2024-25 BOARD MINUTES herrickk@rosch… Thu, 07/18/2024 - 13:26

Minutes - 7.17.2024

Minutes - 7.17.2024

Red Oak Community School District

Meeting of the Board of Directors

Meeting Location:  Virtual Classroom/ Phone/Internet

Red Oak Junior Senior High School Campus

July 17, 2024


The regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Red Oak Community School District was called to order by President Bret Blackman at 5:30 p.m. at the Red Oak Junior Senior High School Virtual Classroom.


Directors: Bret Blackman, Kathy Walker, and Aaron Schmid

Superintendent Ron Lorenz, Board Secretary/Business Manager Heidi Harris

Approval of Agenda

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Schmid to approve the agenda with the order of agenda items at the discretion of the meeting chair.  Motion carried unanimously.

Good News

Congratulations to Kaysie Kells, Jaydin Lindsay, Joselyn McCunn, and Merced Ramirez for being named to the 2024 Hawkeye 10 All-Academic Softball team.

Southwestern Community College has hired a Carpentry and Building Trades instructor which allows us to proceed with our Building Trades course offering for the 2024-2025 school year.

RAGBRAI riders will arrive in Red Oak on July 21 and the District is prepared to offer green space, buildings for emergency protocol and storm shelters, indoor shower stalls, transportation assistance, and logistical support.

Consent Agenda

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Schmid to approve the consent agenda as presented including meeting minutes, business reports, current personnel considerations, payment for goods and services, and contract renewals.  Motion carried unanimously.

Board Policy 509.2

Motion by Director Schmid, second my Director Walker to approve the second reading of Board Policy 509.2.  Motion carried unanimously.

Board Policy 104 (Title IX)

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Schmid to approve the first reading of board policy 104 (Title IX).  Motion carried unanimously. 

Board Policy 501.3

Motion by Director Schmid second by Director Walker to approve the first reading of Board Policy 501.3.  Motion carried unanimously.

Board Policies 501.9 and 501.10

Motion by Director Schmid, second by Director Walker to approve the first reading of policies 501.9 and 501.10.  Motion carried unanimously.

Board Policy 506.2

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Schmid to approve the first reading of Board Policy 506.2. Motion carried unanimously.

Board Policy 603.1

Motion by Director Schmid, second by Director Walker to approve the first reading of Board Policy 603.1, Motion carried unanimously.

Part-Time Industrial Manufacturing and Welding Teacher

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Schmid to approve using General Funds to hire an additional part-time industrial manufacturing and welding teacher for the 2024-2025 school year.  Motion carried unanimously.

Snow Removal Bid

Motion by Director Schmid, second by Director Walker to approve Orme Outdoor as our snow removal service provider for the 2024-2025 school year.  Motion carried unanimously.

High School Course Handbook Amendment

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Schmid to approve amending the 2024-2025 High School Course Handbook to reconcile business offerings with state coding and accreditation requirements.  Motion carried unanimously.

2024-2025 Substitute Teacher Pay

Motion by Director Schmid, second by Director Walker to approve increasing the 2024-2025 daily substitute pay rate from $140 to $150 and the long-term substitute pay from $153 to $160 per day. Motion carried unanimously.

Business and Industrial Technology Career and Technical Organization

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Schmid to approve the creation of a Business and Industrial Technical Organization (CTSO), paying required dues, and providing associated sponsor stipends of $1,638.75 per sponsor for the 2024-2025 school year. Motion carried unanimously.

Preschool Hardware Purchases

Motion by Schmid, second by Director Walker to approve the purchase of tables, chairs, and shelving units using Statewide Voluntary Preschool funds for $8,854.45. Motion carried unanimously.

Preschool Curriculum Based Equipment

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Schmid to approve the purchase of Community Play Things, curriculum based equipment, using Statewide Voluntary Preschool funds for $5,425.  Motion carried unanimously.


Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Schmid to adjourn the meeting at 6:04 p.m.  Motion carried unanimously.


Next Board of Directors Meeting                            Wednesday, August 21, 2024

                        `                                                           Virtual Classroom/Phone/Internet

                                                                                    Red Oak Junior Senior High School Campus

harrish@redoak… Thu, 07/18/2024 - 13:30

Minutes - 8.07.2024

Minutes - 8.07.2024

Red Oak Community School District

Special Meeting of the Board of Directors

Meeting Location:  Virtual

Red Oak Junior Senior High School Campus

August 7, 2024


The special meeting of the Board of Directors of the Red Oak Community School District was called to order by President Bret Blackman at 7:31 a.m. The meeting was held virtually.


Directors: Bret Blackman, Kathy Walker, and Aaron Schmid

Superintendent Ron Lorenz, Board Secretary/Business Manager Heidi Harris

Approval of Agenda

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Schmid to approve the agenda with the order of agenda items at the discretion of the meeting chair.  Motion carried unanimously.

Consent Agenda

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Schmid to approve the consent agenda as presented including only personnel considerations. Motion carried unanimously.


Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Schmid to adjourn the meeting at 7:32 a.m.  Motion carried unanimously.


Next Board of Directors Meeting                            Wednesday, August 21, 2024

                        `                                                           Virtual Classroom/Phone/Internet

                                                                                    Red Oak Junior Senior High School Campus

harrish@redoak… Thu, 08/08/2024 - 15:00

Minutes - 8.21.2023

Minutes - 8.21.2023

Red Oak Community School District

Meeting of the Board of Directors

Meeting Location:  Virtual Classroom/ Phone/Internet

Red Oak Junior Senior High School Campus

August 21, 2024


The regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Red Oak Community School District was called to order by President Bret Blackman at 5:30 p.m. at the Red Oak Junior Senior High School Virtual Classroom.


Directors: Bret Blackman, Kathy Walker, Bryce Johnson, and Scott Bruce

Superintendent Ron Lorenz, Board Secretary/Business Manager Heidi Harris

Approval of Agenda

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Bruce to approve the agenda with the order of agenda items at the discretion of the meeting chair.  Motion carried unanimously.

Good News

Our teachers returned to work Monday, August 19, 2024, and the kids will return for the 2024-2025 school year on Friday, August 23, 2024.

All the SLFRF Safety Grant projects have been completed this summer including protective window films, intercom systems, and front door stop locks.

Daric O’Neil from Alley Poyner Macchietto Architecture updated the Board with revised proposals and renovations to Inman Elementary and the outdoor Athletic Facilities.

Consent Agenda

Motion by Director Johnson, second by Director Walker to approve the consent agenda as presented including meeting minutes, business reports, out-of-state field trips, and current personnel considerations.  Motion carried unanimously.

Board Policy 501.3

Motion by Director Bruce, second by Director Walker to approve the second reading of Board Policy 501.3.  Motion carried unanimously.

Board Policies 501.9 and 501.10

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Johnson to approve the second reading of Board Policy 501.9 and dismiss/remove Board Policy 501.10.  Motion carried unanimously. 

Board Policy 506.2

Motion by Director Johnson, second by Director Bruce to approve the second reading of Board Policy 506.2.  Motion carried unanimously.

Board Policy 603.1

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Bruce to approve the second reading of Board Policy 603.1.  Motion carried unanimously.

Board Policies 501.12 and 501.13

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Johnson to approve the first reading, waive the second and third reading of Board Policies 501.12 and 501.13. Motion carried unanimously.

Special Education Open Enrollments

Motion by Director Johnson, second by Director Bruce to approve capping special education open enrollments due to insufficient classroom space, in accordance with board Policy 501.13. Motion carried unanimously.

Perkins Funds Purchase

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Johnson to approve the purchase of a cabinet saw from Midwest Technology Products for $5,250 to be paid with Perkins Funds.  Motion carried unanimously.

Regional Planning Partnership Mini Grant Purchase

Motion by Director Johnson, second by Director Walker to approve the purchase of a foundry furnace for $9,344 from McEnglevan Industrial Furnace Company to be paid through a CTE Regional Planning Partnership Mini Grant.  Motion carried unanimously.

Compact Tractor Purchase

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Bruce to approve the purchase of a Kubota (LX3520HSDC) compact tractor and loader with third function and snow blade from Whipp Sales for $44,200.  Motion carried unanimously.

Welding Academy and College Credit Courses

Motion by Director Johnson, second by Director Walker to approve addition of a Welding Academy and College Algebra and Trigonometry as concurrent enrollment (i.e. College Credit) options through Southwest Community College. Motion carried unanimously.

Interscholastic Activity Sharing with Stanton CSD

Motion by Director Bruce, second by Director Walker to approve an Interscholastic Activity Sharing Agreement for Boys’ and Girls’ Bowling, Golf, Soccer, Tennis, and Wrestling with Stanton Community School District for the 2024-2025 school year. Motion carried unanimously.

Interscholastic Activity Sharing with Griswold CSD

Motion by Bruce, second by Director Walker to approve the Interscholastic Sharing Agreement for Girls’ Wrestling with Griswold Community School District for the 2024-2025 school year. Motion carried unanimously.

Banking Services

Motion by Director Bruce, second by Director Johnson to approve Houghton State Bank for checking/savings/scholarship services and Bank Iowa for investment services for the remainder of 2024, 2025, and 2026.  Motion carried unanimously.

School Meal Prices

Motion by Director Walker, second by Director Johnson to approve raising school meal prices by ten cents ($.10) for lunch and breakfast per USDA recommendations for the 2024-2025 school year.


Motion by Director Johnson, second by Director Bruce to adjourn the meeting at 6:19 p.m.  Motion carried unanimously.


Next Board of Directors Meeting                            Wednesday, September 18, 2024

with Work Session                                                    Virtual Classroom/Phone/Internet

                                                                                    Red Oak Junior Senior High School Campus

harrish@redoak… Thu, 09/05/2024 - 13:58