________                                            __________________________

Bryce Johnson, President                                                       Deb Drey, Board Secretary

Jen@iowaschool… Mon, 11/09/2020 - 15:01

Minutes - 2020.11.09

Minutes - 2020.11.09

Red Oak Community School District
Meeting of the Board of Directors

Meeting Location:  Phone/Internet
November 9,2020


The regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Red Oak Community School District was called to order by President Bryce Johnson at 7:01 p.m. via phone/internet.


Directors: Bret Blackman, Roger Carlson, Jackie DeVries, Bryce Johnson, Kathy Walker

Superintendent Ron Lorenz, Business Manager Deb Drey

Approval of Agenda

Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Blackman to approve the agenda with the order of agenda items at the discretion of the meeting chair.  Motion carried unanimously.

Good News from Red Oak Schools

Chloe DeVries finished 77th and Baylor Bergren finished 24th at the state cross country meet.

The Volleyball team was Co Hawkeye 10 Champions and qualified for the state tournament for the second year in a row.  Lexi Johnson, Abbey Jones, Chloe DeVries, Liz Carbaugh,Tori Carrick represented the Tigers on the Hawkeye 10 All Conference Teams.

Lily Marsden, Abby Peterson, and Matthew Adams qualified for the Southwest Iowa Honor Band.

Clark Spencer received third place in the National FFA Agri Science contest.

Consent Agenda

Motion by Director Blackman, second by Director DeVries to approve the consent agenda as presented including meeting minutes, monthly business reports, and personnel considerations.  Motion carried unanimously.

Board Meetings Returning to All In-Person

Discussion regarding the board meetings returning to all in person meetings will be revisited at a later date due to the Covid concerns.

SBRC Application for OE Out not in Fall 2019

Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Walker to approve the SBRC application for Open Enrollment Out not in Fall 2019 in the amount of $158,240.00.  Motion carried unanimously.

SBRC Application for ELL Beyond 5 Years

Motion by Director Blackman, second by Director Walker too approve the application for the ELL Beyond 5 Years in the amount of $20,157.28.  Motion carried unanimously.


Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director DeVries to adjourn the regular meeting at 7:14 p.m.  Motion carried unanimously.






Continuations of November 9, 2020 Meeting Minutes-Page 2

Annual Meeting

The annual meeting of the Board of Directors of the Red Oak Community School District was called to order by Board Secretary Deb Drey at 7:15 p.m.


Directors:  Bret Blackman, Roger Carlson, Jackie DeVries, Bryce Johnson, Kathy Walker

Superintendent Ron Lorenz, Business Manager Deb Drey

Election of Officers

Director Walker nominated Bryce Johnson for the office of president.

Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Walker to cease nominations and elect Director Johnson as president.  Motion carried 4-0 with Director Johnson abstaining.

Newly Elected Board President was given the Oath of Office by Board Secretary Deb Drey.

Director Walker nominated Roger Carlson for the office of vice president.

Motion by Director DeVries, second by Director Walker to cease nominations and elect Director Carlson as vice president.  Motion carried unanimously.

Newly Elected Board Vice President was given the Oath of Office by Board Secretary Deb Drey.

Board Secretary/Treasurer

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Carlson to appoint Deb Drey as Board Secretary/Treasurer.  Motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Walker to appoint Heidi Harris as Assistant Board Secretary/Treasurer.  Motion carried unanimously.

Legal Publication

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director DeVries to designate The Red Oak Express as the District’s legal publication.  Motion carried unanimously.


Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Blackman to designate Houghton State Bank and Iowa Schools Joint Investment Trust with a limit of $25,000,000 as the District’s depositories.  Motion carried unanimously.

Legal Counsel

Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Blackman to name Ahlers & Cooney PC and Brian Mensen as legal counsel.  Motion carried unanimously.

Meeting Dates & Time

Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Walker to schedule board meetings on the second and fourth Mondays of the month at 7:00 p.m.  Motion carried unanimously.

Committee Assignments

Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Blackman to appoint the following committee assignments:

Red Oak Education Association Negotiations & Labor Management:  Director Carlson & Director DeVries

Red Oak Support Staff Association Negotiations & Labor Management:  Director Blackman & Director Johnson

School Improvement Advisory Committee:  Director Walker & Director DeVries

Policy Committee:  Director Walker & Director DeVries

Continuation of November 9, 2020 Meeting Minutes-Page 3

Facilities Committee:  Director Blackman & Director Carlson

Calendar Committee:  Director Walker

Technology Committee:  Director Blackman & Director Johnson

Montgomery County Conference Board:  Director Carlson

Boost 4 Families:  Director Walker

STEM Committee:  Director Johnson & Director Blackman.  Motion carried unanimously.

Ordering of Agenda

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Carlson to order the agenda as has been done in the past with personnel considerations in the consent agenda.  Motion carried unanimously.

Reports & Other Announcements

Superintendent Lorenz updated the board on the building signage, the COVID positivity rate, and absenteeism. With the county positivity rate at 20.9% and absences over 10%, the district could apply for a waiver to go to a total virtual learning platform.  Superintendent Lorenz will start the waiver process.


Motion by Director Walker, second by Director DeVries to adjourn the annual meeting at 8:15 p.m.  Motion carried unanimously.




Next Board of Directors Meeting                               Monday, November 23, 2020 – 7:00 p.m.

                                                                                    Via Phone/Internet




__________________________                                            __________________________

Bryce Johnson, President                                                       Deb Drey, Board Secretary

Jen@iowaschool… Wed, 11/11/2020 - 18:52

Minutes - 2020.11.11

Minutes - 2020.11.11

Red Oak Community School District
Meeting of the Board of Directors

Meeting Location: Phone/Internet
November 11, 2020


The special meeting of the Board of Directors of the Red Oak Community School District was called to order by President Bryce Johnson at 5:00 p.m. via the internet/phone.


Directors: Bret Blackman, Roger Carlson, Jackie DeVries, Bryce Johnson, Kathy Walker

Superintendent Ron Lorenz, Business Manager Deb Drey

Approval of Agenda

Motion by Director Blackman, second by Director Walker to approve the agenda with the order of agenda items at the discretion of the meeting chair.  Motion carried unanimously.

Provide Temporary Remote Learning

Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Blackman to immediately transition to remote learning for 48 hours while we wait for the Department of Education decision and authorization on our request for two weeks of remote learning. If approved by the Department of Education, we will be remote learning until November 24, 2020.  Motion carried unanimously.


Motion by Director Blackman, second by Director Walker to adjourn the meeting at 5:08 p.m.  Motion carried unanimously.


Next Board of Directors Meeting                               Monday, November 23, 2020 – 7:00 p.m.

                                                                                    Red Oak Inman Elementary/Phone/Internet

                                                                                    Red Oak CSD Inman Elementary Campus



__________________________                                            __________________________

Bryce Johnson, President                                                       Deb Drey, Board Secretary

Jen@iowaschool… Thu, 11/12/2020 - 15:34

Minutes- 2020.11.23

Minutes- 2020.11.23

Red Oak Community School District

Meeting of the Board of Directors

Meeting Location:  Phone/Internet

November 23, 2020


The regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Red Oak Community School District was called to order by President Bryce Johnson at 7:00 p.m. via phone/internet.


Directors: Bret Blackman, Roger Carlson, Bryce Johnson, Kathy Walker, Superintendent Ron Lorenz, Assistant Board Secretary Heidi Harris.  Director Jackie DeVries was absent.

Approval of Agenda

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Blackman to approve the agenda with the order of agenda items at the discretion of the meeting chair.  Motion carried unanimously.

Good News from Red Oak Schools

Red Oak Volleyball Team continues to win accolades and individual awards for its 2020-2021 season.  Red Oak’s FFA Chapter competed and placed 7th out of 19 at the Southwest District Soil Career Development Event.  A big shout out and thank you to Sue Timmerman who is in her 50th year of teaching and has the honor of saying that she has taught two generations of Tigers and their families since 1971.  Red Oak has also qualified for a CARES Grant for $19,565.58 thanks to Nate Perrien, Dr. Jane Chaillie, and Leanne Fluckey.  This will bring much needed funds to our district to assist in physical and mental health wellness resulting from the current pandemic.

Consent Agenda

Motion by Director Blackman, second by Director Walker to approve the consent agenda as presented including meeting minutes, monthly business reports, and personnel considerations.  Motion carried unanimously.

Montgomery County Child Development Association Renovation of Two Rooms at the Red Oak Early Childhood Center

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Blackman regarding the renovation of Rooms 107 and 109 authorizing construction within the MCDA allotted budget.  Motion carried unanimously.

Streetlight Addition at Red Oak Early Childhood Center West Washington Parking Lot

Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Walker to approve the addition of two streetlights to an existing pole at 204 West Washington parking Lot.  Motion carried unanimously.

Sale/Disposition of Webster and Bancroft Facilities

Discussion regarding the sale and other disposition of Webster and Bancroft Facilities included the selling, renting, donating, or razing of said facilities.  Discussion included selling of Bancroft to include razing with new construction or development with purchase.  Webster discussion included razing with new construction or/or development with purchase and renovation.

Continuation of November 23, 2020 Board Minutes page 2

Auction of Furniture, Fixtures, and Equipment at Bancroft and Webster

Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Blackman to auction furniture, fixtures, and equipment at the Bancroft/Webster buildings was approved with the stipulation of a reserve price for the boiler at Webster and excluding salvage rights.  Motion was carried unanimously.

Auction Services for Bancroft and Webster Facilities

Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Walker to approve Purple Wave Online Auction Services for the sale of furniture, fixtures, and equipment the Bancroft and Webster Facilities.  Motion was carried unanimously.

Purchase of Equipment and Curriculum Materials with Reimbursement from CARES Act Grant  

Motion by Director Blackman, second by Director Carlson to approve the purchase of cardiovascular equipment to promote student and teacher wellness with reimbursement of CARES Grant by SW Iowa Regional Mental Health and Disability Services.  Motion was carried unanimously.

Bids for Padding/Netting at Jr/Sr HS Activity Center

Motion by Director Blackman, second by Director Walker to approve bids for the purchase of padding the East half of the Activity Center and specialized netting for the East and West ends of the Activity Center.  Motion was carried unanimously.

Reports and Other Announcements

Dr. Jane Chaillie and Principal Nate Perrien both spoke regarding the progress of virtual learning resulting from the temporary suspension of face to face learning due to the increase in Covid cases among staff and students.  Both principals noted challenges and improvements with remote learning as well as a higher absenteeism rate amongst secondary students.

Board Member Requested Items

Director Blackman requested a report on current Covid 19 numbers for the District and how it could affect in-person teaching and District activities for December 15 meeting.  It was also noted by majority that if positivity rates were down; the Board Meeting be conducted in person with all board members present and virtual meeting available to the public in the Inman Lunch Room. 


Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Carlson to adjourn the meeting at 7:57 p.m.  Motion was carried unanimously.

Continuation of November 23, 2020 Board Minutes page 3

Next Board of Directors Meeting                               Monday, December 14, 2020 – 7:00 p.m.

                                                                                    Inman Elementary via Phone/Internet.          

                                                                                    Board members present, Assistant Board

                                                                                    Secretary present.  All others present via                                                                                                              Phone/Internet


­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­______________________________                        _________________________________

Bryce Johnson, President                                           Heidi Harris, Assistant Board Secretary

vanmetert@rosc… Wed, 11/25/2020 - 11:50

Minutes- 2020.12.14

Minutes- 2020.12.14

Red Oak Community School District

Meeting of the Board of Directors

Meeting Location:  Red Oak Inman Elementary/ Phone/Internet

Red Oak Inman Elementary Campus

December 14, 2020


The regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Red Oak Community School District was called to order by President Bryce Johnson at 7:00 p.m. at the Red Oak Inman Elementary School Media Center.


Directors: Bret Blackman, Roger Carlson, Jackie DeVries, Bryce Johnson, Kathy Walker

Superintendent Ron Lorenz, Business Manager Deb Drey

Approval of Agenda

Motion by Director Blackman, second by Director Walker to approve the agenda with the order of agenda items at the discretion of the meeting chair.  Motion carried unanimously.

Good News from Red Oak Schools

Parents have been tremendous partners throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. Their understanding and support have been greatly appreciated through these difficult situations.

Teachers have also stepped up as we have struggled to find substitutes. This is yet another example of how committed and professional the faculty is.

The District is halfway through our preliminary Marzano Focus Model training.

There has been a great deal of enthusiasm surrounding Individual Professional Development Plans at Inman Elementary.

Consent Agenda

Motion by Director Blackman, second by Director Carlson to approve the consent agenda as presented including meeting minutes. monthly business reports, personnel considerations, and open enrollments.  Motion carried unanimously.

December 2020 Invoices

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director DeVries to authorize the Board Secretary to pay December 2020 invoices prior to formal approval at the January 11, 2021 board meeting per Board Policy 705.3.  Motion carried unanimously.

Financial Work Session

Matthew Gillaspie of Piper Sandler & Co. reviewed district financial information and borrowing capacity. Mr. Gillaspie explained options the district has to increase borrowing capacity and prepay or refinance existing debt to reduce interest costs.


Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Carlson to adjourn the meeting at 8:17 p.m. Motion carried unanimously.

Next Board of Directors Meeting                               Monday, January 11, 2020 – 7:00 p.m.

                                                                                    Red Oak Inman Elementary/Phone/Internet

                                                                                    Red Oak CSD Inman Elementary Campus


__________________________                                            __________________________

Bryce Johnson, President                                                        Deb Drey, Board Secretary

vanmetert@rosc… Tue, 12/15/2020 - 12:41

Minutes- 2021.1.11

Minutes- 2021.1.11

Red Oak Community School District

Meeting of the Board of Directors

Meeting Location:  Red Oak Inman Elementary/ Phone/Internet

Red Oak Inman Elementary Campus

January 11, 2021


The regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Red Oak Community School District was called to order by President Bryce Johnson at 7:00 p.m. at the Red Oak Inman Elementary School Media Center.


Directors: Bret Blackman, Roger Carlson, Bryce Johnson, Kathy Walker

Superintendent Ron Lorenz, Business Manager Deb Drey

Approval of Agenda

Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Blackman to approve the agenda with the order of agenda items at the discretion of the meeting chair.  Motion carried unanimously.

Good News from Red Oak Schools

Classes have resumed after break without incident and things are going smoothly.

There have been two confirmed COVID-19 cases since returning from break and the Montgomery County positivity rate is under 20%.

Montgomery Public Health has completed the first phase of COVID-19 immunizations and is making plans to offer the vaccine to school employees.

Spectator limits have been lifted by the Governor at sporting events and activities.

Four Tiger Wrestlers placed at the Rollin Dyer Invitational Tournament with the team placing 10th out of 16 teams.

The online auction of the contents of Webster and Bancroft is nearing the end.  The buildings are expected to be cleared by January 27, 2021.

The District will receive a check from MidAmerican Energy for an energy efficiency rebate in the amount of $116,148. MidAmerican Energy anticipates a yearly savings of $54,000 on energy costs.

At this time, the Thought Exchange Survey has received 380 thoughts from the feedback of 373 district stakeholders. 

Consent Agenda

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Carlson to approve the consent agenda including meeting minutes, monthly business reports, personnel considerations, and open enrollments.  Motion carried unanimously.

JSHS Condensing Unit

Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Blackman to approve the replacement of the condensing unit for the mini-split unit that serves the IT closet at the Junior/Senior High School.  Motion carried unanimously.

Ag/Ind Tech Sharing Agreement

Motion by Director Blackman, second by Director Walker to approve the 2020-2021 sharing agreement for Agriculture and Industrial Technology classes with Stanton Community Schools. Motion carried unanimously.

Continuation of January 11, 2021 Meeting Minutes-Page 2

FFCRA Extension

Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Walker to extend the Families First Coronavirus Response Act until March 31, 2021 or congressional action, whichever comes first.  Motion carried unanimously.

First Reading of Board Policies 502.11 and 502.12

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Blackman to approve the first reading of Board Policy 502.11 and Board Policy 502.12.  Motion carried unanimously.

E-Rate Internet Proposal

Motion by Director Blackman, second by Director Walker to approve the 5-year Mediacom Proposal for Internet and Transparent LAN through E-Rate.  Motion carried unanimously.

E-Rate Managed Services Proposal

Motion by Director Blackman, second by Director Carlson to approve a 1-year Riverside Technologies managed services proposal through E-Rate.  Motion carried unanimously.

Telephone Replacement

The Board directed Bob Deter, Technology Director, to pursue replacement of the District’s telephones.  Mr. Deter will bring proposals to the Board at a later date for Board action.


Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Walker to adjourn the meeting at 7:49 p.m. Motion carried unanimously.

Exempt Session

The Board entered an exempt session to discuss negotiations strategy for upcoming contract discussions with the support staff and teachers’ units per Iowa Code Section 20.17(3).

Next Board of Directors Meeting                               Monday, January 25, 2021 – 7:00 p.m.

                                                                                    Red Oak Inman Elementary/Phone/Internet

                                                                                    Red Oak CSD Inman Elementary Campus


_________________________                                            __________________________

Bryce Johnson, President                                                        Deb Drey, Board Secretary

vanmetert@rosc… Tue, 01/12/2021 - 11:33

Minutes - 2021.1.27

Minutes - 2021.1.27

Red Oak Community School District

Meeting of the Board of Directors

Meeting Location:  Red Oak Inman Elementary/ Phone/Internet

Red Oak Inman Elementary Campus

January 27, 2021

The regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Red Oak Community School District was called to order by President Bryce Johnson at 5:30 p.m. at the Red Oak Inman Elementary School Media Center.


Directors: Bret Blackman, Roger Carlson-via internet, Jackie DeVries, Bryce Johnson, Kathy Walker

Superintendent Ron Lorenz, Business Manager Deb Drey

Approval of Agenda

Motion by Director Blackman, second by Director Walker to approve the agenda with the order of agenda items at the discretion of the meeting chair.  Motion carried unanimously.

Good News from Red Oak Schools

There were 77 students on the Junior/Senior High School honor roll and 155 students on the high honor roll.

Josie McCunn was the first female wrestler to represent Red Oak at the girls’ state wrestling tournament.

Several wrestlers placed at the John J. Harris Tournament at Southwest Valley.

The Junior/Senior High School will host the Hawkeye 10 wrestling tournament for the second year in a row.

Both large group speech teams received 1 ratings and qualified for state.

COVID 19 staff vaccinations are scheduled to begin next week.

Visitors and Presentations

Deb Blomstedt, Red Oak Education Association President, presented a letter of intent to bargain.

SueAnn Crouse, Kelly Jones, and Jacki Viner updated the Board on the training and implementation of the Marzano Focused Growth and Evaluation Model.

Consent Agenda

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director DeVries to approve the consent agenda including meeting minutes, monthly business reports, and personnel considerations as presented.  Motion carried unanimously.

At Risk/Drop Out Application

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Blackman to approve the At Risk/Drop Out Application Modified Supplemental Amount of $270,065.  Motion carried unanimously.

Board Policy 502.11 & 502.12 Second Reading

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director DeVries to approve the second reading of Board Policy 502.11 and Board Policy 502.12.  Motion carried unanimously.

Licensed Employee Resignation Early Notice

Motion by Director DeVries, second by Director Blackman to approve the early notice of license employee resignation pilot program as presented.  Motion carried unanimously.

January 27, 2021 Meeting Minutes Continued-Page 2

ESSER II Funds Usage

Motion by Director Blackman, second by Director Walker to approve the purchase of interactive flat panels in the amount of $128,410.40 from ESSER II Funds.  Motion carried unanimously.

Return to 100% Face-to-Face Instruction Discussion

Ron Lorenz updated the Board regarding legislation about returning to 100% face to face instruction.  It is anticipated that action may be taken on this legislation this week or next week.


Motion by Director Walker, second by Director DeVries to adjourn the meeting at 6:28 p.m.  Motion carried unanimously.

Exempt Session

The Board entered an exempt session following adjournment to discuss negotiations strategy for upcoming contract discussions with the support and teacher units per Iowa Code Section 20.17(3).


Next Board of Directors Meeting                               Monday, February 8, 2021 – 7:00 p.m.

                                                                                    Red Oak Inman Elementary/Phone/Internet

                                                                                    Red Oak CSD Inman Elementary Campus



__________________________                                            __________________________

Bryce Johnson, President                                                        Deb Drey, Board Secretary

vanmetert@rosc… Sat, 01/30/2021 - 10:03

Minutes- 2021.2.1

Minutes- 2021.2.1

Red Oak Community School District

Meeting of the Board of Directors

Meeting Location:  Phone/Internet

February 1, 2021

The special meeting of the Board of Directors of the Red Oak Community School District was called to order by President Bryce Johnson at 5:00 p.m. via phone and internet.


Directors: Bret Blackman, Roger Carlson, Jackie DeVries, Bryce Johnson, Kathy Walker.

Superintendent Ron Lorenz, Business Manager Deb Drey

Approval of Agenda

Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Blackman to approve the agenda with the order of agenda items at the discretion of the meeting chair.  Motion carried unanimously.

Full Time, In-Person Instruction

Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Walker to return to full time, in-person instruction an suspend remote learning effective February 15, 2021.  Motion carried unanimously.


Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Carlson to adjourn the meeting at 5:07 p.m.  Motion carried unanimously.

Next Board of Directors Meeting                               Monday, February 8, 2021 – 7:00 p.m.

                                                                                    Red Oak Inman Elementary/Phone/Internet

                                                                                    Red Oak CSD Inman Elementary Campus



__________________________                                            __________________________

Bryce Johnson, President                                                        Deb Drey, Board Secretary

vanmetert@rosc… Thu, 02/04/2021 - 14:05



Red Oak Community School District

Meeting of the Board of Directors

Meeting Location:  Red Oak Inman Elementary/ Phone/Internet

Red Oak Inman Elementary Campus

February 22, 2021


The regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Red Oak Community School District was called to order by President Bryce Johnson at 5:31 p.m. at the Red Oak Inman Elementary School Media Center.


Directors: Bret Blackman, Roger Carlson, Bryce Johnson, Kathy Walker (arrived at 5:38 p.m.), Jackie DeVries (via phone until arrival at 6:22 p.m.)

Superintendent Ron Lorenz, Business Manager Deb Drey

Approval of Agenda

Motion by Director Blackman, second by Director Carlson to approve the agenda with the order of agenda items at the discretion of the meeting chair.  Motion carried unanimously.

Good News from Red Oak Schools

Three members of the High School Boys’ bowling team were named to the 1-A All Western District Team:  Nate Ernst (1st Team), John Piper (1st Team), and Corbin Wolfe (2nd Team).

Corbin Wolfe placed 7th and received a medal at the Hawkeye 10 Bowling Tournament.

The Large Group Speech Improv group of Araina Brummett, Alexa McCunn, Cami Porter, and Mya Southwell received All-State Honors.

The high school musical, “Working,” has performances scheduled for the weekend of February 26-28.


Paul Beetner of Nolte, Cornman, & Johnson presented the results of the Fiscal Year 2020 Financial Audit and answered board members’ questions.

Consent Agenda

Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Blackman to approve the consent agenda as presented including meeting minutes, monthly business reports, open enrollment requests, and personnel considerations.  Motion carried unanimously.

FY 20 Financial Audit

Motion by Director Blackman, second by Director Walker to approve the FY20 Financial Audit Report.  Motion carried unanimously.

2021-2022 School Calendar Parameters

Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Walker to approve the 2021-2022 School Calendar Parameters as presented.  Motion carried unanimously.

E-Rate Cabling Project

Motion by Director Blackman, second by Director Walker to approve the E-Rate Cabling Project at the Junior/Senior High School STEAM area and Inman Elementary School.  Motion carried unanimously.

Continuation of February 22, 2021 Meeting Minutes-Page 2

Disposition of Webster and Bancroft Buildings

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Blackman to hold a public hearing on the disposition of the Webster and Bancroft Buildings.  Motion carried unanimously.

Board Policy 100 Series

Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Walker to approve the first reading of the Board Policy 100 Series.  Motion carried unanimously.

Board Policy 705.1R

Motion by Director Blackman, second by Director Walker to approve the first reading of Board Policy 705.1R-Purchasing and Bidding Protest Procedure.  Motion carried unanimously.

Board Policies 405.3, 405.4, 405.5

Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Blackman to approve the first reading of Board Policy 405.3-Employee Complaints, 405.4- Dishonesty, and 405.5-Cooperation in Investigations.  Motion carried unanimously.

Postage Machine Lease

Motion by Director Blackman, second by Director Walker to approve the lease with Quadient Lease for a postage machine.  Motion carried unanimously.


Motion by Director Blackman, second by Director Walker to adjourn the meeting at 6:30 p.m.  Motion carried unanimously.

Exempt Session

The Board entered an exempt session per Iowa Code section 20.17(3) to discuss negotiations strategy at 6:31 p.m. and exited exempt session at 8:00 p.m.


Next Board of Directors Meeting                               Monday, March 8, 2021 – 5:30 p.m.

                                                                                    Red Oak Inman Elementary/Phone/Internet

                                                                                    Red Oak CSD Inman Elementary Campus

__________________________                                __________________________

Bryce Johnson, President                                            Deb Drey, Board Secretary

vanmetert@rosc… Tue, 02/23/2021 - 12:30

Minutes-2021.3.8 Regular

Minutes-2021.3.8 Regular

Red Oak Community School District

Meeting of the Board of Directors

Meeting Location:  Red Oak Inman Elementary/ Phone/Internet

Red Oak Inman Elementary Campus

March 8, 2021


The regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Red Oak Community School District was called to order by President Bryce Johnson at 5:31 p.m. at the Red Oak Inman Elementary School Media Center.


Directors: Bret Blackman, Roger Carlson, Jackie DeVries, Bryce Johnson, Kathy Walker

Superintendent Ron Lorenz, Business Manager Deb Drey

Approval of Agenda

Motion by Director DeVries, second by Director Blackman to approve the agenda, removing item 6.2.4, with the order of agenda items at the discretion of the meeting chair.  Motion carried unanimously.

Good News from Red Oak Schools

Congratulations to Tim and Terra Marsden, the cast, and the crew of the High School musical, Working, which was a huge success.

Nine individuals participated in the District Individual Speech Contest and all qualified for the State Individual Speech Contest.

Four members of the High School Boys’ Basketball team were named to the Red Oak Express All-Area team and two members received Hawkeye 10 All-Conference honors.

Two members of the High School Girls’ Basketball team received Hawkeye 10 All-Conference honors.

Inman Elementary received a grant from Delta Dental to install a new Elkway water-filling station through their “Rethink Your Drink” program.


Curt Adams and Kristina Chilton, members of the Teacher Leadership and Compensation (TLC) Review Committee, discussed proposed revisions to the TLC plan.

Consent Agenda

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Blackman to approve the consent agenda as presented, including meeting minutes, monthly business reports, open enrollment requests, and personnel considerations.  Motion carried unanimously.

Board Policy 100 Series

Motion by Director Blackman, second by Director DeVries to approve the second reading of Board Policy 100 Series.  Motion carried unanimously.

Board Policy 705.1

Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Blackman to approve the second reading of Board Policy 705.1-Purchasing and Bidding Protest Procedure.  Motion carried unanimously.

Continuation of March 8, 2021 Meeting Minutes-Page 2

Board Policy 405.3, 405.4, 405.5

Motion by Director DeVries, second by Director Blackman to approve the second reading of Board Policy 405.3-Employee Complaints, 405.4-Dishonesty, and 405.5-Cooperation in Investigations.  Motion carried unanimously.

SIAC Committee Members

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Carlson to approve the 2020-2021 School Improvement Advisory Committee (SIAC) members as presented.  Motion carried unanimously.

Audit Proposal

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Blackman to approve the audit proposal for FY21, FY22, and FY23 from Nolte, Cornmann, & Johnson PC.  Motion carried unanimously.

Teacher Leadership & Compensation Plan

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director DeVries to approve the updated Teacher Leadership and Compensation (TLC) plan as presented.  Motion carried unanimously.


Motion by Director Blackman, second by Director DeVries to adjourn the meeting at 6:15 p.m.  Motion carried unanimously.

Exempt Session

The Board of Directors entered an exempt session to discuss negotiations strategy for upcoming contract discussions with support and teacher units per Iowa Code Section 20.17(3).

Next Board of Directors Meeting                               Monday, March 22, 2021 – 5:30 p.m.

                                                                                    Red Oak Inman Elementary/Phone/Internet

                                                                                    Red Oak CSD Inman Elementary Campus

__________________________                                            __________________________

Bryce Johnson, President                                                        Deb Drey, Board Secretary



vanmetert@rosc… Tue, 03/16/2021 - 07:31

Minutes-2021.3.8 Special

Minutes-2021.3.8 Special

Red Oak Community School District

Special Meeting of the Board of Directors

Meeting Location:  Red Oak Inman Elementary/ Phone/Internet

Red Oak Inman Elementary Campus

March 8, 2021

The special meeting of the Board of Directors of the Red Oak Community School District was called to order by President Bryce Johnson at 5:01 p.m. at the Red Oak Inman Elementary School Media Center.


Directors: Bret Blackman, Roger Carlson, Jackie DeVries, Bryce Johnson, Kathy Walker

Superintendent Ron Lorenz, Business Manager Deb Drey

Closed Session per Iowa Code Section 21.5(1)a

Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director DeVries to enter closed session at 5:02 p.m. per Iowa Code Section 21.5(1)a “to review or discuss whether to conduct a hearing to determine whether to suspend or expel student(s).  Motion carried unanimously.

Exited Closed Session at 5:29 p.m.

Student Disciplinary

Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Walker to expel the student through the end of the 2020-2021 school year.  Motion carried unanimously.


Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director DeVries to adjourn the special meeting at 5:30 p.m.  Motion carried unanimously.

Next Board of Directors Meeting                               Monday, March 22, 2021 – 5:30 p.m.

                                                                                    Red Oak Inman Elementary/Phone/Internet

                                                                                    Red Oak CSD Inman Elementary Campus

__________________________                                            __________________________

Bryce Johnson, President                                                        Deb Drey, Board Secretary

vanmetert@rosc… Tue, 03/16/2021 - 07:29

Minutes - 2021.3.22

Minutes - 2021.3.22

Red Oak Community School District

Meeting of the Board of Directors

Meeting Location:  Red Oak Inman Elementary/ Phone/Internet

Red Oak Inman Elementary Campus

March 22, 2021


The regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Red Oak Community School District was called to order by President Bryce Johnson at 5:30 p.m. at the Red Oak Inman Elementary School Media Center.


Directors: Bret Blackman-via internet, Roger Carlson, Jackie DeVries, Bryce Johnson, Kathy Walker

Superintendent Ron Lorenz, Business Manager Deb Drey

Approval of Agenda

Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Walker to approve the agenda with the order of agenda items at the discretion of the meeting chair.  Motion carried unanimously.

Good News from Red Oak Schools

Department of Education released state graduation and drop-out data.  Red Oak’s 4-year cohort graduation rate was 95% which was 3.2% higher than the state average and the 5-year cohort rate was 96.2% which is 2.4% above the state average.

Exterior signage has been installed on most of the district’s buildings.

Consent Agenda

Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director DeVries to approve the consent agenda as presented including meeting minutes, monthly business reports, and personnel considerations.  Motion carried unanimously.

FY22 Budget Hearing

President Johnson opened the public hearing for the FY22 Budget at 5:35 p.m.  School Business Official Deb Drey presented information regarding the budget.  There were no questions/comments regarding the budget.  President Johnson declared the public hearing closed at 5:40 p.m.

2021-2022 School Calendar Public Hearing

President Johnson opened the public hearing regarding the 2021-2022 school calendar at 5:40 p.m. Superintendent Ron Lorenz presented the calendar.  There were no questions/comments regarding the 2021-2022 school calendar.  President Johnson closed the public hearing at 5:43 p.m.

MCCDA Playground Construction

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director DeVries to allow Montgomery County Child Development Association to construct a fenced play area at the Red Oak Early Childhood Center.  Motion carried unanimously.

FY22 Budget

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Blackman to approve the FY22 Budget as presented.  Motion carried unanimously.

Continuation of March 22, 2021 Meeting Minutes-Page 2

FY22 Budget Adjustment Resolution

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director DeVries to approve the FY22 Budget Adjustment Resolution.  Motion carried unanimously.

TLC Site-Based Council

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director DeVries to approve the Teacher Leadership Compensation Site-Based Council as presented.  Motion carried unanimously.

21-22 School Calendar

Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Walker to approve the 2021-2022 school calendar as presented.  Motion carried unanimously.

Iowa Education Energy Group Pool

Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director DeVries to approve the resolution and agreement to join the Iowa Education Energy Group Pool to provide natural gas.  Motion carried unanimously.

FY22 Health Insurance Plans and Renewal Rates

Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director DeVries to approve health insurance plans and renewal rates for eligible employees for FY22.  Motion carried unanimously.

Frontline Education Renewals

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director DeVries to approve the renewal of Frontline Education renewals for Time and Attendance, Absence Management, and Frontline Central.  Motion carried unanimously.


Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Walker to adjourn the meeting at 6:13 p.m.  Motion carried unanimously.

Exempt Session

The Board entered an exempt session to discuss negotiations strategy for upcoming contract discussions with support and teacher units per Iowa Code Section 20.17(3).


Next Board of Directors Meeting                               Monday, April 12, 2021 – 5:30 p.m.

                                                                                    Red Oak Inman Elementary/Phone/Internet

                                                                                    Red Oak CSD Inman Elementary Campus

__________________________                                            __________________________

Bryce Johnson, President                                                        Deb Drey, Board Secretary

vanmetert@rosc… Tue, 03/23/2021 - 13:23

Minutes - 2021.3.30 Special

Minutes - 2021.3.30 Special

Red Oak Community School District

Meeting of the Board of Directors

Meeting Location:  Phone/Internet

March 30, 2021


The special meeting of the Board of Directors of the Red Oak Community School District was called to order by Vice President Roger Carlson at 5:00 p.m. via the phone/internet.


Directors: Bret Blackman, Roger Carlson, Bryce Johnson, Kathy Walker

Superintendent Ron Lorenz, Business Manager Deb Drey

Approval of Agenda

Motion by Director Blackman, second by Director Walker to approve the agenda with the order of agenda items at the discretion of the meeting chair.  Motion carried unanimously.

Consent Agenda

Motion by Director Blackman, second by Director Walker to approve the consent agenda as presented including open enrollment and personnel considerations.  Motion carried unanimously.

ROEA Master Contract

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Blackman to approve the 2021-2023 Master Contract and issue 2021-2022 teacher contracts.  Motion carried unanimously.


Motion by Director Johnson, second by Director Walker to adjourn the meeting at 5:03 p.m.  Motion carried unanimously.

Next Board of Directors Meeting                               Monday, April 12, 2021 – 5:30 p.m.

                                                                                    Red Oak Inman Elementary/Phone/Internet

                                                                                    Red Oak CSD Inman Elementary Campus

__________________________                                            __________________________

Bryce Johnson, President                                                        Deb Drey, Board Secretary

vanmetert@rosc… Wed, 03/31/2021 - 14:22

Minutes - 2021.4.12

Minutes - 2021.4.12

Red Oak Community School District

Meeting of the Board of Directors

Meeting Location:  Red Oak Inman Elementary/ Phone/Internet

Red Oak Inman Elementary Campus

April 12, 2021


The regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Red Oak Community School District was called to order by President Bryce Johnson at 5:30 p.m. at the Red Oak Inman Elementary School Media Center.


Directors: Bret Blackman (via internet due to child’s event), Roger Carlson, Jackie DeVries (via internet due to child’s event), Bryce Johnson, Kathy Walker

Superintendent Ron Lorenz, Business Manager Deb Drey

Approval of Agenda

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Carlson to approve the agenda with the order of agenda items at the discretion of the meeting chair.  Motion carried unanimously.

Good News from Red Oak Schools

The High School National Honor Society inducted 19 new members on March 29, 2021.

The FFA held its annual banquet on March 23, 2021.  Several members were honored.

Five members of the FFA competed and received placed in the Iowa FFA Agri-science Fair on March 30, 2021.

The first track meet using the Fully Automated Timing system was a success.

Visitors and Presentations

Jane Chaillie, Leanne Fluckey, Nate Perrien, and Justin Williams reported on the School Improvement Advisory Committee meeting on March 24, 2021.

Consent Agenda

Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Walker to approve the consent agenda, removing item 5.5.2, including meeting minutes, monthly business reports, personnel considerations, and operational sharing agreements.  Motion carried unanimously.

Discussion on the Disposition of Webster and Bancroft

There was discussion on possible requirements and the process for proposals regarding the disposition of the Webster and Bancroft Buildings; determining a meeting date to hear proposals; and determining a public hearing date.

Hazard Mitigation Plan Resolution

Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Walker to approve the resolution adopting the Montgomery County Multi-Jurisdiction Hazard Mitigation plan for the Red Oak Community School District as presented.  Motion carried unanimously.

Montgomery County Ag Society Partnership

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director DeVries to approve the partnership agreement between the Montgomery County Agricultural Society and the Red Oak Community School District as presented.  Motion carried unanimously.

Continuation of April 12, 2021 Meeting Minutes-Page 2

West Central Pre School Agreement

Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Walker to approve the agreement with West Central Community Action Pre School for 2021-2022 school year.  Motion carried unanimously.

Public Hearing Resolution

Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Walker to approve the resolution to hold a public hearing on the property exchange with the City of Red Oak on April 26, 2021, at 5:30 p.m.  Motion carried unanimously.

2021-2022 Supplemental Contracts

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director DeVries to issue supplemental contracts for coaches and sponsors for the 2021-2022 school year.  Motion carried unanimously.

ROSSA 2021-2023 Master Contract

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Carlson to approve the Red Oak Support Staff Association 2021-2023 Master Contract and issuance of letters of employment.  Motion carried unanimously.

Virtual Classrooms/Conference Rooms

Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Walker to use Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief Funds (ESSER) II funds to create virtual classrooms/conference rooms.  Motion carried unanimously.

IES Security Cameras

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director DeVries to use ESSER II funds to install security cameras at Inman Elementary School.  Motion carried unanimously.

IES Playground Equipment

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Carlson to use ESSER II funds to purchase playground equipment at Inman Elementary School.  Motion carried unanimously.

Passenger Van

Motion by Director DeVries, second by Director Walker to use ESSER II funds to purchase a passenger van.  Motion carried unanimously.

Administrative Center HVAC Unit

Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Walker to use ESSER II funds to replace the heating, ventilation, and air conditioning unit at the district administrative center.  Motion carried unanimously.

Marzano Coaching for Observers

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Carlson to use ESSER II funds to purchase Side-by-Side Marzano Coaching for Observers.  Motion carried unanimously.

Summer School Expansion

Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Blackman to use ESSER II/ESSER III funds to expand summer school offerings, provide teachers an additional $1,500 incentive serve, and pay para-professionals and other support staff. Motion carried unanimously.

Continuation of April 12, 2021 Meeting Minutes-Page 3


Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Walker to adjourn the meeting at 6:30 p.m.  Motion carried unanimously.


Next Board of Directors Meeting                               Monday, April 26, 2021 – 5:30 p.m.

                                                                                    Red Oak Inman Elementary/Phone/Internet

                                                                                    Red Oak CSD Inman Elementary Campus


__________________________                                            __________________________

Bryce Johnson, President                                                        Deb Drey, Board Secretary

vanmetert@rosc… Thu, 04/15/2021 - 09:27

Minutes - 2021.4.14 Special

Minutes - 2021.4.14 Special

Red Oak Community School District

Meeting of the Board of Directors

Meeting Location:  Phone/Internet

Red Oak Inman Elementary Campus

April 14, 2021


The special meeting of the Board of Directors of the Red Oak Community School District was called to order by President Bryce Johnson at 5:05 p.m. via phone/internet.


Directors: Bret Blackman, Roger Carlson, Jackie DeVries, Bryce Johnson, Kathy Walker

Superintendent Ron Lorenz, Business Manager Deb Drey

Approval of Agenda

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Blackman to approve the agenda with the order of agenda items at the discretion of the meeting chair.  Motion carried unanimously.

State Auditor Engagement Letter

Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Blackman to approve the engagement letter authorizing the Office of the State Auditor of the State of Iowa to review the finances and operations of the FFA program.  Motion carried unanimously.


Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Blackman to adjourn the meeting at 5:08 p.m.  Motion carried unanimously.

Next Board of Directors Meeting                               Monday, April 26, 2021 – 5:30 p.m.

                                                                                    Red Oak Inman Elementary/Phone/Internet

                                                                                    Red Oak CSD Inman Elementary Campus

__________________________                                            __________________________

Bryce Johnson, President                                                        Deb Drey, Board Secretary

vanmetert@rosc… Thu, 04/15/2021 - 09:29

Minutes - 2021.4.26

Minutes - 2021.4.26

Red Oak Community School District

Meeting of the Board of Directors

Meeting Location:  Red Oak Inman Elementary/ Phone/Internet

Red Oak Inman Elementary Campus

April 26, 2021


The regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Red Oak Community School District was called to order by Vice President Roger Carlson at 5:30 p.m. at the Red Oak Inman Elementary School Media Center.


Directors: Bret Blackman via internet, Roger Carlson, Jackie DeVries via internet, Bryce Johnson via internet, Kathy Walker

Superintendent Ron Lorenz, Business Manager Deb Drey

Public Hearing on Conveyance of Real Property

Vice President Carlson opened the public hearing on the conveyance of real property at 5:30 p.m.  There were no comments.  Vice President Carlson closed the public hearing at 5:31 p.m.

Approval of Agenda

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Johnson to approve the agenda with the order of agenda items at the discretion of the meeting chair.  Motion carried unanimously.

Good News from Red Oak Schools

Sixteen FFA members attended the FFA State Leadership Conference and did well in contests.

Chloe DeVries was named a 2021 Iowa Governor’s Scholar.

The girls’ tennis team is undefeated after six competitions.

The boys’ track distance medley team has posted the second fastest time in class 2A.

The Annual George Maher Clean Up and Community Service Day will be on April 28.

Summer school plans are progressing, a number of teachers and para-professionals have committed to serve.

Visitors and Presentations

Tess Mittag, Vocational Agriculture Instructor, presented information on the recent FFA Leadership Conference, state contests, and upcoming activities.

Consent Agenda

Motion by Director Blackman, second by Director Walker to approve the consent agenda as presented including meeting minutes, open enrollment, personnel considerations, special education contract, and operational sharing agreement.  Motion carried unanimously.

Disposition of Bancroft, Webster, and Vacant Lot

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Johnson to approve the disposition plan for Bancroft, Webster, and the vacant lot as presented.  Motion carried unanimously.

Exchange of Real Property Resolution

Motion by Director Blackman, second by Director DeVries to approve the resolution for the exchange of real property with the City of Red Oak.  Motion carried unanimously.

2021-2022 Non-Bargaining Staff Contracts

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Blackman to approve the issuance of non-bargaining employee contracts for 2021-2022 as presented.  Motion carried unanimously.

Continuance of April 26, 2021 Meeting Minutes-Page 2

Restricting Concurrent Enrollment Offerings

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Johnson to approve restricting concurrent enrollment course offerings to specific classes.  Motion carried unanimously.

First Reading Board Policies 201-205

Motion by Director Blackman, second by Director Walker to approve the first reading of Board Policy Series 201 through 205.  Motion carried unanimously.

ESSER Funds Used for Summer School

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director DeVries to approve the use of ESSER II Funds for summer school.  Motion carried unanimously.

2021-2022 Specialty Underwriters Renewal

Motion by Director Blackman, second by Director Walker to approve the renewal of Special Underwriters Equipment Maintenance Insurance Policy for 2021-2022.  Motion carried unanimously.


Motion by Director Johnson, second by Director Walker to adjourn the meeting at 6:15 p.m.  Motion carried unanimously.


Next Board of Directors Meeting                               Monday, May 10, 2021 – 5:30 p.m.

                                                                                    Red Oak Inman Elementary/Phone/Internet

                                                                                    Red Oak CSD Inman Elementary Campus

__________________________                                            __________________________

Bryce Johnson, President                                                        Deb Drey, Board Secretary

vanmetert@rosc… Tue, 04/27/2021 - 14:13

Minutes - 2021.5.10

Minutes - 2021.5.10

Red Oak Community School District

Meeting of the Board of Directors

Meeting Location:  Red Oak Inman Elementary/ Phone/Internet

Red Oak Inman Elementary Campus

May 10, 2021


The regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Red Oak Community School District was called to order by President Bryce Johnson at 5:30 p.m. at the Red Oak Inman Elementary School Media Center.


Directors: Bret Blackman, Roger Carlson, Jackie DeVries, Bryce Johnson, Kathy Walker

Superintendent Ron Lorenz, Business Manager Deb Drey

Approval of Agenda

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director DeVries to approve the agenda with the order of agenda items at the discretion of the meeting chair.  Motion carried unanimously.

Good News from Red Oak Schools

Deb Blomstedt was recognized as “A Favorite or Most Influential Teacher” by the Iowa Governor’s Scholar Program.

The Girls’ Tennis Team finished the regular season undefeated and are unofficially ranked #4 in Class 1A.

The High School Chorus and Band gave outstanding performances in recent spring concerts.

iJAG students competed in the virtual Iowa Career Development Conference and “Build My Future.”  They have also been busy with community service projects.

FY21 Budget Amendment Public Hearing

President Johnson opened the Public Hearing on the FY21 Budget Amendment at 5:35 p.m.  There were no public comments.  President Johnson closed the public hearing at 5:39 p.m.

School Board Recognition

Mr. Lorenz recognized the Board of Directors for the work that they do and presented each with a certificate of appreciation.

Consent Agenda

Motion by Director Blackman, second by Director Walker to approve the consent agenda as presented including meeting minutes, monthly business reports, personnel considerations, and use of ESSER funds. Motion carried unanimously.

Board Policies 201-205 2nd Reading

Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director DeVries to approve the second reading of Board Policies 201 through 205.  Motion carried unanimously.

FY21 Budget Amendment

Motion by Director Blackman, second by Director Walker to approve the FY21 Budget Amendment as presented.  Motion carried unanimously.

Class of 2021 Graduation List

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Blackman to approve the graduation list for the Class of 2021 contingent on completing all requirements.  Motion carried unanimously.


Continuation of May 10, 2021 Meeting Minutes-Page 2

SWCC Educational Services Contracts

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director DeVries to approve the Southwestern Community College Educational Services Contracts for 2021-2022.  Motion carried unanimously.

JSHS Course Handbook

Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Walker to approve the Junior/Senior High School Course Handbook as presented. Motion carried unanimously.

2021-2022 School Calendar Revisions

Motion by Director Blackman, second by Director Walker to approve the revisions to the 2021-2022 school calendar as presented.  Motion carried unanimously.

2021-2022 iJAG Renewal

Motion by Director Blackman, second by Director DeVries to renew the partnership with iJAG for the 2021-2022 school year.  Motion passed 4-0 with Director Walker abstaining.

Rescind Letter of Engagement with State Auditor

Motion by Director Blackman, second by Director DeVries to rescind the letter of engagement with the State Auditor’s Office to conduct an audit of the FFA Activity Fund.  Motion carried unanimously.

Letter of Engagement with King, Reinsch, Prosser and Company

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director DeVries to approve the letter of engagement with King, Reinsch, Prosser and Company to conduct an audit of the FFA Activity Account.  Motion carried unanimously.

Closed Session per Iowa Code Section 21.5(1)(i)

Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director DeVries to enter closed session at 6:31 p.m. per Iowa Code Section 21.5(1)(i) to evaluate the professional competency of an individual whose appointment, hiring, performance, or discharge is being considered when necessary to prevent needless and irreparable injury to that individual’s reputation and that individual requests a closed session per section 21.5(1)(a) of the Iowa code to review or discuss records which are required or authorized by state or federal law to be kept confidential.  Motion carried unanimously.

Exited closed session at 7:19 p.m.


Motion by Director DeVries, second by Director Carlson to adjourn the meeting at 7:20 p.m.  Motion carried unanimously.

Next Board of Directors Meeting                               Monday, May 24, 2021 – 5:30 p.m.

                                                                                    Red Oak Inman Elementary/Phone/Internet

                                                                                    Red Oak CSD Inman Elementary Campus


__________________________                                            __________________________

Bryce Johnson, President                                                        Deb Drey, Board Secretary

vanmetert@rosc… Wed, 05/12/2021 - 10:32

Minutes - 2021.5.24

Minutes - 2021.5.24

Red Oak Community School District

Meeting of the Board of Directors

Meeting Location:  Red Oak Inman Elementary/ Phone/Internet

Red Oak Inman Elementary Campus

May 24, 2021


The regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Red Oak Community School District was called to order by President Bryce Johnson at 5:30 p.m. at the Red Oak Inman Elementary School Media Center.


Directors: Bret Blackman, Roger Carlson, Jackie DeVries, Bryce Johnson, Kathy Walker

Superintendent Ron Lorenz, Business Manager Deb Drey

Approval of Agenda

Motion by Director Blackman, second by Director Walker to approve the agenda with the order of agenda items at the discretion of the meeting chair.  Motion carried unanimously.

Good News from Red Oak Schools

The High School production of “Working” will receive several awards at the 2021 Iowa High School Music Theater Awards on July 9.

Four Inman Elementary students’ achievement sticker designs were among the 25 winners for Iowa State Education Association’s Design-A-Decal Contest.

The High School track teams had outstanding seasons. Several athletes ended their season at the state track meet.

The girls’ tennis team qualified for the state team tournament and a doubles team qualified for the individual state tournament.

The girls’ golf team is competing in the regional golf tournament.

The FFA hosted ACRES DAY for first graders with 8 different agricultural related stations.

The district was designated at the Montgomery County YMCA’s “Business of the Quarter.”


Greg Frost and Sheila Frost from OPAA presented information regarding their food service management company and their food offerings.

Consent Agenda

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Blackman to approve the consent agenda as presented including open enrollment requests, personnel considerations, and use of ESSER funds.  Motion carried unanimously.

FY22 Food Service Management Services

Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Walker to award the FY22 food service management contract to OPAA! Food Management Inc.  Motion carried unanimously.

iJAG Field Trip

Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Blackman to approve the iJAG field trip to the Open-Door Mission on May 25, 2021.  Motion carried unanimously.

Assistant Baseball Coach

Motion by Director Blackman, second by Director DeVries to approve hiring an assistant baseball coach for the 2020-2021 school year.  Motion carried unanimously.

Continuation of May 24, 2021 Meeting Minutes-Page 2

Dental, Life, AD&D, and LTD Insurances

Motion by Director Blackman, second by Director Walker to approve dental, life, AD&D, and long-term disabilities insurances with the Standard Insurance Company for the 2021-2022 year.  Motion carried unanimously.

Virtual Classrooms/Conference Rooms

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director DeVries to accept the bid from Kansas City Audio Visual to create dedicated virtual classrooms/conference rooms at Inman Elementary School and the Junior/Senior High School.  Motion carried unanimously.


Motion by Director Blackman, second by Director Carlson to adjourn the meeting at 7:06 p.m.  Motion carried unanimously.

Next Board of Directors Meeting                               Monday, June 14, 2021 – 5:30 p.m.

                                                                                    Red Oak Inman Elementary/Phone/Internet

                                                                                    Red Oak CSD Inman Elementary Campus

__________________________                                            __________________________

Bryce Johnson, President                                                        Deb Drey, Board Secretary

vanmetert@rosc… Wed, 05/26/2021 - 08:26

Minutes - 2021.6.1

Minutes - 2021.6.1

Red Oak Community School District

Meeting of the Board of Directors

Meeting Location:  Phone/Internet

June 1, 2021

The special meeting of the Board of Directors of the Red Oak Community School District was called to order by Vice President Roger Carlson at 7:00 a.m. via the internet/phone.


Directors: Bret Blackman, Roger Carlson, Kathy Walker

Superintendent Ron Lorenz, Business Manager Deb Drey

Approval of Agenda

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Blackman to approve the agenda with the order of agenda items at the discretion of the meeting chair.  Motion carried unanimously.

Consent Agenda

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Blackman to approve the consent agenda as presented including personnel considerations.

Document Cameras

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Blackman to approve the bid from KCAV for document cameras to replace outdated equipment in classrooms in the amount of $26,989.05.  Motion carried unanimously.

Chrome Books Purchase

Motion by Director Blackman, second by Director Walker to approve the bid from GovConnection, Inc. for additional Chrome Books in the amount of $91,701.00.  Motion carried unanimously.

Digital Network Infrastructure

Motion by Director Blackman, second by Director Walker to approve the bid from RTI to optimize the digital network in the amount of $10,243.94.  Motion carried unanimously.

Update Cabling

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Blackman to approve the bid from RTI in the amount of $65,339.03 to update the CAT6/CAT6a internet cable at the Red Oak Early Childhood Center, Inman Elementary School, and the Junior/Senior High School.  Motion carried unanimously.

Admin Center HVAC

Motion by Director Blackman, second by Director Walker to approve the bid from Allensworth Heating and Cooling in the amount of $50,200.00 to replace the HVAC system at the Administrative Center.  Motion carried unanimously.


Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Blackman to adjourn the meeting at 7:05 a.m.  Motion carried unanimously.

Continuation of June 1, 2021, Meeting Minutes-Page 2

Next Board of Directors Meeting                               Monday, June 14, 2021 – 5:30 p.m.

                                                                                    Red Oak Inman Elementary/Phone/Internet

                                                                                    Red Oak CSD Inman Elementary Campus


__________________________                                            __________________________

Roger Carlson, Vice President                                               Deb Drey, Board Secretary

vanmetert@rosc… Wed, 06/02/2021 - 10:49

Minutes- 2021. 6. 28

Minutes- 2021. 6. 28

Red Oak Community School District

Meeting of the Board of Directors

Meeting Location:  Red Oak Inman Elementary/ Phone/Internet

Red Oak Inman Elementary Campus

June 28, 2021


The regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Red Oak Community School District was called to order by President Bryce Johnson at 5:30 p.m. at the Red Oak Inman Elementary School Media Center.


Directors: Roger Carlson, Jackie DeVries, Bryce Johnson

Superintendent Ron Lorenz, Business Manager Deb Drey

Approval of Agenda

Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director DeVries to approve the agenda with the order of agenda items at the discretion of the meeting chair.  Motion carried unanimously.

Good News from Red Oak Schools

Girls Tennis Coach Zoey Baker was named the KMA Tennis Coach of the Year.

The first session of summer school was a success.

After the hiring of an elementary teacher tonight, all staff positions are filled for the 2021-2022 school year.

Consent Agenda

Motion by Director DeVries, second by Director Carlson to approve the consent agenda as presented including meeting minutes, monthly business reports, personnel considerations, and use of ESSER funds.  Motion carried unanimously.

Board Policy Series 206-209

Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director DeVries to approve the second reading of Board Policy Series 206 through 209.  Motion carried unanimously.

Registration Fees for 2021-2022

Motion by Director DeVries, second by Director Carlson to approve the registration fees for the 2021-2022 school year as $35 for grades K-6 and $55 for grades 7-12.  Motion carried unanimously.

Meal Prices for 2021-2022

Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director DeVries to approve a five cent increase to all meal prices for the 2021-2022 school year.  Motion carried unanimously.

Public Hearing Date

Motion by Director DeVries, second by Director Carlson to approve the resolution setting a public hearing on the disposal of property to be July 12, 2021.  Motion carried unanimously.

Proficiency Standards

Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director DeVries to approve the proficiency standards for Senior Year Plus Programs as presented.  Motion carried unanimously.

IES Flooring Replacement

Motion by Director DeVries, second by Director Carlson to approve the replacement flooring bid from Kelly’s Carpets in the amount of $225,765.  Motion carried unanimously.

Continuation of June 28, 2021, Meeting Minutes-Page 2

Passenger Van Purchase

Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director DeVries to pre-approve the purchase of a twelve- passenger used van from Rent-A-Van not to exceed $35,000.  Motion carried unanimously.

Property & Casualty Insurance Renewal

Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director DeVries to approve the renewal of the district’s property and casualty insurance for FY22 with United Group.  Motion carried unanimously.

FY22 Fuel Bid

Motion by Director DeVries, second by Director Carlson to approve the FY22 fuel bid from United Farmers Cooperative.  Motion carried unanimously.

FY22 Pest Control Bid

Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director DeVries to approve the FY22 pest control bid from Sellers Pest Control.  Motion carried unanimously.

FY22 Sanitation Bid

Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director DeVries to approve the FY22 sanitation bid from Batten Sanitation.  Motion carried unanimously.

2021-2022 Superintendent Contract

Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director DeVries to approve three-year contract with a 2.51% package increase for the superintendent beginning the 2021-2022 school year.  Motion carried unanimously.

Closed Session

Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director DeVries to enter closed session per Iowa Code 21.5(1)(i) to review and discuss records authorized to be kept confidential and to evaluate individuals whose appointment or hiring is being considered to prevent needless and irreparable injury to those individuals’ reputations and those persons having requested a closed session at 5:59 p.m.  Motion carried unanimously. 

Exited Closed Session at 6:13 p.m. 


Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director DeVries to adjourn the meeting at 6:13 p.m.  Motion carried unanimously.


Next Board of Directors Meeting                               Monday, July 12, 2021 – 5:30 p.m.

                                                                                    Red Oak Inman Elementary/Phone/Internet

                                                                                    Red Oak CSD Inman Elementary Campus



__________________________                                            __________________________

Bryce Johnson, President                                                        Deb Drey, Board Secretary

vanmetert@rosc… Tue, 06/29/2021 - 11:12



Click on the meeting date from the list below to view the meeting minutes from the 2019-20 Red Oak Community School Board Meetings.


Jen@iowaschool… Mon, 10/05/2020 - 14:44

Minutes - 2019.07.08

Minutes - 2019.07.08

Red Oak Community School District
Meeting of the Board of Directors
Meeting Location: Red Oak Inman Primary Media Center
Red Oak Inman Primary Campus
July 8,2019

The regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Red Oak Community School District was called to order by Vice President Kathy Walker at 7:00 p.m. at the Red Oak Inman Primary Cafeteria.

Directors: Bret Blackman, Roger Carlson, Bryce Johnson, Kathy Walker
Superintendent Tom Messinger, Business Manager Deb Drey

Approval of Agenda
Motion by Director Bryce Johnson, second by Director Blackman to approve the agenda with the order of agenda items at the discretion of the meeting chair. Motion carried unanimously.

Good News from Red Oak Schools
Alan Spencer, Tess Mittag, and Tom Messinger received awards from the Iowa Association of Agricultural Educators.

Spencer and Mittag attended professional development out of state.

Two FFA members traveled to Fairbanks, Alaska.

Visitors Address Board
Tom Solt and Steve Thomas addressed the Board regarding transportation issues during the 2018-2019 school year.

Consent Agenda
Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Bryce Johnson to approve the consent agenda including June 24 meeting minutes, business reports, and open enrollment requests. Motion carried unanimously.

Pest Control Bid
Motion by Director Blackman, second by Director Bryce Johnson to accept the pest control bid from Sellers Pest Control for the 2019-2020 school year. Motion carried unanimously.

Fuel Bid
Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Blackman to accept the United Farmers Cooperative bid for gas, diesel, and propane for the 2019-2020 school year. Motion carried unanimously.

Snow Removal Bid
Motion by Director Bryce Johnson, second by Director Blackman to accept the snow removal bid from Green Tree Company for the 2019-2020 school year. Motion carried unanimously.

Trash Disposal Bid
Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Blackman to accept the trash disposal bid from Batten Sanitation for the 2019-2020 school year. Motion carried unanimously.

Closed Session per Iowa Code Sections 21.5(1)(i) and 21.5(1)(a)
Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Bryce Johnson to enter closed session per Section 21.5(1)(i) of the Iowa Code to evaluate the professional competency of an individual whose appointment, hiring, performance or discharge is being considered when necessary to prevent needless and irreparable injury to that individual’s reputation and that individual requests a closed session and per section 21.5(1)(a) of the Iowa Code to review or discuss records which are required or authorized by state or federal law to be kept confidential at 7:22 p.m. Motion carried unanimously.
Exited Closed Session at 7:31 p.m.

Transportation Director Contract Renewal
Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Blackman to not renew Transportation Director Diana Wesbrook’s contract for the 2019-2020 school year. Motion carried unanimously.

Shared Transportation Director
Motion by Director Bryce Johnson, second by Director Blackman to share a Transportation Director with Sidney Community School District .2 FTE for the 2019-2020 school year. Motion carried unanimously.

Shared Human Resources
Motion by Director Blackman, second by Director Bryce Johnson to share Human Resources Director with East Mills Community School District .2 FTE for the 2019-2020 school year. Motion carried unanimously.

Bus Driver Incentives
Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Blackman to provide a $50 stipend per month for people that hold a valid CDL license and drive the bus at least once per month during the 2019-2020 school year. Motion carried unanimously.

RTI Service for Jr/Sr High School
Motion by Director Blackman, second by Director Bryce Johnson to approve the Riverside Technologies Inc. bid to provide programming and configuration of switches and servers at the Junior/Senior High School. Motion carried unanimously.

Auction Advertisement
Motion by Director Blackman, second by Director Bryce Johnson to advertise personal property items for auction in the newspaper. Motion carried unanimously.

Personnel Considerations
Hiring of Accounting Clerk will be on next agenda.

Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Blackman to approve the resignation of Amy Confer as Middle School Student Council Co-Sponsor effective at the end of the 2018-2019 school year. Motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Director Blackman, second by Director Bryce Johnson to approve the resignation of Christy Rea as Middle School Student Council Co-Sponsor. Motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Director Bryce Johnson, second by Director Carlson to add 15 extended days to the 2019-2020 contract for Leanne Fluckey. Motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Director Bryce Johnson, second by Director Blackman to issue contracts to the Home School Assistance teachers for the 2019-2020 school year. Motion carried unanimously.

Termination of the Before/After School Para Professionals will be on the next agenda.

Motion by Director Blackman, second by Director Bryce Johnson to approve the hire of Brittany Wiig as an Elementary Special Education Instructor for the 2019-2020 school year. Motion carried unanimously.

Several teachers are attending Math Training this summer.

The superintendent and principals will be attending some of the SAI Conference.

Board Member Requested Items
Listing of the positions with extended days on their contracts.

Goal setting meeting.

Financial picture of where the construction project is at time of completion.

Possible Grand Opening for students and parents to visit the Jr/Sr High School before school starts and dedication/unveiling when new gym is complete.

Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Blackman to adjourn the meeting at 8:08 p.m. Motion carried unanimously.


Next Board of Directors Meeting      Monday, July 22, 2019 – 7:00 p.m.
                                                                        Red Oak Inman Primary Media Center
                                                                        Red Oak CSD Inman Primary Campus


__________________________           __________________________
Mark Johnson, President                             Deb Drey, Board Secretary


Jen@iowaschool… Mon, 10/05/2020 - 14:46

Minutes - 2019.07.22

Minutes - 2019.07.22

Red Oak Community School District
Meeting of the Board of Directors
Meeting Location: Red Oak Inman Primary Cafeteria
Red Oak Inman Primary Campus
July 22,2019

The regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Red Oak Community School District was called to order by President Mark Johnson at 7:00 p.m. at the Red Oak Inman Primary Cafeteria.

Directors: Bret Blackman, Roger Carlson, Mark Johnson, Bryce Johnson by phone due to a trip
Superintendent Tom Messinger, Business Manager Deb Drey

Approval of Agenda
Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Blackman to approve the agenda with the order of agenda items at the discretion of the meeting chair. Motion carried unanimously.

Good News from Red Oak Schools
None to report

Consent Agenda
Motion by Director Blackman, second by Director Carlson to approve the consent agenda including meeting minutes, monthly business reports, and open enrollments as presented. Motion carried unanimously.

2019-2020 Consortium Agreement
Motion by Director Blackman, second by Director Bryce Johnson to approve the 2019-2020 Consortium Agreement with Council Bluffs Community School District. Motion carried unanimously.

Board Policy 506.5 and 506.5R1
Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Blackman to approve the first reading of Board Policy 506.5 Graduation Requirements and 506.5R1 Graduation Requirements Regulation. Motion carried unanimously.

2019-2020 Head Start Pre School Agreement
Motion by Director Blackman, second by Director Bryce Johnson to approve the 2019-2020 Head Start Agreement with West Central Community Action. Motion carried unanimously.

Tennis Court Resurfacing
This item will be on the next agenda.

Inman Primary Playground Removal
Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Blackman to approve the bid from Green Tree to remove Inman Primary School playground equipment and haul rock away in the amount of $9,800. Motion carried unanimously.

Social Worker Sharing Agreement
Motion by Director Blackman, second by Director Carlson to approve the sharing agreement for a social worker with Green Hills Area Education Association for the 2019-2020 school year. Motion carried unanimously.

Taher Extension
Motion by Director Blackman, second by Director Bryce Johnson to approve the 2019-2020 Food Service Extension with Taher, Inc. Motion carried unanimously.

Russ Benda Field PA System
This item will be on the next agenda.

Good Conduct Policy
This item will be on the next agenda with student handbooks.

Personnel Considerations
Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Blackman to approve contracts for the Before/After School Para Professionals for the 2019-2020 school year through the opening of the daycare with a twenty-five cents per hour increase. Motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Director Blackman, second by Director Carlson to approve the resignation of Frank Hidalgo Para Professional effective at the end of the 2019-2019 school year. Motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Blackman to approve the resignation of Tristin Johnson as High School Softball Head Coach effective at the end of the 2018-2019 season. Motion passed 3-0 with Director Bryce Johnson not voting due to a loss of telephone connection.

Motion by Director Blackman, second by Director Carlson to approve the resignation of Douglas Moore as bus driver effective immediately. Motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Director Blackman, second by Director Carlson to approve hiring Joshua Kippley as the Junior High Student Council Sponsor for the 2019-2020 school year. Motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Director Blackman, second by Director Bryce Johnson to approve hiring Kendall Candor as Junior High Football Assistant Coach for the 2019-2020 school year. Motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Blackman to approve hiring Margaret Sondag as TLC Lead Teacher for 2019-2020 school year. Motion carried unanimously.

Hiring of the Central Office Accounting Clerk will be on the next meeting agenda.

Motion by Director Blackman, second by Director Bryce Johnson to approve a contract for Tammi VanMeter for the 2019-2020 with a rate of $16.00 per hour. Motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Blackman to approve a $9,000 stipend to be added to the contract of Adam Wenberg, Director of Maintenance, as long as a sharing agreement is in place. Motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Blackman to adjourn the meeting at 7:58 p.m. Motion carried unanimously.

Next Board of Directors Meeting      Monday, August 12, 2019 – 7:00 p.m.
                                                                        Red Oak Inman Primary Media Center
                                                                        Red Oak CSD Inman Primary Campus


__________________________           __________________________
Mark Johnson, President                            Deb Drey, Board Secretary


dawn@iowaschoo… Tue, 10/20/2020 - 11:23

Minutes - 2019.07.25

Minutes - 2019.07.25

Red Oak Community School District
Meeting of the Board of Directors
Meeting Location: Red Oak Central Office
Red Oak Inman Primary Campus
July 25, 2019

The special meeting of the Board of Directors of the Red Oak Community School District was called to order by President Mark Johnson at 12:00 p.m. at the Red Oak Community School District Central Office Board Room.

Directors: Roger Carlson, Mark Johnson, and Kathy Walker by phone due to a trip
Jr/Sr High School Principal Nate Perrien, Business Manager Deb Drey

Approval of Agenda
Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Walker to approve the agenda with the order of agenda items at the discretion of the meeting chair. Motion carried unanimously.

Personnel Considerations
Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Walker to approve hiring Valerie Tracy as Central Office Accounting Clerk at a rate of $16.00 per hour. Motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Carlson to adjourn the meeting at 12:02 p.m. Motion carried unanimously.


Next Board of Directors Meeting      Monday, August 12, 2019 – 7:00 p.m.
                                                                        Red Oak Inman Primary Media Center
                                                                        Red Oak CSD Inman Primary Campus


__________________________           __________________________
Mark Johnson, President                            Deb Drey, Board Secretary


dawn@iowaschoo… Tue, 10/20/2020 - 11:21

Minutes - 2019.08.07

Minutes - 2019.08.07

Red Oak Community School District
Meeting of the Board of Directors
Meeting Location: Red Oak Central Office Meeting Room
August 7, 2019

The special meeting of the Board of Directors of the Red Oak Community School District was called to order by Vice President Kathy Walker at 12:01 p.m. at the Red Oak Central Office meeting room.

Directors: Roger Carlson, Bryce Johnson, Kathy Walker
Superintendent Tom Messinger, Business Manager Deb Drey

Approval of Agenda
Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Bryce Johnson to approve the agenda with the order of agenda items at the discretion of the meeting chair. Motion carried unanimously.

Washington Early Childhood Center Fencing
Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Bryce Johnson to accept the bid from Elkhorn Fence Company in the amount of $11,801.00. Motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Director Bryce Johnson, second by Director Carlson to adjourn the meeting at 12:09 p.m. Motion carried unanimously.


Next Board of Directors Meeting      Monday, August 12, 2019 – 7:00 p.m.
                                                                        Red Oak Inman Primary Media Center
                                                                        Red Oak CSD Inman Primary Campus


__________________________           __________________________
Mark Johnson, President                            Deb Drey, Board Secretary


dawn@iowaschoo… Tue, 10/20/2020 - 11:19

Minutes - 2019.08.12

Minutes - 2019.08.12

Red Oak Community School District
Meeting of the Board of Directors
Meeting Location: Red Oak Inman Primary Media Center
Red Oak Inman Primary Campus
August 12, 2019

The regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Red Oak Community School District was called to order by President Mark Johnson at 7:00 p.m. at the Red Oak Inman Primary Cafeteria.

Directors: Roger Carlson, Bryce Johnson, Mark Johnson, Kathy Walker, Bret Blackman arrived at 7:17 p.m. due to travel from work
Superintendent Tom Messinger, Business Manager Deb Drey

Approval of Agenda
Motion by Director Bryce Johnson, second by Director Walker to approve the agenda with the order of agenda items at the discretion of the meeting chair. Motion carried unanimously.

Consent Agenda
Motions by Director Carlson, second by Director Walker to approve the consent agenda including minutes from July 22, 2019 and July 25, 2019, and monthly business reports. Motion carried unanimously.

Open Enrollment Requests
Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Bryce Johnson to approve the Open Enrollment request for Kindergartener Bentley Sheppard from East Mills Community School District to Red Oak Community School District for the 2019-2020 school year. Motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Walker to deny the Open Enrollment request for 4th Grader Riley VanHoose to Clayton Ridge-Iowa Virtual Academy for the 2019-2020 school year due to being outside the deadline. Motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Director Bryce Johnson, second by Director Walker to approve the Open Enrollment request for 7th Grader Benjamin Smith from Red Oak Community School District to Clayton Ridge-Iowa Virtual Academy for the 2019-2020 school year due to a move. Motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Bryce Johnson to approve the Open Enrollment request for 5th Grader Tanner Grammar from Villisca Community School District to Red Oak Community School District for the 2019-2020 school year due to a move. Motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Walker to approve the Open Enrollment request for 5th Grader Gage Graham from Villisca Community School District to Red Oak Community School District for the 2019-2020 school year due to a move. Motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Director Bryce Johnson, second by Director Walker to approve the Open Enrollment request for 11th Grader Kaden Grammar from Villisca Community School District to Red Oak Community School District for the 2019-2020 school year due to a move. Motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Carlson to approve the Open Enrollment request for 12th Grader Hunter Graham from Villisca Community School District to Red Oak Community School District for the 2019-2020 school year due to a move. Motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Director Bryce Johnson, second by Director Walker to approve the Open Enrollment request for 6th Grader Geno DeMasi from East Mills Community School District to Red Oak Community School District for the 2019-2020 school year due to a move. Motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Bryce Johnson to approve the Open Enrollment request for 4th Grader Lucy DeMasi from East Mills Community School District to Red Oak Community School District for the 2019-2020 school year due to a move. Motion carried unanimously.

2019-2020 Student Handbooks
Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Bryce Johnson to approve the 2019-2020 Elementary and Secondary Student Handbooks with the addition of the Board Policy 503.3 definition of expulsion, vaping added to the offense matrix, and expulsion added as a penalty on the appropriate offenses. Motion carried unanimously.

2019-2020 Good Conduct Policy
Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Bryce Johnson to approve the 2019-2020 Good Conduct Policy as presented. Motion carried unanimously.

Board Policy 506.5 & 506.5R1
Motion by Director Bryce Johnson, second by Director Walker to approve the second reading of Board Policy 506.5 and 506.5R1. Motion carried unanimously.

Tennis Court Resurfacing
Motion by Director Blackman, second by Director Walker to accept the bid from Midwest Tennis and Track in the amount of $37,850.00 for resurfacing the tennis courts. Motion carried unanimously.

Boyd Jones Contract Amendment
Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Walker to approve an amendment with Boyd Jones Construction Company to add work for Washington Intermediate/Red Oak Early Childhood Center pending approval by the District’s legal counsel. Motion carried unanimously.

Football/Track Public Address System
Motion by Director Blackman, second by Director Walker to accept the bid of Bonsall TV Inc in the amount of $34,244.73 for the public address system at Russ Benda Field. Motion carried unanimously.

Substitute Rates
Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Walker to approve substitute rates of pay as follows: Teacher Substitute Rates will remain the same, $120.00 per day and $153.00 after 10 days in same position for Long Term; Substitute Bus Driver Route $14.00 per hour; Substitute Bus Driver Activity Route $12.00 per hour; Substitute Para Professionals $9.00 per hour; and Substitute Secretary $9.71 per hour. Motion carried unanimously.

2019-2020 SAM Agreement
Motion by Director Bryce Johnson, second by Director Blackman to renew the SAM Agreement for the 2019-2020 school year. Motion carried unanimously.

Fire Sprinkler Inspection Agreement
Motion by Director Blackman, second by Director Walker to accept the bid from Ahern Fire in the amount of $1,685.00 to provide inspections of the fire sprinkler systems at the Junior/Senior High School and Inman Elementary for the 2019-2020 school year. Motion carried unanimously.

Edify and Write to Learn Assessments
Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Carlson to approve the purchase of Edify and Write to Learn Assessments for the 2019-2020 school year. Motion carried unanimously.

ROECC Playground Concrete
Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Blackman to accept the bid from Viner Construction in the amount of $37,557.00 for concrete work at the Red Oak Early Childhood Center. Motion carried unanimously.

Personnel Considerations
Motion by Director Bryce Johnson, second by Director Walker to hire Kennedy Candor as a Junior High Volleyball Coach for the 2019-2020 school year. Motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Blackman to accept the resignation of Rylie Rohrer as Para Professional and Junior High Girls Basketball Coach effective July 19, 2019. Motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Blackman to accept the resignation of Kevin Herrick as Computer Hardware Technician effective August 30, 2019. Motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Director Bryce Johnson, second by Director Walker to adjourn the meeting at 9:00 p.m. Motion carried unanimously.


Next Board of Directors Meeting      Monday, August 26, 2019 – 7:00 p.m.
                                                                        Red Oak Inman Primary Media Center
                                                                        Red Oak CSD Inman Primary Campus


__________________________           __________________________
Mark Johnson, President                             Deb Drey, Board Secretary


dawn@iowaschoo… Tue, 10/20/2020 - 11:16

Minutes - 2019.08.15

Minutes - 2019.08.15

Red Oak Community School District
Meeting of the Board of Directors
Meeting Location: Red Oak Community School District
Central Office
August 15, 2019

The special meeting of the Board of Directors of the Red Oak Community School District was called to order by President Mark Johnson at 5:00 p.m. at the Red Oak Community School District Central Office.

Directors: Roger Carlson, Mark Johnson, Kathy Walker
Superintendent Tom Messinger, Business Manager Deb Drey

Approval of Agenda
Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Carlson to approve the agenda with the order of agenda items at the discretion of the meeting chair. Motion carried unanimously.

Rescind Resignation/Amend Contract
Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Walker to rescind the acceptance of the resignation of Kevin Herrick and amend the 2019-2020 contract to $55,000 per year effective 8/15/2019. Motion carried unanimously.

Inter Tech Building Purchase Offer
Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Carlson to approve the addendum to extend the purchase offer until September 10, 2019 for the Inter Tech Building as presented. Motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Walker to adjourn the meeting at 5:19 p.m. Motion carried unanimously.


Next Board of Directors Meeting      Monday, August 26, 2019 – 7:00 p.m.
                                                                        Red Oak Inman Elementary Cafeteria
                                                                        Red Oak CSD Inman Elementary Campus


__________________________           __________________________
Mark Johnson, President                            Deb Drey, Board Secretary


dawn@iowaschoo… Tue, 10/20/2020 - 11:15

Minutes - 2019.08.26

Minutes - 2019.08.26

Red Oak Community School District
Meeting of the Board of Directors
Meeting Location: Red Oak Inman Elementary Cafeteria
Red Oak Inman Elementary Campus
August 26, 2019

The regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Red Oak Community School District was called to order by President Mark Johnson at 7:00 p.m. at the Red Oak Inman Elementary Cafeteria.

Directors: Bret Blackman, Roger Carlson, Bryce Johnson, Mark Johnson, Kathy Walker
Superintendent Tom Messinger, Business Manager Deb Drey

Approval of Agenda
Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Bryce Johnson to approve the agenda with the order of agenda items at the discretion of the meeting chair. Motion carried unanimously.

Good News from Red Oak Schools
First day of school went smoothly considering all that happened over the summer.

Consent Agenda
Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Blackman to approve the consent agenda consisting of meeting minutes, business reports, and an open enrollment request as presented. Motion carried unanimously.

Early Childhood Center Bid Documents
Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Bryce Johnson to approve the specifications and bid documents as presented for the renovation of the Red Oak Early Childhood Center. Motion carried unanimously.

Inter Tech Property Purchase
Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Blackman to amend the purchase offer for the Inter Tech property to include: decrease accepted purchase price by $4500 and District will be responsible for the north septic system, seller will hold in escrow 1.5 times cost of updating the south septic system, and District will cooperate with the 1031 Exchange. Motion carried unanimously.

Early Childhood Center Dirt Work
Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Walker to accept the bid of $8500 from Green Tree to do dirt work at the Red Oak Early Childhood Center in preparation of installation of concrete and fencing. Motion carried unanimously.

2019-2020 Board Goals
Discussion on process for the Board to set goals for the 2019-2020 school year. More information and possible action will be on the next agenda.

Extended Contract Days
Information was shared on certified staff with extended contract days and the cost. This was an informational item only.

Daycare Center Update
Director Kathy Walker shared updated information regarding the Daycare Center. This was an informational item only.

Personnel Considerations
Motion by Director Blackman, second by Director Bryce Johnson to accept the resignation of John Hewett from the Middle School Instrumental Music Supplemental Contracts. Motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Blackman to approve issuing Junior/Senior High School Instrumental Contracts to John Hewett for the 2019-2020 school year. Motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Director Blackman, second by Director Walker to accept the resignation of Kendall Candor as Junior High Assistant Football Coach. Motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Bryce Johnson to issue a contract to Kendall Candor as Junior High School Head Football Coach for the 2019-2020 school year. Motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Carlson to approve hiring Weston Rolenc as a volunteer Cross Country Coach for the 2019-2020 school year. Motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Director Blackman, second by Director Walker to hire Chelsie Helm as a para professional for the 2019-2020 school year. Motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Bryce Johnson to hire Angela Kruse as a para professional for the 2019-2020 school year. Motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Director Blackman, second by Director Walker to hire Miranda Vannausdle as a para professional for the 2019-2020 school year. Motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Director Blackman, second by Director Bryce Johnson to adjourn the meeting at 8:53 p.m. Motion carried unanimously.


Next Board of Directors Meeting      Monday, September 9, 2019 – 7:00 p.m.
                                                                        Red Oak Inman Elementary Cafeteria
                                                                        Red Oak CSD Inman Elementary Campus


__________________________           __________________________
Mark Johnson, President                            Deb Drey, Board Secretary


dawn@iowaschoo… Tue, 10/20/2020 - 11:13

Minutes - 2019.09.09

Minutes - 2019.09.09

Red Oak Community School District
Meeting of the Board of Directors
Meeting Location: Red Oak Inman Elementary Cafeteria
Red Oak Inman Elementary Campus
September 9, 2019

The regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Red Oak Community School District was called to order by President Mark Johnson at 7:00 p.m. at the Red Oak Inman Elementary School Cafeteria.

Directors: Bret Blackman, Roger Carlson, Bryce Johnson, Mark Johnson, Kathy Walker
Superintendent Tom Messinger, Business Manager Deb Drey

Approval of Agenda
Motion by Director Bryce Johnson, second by Director Walker to approve the agenda with the order of agenda items at the discretion of the meeting chair. Motion carried unanimously.

Good News from Red Oak Schools
The Board recognized volunteers who helped this summer with cake and punch.

Mindy Riibe, Taher, presented the August Board Bites.

Consent Agenda
Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Blackman to approve the consent agenda including meeting minutes, business reports, and open enrollment requests as presented. Motion carried unanimously.

2019-2020 Board Goals
Presentations were made by secondary and elementary staff about building assessments, academic plans, and possible building goals. The Board will take time to process the information and determine Board goals at the next meeting. This item will be put on the next agenda.

10 Passenger Vans Purchase
Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Walker to pursue the purchase of two 10-passenger vans. Motion carried unanimously.

Transportation Discussion
Tom Messinger presented information about the current transportation issues. With a shortage of bus drivers, it may be necessary to make some changes to the district’s transportation policy.

Facilities Update
The District has closed on the property at 604 S Broadway. The septic system must be up-dated and a holding tank put in place by October 10, 2019.

Maintenance/Transportation Position
Motion by Director Blackman, second by Director Bryce Johnson to advertise for a maintenance/transportation position. Motion carried unanimously.

Transportation Substitutes Contracts
Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Blackman to issue substitute transportation contracts to Robert Peterson, Michelle Cockburn, Rosanne Vorhies, Nathan Perrien, and Tammi VanMeter. Motion carried unanimously.

Personnel Considerations
Motion by Director Blackman, second by Director Walker to accept the resignation of Andrea Spencer as Home School Assistance Program Assistant effective immediately. Motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Director Blackman, second by Director Walker to issue a contract to Mark Erickson as Senior High School Student Council Sponsor for the 2019-2020 school year. Motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Blackman to adjourn the meeting at 9:09 p.m. Motion carried unanimously.


Next Board of Directors Meeting      Monday, September 23, 2019 – 7:00 p.m.
                                                                        Red Oak Inman Elementary Cafeteria
                                                                        Red Oak CSD Inman Elementary Campus


__________________________           __________________________
Mark Johnson, President                            Deb Drey, Board Secretary


dawn@iowaschoo… Tue, 10/20/2020 - 11:11

Minutes - 2019.09.23

Minutes - 2019.09.23

Red Oak Community School District
Meeting of the Board of Directors
Meeting Location: Red Oak Inman Elementary Cafeteria
Red Oak Inman Elementary Campus
September 23, 2019

The regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Red Oak Community School District was called to order by President Mark Johnson at 7:00 p.m. at the Red Oak Inman Elementary School Cafeteria. The Public Hearing on Red Oak Community District Early Childhood Center Renovation Project was opened by President Mark Johnson at 7:00 p.m. There were no public or written comments. President Johnson declared the hearing closed at 7:06 p.m.

Directors: Mark Johnson, Bryce Johnson, Kathy Walker, Roger Carlson
Superintendent Tom Messinger

Approval of Agenda
Motion by Director Bryce Johnson second by Director Walker to approve the agenda with the order of agenda items at the discretion of the meeting chair. Motion carried unanimously.

Good News from Red Oak Schools
Principal Nate Perrien reported Good News from Paul Fish Cross Country Invitational that was held on Monday September 16th, 2019 at the Red Oak Country Club

Consent Agenda
Motion by Director Carlson, second by Walker Carlson to approve the consent agenda including meeting minutes, monthly business reports, and open enrollments as presented. Motion carried unanimously.

Board Goals: This item will be on the next agenda.

Deliberation of Public Comments
There was no discussion of deliberation since there was no public or written comments.

Early Childhood Center Renovation Project
Motion by Director Walker and second by Director Bryce Johnson to approve the Resolution formally approving and adopting the plans specifications, form of contract and estimated cost of the Early Childhood Center Renovation package. Motion carried unanimously.

Early Childhood Center Project Resolution
Motion by Director Carlson and second by Director Bryce Johnson to approve the Resolution awarding the bid on the Early Childhood Center Renovation Package. Motion carried unanimously.

Red Oak Early Childhood Center Update
Director Kathy Walker gave updates on Red Oak Early Childhood Center.

Special Education Supplement Allowable Growth
Motion by Director Walker and second by Director Carlson to approve the Special Education Supplement Request for allowable growth in the amount of $209,383.94. Motion carried unanimously.

Limited English Proficiency Allowable Growth
Motion by Director Bryce Johnson and second by Director Walker to approve the Limited English Proficiency request for allowable growth in the amount of $44,225.67 Motion carried unanimously.

Griswold Community Schools Transportation Contracts
Motion by Director Carlson and second by Director Walker to approve contracts with Griswold Community School District for transportation of special needs students and transportation to activities for the 2019-2020 school year. Motion carried unanimously.

East Mills Community School District Transportation Contract
Motion by Director Carlson and second by Director Walker to approve the contract with East Mills Community School District to transport special needs students for the 2019-2020 school year. Motion carried unanimously.

School Beyond School Field Trip
Motion by Director Walker and second by Director Bryce Johnson to approve the School Beyond School field trip to the zoo on October 26, 2019. Motion carried unanimously.

New substitute model at the JR/SR. High School
Motion by Director Bryce Johnson and second by Director Walker to approve the Junior/Senior High School Substitute model as presented. Motion carried unanimously.

Holding tank at 604 S Broadway St
Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Bryce Johnson to accept the bid from Professional Waste Water Services Inc. in the amount of $10,978.40 for installing a holding tank at 604 S Broadway St property. Motion carried 3-0 with Director Carlson abstaining.

Transportation Radio System
This item will be on the next agenda.

Personnel Considerations
Motion by Director Carlson and second by Director Walker to approve a to Debra Graber contract for Safety Patrol Sponsor for the 2019-2020 school year. Motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Director Walker and second by Director Bryce Johnson to approve a contract to Jewell Moore as TLC Mentor Teacher for the 2019-2020 school year. Motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Director Walker and second by Director Carlson to approve a contract to Meshell Billings as TLC mentor teacher for the 2019-2020 school year. Motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Walker to adjourn the meeting at 8:11 p.m. Motion carried unanimously.


Next Board of Directors Meeting:      Monday, October 14, 2019 – 7:00 p.m.
                                                                         Red Oak Inman Elementary Cafeteria
                                                                         Red Oak CSD Inman Elementary Campus


__________________________           __________________________
Mark Johnson, President                             Deb Drey, Board Secretary


dawn@iowaschoo… Tue, 10/20/2020 - 11:04

Minutes - 2019.10.03

Minutes - 2019.10.03

Red Oak Community School District
Meeting of the Board of Directors
Meeting Location: Red Oak Central Office Conference Room
Red Oak Central Office
October 3, 2019

The special meeting of the Board of Directors of the Red Oak Community School District was called to order by President Pro-Tem Roger Carlson at 5:00 p.m. at the Red Oak Central Office Conference Room.

Directors: Bret Blackman by phone due to work; Roger Carlson; Bryce Johnson; Mark Johnson by phone due to trip
Superintendent Tom Messinger, Business Manager Deb Drey

Approval of Agenda
Motion by Director Bryce Johnson, second by Director Mark Johnson to approve the agenda with the order of agenda items at the discretion of the meeting chair. Motion carried unanimously.

Good News from Red Oak Schools

Transportation Radio System
Motion by Director Bryce Johnson, second by Director Mark Johnson to accept the bid from Bi-State Electronics for transportation radios, vehicle boosters, and handheld radios in the amount of $14,248. Motion carried unanimously.

Personnel Considerations
Motion by Director Bryce Johnson, second by Director Mark Johnson to hire Eldon Stieverson as a bus driver for the 2019-2020 school year. Motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Director Bryce Johnson, second by Director Blackman to adjourn the meeting at 5:05 p.m. Motion carried unanimously.


Next Board of Directors Meeting      Monday, October 14, 2019 – 7:00 p.m.
                                                                        Red Oak Inman Elementary Cafeteria
                                                                        Red Oak CSD Inman Elementary Campus


__________________________           __________________________
Mark Johnson, President                            Deb Drey, Board Secretary


dawn@iowaschoo… Tue, 10/20/2020 - 11:09

Minutes - 2019.10.14

Minutes - 2019.10.14

Red Oak Community School District
Meeting of the Board of Directors
Meeting Location: Red Oak Inman Elementary Cafeteria
Red Oak Inman Elementary Campus
October 14, 2019

The regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Red Oak Community School District was called to order by President Mark Johnson at 7:02 p.m. at the Red Oak Inman Elementary School Cafeteria.

Directors: Bryce Johnson, Mark Johnson, Kathy Walker
Superintendent Tom Messinger, Business Manager Deb Drey

Approval of Agenda
Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Bryce Johnson to approve the agenda with the order of agenda items at the discretion of the meeting chair. Motion carried unanimously.

Good News from Red Oak Schools
There was no good news shared.

Mindy Riibe from Taher Inc. presented the September 2019, Board Bites.

Matt Gillaspie from Piper Jaffrey updated the Board on the financial position of the District, bonding capacity, and changes to Local Option Sales Tax.

Consent Agenda
Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Bryce Johnson to approve the consent agenda including meeting minutes, business reports, and open enrollments as presented. Motion carried unanimously.

2019-2020 Board Goals
Motion by Director Bryce Johnson, second by Director Walker to approve the 2019-2020 Board Goals as follows:
Climate and Culture: The District will work to improve climate and culture in all our schools through increased student and teacher engagement and improved communication.
Academic Growth: Each student will show growth in our assessment data. The percent of students engaged in authentic educational opportunities aligned with their career and academic plans will increase.
Professional Development: The District will support all staff with needs based professional development by providing appropriate resources and tools to improve student outcomes.
Facilities and Maintenance: The District will update the facilities plan and maintenance schedule with a budget for both short-term and long-term needs.
Motion carried unanimously.

Bancroft School Disposal
Consensus was to have the attorney begin the process to dispose of the Bancroft School and put this item on the next agenda.

IASB Legislative Resolutions
Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Bryce Johnson to approve Standards and Accountability; Preschool; Mental Health; and Supplemental State Aid as the IASB Legislative Resolutions for the 2019-2020 school year. Motion carried unanimously.

East Mills Special Education Contract
Motion by Director Bryce Johnson, second by Director Walker to approve the 2019-2020 Special Education Contract with East Mills as presented. Motion carried unanimously.

Personnel Considerations
Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Bryce Johnson to approve hiring Joshua Kippley as the Assistant Baseball Coach for the 2019-2020 school year. Motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Bryce Johnson to hire Kennedy Candor as Junior High Girls Basketball Coach for the 2019-2020 school year. Motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Bryce Johnson to hire Marvin Lewis as a bus driver pending the successful completion of the driving test for the 2019-2020 school year. Motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Bryce Johnson to hire Macy Vanderhoof as a Para-Professional at Inman Elementary School for the 2019-2020 school year. Motion carried unanimously.

Hiring of a Junior/Senior High School Para-Professional will be placed on the next agenda.

Motion by Director Bryce Johnson, second by Director Walker to adjourn the meeting at 9:44 p.m. Motion carried unanimously.


Next Board of Directors Meeting      Monday, October 28, 2019 – 7:00 p.m.
                                                                        Red Oak Inman Elementary Cafeteria
                                                                        Red Oak CSD Inman Elementary Campus


__________________________           __________________________
Mark Johnson, President                             Deb Drey, Board Secretary


dawn@iowaschoo… Tue, 10/20/2020 - 11:07

Minutes - 2019.10.28

Minutes - 2019.10.28

Red Oak Community School District
Meeting of the Board of Directors
Meeting Location: Red Oak Inman Elementary Cafeteria
Red Oak Inman Elementary Campus
October 28, 2019

The regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Red Oak Community School District was called to order by Vice President Kathy Walker at 7:00 p.m. at the Red Oak Inman Elementary School Cafeteria.

Directors: Bret Blackman (arrived at 7:08 p.m. due to travel), Roger Carlson, Bryce Johnson, Kathy Walker
Superintendent Tom Messinger, Business Manager Deb Drey

Approval of Agenda
Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Bryce Johnson to approve the agenda with the order of agenda items at the discretion of the meeting chair. Motion carried unanimously.

Good News from Red Oak Schools
Seven FFA members attended the Greenhand Fire Up Camp on October 8, 2019.

Ten FFA members attended the Northwest Missouri State University Ag Department’s Career Development Event and participated in contests.

Two Cross Country Athletes have qualified for the State Cross Country Meet.

The volleyball team will play in the Regional Semi-Final on October 29, 2019.

Consent Agenda
Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Bryce Johnson to approve the consent agenda including meeting minutes, business reports, and open enrollment request as presented. Motion carried unanimously.

ROECC/Daycare Update
Pre-School staff met with daycare board members last week. A director for the daycare has been hired. The daycare will have an open house on November 7, 2019. A fund-raising campaign will be launched for the daycare.

The east rooms of the Early Childhood Center will need ceiling tiles removed, wall paper removed, and fixtures replaced due to the mold issue. This will come at a cost to the District.

ROECC Sidewalk
Motion by Director Bryce Johnson, second by Director Carlson to accept the bid from Viner Construction in the amount of $19,728 for sidewalks and stoops for each classroom on the north and south sides of ROECC. Motion carried unanimously.

Lewis Central Sharing Agreement
Motion by Director Blackman, second by Director Bryce Johnson to approve sharing swimming with Lewis Central Community Schools for the 2019-2020 school year at a cost of $250 per athlete. Motion carried unanimously.

Personnel Considerations
Motion by Director Blackman, second by Director Carlson to hire David Carlson as a para-professional at the Junior/Senior High School for the 2019-2020 school year. Motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Director Bryce Johnson, second by Director Carlson to hire Kennedy Candor as High School Head Softball Coach for the 2019-2020 school year. Motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Director Blackman, second by Director Bryce Johnson to hire Kendall Candor as Junior High Wrestling Coach for the 2019-2020 school year. Motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Blackman to hire Shauna Berendes as High School Wrestling Cheer Sponsor for the 2019-2020 school year. Motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Director Blackman, second by Director Carlson to hire Roger Vannausdle in the Maintenance Department for the 2019-2020 school year at $21.55 per hour. Motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Director Bryce Johnson, second by Director Blackman to adjourn the meeting at 7:15 p.m. Motion carried unanimously.


Next Board of Directors Meeting      Monday, November 11, 2019 – 7:00 p.m.
                                                                        Red Oak Inman Elementary Cafeteria
                                                                        Red Oak CSD Inman Elementary Campus


__________________________           __________________________
Kathy Walker, Vice President                      Deb Drey, Board Secretary


dawn@iowaschoo… Tue, 10/20/2020 - 11:02

Minutes - 2019.11.11

Minutes - 2019.11.11

Red Oak Community School District
Meeting of the Board of Directors
Meeting Location: Red Oak Inman Elementary Cafeteria
Red Oak Inman Elementary Campus
November 11, 2019

The regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Red Oak Community School District was called to order by President Mark Johnson at 7:00 p.m. at the Red Oak Inman Elementary School Cafeteria.

Directors: Bret Blackman, Roger Carlson, Bryce Johnson, Mark Johnson, Kathy Walker
Superintendent Tom Messinger, Business Manager Deb Drey

Approval of Agenda
Motion by Director Bryce Johnson, second by Director Walker to approve the agenda with the order of agenda items at the discretion of the meeting chair. Motion carried unanimously.

Good News from Red Oak Schools
Certified Enrollment is up one more student.

Consent Agenda
Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Blackman to approve the consent agenda as presented including meeting minutes, business reports, and open enrollment applications. Motion carried unanimously.

ROECC Mold Abatement
Motion by Director Bryce Johnson, second by Director Walker to accept the bid from McGill Asbestos Abatement in the amount of $7,000 for mold abatement at the Red Oak Early Childhood Center. Motion carried unanimously.

ROECC Fall Landscaping
Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Walker to accept the bid from Pro Lawns in the amount of $8,950 to provide landscaping this fall at the Red Oak Early Childhood Center. Motion carried unanimously.

ROECC Spring Landscaping
Motion by Director Blackman, second by Director Walker, to accept the bid from Pro Lawns in the amount of $8,400 to provide landscaping in the spring at the Red Oak Early Childhood Center. Motion carried unanimously.

School Beyond School Field Trip
Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Blackman to approve the School Beyond School field trip to Urban Air in Omaha, NE on November 16, 2019. Motion carried unanimously.

Pressure Washer
This item will be on the next agenda.

December 2019 Board Meeting
Discussion of the December Board Meetings with the Christmas holiday. Consensus was to have one meeting on December 16, 2019, at 7:00 p.m.

Personnel Considerations
Motion by Director Blackman, second by Director Walker to hire Dana Ramirez as the 2019-2020 Assistant Softball Coach. Motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Director Bryce Johnson, second by Director Blackman to adjourn the meeting at 7:25 p.m. Motion carried unanimously.


Next Board of Directors Meeting      Monday, November 25, 2019 – 7:00 p.m.
                                                                        Red Oak Inman Elementary Cafeteria
                                                                        Red Oak CSD Inman Elementary Campus


__________________________           __________________________
Mark Johnson, President                            Deb Drey, Board Secretary


dawn@iowaschoo… Tue, 10/20/2020 - 10:59

Minutes - 2019.11.25

Minutes - 2019.11.25

Red Oak Community School District
Meeting of the Board of Directors
Meeting Location: Red Oak Inman Elementary Cafeteria
Red Oak Inman Elementary Campus
November 25, 2019

The regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Red Oak Community School District was called to order by President Mark Johnson at 7:01 p.m. at the Red Oak Inman Elementary School Cafeteria.

Directors: Bret Blackman, Roger Carlson, Bryce Johnson, Mark Johnson, Kathy Walker
Superintendent Tom Messinger, Business Manager Deb Drey, Administrative Assistant Tammi VanMeter

Approval of Agenda
Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Walker to approve the agenda with the order of agenda items at the discretion of the meeting chair. Motion carried unanimously.

Good News from Red Oak Schools
The Board held a reception for Retiring Board Member Mark Johnson and presented him with a plaque in appreciation of his service to the Red Oak Community School District.

Consent Agenda
Motion by Director Blackman, second by Director Walker to approve the consent agenda as presented including meeting minutes, monthly business reports, and open enrollment requests. Motion carried unanimously.

Pressure Washer Purchase
Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Blackman to approve the purchase of a stationary hot water pressure washer from Advanced Cleaning Equipment in the amount of $5,595.00. Motion carried unanimously.

SBRC Applications
Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Bryce Johnson to approve the SBRC Application for Open Enrollment Out Not in Fall of 2018 in the amount of $198,712.00. Motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Director Bryce Johnson, second by Director Walker to approve the SBRC Application for increasing enrollment in the amount of $52,588.00. Motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Bryce Johnson to approve the SBRC Application for ELL Beyond 5 Years in the amount of $16,649.60. Motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Director Bryce Johnson, second by Director Walker to adjourn the regular meeting at 7:07 p.m. Motion carried unanimously.


Organizational Meeting

Oath of Office was given to newly elected Board Members Bryce Johnson and Jackie DeVries by Board Secretary Deb Drey.

The organizational meeting of the Board of Directors of the Red Oak Community School District was called to order by Board Secretary Deb Drey at 7:09 p.m. at the Red Oak Inman Elementary School Cafeteria.

Directors: Bret Blackman, Roger Carlson, Jackie DeVries, Bryce Johnson, Kathy Walker
Superintendent Tom Messinger, Business Manger Deb Drey, Administrative Assistant Tammi VanMeter

Election of Officers
Director Blackman nominated Bryce Johnson for President. Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Walker that nominations cease. Motion carried 4-0 with Director Johnson abstaining.

Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Blackman, to elect Bryce Johnson as president. Motion carried 4-0 with Director Johnson abstaining.

Newly Elected Board President Bryce Johnson was given the Oath of Office by Board Secretary Deb Drey.

Director Walker nominated Roger Carlson for Vice President. Motion by Director Blackman, second by Director DeVries that nominations cease. Motion carried 4-0 with Director Carlson abstaining.

Motion by Director Blackman, second by Director Walker to elect Roger Carlson as Vice President. Motion carried 4-0 with Director Carlson abstaining.

Board Secretary/Treasurer
Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Walker to name Deb Drey as Board Secretary and Board Treasurer. Motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Walker to name Tammi VanMeter as Assistant Board Secretary and Heidi Harris as Assistant Board Treasurer. Motion carried unanimously.

Legal Publication
Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Blackman to name the Red Oak Express as the District’s Legal Publication. Motion carried unanimously.

Depositories/Legal Limits
Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Blackman to set the Depositories as Houghton State Bank and Iowa Schools Joint Investment Trust with a legal limit of $25,000,000 at each. Motion carried unanimously.

Legal Counsel
Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Blackman to name Rick Engel, Ahlers Cooney Law Firm, and Brian Mensen as legal counsels for the District. Motion carried unanimously.

Meeting Dates and Time
Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Blackman to set meeting dates to be the second and fourth Mondays of the month at 7:00 p.m. Motion carried unanimously.

Committee Assignments
Red Oak Education Association Labor Management Committee: Director Walker and Director DeVries
Red Oak Support Staff Association Labor Management Committee: Director Johnson and Director Carlson
School Improvement Advisory Committee: Director DeVries and Director Walker
District Policy Committee: Director Johnson and Director DeVries
District Facilities Committee: Director Carlson and Director Blackman
District Calendar Committee: Director Walker
District Technology Committee: Director Blackman and Director Johnson
Montgomery County Conference Board: Director Carlson
Boost 4 Families: Director Walker
District STEM Committee: Director Walker and Director Johnson

Director Walker left the meeting to attend her daughter’s basketball game.

Ordering and Approval of Agenda
Motions by Director Carlson, second by Director Blackman to approve the ordering and approval of agenda as has been done. Motion carried unanimously.

Consent Agenda

December Meeting Dates
Motion by Director Blackman, second by Director DeVries to meet on December 9 and December 16, 2019 at 7:00 p.m. Motion carried unanimously.

District Developed Service Delivery Plan Committee
Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Blackman to accept the District Developed Service Deliver Plan Committee members as presented and including an Area Education Association Representative. Motion carried unanimously.

Weight Equipment Disposal
Motion by Director Blackman, second by Director Carlson to advertise for bids to dispose of the old weight equipment as one unit. Motion carried unanimously.

School Beyond School Trip
Motion by Director Blackman, second by Director DeVries to approve the School Beyond School trip to the Durham Museum and Spaghetti Works on December 14, 2019. Motion carried unanimously.

Certified Employee Handbook
This item will be put on the December 16, 2019 agenda.

Line Item Budget
Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Blackman to approve the line item budget for the general fund as presented. Motion carried unanimously.

Personnel Considerations
Motion by Director DeVries, second by Director Blackman to approve the resignation of Heather Gothberg as Elementary Guidance Counselor at the end of the 2019-2020 school year. Motion carried unanimously.

Items for Future Board Meeting
Disposition of the Bancroft and Webster Buildings
Facility Project Budget Update
Board Workshop Date

Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Blackman to adjourn the meeting at 7:55 p.m. Motion carried unanimously.


Next Board of Directors Meeting      Monday, December 9, 2019 – 7:00 p.m.
                                                                        Red Oak Inman Elementary Cafeteria
                                                                        Red Oak CSD Inman Elementary Campus


__________________________           __________________________
Bryce Johnson, President                           Deb Drey, Board Secretary


dawn@iowaschoo… Tue, 10/20/2020 - 10:51

Minutes - 2019.12.09

Minutes - 2019.12.09

Red Oak Community School District
Meeting of the Board of Directors
Meeting Location: Red Oak Inman Elementary Cafeteria
Red Oak Inman Elementary Campus
December 9, 2019

The regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Red Oak Community School District was called to order by President Bryce Johnson at 7:00 p.m. at the Red Oak Inman Elementary School Cafeteria.

Directors: Bret Blackman, Roger Carlson, Jackie DeVries, Bryce Johnson
Superintendent Tom Messinger, Business Manager Deb Drey

Approval of Agenda
Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Blackman to approve the agenda with the order of agenda items at the discretion of the meeting chair. Motion carried unanimously.

Good News from Red Oak Schools

Consent Agenda
Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Blackman to approve the consent agenda as presented including meeting minutes and monthly business reports. Motion carried unanimously.

District Developed Service Delivery Plan
Motion by Director Blackman, second by Director DeVries to approve the District Developed Service Delivery Plan as presented. Motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Director DeVries, second by Director Blackman to adjourn the meeting at 7:18 p.m. Motion carried unanimously.


Next Board of Directors Meeting      Monday, December 16, 2019 – 7:00 p.m.
                                                                        Red Oak Inman Elementary Cafeteria
                                                                        Red Oak CSD Inman Elementary Campus


__________________________           __________________________
Bryce Johnson, President                           Deb Drey, Board Secretary


dawn@iowaschoo… Tue, 10/20/2020 - 10:50

Minutes - 2019.12.16

Minutes - 2019.12.16

Red Oak Community School District
Meeting of the Board of Directors
Meeting Location: Red Oak Inman Elementary Cafeteria
Red Oak Inman Elementary Campus
December 16, 2019

The regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Red Oak Community School District was called to order by President Bryce Johnson at 7:00 p.m. at the Red Oak Inman Elementary School Cafeteria.

Directors: Roger Carlson, Jackie DeVries, Bryce Johnson, Kathy Walker
Superintendent Tom Messinger, Business Manager Deb Drey

Approval of Agenda
Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Walker to approve the agenda with the order of agenda items at the discretion of the meeting chair. Motion carried unanimously.

Good News from Red Oak Schools
None at the is meeting.

Mindy Riibe from Taher, Inc. presented the November Board Bites.

SueAnn Crouse presented information on the Junior/Senior High School Assessment Results.

Consent Agenda
Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Walker to approve the consent agenda including meeting minutes and monthly business reports as presented. Motion carried unanimously.

Transportation Van Purchases
Motion by Director Walker, second by Director DeVries to purchase two 2020 Dodge Grand Caravans from Red Oak Chrysler at a cost of $22,253 each. Motion carried unanimously.

Work Session
A board work session is tentatively scheduled for January 15, 2020, at 7:00 p.m. at Inman Elementary School Cafeteria.

Facility Project Budget Update
Mark Pfister of Boyd Jones and Daric O’Neal presented information on the budget for the facility projects.

Special Board Meeting
A special board meeting will be held at 7:00 p.m. on Wednesday, December 18, 2019.

Early Retirement Incentive
Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Walker to offer early retirement to Certified Staff and Support Staff for the 2019-2020 school year. Motion carried unanimously.

Special Education Service Contract
Motion by Director Walker, second by Director DeVries to approve a contract with Clarinda Community School District for special education services for the 2019-2020 school year. Motion carried unanimously.

Early Graduation Requests
Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Walker to approve the early graduation requests of four students for 2019-2020 school year. Motion carried unanimously.

Immunization Audit for 2020-2021
Motion by Director Walker, second by Director DeVries to approve the Immunization Audit agreement with Montgomery County Public Health for the 2020-2021 school year. Motion carried unanimously.

Board Policy 705.1
The Board Policy 705.1 does not need to be changed so there was no action on a first reading.

Personnel Considerations
Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Walker to approve hiring Jessie Bruning as the 2019-2020 High School Prom Sponsor. Motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director DeVries to approve Nathan Namanny as a Volunteer Assistant Bowling Coach for the 2019-2020 school year. Motion carried unanimously.

Caleb Orme will be placed on the next regular meeting agenda as a Volunteer Assistant Wrestling Coach.

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Carlson to approve Carter Bruce as a Volunteer Assistant Boys Basketball Coach for the 2019-2020 school year. Motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director DeVries to accept the resignation of David Carlson as a para-professional effective immediately. Motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Walker to adjourn the meeting at 9:04 p.m. Motion carried unanimously.


Next Board of Directors Meeting      Wednesday, December 18, 2019 – 7:00 p.m.
                                                                         Red Oak Inman Elementary Cafeteria
                                                                         Red Oak CSD Inman Elementary Campus


__________________________           __________________________
Bryce Johnson, President                           Deb Drey, Board Secretary


dawn@iowaschoo… Tue, 10/20/2020 - 10:47

Minutes - 2019.12.18

Minutes - 2019.12.18

Red Oak Community School District
Meeting of the Board of Directors
Meeting Location: Red Oak Inman Elementary Cafeteria
Red Oak Inman Elementary Campus
December 18, 2019

The regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Red Oak Community School District was called to order by President Bryce Johnson at 7:01 p.m. at the Red Oak Inman Elementary School Cafeteria.

Directors: Roger Carlson, Jackie DeVries, Bryce Johnson, Kathy Walker
Superintendent Tom Messinger, Business Manager Deb Drey

Approval of Agenda
Motion by Director Walker, second by Director DeVries to approve the agenda with the order of agenda items at the discretion of the meeting chair. Motion carried unanimously.

Good News from Red Oak Schools

Early Childhood Center Construction Project
Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Walker to approve completing Phase 2 and Phase 5 of the Early Childhood Center Construction Project at a cost of $635,376 and holding the $60,000 budgeted for signage at Inman Elementary and Junior/Senior High School as contingency funds for the Early Childhood Center Construction Project. Motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Director DeVries, second by Director Carlson to adjourn the meeting at 7:28 p.m. Motion carried unanimously.


Next Board of Directors Meeting      Monday, January 13, 2020 – 7:00 p.m.
                                                                        Red Oak Inman Elementary Cafeteria
                                                                        Red Oak CSD Inman Elementary Campus


__________________________           __________________________
Bryce Johnson, President                          Deb Drey, Board Secretary


dawn@iowaschoo… Tue, 10/20/2020 - 10:45

Minutes - 2020.01.13

Minutes - 2020.01.13

Red Oak Community School District
Meeting of the Board of Directors
Meeting Location: Red Oak Inman Elementary Cafeteria
Red Oak Inman Elementary Campus
January 13, 2020

The regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Red Oak Community School District was called to order by President Bryce Johnson at 7:00 p.m. at the Red Oak Inman Elementary School Cafeteria.

Directors: Bret Blackman (Left at 8:16 p.m.), Roger Carlson, Jackie DeVries (arrived at 7:35 p.m.), Bryce Johnson, Kathy Walker
Superintendent Tom Messinger, Business Manager Deb Drey

Approval of Agenda
Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Walker to approve the agenda with the order of agenda items at the discretion of the meeting chair. Motion carried unanimously.

Good News from Red Oak Schools
The FFA Chapter held the First Annual Holiday Bowling Party at Red Oak Lanes. Members were treated to a game of bowling and snacks to thank them for their hard work during fruit sales delivery.

Mindy Riibe, Taher Inc., presented the December Board Bites.

Gayle Allensworth, Kelly Jones, Jacki Viner, and SueAnn Crouse presented the elementary assessment results.

Consent Agenda
Motion by Director Blackman, second by Director Walker to approve the consent agenda including meeting minutes and monthly business reports. Motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Director Blackman, second by Director Carlson to approve the open enrollment request for Addyson Philpott due to a move. Motion carried unanimously.

Director DeVries arrived at the meeting.

Certified Staff Handbook
Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Walker to approve the 2019-2020 Certified Staff Handbook as presented. Motion carried unanimously.

Closed Session
Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Blackman to enter closed session per Section 21.5(1)(a) of Code to discuss student records required or authorized by state or federal government to be kept confidential at 7:39 p.m. Motion carried unanimously.
Exited closed session at 8:05 p.m.

Open Enrollment
Motion by Director Walker, second by Director DeVries to approve the open enrollment request for Masen Jade Jordan for the 2019-2020 school year. Motion carried unanimously.

Early Graduation
Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Walker to approve the early graduation request for Madilynn Swagel for 2019-2020 school year. Motion carried unanimously.

Disposition of Buildings Discussion
Discussion of the process to dispose of Bancroft, empty lot, and Webster. The information gathered will be used to create advertisements and documents for the disposal. Action on the official documents and time line will be on a later agenda.

Special Education Services Agreement
Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Carlson to approve the agreement with Council Bluffs Community School District for the 2019-2020 school for special education services. Motion carried unanimously.

Director Blackman left the meeting.

2020-2021 At Risk Application
Motion by Director Walker, second by Director DeVries to approve the 2020-2021 At Risk Application in the amount of $316,478. Motion carried unanimously.

Special Education Services Agreement
Motion by Director Walker, second by Director DeVries to approve the agreement with Clarinda Community School District for the 2019-2020 school year for special education services. Motion carried unanimously.

604 S Broadway Roof Repair
Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Walker to approve the 604 S Broadway roof repair bid in the amount of $30,507 from Elevate Roofing. Motion carried unanimously.

Personnel Considerations
Motion by Director Walker, second by Director DeVries to approve Caleb Orme as a volunteer wrestling coach for the 2019-2020 school year. Motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Director DeVries, second by Director Walker to approve the resignation of Dana Ramirez as Assistant Softball Coach effective immediately. Motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Carlson to adjourn the meeting at 8:47 p.m. Motion carried unanimously.


Next Board of Directors Meeting      Monday, January 27, 2020 – 7:00 p.m.
                                                                        Red Oak Inman Elementary Cafeteria
                                                                        Red Oak CSD Inman Elementary Campus


__________________________           __________________________
Bryce Johnson, President                           Deb Drey, Board Secretary


dawn@iowaschoo… Tue, 10/20/2020 - 10:42

Minutes - 2020.01.27

Minutes - 2020.01.27

Red Oak Community School District
Meeting of the Board of Directors
Meeting Location: Red Oak Inman Elementary Cafeteria
Red Oak Inman Elementary Campus
January 27, 2020

The regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Red Oak Community School District was called to order by President Bryce Johnson at 7:00 p.m. at the Red Oak Inman Elementary School Cafeteria.

Directors: Bret Blackman, Roger Carlson, Jackie DeVries, Bryce Johnson, Kathy Walker
Superintendent Tom Messinger, Business Manager Deb Drey

Approval of Agenda
Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Blackman to approve the agenda with the order of agenda items at the discretion of the meeting chair. Motion carried unanimously.

Good News from Red Oak Schools
The wrestling team had it’s best performance at the John Harris Tournament over the weekend, finishing in 4th place out of 21 teams.
Jacque Stephens, Art Instructor, and Arryn Gillespie, Pre-school teacher, each received a $250 grant for Ag In the Classroom.

Deb Blomstedt, ROEA President, and Bryce Johnson, Board President, exchanged bargaining items of interest letters.

Consent Agenda
Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Blackman to approve the consent agenda including meeting minutes and monthly business reports as presented. Motion carried unanimously.

Disposition of Properties
Motion by Director Walker, second by Director DeVries to approve the process and documents presented for the disposal of Webster School, Bancroft School, and vacant lot across from Bancroft School. Motion carried unanimously.

Special Education Contract
Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Blackman to approve the special education contract with East Mills Community School for the 2019-2020 school year. Motion carried unanimously.

10-Passenger Van Purchase
Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Blackman to approve the purchase of a 10-passenger Ford van from Red Oak Chrysler in the amount of $33,987.85. Motion carried unanimously.

Certified Staff Early Retirement Applications
Motion by Director Walker, second by Director DeVries to accept the early retirement applications of Sheree Rhodes, Kim Walford, and Rebecca Sterbick. Motion carried unanimously.

Personnel Considerations
Motion by Director Blackman, second by Director Carlson to issue a substitute transportation contract to Mark Johnson for the 2019-2020 school year. Motion carried unanimously.

Next Meeting
The next regular board meeting will be changed to Wednesday, February 12, 2020 at 7:00 p.m. in the Inman Primary School Cafeteria with a work session to follow.

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Carlson to adjourn the meeting at 7:25 p.m. Motion carried unanimously.


Next Board of Directors Meeting      Wednesday, February 12, 2020 – 7:00 p.m.
                                                                        Red Oak Inman Elementary Cafeteria
                                                                        Red Oak CSD Inman Elementary Campus


__________________________           __________________________
Bryce Johnson, President                          Deb Drey, Board Secretary


dawn@iowaschoo… Tue, 10/20/2020 - 10:40

Minutes - 2020.02.12

Minutes - 2020.02.12

Red Oak Community School District
Meeting of the Board of Directors
Meeting Location: Red Oak Inman Elementary Cafeteria
Red Oak Inman Elementary Campus
February 12, 2020

The regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Red Oak Community School District was called to order by President Bryce Johnson at 7:02 p.m. at the Red Oak Inman Elementary School Cafeteria.

Directors: Bret Blackman, Roger Carlson, Bryce Johnson, Kathy Walker, Jackie DeVries joined via phone
Superintendent Tom Messinger, Accounting Clerk Heidi Harris, Administrative Assistant Tammi VanMeter

Approval of Agenda
Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Blackman to approve the agenda with the order of agenda items at the discretion of the meeting chair. Motion carried unanimously.

Good News from Red Oak Schools
FFA Chapter: January 28, 2020 six members of the Red Oak FFA Chapter participated in the Iowa FFA Legislative Symposium.

State Large Group Speech: February 8, 2020 Red Oak Large Group Speech competed in Waukee.

Red Oak Wrestling: February 8, 2020 traveled to Glenwood for Sectional Wrestling Tournament for Class 2 A Sections.

Mindy Riibe, Taher Inc., presented the January Board Bites.

Jacqulyn Carlson presented to Red Oak Community School Board Interest Items from the Red Oak Support Staff Association.

Consent Agenda
Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Blackman to approve the consent agenda including meeting minutes and monthly business reports. Motion carried unanimously.

Architect Agreement
Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Blackman to approve the Architect Agreement with Alley Poyner Macchietto for plans at 604 S Broadway. Motion carried unanimously.

Red Oak Early Childhood Center
There is a meeting scheduled on February 13, 2020, following the meeting there will be more of an update.

Closed Session
Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Blackman to enter closed session per Section 21.5(1)(a) of Code to discuss student records required or authorized by state or federal government to be kept confidential at 7:14 p.m. Motion carried unanimously.
Exited closed session at 7:24 p.m.

Open Enrollment
Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Walker to approve the open enrollment request for Elliana Elizabeth Freshour for the 2019-2020 school year. Motion carried unanimously.

Early Retirement of Support Staff
Motion by Director Blackman, second by Director Walker to approve early retirement of support staff applications for Susan Geer, Jacqulyn Carlson, Rosanne Vorhies, Jean Webb for the 2019-2020 school year. Motion carried unanimously.

Red Oak Community Schools giving Montgomery County Historical Society Teacher Certification, Bond and Fund Books
Motion by Director Blackman, second by Director Walker to a approve Red Oak Community School District of giving Montgomery County Historical Society old Teacher Certification, old Bond and Fund books. Motion carried unanimously.

Renewal of Frontline Central Solution, Time & Attendance, and Absence & Substitute Management
Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Blackman to approve the renewal of Frontline Central Solution, Time & Attendance, and Absence and Substitute Management. Motion carried unanimously.

Issuing Request for Proposal for Local Property and Casualty Insurance
Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Walker to approve issuing request for proposal for local property and casualty insurance for the 2020-2021 school year. Motion carried unanimously.

Agreement with Red Oak Community Schools and Clarinda Community Schools
Motion by Director Blackman, second by Director Carlson to approve the agreement with Red Oak Community Schools and Clarinda Community Schools for the 2019-2020 school year. Motion carried unanimously.

Purchase/Disposal of School Bus for the 2019-2020 school year
Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Carlson to approve the purchase of a Blue Bird School bus from School Bus Sales Co. in Waterloo, Iowa at the cost of $64,000.00 less trade in of $8,000.00for the 2019-2020 school year. Motion carried unanimously.

Policy for naming Facilities
Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Blackman of approving policy for Naming Facilities. Motion carried unanimously.

Personnel Considerations
Motion by Director Blackman, second by Director Walker to hire Heather Johnson as Para Professional at the Jr./Sr. High for the 2019-2020 school year.

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Carlson to hire Jen Wright as Para Professional at Inman Elementary/Red Oak Early Childhood Center for the 2019-2020 school year.

Motion by Director Walker second by Director Carlson to adjourn the meeting at 7:57 pm. Motion carried unanimously.


Next Board of Directors Meeting      Monday, February 24, 2020 – 7:00 p.m.
                                                                        Red Oak Inman Elementary Cafeteria
                                                                        Red Oak CSD Inman Elementary Campus


__________________________           __________________________
Bryce Johnson, President                          Tammi VanMeter,  Administrative Assistant


dawn@iowaschoo… Tue, 10/20/2020 - 10:33

Minutes - 2020.02.24

Minutes - 2020.02.24

Red Oak Community School District

Meeting of the Board of Directors

Meeting Location:  Red Oak Inman Elementary Cafeteria

Red Oak Inman Elementary Campus

February 24, 2020


The regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Red Oak Community School District was called to order by President Bryce Johnson at 7:00 p.m. at the Red Oak Inman Elementary School Cafeteria.



Directors: Bret Blackman, Roger Carlson, Jackie DeVries, Bryce Johnson, Kathy Walker

Superintendent Tom Messinger, Business Manager Deb Drey


Approval of Agenda

Motion by Director Blackman, second by Director Walker to approve the agenda with the order of agenda items at the discretion of the meeting chair.  Motion carried unanimously.


Public Comments

Fred Pilecki addressed the Board regarding the stop sign in front of Inman Elementary School.


Good News from Red Oak Schools

High School Wrestlers participated in the State Tournament last weekend.

The girls bowling team participated in the State Tournament today, finishing 7th overall.  Caden Hall finished as 9th place individual and Emily Berkey 10th place individual.

The girls’ basketball team will be playing North Polk at the state tournament on Monday, March 2, 2020 at 6:45 p.m.

High School Jazz Band qualified for the state jazz competition.

Several speech participants qualified for the state competition.


Consent Agenda

Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Blackman to approve the consent agenda as presented including meeting minutes, monthly business reports, and an open enrollment request. Motion carried unanimously.


Board Facility Naming Policy

Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Walker to approve the second reading of the Board Policy 802.6 Naming School District Facilities or Portions of District Facilities as presented.  Motion carried unanimously.


Sharing Agreements with Essex Community School District

Motion by Director Blackman, second by Director DeVries to approve the 2020-2021 Art Instructor and Spanish Instructor Sharing Agreements with Essex Community School District for the second year of a two-year agreement that was mutually agreed upon by both Boards last year.  Motion carried unanimously.


SIAC Committee Members

This item will be put on the next regular board meeting agenda.


604 S Broadway Property Insulation

Motion by Director Blackman, second by Director Walker to accept the bid from Heartland Foam Insealators in the amount of $6,550.00 to insulate the 604 S Broadway property.  Motion carried unanimously.


Superintendent Search Process

Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Blackman to direct Superintendent Tom Messinger to contact administrative search firms to present proposals for the superintendent search process including the following criteria:  explanation of the process, average candidate pool size, number of searches conducted, and number of candidates with Iowa experience; at a special board meeting tentatively scheduled for 7:00 p.m. on February 27, 2020 at Inman Elementary School Cafeteria.  Motion carried unanimously.


Personnel Considerations

Motion by Director Blackman, second by Director Walker to approve Barbara Lombard as a substitute van driver for the 2019-2020 school year.  Motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director DeVries to accept the resignation of Savannah Gohlinghorst as Business Education Teacher at the end of the 2019-2020 school year.  Motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Walker to accept the resignation of Superintendent Thomas Messinger at the end of the 2019-2020 school year pending contract approval of the Newton School Board.  Motion carried unanimously.



Motion by Director Blackman, second by Director DeVries to adjourn the meeting at 7:47 p.m.  Motion carried unanimously.


Exempt Session

An exempt session was held after the regular meeting to discuss negotiations strategy for upcoming contract discussions with support and teacher units per Iowa Code Section 20.17(3).



Next Board of Directors Special Meeting                        February 27, 2020 – 7:00 p.m.

                                                                                    Red Oak Inman Elementary Cafeteria

                                                                                    Red Oak CSD Inman Elementary Campus




__________________________                                __________________________

Bryce Johnson, President                                           Deb Drey, Board Secretary

Jen@iowaschool… Tue, 06/22/2021 - 15:59

Minutes - 2020.02.27

Minutes - 2020.02.27

Red Oak Community School District

Meeting of the Board of Directors

Meeting Location:  Red Oak Inman Elementary Cafeteria

Red Oak Inman Elementary Campus

February 27, 2020


The special meeting of the Board of Directors of the Red Oak Community School District was called to order by President Bryce Johnson at 7:00 p.m. at the Red Oak Inman Elementary School Cafeteria.



Directors: Bret Blackman, Roger Carlson, Jackie DeVries, Bryce Johnson, Kathy Walker

Superintendent Tom Messinger, Business Manager Deb Drey


Approval of Agenda

Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Walker to approve the agenda with the order of agenda items at the discretion of the meeting chair.  Motion carried unanimously.


Public Presenters/Guests

Arryn Gillespie addressed the Board regarding the Pre School schedule and move.

Mark Pfister from Boyd Jones presented information on the Red Oak Early Childhood Center project.


ROECC Sequence of Events and Alternatives

Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Blackman to approve the alternative to finish Room 105 at the Red Oak Early Childhood Center.  Motion carried unanimously.


Superintendent Search

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Blackman to accept the bid to perform the superintendent search from Grundmeyer Leader Search in the amount of $11,630.20.  Motion carried unanimously.


Superintendent Salary Range

This item will be placed on the special board meeting on March 3, 2020 at 7:00 p.m. at Inman Elementary School Cafeteria.



Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director DeVries to adjourn the meeting at 8:04 p.m.  Motion carried unanimously.



Next Board of Directors Meeting                               Tuesday, March 3, 2020 – 7:00 p.m.

                                                                                    Red Oak Inman Elementary Cafeteria

                                                                                    Red Oak CSD Inman Elementary Campus



__________________________                                            __________________________

Bryce Johnson, President                                                       Deb Drey, Board Secretary

Jen@iowaschool… Wed, 06/23/2021 - 10:31

Minutes - 2020.03.03

Minutes - 2020.03.03

Red Oak Community School District
Meeting of the Board of Directors
Meeting Location: Red Oak Inman Elementary Cafeteria
Red Oak Inman Elementary Campus
March 3, 2020

The special meeting of the Board of Directors of the Red Oak Community School District was called to order by President Bryce Johnson at 7:00 p.m. at the Red Oak Inman Elementary School Cafeteria.

Directors: Bret Blackman, Roger Carlson, Jackie DeVries, Bryce Johnson, Kathy Walker
Superintendent Tom Messinger, Business Manager Deb Drey

Approval of Agenda
Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director DeVries to approve the agenda with the order of agenda items at the discretion of the meeting chair. Motion carried unanimously.

Superintendent Interview Process
Trent Grundmeyer and Kevin Fiene of Grundmeyer Leader Search attended the meeting via Zoom. Grundmeyer went through his proposal and explained the search process. A tentative timeline, including special board meeting dates, and contract terms were discussed. Action on these discussion items will occur at the next board meeting after receiving updated information.

Motion by Director Blackman, second by Director Walker to adjourn the meeting at 8:46 p.m. Motion carried unanimously.


Next Board of Directors Meeting      Monday, March 9, 2020 – 7:00 p.m.
                                                                        Red Oak Inman Elementary Cafeteria
                                                                        Red Oak CSD Inman Elementary Campus

__________________________           __________________________
Bryce Johnson, President                           Deb Drey, Board Secretary


dawn@iowaschoo… Tue, 10/20/2020 - 10:28

Minutes - 2020.03.09

Minutes - 2020.03.09

Red Oak Community School District
Meeting of the Board of Directors
Meeting Location: Red Oak Inman Elementary Cafeteria
Red Oak Inman Elementary Campus
March 9, 2020

The regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Red Oak Community School District was called to order by President Bryce Johnson at 7:01 p.m. at the Red Oak Inman Elementary School Cafeteria.

Directors: Bret Blackman, Roger Carlson, Jackie DeVries, Bryce Johnson, Kathy Walker
Superintendent Tom Messinger by phone, Business Manager Deb Drey

Approval of Agenda
Motion by Director Blackman, second by Director Walker to approve the agenda with the order of agenda items at the discretion of the meeting chair. Motion carried unanimously.

Good News from Red Oak Schools
The FFA Coloring Contest had 286 entries and winners were announced.

High School Individual Speech nineteen students participate in twenty-five district events. Eighteen of the students in twenty-two events qualified for the state competition.

Public Presentations/Comments
Fred Pilecki commented that the stop sign in front of Inman Elementary was actually taken down after school today.

Randall Wilson commented on the FY20 Board Goals.

Transportation Director Tim Lemrick presented information on leasing three new school busses for the 2020-2021 school year.

Consent Agenda
Motion by Director Blackman, second by Director Carlson to approve the consent agenda as presented including meeting minutes, monthly business reports, and open enrollments. Motion carried unanimously.

Leasing Busses
Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Walker to approve a three-year lease of three busses from Bluebird starting in the 2020-2021 school year. Motion carried unanimously.

604 S Broadway Remodel
Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Blackman to accept the quote from Boyd Jones in the amount of $129,351 to remodel the administrative offices at 604 S Broadway. Motion carried unanimously.

8th Street Stop Sign Update
Between Maintenance Staff and Inman Elementary Staff, the stop sign will be put up and down. Making this a permanent stop sign will be on the next city council agenda.

FY20 Board Goals
Superintendent Messinger presented information about the steps being taken to achieve the FY20 Board Goals.

Griswold Community Schools Special Education Agreement
Motion by Director Blackman, second by Director Walker to approve the special education agreement with Griswold Community Schools for the 2019-2020 school year. Motion carried unanimously.

Board Policy 802.6 Third Reading
Motion by Director Blackman, second by Director DeVries to approve the third reading of Board Policy 802.6 Naming Facilities. Motion carried unanimously.

Spanish IV Field Trip
Motion by Director Blackman, second by Director Walker to approve the Spanish IV field trip to Omaha NE on March 26, 2020. Motion carried unanimously.

Board Policy 214.1 Public Participation Review
President Johnson reviewed the Board Policy 214.1 Public Participation with the rest of the Board. This policy will be read at the beginning of each meeting in the future and be enforced consistently.

Superintendent Search Confidentiality Resolution
Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director DeVries to approve the superintendent search confidentiality resolution as presented. Motion carried unanimously.

Superintendent Search Process
Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Blackman to set the salary range for the new superintendent at $150,000 to $170,000 and up to a three-year contract depending on the candidate’s experience. Motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Director DeVries, second by Director Walker to approve the search timeline as presented including special board meetings on April 1, April 8, and April 22, 2020. Motion carried unanimously.

Discussion was held about who should participate in the formal interviews. Action will be taken at a later board meeting.

Personnel Considerations
Motion by Director Blackman, second by Director Walker to hire Chantel Kinnison as a High School Para Professional for the 2019-2020 school year. Motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Director DeVries, second by Director Walker to hire Kendall Candor as High School Assistant Softball Coach for the 2019-2020 school year. Motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director DeVries to hire Taylor Hufferd as Elementary Guidance Counselor pending licensure for the 2020-2021 school year. Motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director DeVries to hire Rebecca Gerst as High School Family Consumer Science Instructor for the 2020-2021 school year. Motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Blackman to adjourn the meeting at 8:40 p.m. Motion carried unanimously.


Next Board of Directors Meeting      Monday, March 23, 2020 – 7:00 p.m.
                                                                        Red Oak Inman Elementary Cafeteria
                                                                        Red Oak CSD Inman Elementary Campus


__________________________           __________________________
Bryce Johnson, President                           Deb Drey, Board Secretary


dawn@iowaschoo… Tue, 10/20/2020 - 10:25

Minutes - 2020.03.23

Minutes - 2020.03.23

Red Oak Community School District
Meeting of the Board of Directors
Meeting Location: Red Oak Inman Elementary Cafeteria
Red Oak Inman Elementary Campus
March 23, 2020

The regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Red Oak Community School District was called to order by President Bryce Johnson at 7:00 p.m. via Go to Meeting due to the COVID-19 Pandemic.

Directors: Bret Blackman, Roger Carlson, Jackie DeVries, Bryce Johnson, Kathy Walker
Superintendent Tom Messinger, Business Manager Deb Drey

Approval of Agenda
Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Blackman to approve the agenda with the order of agenda items at the discretion of the meeting chair. Motion carried unanimously.

Superintendent Update
Superintendent Messinger suspended public comments for this meeting. He updated the Board on school operations during the school closure. School will be closed until April 13, 2020. Employees will be paid through April 13, 2020, per the resolution that will be acted on at this meeting. The District will not have to make up the days missed for this three-week period. Meals are being provided to children 18 years and under. There is no plan at this time to do learning packets since not all students have access.

Consent Agenda
Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Walker to approve the consent agenda including meeting minutes, monthly business reports, and open enrollments as presented. Motion carried unanimously.

Superintendent Search
Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Blackman to create a subcommittee of Director Carlson and Director Walker to create the interview groups. Motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director DeVries, to change the final superintendent interviews to April 15, 2020. Motion carried unanimously.

ROECC Reception Area
Motion by Director Walker, second by Director DeVries to approve the change order to Building Crafts Inc. in the amount of $37,834.00 for the Red Oak Early Childhood Reception area. Motion carried unanimously.

Pandemic Response & Emergency Suspension of Policy Resolution
Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Carlson, to approve the Pandemic Response & Emergency Suspension of Policy Resolution as presented. Motion carried unanimously

Motion by Director Blackman, second by Director Walker to adjourn the meeting at 7:57 p.m. Motion carried unanimously.


Next Special Board of Directors Meeting      Wednesday, April 1, 2020 – 7:00 p.m.
                                                                                          Red Oak Inman Elementary Cafeteria
                                                                                          Red Oak CSD Inman Elementary Campus


__________________________           __________________________
Bryce Johnson, President                           Deb Drey, Board Secretary


dawn@iowaschoo… Tue, 10/20/2020 - 10:22

Minutes - 2020.04.01

Minutes - 2020.04.01

Red Oak Community School District
Meeting of the Board of Directors
Meeting Location: Red Oak Inman Elementary Cafeteria
Red Oak Inman Elementary Campus
April 1, 2020

The special meeting of the Board of Directors of the Red Oak Community School District was called to order by President Bryce Johnson at 7:00 p.m. at the Red Oak Inman Elementary School Cafeteria.

Directors: Bret Blackman, Roger Carlson, Jackie DeVries, Bryce Johnson, Kathy Walker
Superintendent Tom Messinger, Business Manager Deb Drey

Approval of Agenda
Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Blackman to approve the agenda with the order of agenda items at the discretion of the meeting chair. Motion carried unanimously.

Public Participation
President Johnson read information regarding Board Policy 214.1 Public Participation in Board Meetings.

Consent Agenda
Motion by Director Blackman, second by Director Carlson to approve the consent agenda as presented including monthly business reports and open enrollment. Motion carried unanimously.

Superintendent Candidate Screening Questions
Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Blackman to approve the superintendent search candidate screening questions presented changing Question #8 to include communicating understanding of school finance and financial decisions to staff and the larger community. Motion carried unanimously.

Superintendent Formal Interview Schedule
Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Blackman to approve the Superintendent Formal Interview Schedule with the order of events being building/community tour, interview team interview, and school board interview. Motion carried unanimously.

Formal Interview Committee Members
Motion by Director Blackman, second by Director DeVries to approve the formal interview Committee Members as presented. Motion carried unanimously.

Superintendent Candidate Applicants
Trent Grundmeyer of Grundmeyer Leader Search went through the superintendent candidate applicants that chose to be discussed in open session. Applicants were Mike VanSickle, Marty Fonley, Brandt Snakenberg, Chad Dumas, John Marino, Todd Liechty, Lance Ridgely, Jeff Privia, Ken Howard, Matthew Herrrick. Ken Howard withdrew his name from consideration.

Closed Session
Motion by Director DeVries, second by Director Blackman to enter closed session at 8:23 p.m. per Iowa Code Sections 21.5(1)(a) and (i) to review and discuss records authorized to be kept confidential and to evaluate individuals whose appointment or hiring is be considered to prevent needless and irreparable injury to those individuals’ reputations and those persons having requested closed session. Motion carried unanimously.

The Board exited closed session at 9:29 p.m.

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Blackman to adjourn the meeting at 9:31 p.m. Motion carried unanimously.


Next Special Board of Directors Meeting      Wednesday, April 8, 2020 – 5:30 p.m.
                                                                                         Zoom Meeting

Next Regular Board of Directors Meeting     Monday, April 13, 2020 – 7:00 p.m.
                                                                                         Zoom Meeting

__________________________           __________________________
Bryce Johnson, President                           Deb Drey, Board Secretary


dawn@iowaschoo… Tue, 10/20/2020 - 09:30

Minutes - 2020.04.08

Minutes - 2020.04.08

Red Oak Community School District
Meeting of the Board of Directors
Meeting Location: Zoom
April 8, 2020

The special meeting of the Board of Directors of the Red Oak Community School District was called to order by President Bryce Johnson at 5:01 p.m. via Zoom.

Directors: Bret Blackman, Roger Carlson, Jackie DeVries, Bryce Johnson, Kathy Walker
Superintendent Tom Messinger, Business Manager Deb Drey

Approval of Agenda
Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Walker to approve the agenda with the order of agenda items at the discretion of the meeting chair. Motion carried unanimously.

Consent Agenda
Motion by Director Blackman, second by Director DeVries to approve the consent agenda as presented including monthly business reports. Motion carried unanimously.

Continuous Learning Model
The Voluntary and Required Continuous Learning Models were explained to the Board. This item will be put on the next agenda for action.

Household Internet
Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Carlson to pursue providing households without internet access such access as presented. Motion carried unanimously.

Closed Session
Motion by Director Blackman, second by Director Walker to enter closed session per Iowa Code Sections 21.5(1)(a) and (i) to review and discuss records authorized to be kept confidential and to evaluate individuals whose appointment or hiring is being considered to prevent needless and irreparable injury to those individuals’ reputations and those persons having requested a close session at 5:24 p.m. Motion carried unanimously.
Exited closed session at 8:51 p.m.

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Blackman to adjourn the meeting at 8:52 p.m. Motion carried unanimously.


Next Board of Directors Meeting      Monday, April 13, 2020 – 7:00 p.m.
                                                                        VIA Zoom


__________________________           __________________________
Bryce Johnson, President                           Deb Drey, Board Secretary


dawn@iowaschoo… Tue, 10/20/2020 - 10:16

Minutes - 2020.04.13

Minutes - 2020.04.13

Red Oak Community School District
Meeting of the Board of Directors
Meeting Location: Zoom Internet/Phone
April 13, 2020

The regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Red Oak Community School District was called to order by President Bryce Johnson at 7:01 p.m. VIA Zoom.

Directors: Bret Blackman, Roger Carlson, Jackie DeVries, Bryce Johnson, Kathy Walker all via internet
Superintendent Tom Messinger, Business Manager Deb Drey via internet

Approval of Agenda
Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Blackman to approve the agenda with the order of agenda items at the discretion of the meeting chair. Motion carried unanimously.

Good News from Red Oak Schools
Gayle Allensworth informed the Board that Red Oak Community School District’s Shared Vision Grant will be funded for FY21 contingent on the 2020 legislative appropriation. This grant will be around $70,000 for the Right Start Pre School.

FY21 Budget Hearing
President Johnson opened the FY21 Budget Hearing at 7:05 p.m. Deb Drey, Business Manager, presented information on the FY21 Budget. The public was invited to ask questions or comment. There were no comments. President Johnson closed the public hearing at 7:15 p.m.

Presentations to the Board
Mindy Riibe of Taher presented the February Board Bites.

Paul Beetner of Nolte, Cornman, & Johnson, PC presented the FY19 Audit Report.

Consent Agenda
Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Blackman to approve the consent agenda as presented including meeting minutes, monthly business reports, and an open enrollment. Motion carried unanimously.

Superintendent Interview Committee
Motion by Director Blackman, second by Director Carlson to approve the final Superintendent Interview Committee members as presented, except Tim Werges who is unable to participate. Motion carried unanimously.

Covid-19 Update
There are no new updates at this time. The District submitted a plan to participate in voluntary instruction. Tech devices are being handed out to students. It is taking some time to get internet to households who do not currently have it.

SIAC Committee Members
Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Blackman to approve the 2019-2020 School Improvement Advisory Committee Members as presented. Motion carried unanimously.

District Signage
Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Walker to seek competitive quotes for District Signage. Motion carried unanimously.

Continuous Learning Plan
Principal Gayle Allensworth and Principal Nate Perrien explained their continuous learning plans. The Board would like to receive a weekly update of the percent of engagement and how many students have not been reached.

Pandemic Response and Emergency Suspension of Policy Resolution
Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Blackman to approve the Pandemic Response and Emergency Suspension of Policy Resolution as presented. Motion carried unanimously.

FY21 Budget
Motion by Director Walker, second by Director DeVries to certify the FY21 Budget as presented. Motion carried unanimously.

FY21 Budget Adjustment Resolution
Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Walker to approve the FY21 Budget Adjustment Resolution as presented. Motion carried unanimously.

FY19 Audit Report
Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Blackman to accept the FY19 Audit report as presented by Nolte, Cornman, & Johnson PC. Motion carried unanimously.

2020-2021 Timberline Billing Service Agreement
Motion by Director Walker, second by Director DeVries to approve the agreement for 2020-2021 with Timberline Billing Service for Medicaid billing. Motion carried unanimously.

JSHS Cooling Tower Treatment
Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Blackman to accept the Junior/Senior High School Cooling Tower Treatment proposal from Chemsearch H2O Solutions in the amount of $4,673.95. Motion carried unanimously.

Mechanical Service Agreement
Motion by Director Blackman, second by Director Walker to accept the three-year mechanical service agreement with Camblin Mechanical Inc. in the amount of $9,445.00. Motion carried unanimously.

2020-2021 Shared Counselor Agreement
This item will be placed on the next agenda.

2020-2021 Shared Transportation Director Agreement
Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Walker to approve the 2020-2021 Transportation Director Sharing Agreement with Sidney Community School District. Motion carried unanimously.

2020-2021 Shared Maintenance Agreement
Motion by Director Blackman, second by Director Walker to approve the 2020-2021 Maintenance Director Sharing Agreement with Stanton Community School District. Motion carried unanimously.

Personnel Considerations
Coach Daniel Pollock requested an open session to discuss his position as High School Boys Basketball Head Coach.

Motion by Director Blackman, second by Director Carlson to proceed with advertising for a High School Head Boys Basketball Coach for the 2020-2021 school year. There was further discussion. Motion carried 4-0 with Director DeVries abstaining.

Motion by Director Blackman, second by Director DeVries to accept the resignation of Language Arts Instructor Kimberly Reeve. Motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Walker to accept Business Instructor Savannah Gohlinghorst’s request to rescind her resignation. Motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Blackman to adjourn the meeting at 10:17 p.m. Motion carried unanimously.


Next Board of Directors Meeting      Monday, April 27, 2020 – 7:00 p.m.
                                                                        VIA Zoom Meeting


__________________________           __________________________
Bryce Johnson, President                           Deb Drey, Board Secretary


dawn@iowaschoo… Tue, 10/20/2020 - 10:13

Minutes - 2020.04.15

Minutes - 2020.04.15

Red Oak Community School District
Meeting of the Board of Directors
Meeting Location: Red Oak Junior/Senior High School Room 125
Red Oak Junior/Senior High School Campus
April 15, 2020

The special meeting of the Board of Directors of the Red Oak Community School District was called to order by President Bryce Johnson at 2:01 p.m. at the Red Oak Junior/Senior High School Room 125.

Directors: Bret Blackman, Roger Carlson, Jackie DeVries, Bryce Johnson, Kathy Walker
Business Manager Deb Drey, Accounts Payable Clerk Heidi Harris

Approval of Agenda
Motion by Director Blackman, second by Director DeVries to approve the agenda with the order of agenda items at the discretion of the meeting chair. Motion carried unanimously.

Closed Session for Superintendent Candidate Interviews
Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Walker to enter closed session per Iowa Code Sections 21.5(1)(a) and (i) to review and discuss records authorized to be kept confidential and to evaluate individuals whose appointment or hiring is being considered to prevent needless and irreparable injury to those individuals’ reputations and those persons having requested a close session at 2:29 p.m. Motion carried unanimously.

The Board recessed from the closed session from 3:44 p.m. to 3:55 p.m. and from 5:09 p.m. to 5:19 p.m.

The Board exited the closed session at 8:56 p.m.

Superintendent Contract Offer
Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Walker to authorize Grundmeyer Leader Services to offer a contract to the preferred superintendent candidate as discussed in closed session. Motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Blackman to adjourn the meeting at 9:12 p.m. Motion carried unanimously.


Next Board of Directors Meeting      Monday, April 27, 2020 – 7:00 p.m.
                                                                        Via Zoom Meeting through


__________________________           __________________________
Bryce Johnson, President                           Deb Drey, Board Secretary


dawn@iowaschoo… Tue, 10/20/2020 - 10:11

Minutes - 2020.04.21

Minutes - 2020.04.21

Red Oak Community School District
Meeting of the Board of Directors
Meeting Location: Go To Meeting on Phone/Internet
April 21, 2020

The regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Red Oak Community School District was called to order by President Bryce Johnson at 5:00 p.m. via Go To Meeting on Phone/Internet

Directors: Bret Blackman, Roger Carlson, Jackie DeVries, Bryce Johnson, Kathy Walker
Superintendent Tom Messinger, Business Manager Deb Drey, Ron Lorenz

Approval of Agenda
Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Walker to approve the agenda with the order of agenda items at the discretion of the meeting chair. Motion carried unanimously.

Superintendent Contract
Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Walker approve a three-year contract beginning July 1, 2020 to Ronald Lorenz to be the superintendent of schools. Motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Blackman to adjourn the meeting at 5:03 p.m. Motion carried unanimously.

Next Board of Directors Meeting      Monday, April 27, 2020 – 7:00 p.m.
                                                                        Via Phone/Internet


__________________________           __________________________
Bryce Johnson, President                           Deb Drey, Board Secretary


dawn@iowaschoo… Tue, 10/20/2020 - 10:06

Minutes - 2020.04.27

Minutes - 2020.04.27

Red Oak Community School District
Meeting of the Board of Directors
Meeting Location: Via Phone/Internet
April 27, 2020

The regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Red Oak Community School District was called to order by President Bryce Johnson at 7:00 p.m. via Go To Meeting on phone/internet.

Directors: Bret Blackman, Roger Carlson, Jackie DeVries, Bryce Johnson, Kathy Walker
Superintendent Tom Messinger, Business Manager Deb Drey, Ron Lorenz

Approval of Agenda
Motion by Director Blackman, second by Director Walker to approve the agenda with the order of agenda items at the discretion of the meeting chair. Motion carried unanimously.

Good News from Red Oak Schools
The FFA had six members that would have received their Iowa FFA Degree: Kyndal Kells, Justin McCunn, Abby Pendleton, Noah Westerlund, Hannah Whitten, and Alex Wingert. Corbin Wolfe was named the Iowa FFA Champion in the Vegetable Production Proficiency Award.

Consent Agenda
Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Blackman to approve the consent agenda as presented including meeting minutes and monthly business reports. Motion carried unanimously.

Pandemic Response Resolution
Motion by Director Blackman, second by Director Walker to approve the Pandemic Response Resolution as presented. Motion carried unanimously.

2020-2021 Health Insurance Renewal
Motion by Director Walker, second by Director DeVries to approve the health insurance renewal rates for 2020-2021 as presented. Motion carried unanimously.

2020-2021 West Central Development Agreement
Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Blackman to approve the 2020-2021 Agreement with West Central Development for Head Start Pre-School. Motion carried unanimously.

2020-2021 Sharing Agreements with East Mills
Motion by Director Blackman, second by Director Walker to approve sharing a High School Guidance Counselor and Human Resources with East Mills Community School District for the 2020-2021 school year. Motion carried unanimously.

2020-2021 Dental, Life, ADD, and LTD Insurance Renewal
Motion by Director Blackman, second by Director DeVries to renew the Principal Dental, Life, Accidental Death and Dismemberment, and Long-Term Disability Insurance Policies for 2020-2021. Motion carried unanimously.

604 S Broadway Building Name
Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Walker to name the building at 604 S Broadway the Red Oak Community School District Administrative Office with Transportation/Maintenance listed under the title. Motion carried unanimously.

2020-2021 Senior High Course Handbook
Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Walker to approve the 2020-2021 Senior High Course Handbook as presented. Motion carried unanimously.

E Rate Application
Motion by Director Blackman, second by Director DeVries to approve the E Rate Application for funding. Motion carried unanimously.

Jr/Sr HS 2nd Semester Grading
Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Blackman to approve pass/fail grading for the second semester for the Jr/Sr High School students, to pass a course the student would have to receive a 20% or greater on their posted third quarter grade and students in the alternative school or participating in credit recovery must have completed 25% of the course to get credit. Motion carried unanimously.

2020 Graduation Requirements
Motion by Director Walker, second by Director DeVries to approve the Class of 2020 graduation requirement of 52 credits. Motion carried unanimously.

2020 Graduation Ceremony
Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director DeVries to approve having as traditional as possible graduation ceremony that follows guidelines set by Public Health and Emergency Management on May 17, 2020 at 2:00 p.m. Motion carried unanimously.

2020 List of Graduates
Motion by Director Blackman, second by Director Carlson to approve the 2020 List of Graduates as presented provided they have met the requirements. Motion carried unanimously.

PVC Wall Protectors
Motion by Director Blackman, second by Director Walker to approve the purchase of PVC Wall Protectors for the Jr/Sr High school as presented. Motion carried unanimously.

May 2nd Board Meeting Date
Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Walker to move the second board meeting to May 26, 2020 since May 25, 2020 is a holiday. Motion carried unanimously.

Personnel Considerations
Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Blackman to accept the resignation of Gayle Allensworth as Elementary Principal at the end of the 2019-2020 contract. Motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Director Blackman, second by Director DeVries to accept the resignation of David Terry as Assistant Bowling Coach. Motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director DeVries to accept with regret the resignation of Kenneth Blackman as Assistant Activities Director effective at the end of the 2019-2020 contract. Motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Blackman to increase Kevin Herrick’s hourly pay by $10.00 per hour during the Technology Director’s medical leave. Motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Blackman to adjourn the meeting at 9:12 p.m. Motion carried unanimously.


Next Board of Directors Meeting      Monday, May 11, 2020 – 7:00 p.m.
                                                                        Via Phone/Internet


__________________________           __________________________
Bryce Johnson, President                          Deb Drey, Board Secretary


dawn@iowaschoo… Tue, 10/20/2020 - 10:03

Minutes - 2020.05.11

Minutes - 2020.05.11

Red Oak Community School District
Meeting of the Board of Directors
Meeting Location: Via Internet/Phone
May 11, 2020

The regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Red Oak Community School District was called to order by President Bryce Johnson at 7:00 p.m. at the Red Oak via Go to Meeting on the internet/phone.

Directors: Bret Blackman, Roger Carlson, Jackie DeVries, Bryce Johnson, Kathy Walker
Superintendent Tom Messinger, Business Manager Deb Drey, Ron Lorenz

Approval of Agenda
Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Blackman to approve the agenda with the order of agenda items at the discretion of the meeting chair. Motion carried unanimously.

Good News from Red Oak Schools
Tom Messinger shared information about the Taher Superhero Day.

Andy Rea and Bulinda Coates of United Group presented information about the District’s property and casualty insurance.

Consent Agenda
Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Blackman to approve the consent agenda as presented including meeting minutes and monthly business reports. Motion carried unanimously.

Specialty Underwriters Insurance Renewal
This item will be placed on the next meeting agenda.

Social Worker Sharing Agreement
Motion by Director Blackman, second by Director Walker to approve sharing a social worker with the AEA for the 2020-2021 school year for two days a week. Motion carried unanimously.

Jr/Sr High School Course Handbook Changes
Motion bye Director Walker, second by Director DeVries to approve the 2020-2021 Jr/Sr High School Course Handbook changes as presented. Motion carried unanimously.

Jr/Sr High School Assistant Principal Posting
Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Blackman to approve posting the Jr/Sr High School Assistant Principal position for the 2020-2021 school year. Motion carried unanimously.

Personnel Considerations
Motion by Director Blackman, second by Director Walker to approve hiring Spencer Plank as Junior High School Social Studies Instructor, Senior High School Boys Basketball

Head Coach, and Junior High School Boys Track Coach for the 2020-2021 school year. Motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Walker to adjourn the meeting at 7:47 p.m. Motion carried unanimously.


Next Board of Directors Meeting      Tuesday, May 26, 2020 – 7:00 p.m.
                                                                        Red Oak Inman Elementary Cafeteria
                                                                        Red Oak CSD Inman Elementary Campus
                                                                        Via Phone/Internet


__________________________           __________________________
Bryce Johnson, President                           Deb Drey, Board Secretary


dawn@iowaschoo… Tue, 10/20/2020 - 09:58

Minutes - 2020.05.15

Minutes - 2020.05.15

Red Oak Community School District
Meeting of the Board of Directors
Meeting Location: Via Phone/Internet
May 15, 2020

The special meeting of the Board of Directors of the Red Oak Community School District was called to order by President Bryce Johnson at 5:00 p.m. via Go To Meeting on phone/internet.

Directors: Bret Blackman, Roger Carlson, Jackie DeVries, Bryce Johnson, Kathy Walker
Superintendent Tom Messinger, Assistant Board Secretary Tammi VanMeter, Ron Lorenz

Approval of Agenda
Motion by Director Blackman, second by Director Walker to approve the agenda with the order of agenda items at the discretion of the meeting chair. Motion carried unanimously.

Hiring of Inman Elementary Principal
Motion by Director Walker, second by Director DeVries to approve the hiring of Dr. Jane Hall Chaillie pending appropriate licensure as Inman Elementary Principal for the 2020-2021 school year. Motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Carlson to adjourn the meeting at 5:05 p.m. Motion carried unanimously.


Next Board of Directors Meeting      Tuesday, May 26, 2020 – 7:00 p.m.
                                                                           Via Phone/Internet


__________________________           _________________________________
Bryce Johnson, President                          Tammi VanMeter, Assistant Board Secretary


dawn@iowaschoo… Tue, 10/20/2020 - 09:56

Minutes - 2020.05.26

Minutes - 2020.05.26

Red Oak Community School District
Meeting of the Board of Directors
Meeting Location: Red Oak Inman Elementary & Via Phone/Internet
Red Oak Inman Elementary Campus
May 26, 2020

The regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Red Oak Community School District was called to order by President Bryce Johnson at 7:01 p.m. at the Red Oak Inman Elementary.

Directors: Bret Blackman, Roger Carlson, Jackie DeVries, Bryce Johnson, Kathy Walker
Superintendent Tom Messinger, Business Manager Deb Drey via internet, Assistant Board Secretary Tammi VanMeter

Approval of Agenda
Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Blackman to approve the agenda with the order of agenda items at the discretion of the meeting chair. Motion carried unanimously.
Consent Agenda

Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Blackman to approve the consent agenda including meeting minutes, monthly business reports, and open enrollment applications as presented. Motion carried unanimously.

FY20 Budget Amendment Hearing
President Johnson opened the FY20 Budget Amendment Public Hearing at 7:08 p.m. There were no comments. The public hearing was closed at 7:12 p.m.

Marzano Framework Update
Superintendent Messinger updated the Board on the Marzano Framework.

FY20 Budget Amendment
Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Walker to approve the 2019-2020 Budget Amendment as presented. Motion carried unanimously.

FY21 Specialty Underwriters Insurance Renewal
Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Blackman to approve the renewal of Specialty Underwriters Insurance for the FY21. Motion carried unanimously.

FY21 IJAG Memorandum of Understanding
Motion by Director Blackman, second by Director DeVries to approve the FY21 IJAG Memorandum of Understanding. Motion carried 4-0 with Director Walker abstaining.

2020-2021 ROEA Master Contract
Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Blackman to ratify the 2020-2021 Red Oak Education Association Master Contract as presented. Motion carried unanimously.

Chevrolet Van Loss Settlement
Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Blackman to approve the loss settlement of 2000 Chevrolet Van in the amount of $1,542.60. Motion carried unanimously.

2020-2021 Kindergarten Registration Update
Elementary Principal Gayle Allensworth gave an update of the 2020-2021 Kindergarten registration and numbers.

Grades 7-12 Student Laptop Lease/Purchase
Motion by Director Blackman, second by Director Walker to approve the HP ProBookx360 for students in grades 7-12. Motion carried unanimously.

Staff Laptops
Motion by Director Blackman, second by Director Walker to approve the HP ProBook 440 for staff members. Motion carried unanimously.

Grades K-5 Computers
Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Blackman to purchase Chromebooks for grades 3-5 and grades K-2 pending a better lease deal if all purchased together. Motion carried unanimously.

Linewize Content Filtering/Classroom Management
Motion by Director Blackman, second by Director Walker to purchase Linewize as the District’s content filtering/classroom management software. Motion carried unanimously.

CNA Position Posting
Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Carlson to post for a Certified Nursing Assistant position for the 2020-2021 school year. Motion carried unanimously.

Personnel Considerations
Motion by Director Blackman, second by Director Walker to accept the resignation of Michael Webb as Head Bowling Coach effective at the end of the 2019-2020 school year. Motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Director Blackman, second by Director DeVries to accept the resignation of Linda Guerra as ESL Para Professional effective at the end of the 2019-2020 school year. Motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Director Blackman, second by Director DeVries to approve the hire of Justin Williams as JR/SR High School Assistant Principal for the 2020-2021 school year pending background check. Motion carried unanimously.

Closed Session
Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Walker to go into closed session at 8:29 p.m. per Section 21.5(1)(i) of the Iowa Code to evaluate the professional competency of an individual whose appointment, hiring, performance or discharge is being considered when necessary to prevent needless and irreparable injury to that individual’s reputation and that individual requests a closed session and per section 21.5(1)(a) of the Iowa Code to review or discuss records which are required or authorized by state or federal law to be kept confidential. Motion carried unanimously.
Came out of closed session at 9:48 p.m.

Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Blackman to adjourn the meeting at 9:50 p.m. Motion carried unanimously.


Next Board of Directors Meeting      Monday, June 8th , 2020 – 7:00 p.m.
                                                                         Red Oak Inman Elementary Cafeteria
                                                                         Red Oak CSD Inman Elementary Campus


__________________________           __________________________
Bryce Johnson, President                             Deb Drey, Board Secretary


dawn@iowaschoo… Tue, 10/20/2020 - 09:53

Minutes - 2020.06.08

Minutes - 2020.06.08

Red Oak Community School District
Meeting of the Board of Directors
Meeting Location: Red Oak Inman Elementary Media Center/Phone/Internet
Red Oak Inman Elementary Campus
June 8, 2020

The regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Red Oak Community School District was called to order by President Bryce Johnson at 7:00 p.m. at the Red Oak Inman Elementary School Media Center.

Directors: Bret Blackman, Roger Carlson, Jackie DeVries, Bryce Johnson, Kathy Walker
Future Superintendent Ron Lorenz, Business Manager Deb Drey

Approval of Agenda
Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Carlson to approve the agenda with the order of agenda items at the discretion of the meeting chair. Motion carried unanimously.

Jane Chaillie, new Inman Elementary Principal, introduced herself.
Ron Lorenz, new Superintendent, introduced himself.

Consent Agenda
Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Blackman to approve the meeting minutes and monthly business reports in the consent agenda. Motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Blackman to deny the open enrollment applications in the consent agenda due to being after the deadline and no good cause. Motion carried unanimously.

20-21 School Calendar Public Hearing
President Johnson opened the 2020-2021 School Calendar Public Hearing at 7:12 p.m. There were no public comments. The hearing was closed at 7:16 p.m.

Computer Lease Agreement
Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Blackman to approve the four year $1 buy back with legal opinions in the amount of $84,891.28 per year. Motion carried unanimously.

Facilities Discussion
The Early Childhood Center will be moving the pre-school rooms so rooms will be available for the Montgomery County Child Development Association, Ins. Playground equipment is being moved. The shrubbery and mulch should be done the week of June 15, 2020.

The Webster and Bancroft buildings have many items stored in them. A plan will be developed to sell those items. Directors Blackman and Carlson will work with Maintenance to determine the plan.

Administrative Center is now occupied by the Administrative Staff. There are challenges that need to be resolved before moving Transportation to the building.

20-21 Technology/Return to Learn Discussion
A Return to Learn Committee has started meeting to determine how to use the devices and the best use of the devices. This committee will meet weekly throughout the summer. Superintendent Lorenz will update the Board at each meeting on the progress.

Building Signage Discussion
Daric O’Neal of Alley Poyner Macchietto Architecture discussed getting competitive quotes for additional building signage beyond what was in the building project. The competitive quote requests will be sent out this week and be due back on June 18, 2020. Action can be taken at the June 22, 2020 board meeting. There will be a stipulation that the signage must be done by August 14, 2020.

Covid19 Summer Transportation Update
Mark Erickson explained the process for baseball and softball travel this summer due to Covid19. The driver will be the last person on the bus and first one off the bus. Athletes will sit in every other seat and alternate rows on each side. If more than thirteen ride the bus, they will be required to wear masks. Athletes will be allowed to ride with parents. There will be a meeting with coaches and bus drivers to go over the rules on June 9, 2020.

2020-2021 School Calendar
Motion by Director Walker, second by Director DeVries to approve the 2020-2021 School Calendar as presented. Motion carried unanimously.

20-21 Non-Bargaining Employee Contracts
This item will be placed on the June 22, 2020 agenda.

20-21 Supplemental Contracts
Motion by Director Blackman, second by Director DeVries to approve the 2020-2021 supplemental contracts as presented. Motion carried unanimously.

20-21 Red Oak Support Staff Contracts
Motion by Director Blackman, second by Director Walker to issue the 2020-2021 Red Oak Support Staff Association contracts per the 2019-2021 Master Contract. Motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Director Blackman, second by Director DeVries to approve the reauthorization of the Montgomery County Child Development Association, Inc. lease. Motion carried unanimously.

20-21 Glenwood Consortium Agreement
Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Carlson to approve the 2020-2021 Glenwood Consortium Agreement for special education services. Motion carried unanimously.

Personnel Considerations
Motion by Director Blackman, second by Director Walker to approve the resignation of Mark Erickson as School Administrative Manager, Teacher Leader, and Co High School Student Council Sponsor effective at the end of the 2019-2020 school year pending hire as the Activities Director. Motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Director DeVries, second by Director Carlson to hire Mark Erickson as the Activities Director for the 2020-2021 school year. Motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Director Blackman, second by Director DeVries to accept the resignation of John Allison as para-professional effective at the end of the 2020-2021 school year. Motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Director Blackman, second by Director Walker to accept the resignation of Janelle Erickson as Co High School Student Council Sponsor effective at the end of the 2020-2021 school year. Motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Director Blackman, second by Director DeVries to approve the resignation of Weston Rolenc as High School Assistant Boys Basketball Coach and Junior High Boys Track Coach effective at the endo of the 2020-2021 school year. Motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Director Blackman, second by Director Walker to accept the resignation of Lisa Artherholt as High School Yearbook Sponsor effective at the end of the 2020-2021 school year. Motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Walker to adjourn the meeting at 8:08 p.m. Motion carried unanimously.


Next Board of Directors Meeting      Monday, June 22, 2020 – 7:00 p.m.
                                                                         Red Oak Inman Elementary
                                                                         Red Oak CSD Inman Elementary Campus


__________________________           __________________________
Bryce Johnson, President                            Deb Drey, Board Secretary


dawn@iowaschoo… Tue, 10/20/2020 - 09:48

Minutes - 2020.06.22

Minutes - 2020.06.22

Red Oak Community School District
Meeting of the Board of Directors
Meeting Location: Red Oak Inman Elementary Media Center
Red Oak Inman Elementary Campus
June 22, 2020

The regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Red Oak Community School District was called to order by President Bryce Johnson at 7:00 p.m. at the Red Oak Inman Elementary School Media Center.

Directors: Bret Blackman, Roger Carlson, Jackie DeVries, Bryce Johnson, Kathy Walker via internet due to being out of town.
Superintendent Ron Lorenz, Business Manager Deb Drey

Approval of Agenda
Motion by Director Blackman, second by Director Carlson to approve the agenda with the order of agenda items at the discretion of the meeting chair. Motion carried unanimously.

Good News from Red Oak Schools
Superintendent Lorenz commented that it was good to get back to some type of normalcy with baseball and softball beginning.

Consent Agenda
Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Blackman to approve the consent agenda including meeting minutes and monthly business reports as presented. Motion carried unanimously.

Return to Learn Update
Superintendent Lorenz updated the Board on the return to learn planning process. District Leadership Team (DLT) members are focusing on infrastructure, health and safety, academic standards, social-emotional behavioral health, equity and needs assessment. Considerable progress has been made with respect to developing instructional guidelines and expectations relative to virtual and hybrid delivery models. The DLT is also working through a variety of issues regarding social distancing in classrooms, health screenings and personal protective equipment.

Building & Groups Update
Superintendent Lorenz informed the Maintenance Department of the consolidation timeline. Directors Blackman and Carlson toured the buildings including Webster and Bancroft and developed a plan of action. The plan allows staff with the permission of their administrator to take items from Bancroft and Webster that they will use. Remaining items will be sold through sealed bid or some type of auction.

The bushes were removed from the Administrative/Transportation Building. The sign on the side of the building will be removed. Alan Spencer and the Horticulture Class will work on landscaping.

There are several dead trees on school property that need to be cut down.

20-21 Non-Bargaining Employees’ Salaries
Motion by Director Blackman, second by Director DeVries to approve the 2.3% package for 2020-2021 Non-Bargaining Employees’ Salaries as presented. Motion carried unanimously.

Additional Signage Competitive Bids
Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Blackman to have Alley Poyner Macchietto to put out competitive bids for additional signage with work to be done by November 30, 2020. Motion carried unanimously.

2020-2021 Registration Fees
Motion by Director Blackman, second by Director DeVries to set 2020-2021 Registration Fees for K-6 at $35.00 and Grades 7-12 at $55.00. Motion carried unanimously.

2020-2021 Lunch Prices
Motion by Director DeVries, second by Director Blackman to increase adult lunch prices by five cents and student lunch prices by ten cents for the 2020-2021 school year. Motion carried unanimously.

2020-2021 SWCC Educational Contracts
Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Blackman to approve the 2020-2021 Southwestern Community College Education Contracts. Motion carried unanimously.

ROECC Room 3208
Motion by Director Blackman, second by Director DeVries to allow the Montgomery County Child Development Association, Inc. to finish Room 3208 in the Red Oak Early Childhood Center at no cost to the school district. Motion carried unanimously.

ROECC Room Naming
Motion by Director Blackman, second by Director DeVries to allow Montgomery County Child Development Association, Inc. to name rooms after donors as presented. Motion carried unanimously.

Laptop Charging Carts
Motion by Director Blackman, second by Director Carlson to order ten laptop charging carts for Inman Elementary. Motion carried unanimously.

Grades 7-12 Curriculum Purchases
Motion by Director DeVries, second by Director Blackman to approve the grades 7-12 curriculum purchases as presented. Motion carried unanimously.

Martinez 2020-2021 Contract
This will be put on a future agenda.

Personnel Considerations
Motion by Director Blackman, second by Director Carlson to hire Barbara Lombard as Transportation Administrative Assistant for the 2020-2021 school year. Motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Blackman to accept the resignation of Macy Vanderhoof as Para-Professional at the end of the 2019-2020 school year. Motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Director Blackman, second by Director DeVries to accept the resignation of Randall Kuhn as Crossing Guard at the end of 2019-2020 school year. Motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Director Blackman, second by Director Carlson to hire Nathan Namanny as Head Bowling Coach for the 2020-2021 school year. Motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Director DeVries, second by Director Carlson to accept Carter Bruce as a Volunteer Baseball Coach for 2019-2020 school year. Motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Director Carlson, second by Director Blackman to adjourn the meeting at 8:05 p.m. Motion carried unanimously.


Next Board of Directors Meeting      Monday, July 13, 2020 – 7:00 p.m.
                                                                         Red Oak Inman Elementary Media Center
                                                                         Red Oak CSD Inman Elementary Campus


__________________________           __________________________
Bryce Johnson, President                            Deb Drey, Board Secretary


dawn@iowaschoo… Tue, 10/20/2020 - 09:41